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(A Govt of Maharashtra Undertaking)

Udyog Sarathi, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East) Mumbai-93.

CIRCULAR No .CE (HQ)/ 03 /of 2015

Dated: 12/01/2015

Sub: Simplification of procedure for Building plan approval, water supply

connection, approval to internal drainage plan, approval to drainage
connection plan, provision of fire NOC, CETP membership, power
supply NOC etc.

Ref: 1) Circular No.MIDC/CP/772/2001 dated 05-07-2001.

2) Circular No. Jt CEO/Env/62/2011 dated 04-01-2012

For setting up new industry in MIDC area, 10 number of permissions are

required after allotment, out of which following permissions are within the purview of
E&MD offices.
1) Building plan approval.
2) Drainage plan approval (External) (if applicable).
3) Provisional and Final Fire NOC (upto 5000 m2 plot area)
4) Power NOC
5) Water connection
6) CETP membership (if applicable).
7) Plinth completion.
8) Building Completion Certificate (BCC) / Occupation Certificate (OC)

To start construction on a plot, building permission is a major activity and

ultimately the allottee has to obtain BCC and start production within the stipulated
period. Out of Eight permissions, the allottee has to simultaneously obtain following
permissions from MIDC.
(A) 1) Building plan approval.
2) Drainage plan approval (External)
3) Fire NOC
4 Water connection
5) CETP membership.
B) Power NOC
A) Sanction to the Building plan, drainage plan, Fire NOC, Water
Connection, CETP membership
As per the present practice, the allottee has to apply separately for each
of the above approval. Some of the application forms are available on the web site
through which the applications received are expected to be decided. However, it is
observed that the allottee has to attend various MIDC .offices for each activity. In order
to grant approval in one go, a common application form for all the permissions is
devised and will be made available on the web site. The allottee can submit application
on web site and later on hard copies of the application forms along with required
enclosures will be received in the respective SPA’s office. The enclosures i.e.
documents and undertakings etc shall be as per the revised Citizen Charter which is
enclosed with this circular. In this regard, following course of actions shall be initiated.
(I) In case of fire NOC, the application received from the allottee shall be
forwarded by SPA to the respective Fire Dept if necessary (depending upon size of plot)
with reference to the circular N. MIDC/Fire/A04499 dt. 05/01/2015 issued by CFO & FA
MIDC Mumbai.
(ii) At some locations, SPAs are not the authority for granting water supply
connection and/or drainage plan approval. In such cases, application received from the
allottee shall be forwarded to the respective EE/DE for scrutiny and sanction.
(iii) As regards CETP membership, the application shall be verified and the
fees/charges to be recovered, shall be got confirmed from the concerned CETP Society.
(iv) It is mandatory that after receipt of the proposal from SPA, the
respective authority (i.e. Fire Dept, Drainage plan/water connection approving authority)
shall forward their comments/ demand note within 7 working days.
(v) In case, any compliance from allottee is required, the same shall be
communicated on very next day by SPA to allottee.
(vi) The compliance received from allottee, shall be forwarded by SPA to
respective authorities.
(vii) The SPA shall act as a coordinator for getting the required
comments/demand note from the respective authorities for the other activities not
related to him.
 Copy submitted to Chief Executive Officer, MIDC Mumbai-93.

 Copy fwcs to
1) All HODs in HQ
2) Chief Engineer (PZ)
3) Chief Engineer Nanded
4) Addl Chief Engineer, Nagpur

 Copy to –
1) All Superintending Engineers
2) All Executive Engineers
3) All Deputy Engineers/
4) All SPAs
5) Circular file
6) Guard file.
(A Government of Maharashtra Undertaking)

No. _______________/ /of 15,

Office of the __________________,
MIDC, _____________________.
Date: -
M/s. ________________________.,
Plot No. ________________,
MIDC Industrial Area,

