GSC 2020-2021 Eligibility Criteria

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CS Na) ae ee Relevant Qualification For Admission Program oo Minimum Maximum TMA (Eeuive) 4 6 Gradvate in any apne 3. CGPAR 257400 Gemesier Siem 6 10 1. and evision wth atleast 458 marks (Nona Sytem) {© Minimum 4 yearmanageial/ob MENS ye07) Regular 5 z Teyeu of ehooling nary dacine 3 GGPA=2 5/400 Semesier Stem Paine To 7 ». dnd-éieon wth atleast 45% marks (Annual Stern) Tisciens Agronomy, Regular z SaHons Agr ScHons) Agi wih muoriatherelevand 0 CGPA=25/A00 [Semester Siem Crop Physiology. Parttime —@ 2 fee of study Decency courses wile given where ». Bneeivison that east Entomology Hatiulure necessary 45% marks (Annual System) Scences lant Breeding and Genet Sa Seance an Forestry. Phnt Pathology Regu a Tqions Agr Scions Agr with maorintherelevant a, CGPATDSTAOO (Sementer Sytem Satine Oe 3 fel of study / 85 (loinformatcs) with deficency ouses —b. 2nd-vson mith atleast here necessary. (AC 14-11-2017) 4535 marks (Annual System) Tse tions) 2 a 'S<{Hons/85 Environmental Science yean/B Scions) a, CGPA=25/400 (Semester Sytem Ervronmental scence 2 @ ‘Ag l8Se Ag Engg Sebons} Animal Sciences Scbions) 2nd dvsionvath at east ‘ : NicroiologyB Stans} A and Resource Economics! 4585 marks (Aon Sytem) DD 8 Stns ( year program Se Botany? Chemistry! Brochemistry/Zonlogylirobiologyengg and Envronnental Scencee Tieton Aor Reguar = 'ScHons Agr. with major Bioechnology/agrcaRureIAK? =. CGPAW2S/A00 Semester Siem Biotechnology Parttine 3 DVM /Microbilogy/Poulty cence ‘our yerscourses from b. 2ndivson math at least the recognizes University. Setsons) Home Economies (Feed 45% marks (Annual System) ana Nution TaseWonsh ciate Regular = Sudents having sateen yeas afeducon any ofthe a. CGPAT2S/AO0 Bemester Stem ‘Changein Agiuture ‘dseplines related to Boogie Seences, Mecca Sciences, 2nd avsion witha east Paine 7 gneultunl Sciences Engineering Scences Socal Setences, 459 marks (Annual System) Enwronmental Sciences, Chemeal ences willbe eligible GRADUATE STUDIES ca Pa MSc Hons) Seed Science Regular 4 s 'BSctHons) Agric (Hons) Agr witamaorintherelevant a. CGPA=25/400 (Semester System spe Technology Parttime 6 @ fee of stay Decency courses wile given where 1. dndaivsion with atest necessary 459s marks (Annual System) MPhiBisledialogy Regular a z Scions) Agr /ANVOVMASI ons) Brinformaes 3 CGPARDSTADO emesier Sytem Paine 7 jotechnology! Poul cence fouryearscousesttom the b. 2ndgWvson withatleast, recognized Univesty/M SeBiotecselogy/ Micrabislagy 445% marks (Annual Sytem) ‘ests 8 Setsons) Home Econemis Food ané Nuon) and B Scions 85 Eavronmental Since Tis ons) Agra tology Regular a z Sc (Hors Agreltural cence, 85 (¢yenr) Balogial a. CGPAT2S/AO0 Bemester Stem ne Sutninable Land Use arame 7 Sciences M Se Botany and Zoology afer ste years ». dneeivson that east schooling sss marks (Annual System TisetHond Agr Regular = z ‘Canaldateshaving8 Scand Aga. Wajor Ag Extension) a. CGPAR25/400 Semester Siem Extension parttime @ 3 degree Candidates having undergraduate degree (at sit. 2ndivsan witha east fouryeas after Fd inthe ascline ct Agriculture Ag 450s marks (Annual System) Feonomics Engg, Vet Sciences Animal Husbandry ‘ortome Economics withthe condtion to take decency Courses dente bythe depariment fr this program of suey. ‘MSc Hens Ral Regular @ Student Adie to MSc Rural Sociology afer siteenyeats a. CGPAW2S/400 Semester Stem Socelosy Panttine 3 ‘of Shooting eB ScHons Agr Se Agr. Engg /DVM ete wil b. 2ndeivson mth atleast be awarded MSe (Hons) Degree 45s marks (Annual System) ‘Minimum Waxman ‘Msc ion Roa Regu 4 # “year bachelor degree aferintermedine) OR two years CGPh=D5/400 (Semester Syne) Develoament Paune 6 7 master degre fatter two years bachelor degree) GSR8 06-04 b. 2ndivson with atleast 2014 4595 marks (Annual System se tons Ag. Regular SeHons) Agr. SelHons) Agr