Food and Drug Administration, HHS 101.2: Area of The Principal Display Panel Means

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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 101.

101.81 Health claims: Soluble fiber from cer- by this part with clarity and conspicu-
tain foods and risk of coronary heart dis- ousness and without obscuring design,
ease (CHD). vignettes, or crowding. Where packages
101.82 Health claims: Soy protein and risk
of coronary heart disease (CHD).
bear alternate principal display panels,
101.83 Health claims: plant sterol/stanol information required to be placed on
esters and risk of coronary heart disease the principal display panel shall be du-
(CHD). plicated on each principal display
panel. For the purpose of obtaining
Subpart F—Specific Requirements for De- uniform type size in declaring the
scriptive Claims That Are Neither Nutri- quantity of contents for all packages of
ent Content Claims nor Health Claims substantially the same size, the term
101.93 Certain types of statements for die- area of the principal display panel means
tary supplements. the area of the side or surface that
101.95 ‘‘Fresh,’’ ‘‘freshly frozen,’’ ‘‘fresh fro- bears the principal display panel,
zen,’’ ‘‘frozen fresh.’’ which area shall be:
(a) In the case of a rectangular pack-
Subpart G—Exemptions From Food
age where one entire side properly can
Labeling Requirements
be considered to be the principal dis-
101.100 Food; exemptions from labeling. play panel side, the product of the
101.105 Declaration of net quantity of con- height times the width of that side;
tents when exempt. (b) In the case of a cylindrical or
101.108 Temporary exemptions for purposes
of conducting authorized food labeling
nearly cylindrical container, 40 percent
experiments. of the product of the height of the con-
APPENDIX A TO PART 101—MONIER-WILLIAMS tainer times the circumference;
PROCEDURE (WITH MODIFICATIONS) FOR (c) In the case of any otherwise
SULFITES IN FOOD, CENTER FOR FOOD shaped container, 40 percent of the
SAFETY AND APPLIED NUTRITION, FOOD total surface of the container: Provided,
AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (NOVEMBER however, That where such container
1985) presents an obvious ‘‘principal display
panel’’ such as the top of a triangular
APPENDIX C TO PART 101—NUTRITION FACTS or circular package of cheese, the area
FOR RAW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES shall consist of the entire top surface.
APPENDIX D TO PART 101—NUTRITION FACTS In determining the area of the prin-
FOR COOKED FISH cipal display panel, exclude tops, bot-
AUTHORITY: 15 U.S.C. 1453, 1454, 1455; 21 toms, flanges at tops and bottoms of
U.S.C. 321, 331, 342, 343, 348, 371; 42 U.S.C. 243, cans, and shoulders and necks of bot-
264, 271. tles or jars. In the case of cylindrical
SOURCE: 42 FR 14308, Mar. 15, 1977, unless or nearly cylindrical containers, infor-
otherwise noted. mation required by this part to appear
on the principal display panel shall ap-
EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to
part 101 appear at 63 FR 14035, Mar. 24, 1998, pear within that 40 percent of the cir-
66 FR 17358, Mar. 30, 2001, and 66 FR 56035, cumference which is most likely to be
Nov. 6, 2001. displayed, presented, shown, or exam-
ined under customary conditions of dis-
Subpart A—General Provisions play for retail sale.

§ 101.1 Principal display panel of pack- § 101.2 Information panel of package

age form food. form food.
The term principal display panel as it (a) The term information panel as it
applies to food in package form and as applies to packaged food means that
used in this part, means the part of a part of the label immediately contig-
label that is most likely to be dis- uous and to the right of the principal
played, presented, shown, or examined display panel as observed by an indi-
under customary conditions of display vidual facing the principal display
for retail sale. The principal display panel with the following exceptions:
panel shall be large enough to accom- (1) If the part of the label imme-
modate all the mandatory label infor- diately contiguous and to the right of
mation required to be placed thereon the principal display panel is too small


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