Sub :- Payment Order

Ref :-1] Online application vide SWC/7/3 _______ dt. ___________

2] Your Architect’s letter No. ________ dtd. __________
3] Your Licensed Plumbers letter No. ________ dt. _______
4] Your’s Licensed Fire Agencies letter No. ________ dt. _____
5] Application for Power NOC
6] This office letter No. ________ dt. _______

Dear Sir,
With reference to the proposals submitted for subject matter you are hereby
requested to pay following by D.D./Pay Order drawn in favour of _________
A] Building Plan Approval
Sr. No. Description Amount
1. Premium towards Addl. FSI
2. Charges towards compounding offence of construction
without plan approval
3. Development Charges :-
4. Labour Cess :-
5. Scrutiny Fee
Total :

B] Water Supply Connection

A ------- mm dia. water connection in is proposed to be approved subject to condition
of payment of following charges
Sr. No. Description Amount in Rs.
01 Security deposit.
02 Agreement form charges.
03 Connection charges .
04 Service charges
05 Fire charges from
06 Road cutting charges
Capital Contribution for consumption exceeding 25/50 m3
per day per hect.
Total :-
Note :- After payment please collect a set of water supply agreement for duly affixing
adhesive stamp/franking worth Rs. 100/- and submit to this office for execution.
C] Drainage Connection
Drainage connection is proposed to be approved subject to condition of
payment of following charges
Sr. No. Description Charges in Rs.
1. Drainage connection charges
2. Road Cutting charges
Total :

Note :- After payment please collect a set of drainage connection agreement for duly affixing
adhesive stamp/franking worth Rs. 100/- and submit to this office for execution.

D] Provisional Fire NOC

Provisional Fire NOC is proposed to be approved subject to condition of

payment of following charges.
Sr. No. Description Charges in Rs.
1. Fire Protection Fund
Total :

E] CETP Membership

CETP Membership is proposed to be approved subject to condition of payment

of following charges.
Sr. No. Description Charges in Rs.
1. CETP charges
Total :

Total amount to be paid = (A+B+C+D+E) = Rs. ________________ (in words


The demand draft of the above amount shall be drawn in favour of The
Executive Engineer, MIDC, Division __________________
Thanking you,
Your’s faithfully,

Special Planning Authority

M.I.D.C., ________
(A Government of Maharashtra Undertaking)

No. _______________/ /of 2015,

Office of the __________________,
MIDC, _____________________.
Date: -
M/s. ________________________.,
Plot No. ________________,
MIDC Industrial Area,

Sub :- 1] Building Plan Approval

2] Water Supply Connection
3] Drainage Plan Approval
4] Provisional Fire NOC
5] CETP Membership

Ref :-1] Online application vide SWC/7/3 _______ dt. ___________

2] Your Architect’s letter No. ________ dtd. __________
3] Your Licensed Plumbers letter No. ________ dt. _______
4] Your’s Licensed Fire Agencies letter No. ________ dt. _____
5] This office letter No. ________ dt. _______

Dear Sir,
You have submitted application for approval to 1] Building Plan 2] Water
Supply Connection 3] Drainage Plan 4] Provisional Fire NOC 5] CETP Membership.
Above application are examined and following approvals are hereby
A] Building Plan Approval
Since you have paid following ……

I) Development charges, amounting to Rs. __________/- vide D.R. No. _________

dtd. __________.
II) Scrutiny fees, amounting to Rs. ________/- vide DR No. _______ dt. _______.
1) The set of plans, received from you vide your letter cited above, is hereby approved
subject to acceptance and follow up of following conditions by you.
2) You had submitted plans and drawings for ________ Sqm of plinth area for the plot area
of ____________ Sqm, at present this office has approved plans for total upto date
________ Sqm. of built up area. This office has approved ____ Nos. of drawing details of
which are mentioned on the accompanying statement.
A. In case of approval to the modified plans, the earlier approval to the building plans
granted vide letter No. ______ dt. _______ by this office is treated as cancelled. The
drawings approved now supercede previously approved drawings. You are requested to
return the cancelled plans to this office for cancellation and record.
B. The drawings submitted now includes existing structures/proposed structures, which
were not approved previously. Present approval along with the previously approved plans
vide letter No. __________ dt. ___________ from the office of the
________________________is to be treated as combined approval.