With marin Age. 5/400 (Semester System) Economies Parttime 3 Fconomies/8Sevons ARC/AgH Engg /AH/OVM (with. Ind-vsion witha east “deicencess suggested bythe Board of Stucies ofthe 459s marks (Annual System) department) Twsctiond Regular z Scions Agr FconariTARE 3 CGPARDSTADO emesier Sytem Envionmentaland —artaime 7 ». dndéson wth atleast Resource Feonarnes 45s: marks (Aanual Sytem) ‘se{Hions) Development Regular z Scions Aa EconemicTARE 3 CGPAR25/A00 Semester Sem Economie Patne 7 ». dneivison that east sss marks (Annual System Tasco Agr Regular z Sc Age Eagineeangitivl Engg, MechanialEnggiFood a CGPA=25/400 Semesier Sem) Engineering Parttime * Fngg Environmental Engg Water Resource Engg/Energy _b. Indivsan witha east system Engg and relevant quaiaion Syndieate 03-05-2014 4595 marks (Annual System TMSetHons) Water Regular = ScAge.EngineenngiCivl Engg. /EneronmentalEngg/ a, CGPA=2514.00 (Semester Stem) Resource Engineeing “parttime + ‘Water Resource Engg Energy system Engg AgranemyiSell b. 2nd dvsion witha east Science ang televan: qualficaon Syndicate 03-03-2014 45s marks (Annual stem) MSc(Hon Enersy Regular = Cancidater having BSc. Energy Systems Engineering, a CGPA~ 25/40 (Semerer Sem SystemsEngineeng “parttime = Agteutual Engineering elecvcalelectonseEngineeing, b. 2nd-ivson wth atleast {Chemical Engineering, MechancalMechatronics Engineering, 45% marks (Annual System) Electrical Engineering and Technology televant subject rom HEC recognzed insttutons. (AC 0645-2017), TMS tons) Regular = Caneldates having 8S in Envronmentalenginesing, a. CGPA-2S/400 Semeser System) Environmental Par time 2 ‘ete Engineering, civlEngneering, Chem 1. and von wth atleast Engineering Engineering, Petroleum Engineering Indust Engineering, 45% marks (Annual System) Mechanical Engineering food Engineering Energy System Engineering relevant cubject frm HEC recognizes Institutions (AC 06-05-2017), seen Food Regular z BSc (Hors Food Engineering 3 CGPARDSTADO Bemester Sytem Engineering Parttine = 2nd eivison mithat east ass: marks (Annual Sytem) GRADUATE STUDIES cacenpar Pa MSc Hons Food Regular s SM ScHons)FSand TFT or BSc Agr Or Setions) Agha, CGPA=25/4.00 (Semester System) Technology Parttime 6 @ ‘with FT as major subjecVBStoms}Oary Technology 1 dndaivsion with atieast Seftons) Dary Se. and Tech. OFB Sc Agr Engg/ANVAnimal 45% marks (Annual System) 5 /DVWMicrobology! Home Economics Feed and ution) decency courses tobe given where necestary. TWSe (Hons) Food Softy Regular = 1BS/85c Hons] Food Science and Tecwnelegy/Food 3. GGPAR2S/A00 Gemester Sytem and Qally Management parttime 6 7 Techoology 0° BSc Hons) Ageculute wit Food Technology. 2nd avsion vith atleast _agmajn/BSc Hons) Home Econorves Feed ane Nutrtion!/ —_45%marks (Annual System) Bse {Hons} Human Nutriian ond Oetels/35 Food Science ‘and Nutrivon 85¢ (Hons) Dalry Science and Technology! 1S (ons Dairy Technology/B ens) Animal Science BSc (Hone) Microbalogy BSc Agcutral Engineering? Food Engineering/Dactor of Veterinary Medicines. (Nate! Deficency courses willbe cetermined byte boss of stuaies of National Insite af Fad Science an Technology PDC in Feed safety and Convals (Note Students raving ‘ualifcation of 8c ons) Food Scence and Technology ane PPGDC in Feed Safety andl Contes vill be gven relaxation of Course work equivalent to 12 creat Hous Syneate 0809 2014) CS Na) ae ee Fa Msc (Hons) Food Service Regula 4 s BS/8Sc Hons) Food Sclence and Tecnology/ Food 3. CGPA= 25/400 (Semester System) Management Parttime 6 3 ‘Technology 85 (Hons) Agriculture with Food Technology. 