3) In addition, to this approval the plot holder shall obtain approval for plans from other
requisite authorities as per necessity, such as from :-
i) ___________________________________________.
ii) __________________________________________.
iii) __________________________________________.
This building plan approval is with respect to planning point of view and in accordance to
MIDC’s Development Control Rules, since MIDC is Special Planning Authority (SPA) for
this Area.

4) ‘You will obtain Environment Clearance Certificate before Commencement of any

construction activities, if applicable to their project as per the notification issued by MoEF,
Govt. of India vide Notification issued by MoEF,
New Delhi dtd.14. 09. 2006 and its subsequent amendments’.
5) You are requested to submit certified copies of above approvals from the concerned
authorities to this office, in triplicate before any work is started OR within three months
from the date of issue of this letter whichever is earlier.
6) For the sanitary block, overhead water storage tank shall be provided at the rate of 500
liter per W.C. or Urinal.
7) For necessary approach road to the plot from the edges of MIDC. Road, _______mm dia
CD works or a slab drain of required span and size shall be provided.
8) Temporary structures shall not be allowed except to during construction period (after
obtaining prior approval from Executive Engineer.) and the same shall be demolished
immediately after building work is completed.
9) During the period of construction, stacking of materials shall be done only in the area of
plot allotted. In no case, material be stacked along MIDC, road land width/open plot area.
10) The marks demarcating boundary of the plot shall be preserved properly and kept in good
condition and shown to department staff as and when required.
11) No tube well, bore well or open well shall be dug.
12) Plans for any future additions, alterations or extensions will have to be get approved from
this office, as well as from concerned competent authority.
13) The present approval to the plans does not pertain to approval to the structural design,
RCC members, foundations etc. It is only locational approval to the layout of various
structures & floors with reference to the plot, in accordance to MIDC DCR.
14) In case any power line is passing through the plot, the plot holder should approach
MSEDCL and obtain their letter specifying the vertical and horizontal clearance to be left
and plan his structures accordingly.
15) The compound wall gate should open inside the plot and if the plot is facing on two or
more sides of the road then gate shall be located at least 15 m. away from the corner of
junction or roads.

16) Plot holders shall make his own arrangement for 24 hours of storage of water, as
uninterrupted water supply cannot be guaranteed.
17) In case, water stream/ nallah is flowing through the allotted plot, the plot holder has to
ensure that the maximum quantity of rain water that flows at the point of entry of stream is
allowed to flow uninterruptedly through the plot and upto the point of out flow of the
original stream. The points of entry and exit of the natural stream shall not be changed.
The detailed plans section and design for allowing maximum expected discharge of rain
water through the plot have to be furnished to this office and no filling of plot and diversion
of nalla is allowed unless a written permission is obtained from the Executive
18) This permission stands cancelled, if no construction work is started within ________
months from the date of issue of this letter or the date given in the agreement to lease to
start construction work whichever is earlier. The date of starting construction work and
date of completion shall be informed to the Executive Engineer in charge immediately.
The construction shall be completed within the given stipulated time limit as per the lease
19) Breach of any rules stipulated will render the plot –holder liable for action as provided in
MIDC., Act 1961 ( II of 1962 and regulations made there under) and also terms of lease
agreement and schedule of penalties prescribed by the Corporation for this purpose.
20) This office is empowered to add, amend, vary or rescind any provisions of Building Rules
& regulations from time to time as it may deem fit, and the plot-holder has to be abide by
these rules and regulations.
21) As soon as the building work is completed, the plot-holder shall approach to the
concerned Deputy Engineer/Executive Engineer, to get the work verified and building shall
not be occupied unless building completion certificate and occupancy certificate is
obtained from this office.
22) The plot-holder within a period of one year from the date of agreement to lease, shall plant
at least one tree per 100 Sq. m. of plot area along the periphery of the plot. In addition, he
shall also plant one tree per 15 m. on the frontage of road or part thereof inside the plot
and maintain the trees so planted in good condition throughout the period of agreement to
23) The basement if provided is to be used only for storage purpose. No. manufacturing
activates are allowed, similarly toilet is not allowed at the basements.

24) The Name and plot number shall be displayed at main entrance of plot.
25) The plot holder shall construct ETP as per consent of MPCB & treat & dispose effluent as
per MPCB Consent to establish & operate.
26) The plot holder shall ensure that, the foundation of the building / structure shall rest on
the firm strata and not on made up / filled ground. The Architect and structural consultant
appointed by the owner will be solely responsible for this condition.
27) MIDC issues permission for development of plots which are situated on river banks,
adhering to the contents of the River Policy dt. 13th July 2009 and as per category of
Industries. PIL No. 17 of 2011 is filed against this policy at the Hon’ble High Court
Bombay. It is clarified that, grant of any permission by the MIDC to any new industry in
industrial estate situated on river banks will be subject to any further orders which may be
passed by Hon’ble High Court, Bombay under PIL No. 17 of 2011.
28) Since you have consumed ________ % of FSI as per the approved plan, you are
requested to utilized remaining FSI as per agreement to lease.

B] Water Supply Connection

You have paid necessary charges, towards new connection as below and
entered in to agreement with MIDC, accordingly ______mm dia. Water Supply connection is
hereby granted to you for the proposed factory building at Plot No ________ at ____________
Area, subject to following conditions.
Work of water supply connection shall be carried out through the licensed plumber only
as per MIDC water supply Regulations 1973 and further amendments to the same. Separate
approval for water supply connection is to be obtained from the Executive Engineer/Deputy
Engineer, prior to commencement of the actual construction work.
9] The details of payment made by you vide MIDC’s receipt D.R.No. _________ dt.
__________ are as below.

Description Amount in Rs.
01 Security deposit.
02 Agreement form charges.
03 Connection charges .
04 Service charges (From ______ to __________)
05 Fire charges (From ______ to __________)
Capital Contribution for consumption exceeding 25/50 m3
per day per hect.
Total :-
1. The water connection will be released by this office representative, however prior to
releasing of water connection you have to get the necessary connections pipe line laid
through Licensed Plumber. The water connection shall be made at site as per the water
connection layout plan enclosed herewith. A tested water meter is to be placed on
connection pipeline such that the same dia pipe shall be laid in straight alignment for
length of 24 times of dia of pipeline both on up stream & down stream side. The supply
controlling valve, strainer, water meter and non-return valve to be fixed in sequence as
shown in the enclosed layout, however for distance of 24 times dia of pipeline there shall
not be any special on both the directions. Similarly within plot premises this connection
pipeline shall be laid above ground level and it shall be open & always visible. For safety
and security of meter chamber shall be provided with lock & key arrangement and key
shall always be available at Gate/Security of plot.
2. Always one stand by meter shall be kept ready with test certificate from MIDC lab, so that
whenever the online meter goes out of order, immediately the same can be replaced with
such a stand by meter.
3. The cost of all water connection material is to be borne by you.
4. MIDC assures round the clock water supply in Industrial estate, however in case of shut
down or break down or short of storage at source MIDC will not be in a position to supply
water, therefore to face such situation you shall provide adequate storage of water i.e.
minimum equivalent to your 24 Hrs. requirement.
5. The basic water rate applicable to your is Rs. _______/- per Cum meter which is variable
time to time as per MIDC policy and the same will be binding on you. In addition to basic
water rate, drainage cess, Environment charges, Service charges, Fire charges or any
other charges detailed by MIDC etc are also applicable as per the MIDC policy.