2nd avon witha east as majuB5 Food Seence and Nuttion/Se (Hons) Human 45% marks (Annual System) Nutition and Dietetis/Home Economies Food and Nation. BS ns} Day Technology Se (ons) Dalry Seience ane Technology BSe ons Aart Sciences Bse AgreutualEngineerig; 35 Food Engineering: BSc (ions Animal Husbonéry; Doct of Veterinary Medicines: BSc (Hons Microb alogy, BSc (Hons) Home Economies, MSc “Chemistry: MSc Bachemisty BSe Chemical Engineering: Postgraduate Diploma Cousein Feod Safety ard Contes {PGDC) Note: deficiency courses willbe determined bythe boare of ties of Navona insti of Food Scence and “Technology, Gyeicate 08-09-2016) Scions Dery Regus 4 z 8S)ons Day Tech Se Vln Day Se wdTech7 = GRE TS7A00 Semen Se Tecmology Garis a Beton Sana Seton} Agr th major THB Se —b. 2ndenasonvath alent ‘Agruth jor Anmel SenesoMW Scns Animal 4SSomurks (anual Stem) Hisbondy8 Sg ng578 Se Hons] ome Eonemes deficiency causes tobe gen where necesay DVM IicebilogyometconomcrPooe araNton, deficency count be gen where neces seth roman Regular z ana Human Natron and DtetcsaSc ona Fuman a CGPAC 25/400 Remar SER Nutter andDieetcs atiige Eaton Bs Nation aresDiteteb Food cenceand) andeivson that lest Nutinen/35¢Hons)Feod Scences and Human Nutrlon 459 marks (Annual System Doctor of Nitin and Dietetis 858.5 Hons) Home Econemis (Feed and Nuttlon/ BSc (Hons) Natron ‘Orc Hons) Food Scence and Technology/Foed Technology ‘2 3Se Hons Agicutue wth Fed Technology as mar? BSc Hons Dairy Science ane Technology Day Science! se (Hons) Microbalogy Dacor ofvetetiraty medines! Pharm-D/MBBS. Nate: Deficiency courses lle determined bythe Board of Studies of Navona insite of Food Scene and Technology Synceate 08-05-2014, GRADUATE STUDIES ‘eHons) Home Economes (major Food and Natibon)® esr degre program ater FSciPre-edical OR MSe Home Economies Food ane Nuteond 3 GGPAW2S/A00 Gemester Sytem) 1. dnd eivsion wth atleast 459% marks (Annual System) Seton) Home Regular Economies Food and “parttime utr) WsctHonone Regular Economics Human Dev. Fartaime ane amiles tudes) ScHone) and W Sc Rome Economies major (HOTS) Bachelor (ons) and Master degrees 16years of eaveatio) inthe {allowing subjects wil se be eligible with dficency Home Economics Human Nt'tion and Dieteties, Psychology, Secology, Rural Sacology, Population Scences, social Work ane MOBS 3 CGPARDSTADO Bemester Sytem ». dnesivson that east 45s: mais (Annual System Mse(ionione Regular Economies (Clothing and “par time Teste) 'S{Hona/M Sc Home Economic with majerin deihing and Texts. Candidates possessing fllowing degrees wil ave to lucy deficiency courses 'SeHonsiM Seth maj in Food and tition, Human Developmen and Family Studs, Housing and Management Studies Art and Design 8 ScHons| in Texte and Garment ‘Techrology BScHon) Textile Technology 85 mn Fashion and Textile Design 85 mFathion and Apparel Desig, 3. CGPRT 257400 Semester Siem . and-dvison wth atleast 4585 marks (Anna Syster) CS aS ae Ove aL er Fa ‘MSc (Hons) Pouley Regular s ScHons) Animal Husbandry 6year post mati. ORBSe a, CGPA=25/400 (Semerter Sytem) Seence Parttime 3 (ions Pout Sclence, BS (yea Poultry Science orBSe —_b. 2nddivsvon mithat east (Hons) ar Maor Animal Scene}, B Scns 459s marks (Annual System) Animal Seence DVM ot ater equivalent vty course “degree subject to qualtfng the eeficiences, along wis Undergraduate lasses as prescribed bythe respective board of susie. TiSeions) Animal Regular z 1 SetTona) Animal Roundy 6 yearpor matic ORBSe a CGPAWDS/A00 Cement Sen) Breedingand Genes “Partie 7 (ons Poultry Science, 85 year Pauly Science or Seb. 2ne division wth at est (ons) Ag (Major Animal ence or 8 ScHos) 45% marks (Annual ster) ‘imal etence or 85 (Hons), Dar Science BSB Se Mons} in Biinformates Genetics, 8 ology, latechnclegy zoel and [Sci Zoology & Belogy O8 DVM or other equivalent vey. ‘couse degree subject qualtvng the ceficences, along ‘th undergraduate lass a prescribe by the respective board of tues. (Syrcate 0610-2018) TiSeiRons) Livestock Regular = 3 Se(sons) Lvestok Management 8c (Hond Animal a CGPAW7S/400 Gemeste Stem) Management Partie + Husbandry year ost matric ORB S

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