6. For your ______ mm dia size of water connection minimum chargeable quantity will be
______ m3 per month or actual consumption shown by water meter whichever is higher.
7. If your water consumption exceeds 25 cum/50 cum per day per Hect. (As the case may
be) with respect to your plot area, then Capital Contribution or Standing Charges will be
recovered by MIDC, at prevailing rates.
8. This approved water supply connection will be governed by MIDC’s Rules & Regulation
1973 and with respect to the water supply agreement executed by you with MIDC.
9. Till obtaining of Building Completion Certificate, the water rate applicable will be 1.50
times the normal water rate, which is Rs. ______/- per cum meter.
In consent to above conditions you are requested to approach for obtaining
water connection.

C] Drainage
i) Drainage Plan Approval ( Internal Works)
The set of plans in triplicate received along with the letter under reference for the
above work is scrutinized the proposal is approved subject to condition as follows:
The work of internal and external water supply and sanitary fittings etc for the
above building shall be carried out through the a licensed plumber registered at local
authority or of Environmental Engineering Department, or Govt. of Maharashtra.
1) The work should be carried out as per specifications confirming to I.S.S. In case they
are not covered under I.S.S. then standard practice allowed by Municipal Corporation /
or Local Council shall be followed.
2) The wastewater from water closets and urinals shall be passed through a septic tank
of standard design.
3) The present approval to the plans does not pertain to the design of septic tank, effluent
treatment plant etc. It is only locational approval to these structures with reference to
the plot.
4) You will be allowed to join your effluent to MIDC’s common effluent collection system
only after obtaining of necessary N.O.C. from M.P.C. Board and actual commissioning
of pretreatment activity the factory effluent will be allowed to connect to MIDC system
5) Overhead water tank shall be provided at the rate of 500 Litters per W.C./ Urinal
6) The waste water from the closets and Urinals shall be passed through the septic
tanks, which is to be adequate to meet the requirements of the persons working in the
factory and process waste if any, prior to septic tank in series with suitable size of 100
mm dia sewer trap, inspection chamber with 80 mm dia vent pipe shall be provided.
7) All vent pipes shall be minimum 80 mm dia size.
8) All rain water down take pipes shall be minimum 100 mm dia and should be provided
at the rate of 1 Nos. Per 25 Sq. m. of roof area.
9) All S.W. pipes shall be minimum of 150 mm dia size.
10) It should be seen that no overflow of water from the soak pit or any process waste
enters in to adjoining property or road.
11) Rain water pipes are not to be connected to underground effluent collection system.
Separate drainage system shall be provided for collection of Industrial and Domestic
wastes. Manholes shall be provided at the end of collection system with arrangements
for measurement of the flow.
12) In case any of the requirements, stated as above is violated by the plot holder then he
is liable for disconnection of water supply and is liable for action provided under
MIDC., Act and various regulations and as per provision in the lease agreement.
13) The completion of work as per above requirements, it shall be jointly, inspected by the
concerned Deputy. Engineer, of MIDC and your representative who has designed and
executed work, without which drainage completion certificate will not be issued.
14) The waste water after treatment shall be soaked in a soak pit, if sewer line is not
available for the plot; whereas if effluent collection system, of MIDC is functioning, then
effluent shall be connected to the same after getting drainage plans approved from this
office. The effluent shall be outletted only after pretreatment confirming to the
standards stipulated by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board of Govt. of Maharashtra
and after obtaining their consent under water Act 1974, Air Act 1981, & Hazardous
waste Rules 2008 and subsequent amendments.

ii) Drainage Connection from Plot to MIDC Collection System (External Work)
if applicable.

Since you have paid Rs. _______ vide D.R. No. ________ dtd. ________ as
follows towards drainage connection charges and have also entered in to an agreement, your
request for connection of treated effluent to MIDC Effluent Collection System is hereby granted
on following terms and conditions.:-
Sr. No. Description Charges in Rs.
1. Drainage connection charges
Total :

1) You will have to approach to the Deputy Engineer MIDC, Sub-Division _______ for getting
approval of alignment of Drainage line and the possession of chamber where you are
going to connect drainage pipeline.
2) You will have to show the pipeline laid before refilling is completed. After getting
concurrence from D.E., you will have to connect the pipeline to MIDC Effluent Collection
3) Please note that you have to take proper precaution so that only suppressant effluent
should flow in MIDC pipeline. You will have to provide chamber with strainer or Stain-less
steel jail to arrest the solid particles, plastic papers etc. to enter into MIDC’s pipeline.
4) If the drainage chamber for connection is opposite of your plot then you will have to
obtained permission for road cutting from Concerned Authority.
5) If drainage connection is to be made by crossing of MIDC road then road reinstatement
charge shall be payable in advance as intimated by the Dy. Engr concerned . The usual
traffic rules and regulations shall be adopted while laying the pipes in the road crossing.

D] Provisional Fire NOC

1. Since you have paid following …. As per the letter No. _______ dtd. __________ you have
paid “Fire Protection Fund Fees” of Rs. _________/- (Rs. ______________Only) vide DR.
No. ____________ dt. _________

Sr. No. Description Charges in Rs.

1. Fire Protection Fund
Total :
This has reference to your application under reference this office has NO
OBJECTION (PROVISIONAL) for your proposed/extension of factory building on Plot No.
_______, in MIDC, _________________ Area, The details of the plant/factory building are as

Sr. Particulars of Drawing Area in Sqm Drawing No / Date

1. Plan showing Block Plan, Total Plot Area = _______ Drawing Submitted by
ground floor, Elevation; Area Sqm Mr. ____________
diagram and Area Statement. Proposed (Total) Built up License No. ________
area = _______ Sqm

During Scrutiny following are the observations.

This NOC is valid subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:-

2. In addition to domestic water supply, the water reservoir of 10,000.00 liters capacity
exclusively for fire fighting should be provided.
3. Construction of the factory building should be as per guidelines given in IS
standard given below.
a. Code of Practice for Fire Safety Building IS – 1642 – for details of
b. Code of Practice for Fire Safety Building IS – 1643 – Exposure Hazard.
c. Code of Practice for Fire Safety Building IS – 1644 – Exit Requirements and Personal


(A) Proper roads in the factory should be provided for easy mobility of fire brigade appliances.
Proper marginal space should be provided as per MIDC’s DC rules.
(B) All fighting equipment should be confirming to IS specifications and shall be well maintained
and also should be easily accessible in case of emergency.
(C) Emergency telephone Nos like Police, Fire Bridge, Responsible person of the company,
Hospital and Doctors should be displaced in security cabin.
(D) Staff should be well conversant with handing and operations of process as well as all fighting
(E) The house keeping shall be always well maintained in the process / working as well as in
entire premises.
(F) Cautionary boards such as “DANGER”, “NO SMOKING”, “EXIT”, “FIRE ESCAPE”,
“EXTINUISHER” etc should be displayed on the strategic locations to guide the occupants
in case of emergency.
(G) Portable fire fighting equipment’s should be installed at various locations in the
Administrative Building, office building and stores, such as CO2- DCP, Foam, Fire Buckets
should be strictly conforming to relevant IS specifications. All necessary fir fighting
equipment’s shall be well maintained and should be easily accessible in case of emergency.
The guidelines should be followed based on IS- 2190- code of practice for selection,
Installation and Maintenance of Portable First Aid Fire Extinguisher.

1. Stairways shall be constructed on non-combustible material throughout.

2. Internal Staircase shall be constructed as a self-contained unit with at least one side
adjacent to external walls and shall be completely enclosed.


1. The storage in t he godown should be in systematic way and should be store / kept free from
obstruction all the time.
2. The maximum stacking height should be marked on the wall in RED colour. The stacking
height should not be more than red line. Red line should be marked on 1.50 mt. from
lowest roof level.
3. All electric fitting, fixture should be flameproof & confirming to relevant IS. All electrical
wiring, fitting & fixture should be above the red line (Stacking Limit Line).
4. The indication mark line like Exits, Fire Escape, etc should be prominently marked with
florescent paint so that it can seen in darkness.


Sr. No. Particulars Quantity

01. ABC type DCP extinguishers 5 kg capacity 2 Nos. on Ground floor.
02. CO2 type extinguishers 4.5 kg capacity 1 each on each floor.
03. Mechanical Foam Extinguishers having capacity of 1 on each floor.
9 liters
04. Water tank on Terrace 5000 lit. capacity.
05. Pump at Terrace 180 lit. capacity.

In addition to the above all , provision under the D.C. rules of MIDC and NBC shall
be strictly adhered, also if any changes in activity of proposed expansion or subletting of plot ,
NOC from this office is essential.

This is Provisional NOC for the details given above, which shall be treated valid for
the period of one year from the date of issue of the same and it is your responsibility to get the
same renewed after satisfactory inspection of fire fighting installation and arrangement provided
by you.
After compliance to all above recommendations the inspection of the same will be
carried by this office and after satisfactory inspection “FINAL NOC” will be issued. If any change
in activity or subletting observed during inspection, company should apply for NOC from this
CETP Membership Charges ( If applicable) :

Since you have paid CETP Membership Charges amounting to Rs. ___________
vide D.R. No. ____________ dt. ___________ your request to became a member is hereby
forwarded to __________ CETP Association.

Undersigned reserves right to amend any additional recommendations deemed fit

during the final inspection due to the statuary provision amended from time to time and in the
interest of the protection of the company.
You are hereby requested to go through above approvals carefully with the above
conditions, and take necessary actions accordingly.
NOC for Power Supply:
No objection certificate for power supply is hereby issued details of which are as

Thanking you, Your’s faithfully,

Special Planning Authority

M.I.D.C., ________

DA:- 1. One Statement showing details of

drawings and built up area approved.
2. Copy of approved drawings/plans.
3. Approved drainage plans ( Internal) Approved drainage plans (External)
4. Plan showing water supply connection.
Copy f.w.c.s to.............
1. Regional Officer, MIDC _______________________ for information.
2. Fire Officer __________________ Fire Station_________ Area.
3. Drainage Sub-division ____________ Area.
4. Deputy Engineer (E & M) Sub-division ____________________

Copy submitted to (In case DE is SPA).....……….

1. Executive Engineer, MIDC, Division ______________
2. Executive Engineer, MIDC, (E&M) Division __________
Copy to.....……….
1) Deputy Engineer, MIDC, Sub Division, _________________for information.
2) Copy to the Tax Officer, Municipal Council for information.
3) Copy to Architect.
11 | P a g e

No. ______________ / of 20____, dated:- ____________ issued by the Office of the Executive Engineer,
MIDC, ________________
Name of Industrial Area. :- _____________________________
Addressed to :- M/s. _______________________________., Plot No. __________.

Particulars Built up Area

Sr. Drg BCC Plan Extra
Name of Architect Ground Mezza- 1st Floor in Total area
No. No. Apprl. height
Floor nine sqm. in sqm
in sqm
Mr. ____________ BCC --------- -------- -------- --------- ---------
Reg. Lic. No. BMC-
1. ------ _____ Vide letter No. ___________ dt. ------------
[Treated as Combined approval].

2. ------ Mr. ____________ Present

------- ----- ------ ----- ------
Reg. Lic. No. BMC- Approval
Total ----- ------ ----- ------

REMARKS.:- 1. Area under demolition. :- -------- m2

2. Plot Area . :- ---------- m2 .
3. 10% Open space :- (-) --------- m2
4. Explosive Area :- (-) --------- m2.
5. Plot Area . (Net) :- ________ m2.
6. Upto date ground coverage in m2. :- ------------ m2.
7. F.S.I. in Ground coverage :- 0. ------ < 0.50
8.Total Built up area in m2 :- ---------- m2.
9.Total F.S.I consumed. :- 0. -------- < 1.00 SPA
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