1 Revision Sheet: The Little Red Hen P.1 - 14

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1st Revision Sheet

The Little Red Hen

P.1 - 14
A) Put true (√) or false (Х):

1. The little hen's colour is blue. ( )

2. The hen's friends are dog, bird, and sheep. ( )
3. The hen finds some seeds. ( )
4. The hen wants help from her friends. ( )
5. The cat helps the little red hen. ( )
6. The goose plants all the seeds. ( )
7. The seeds are wheat seeds. ( )
8. The little red hen does all the work. ( )
9. The seeds want milk. ( )
10.The little red hen has 3 friends. ( )
11.The hen eats all the seeds. ( )
12.The sun is cold. ( )
13.The wheat grows small and green. ( )
14.The hen cuts the wheat. ( )
15.The duck wants to help the little red hen. ( )

B) Underline the correct answer:

1. The hen is (red – blue – yellow).

2. Her friends are duck, goose, and (dog – cat – bird).
3. The little red hen finds (rice – seeds – cereal).
4. The seeds are (wheat seeds – rice seeds).
5. "Let's (eat – wash – plant) these seeds, says the little red hen.
6. The hen says, "Come on! Who can (help – play – eat)?"
7. The cat says, "I (can – can't).
8. The red hen plants all the (rice – seeds).
9. The sun is (cold – warm).
10.The wheat grows (small – big – tall) and green.
11.The sun is hot, and the wheat is (red – brown – yellow).
12.Now they can (eat – cut – plant) the wheat.
13.The seeds want (milk – water – juice).
14.The (cat – duck – hen) cuts all the wheat.
15.The (duck – hen – goose) says, "Who can help me?"

C) Choose the words from the box:

big – water – plants – yellow – goose –

right – hot – wheat – help – red – cut

1. Here is the little ………….. hen.

2. Her friends are a duck, a cat, and a …………….. .

3. "Look! ………….. seeds!" says the little red hen.

4. She …………… all the seeds.

5. "Who can …………… me?" says the little red hen.

6. The seeds want …………………

7. "All ……….." says the little red hen.

8. The sun is …………, and the wheat is …………….. .

9. The wheat grows ……………. and green.

10."We can …………. it now." says the little red hen.

2nd Revision Sheet
The Little Red Hen
P.15 - 24
A) Put true (√) or false (Х) :-

1. The sun is hot. ( )

2. The wheat is red. ( )
3. The little red hen wants to grind the wheat. ( )
4. She grinds the wheat into rice. ( )
5. The goose wants to help the little red hen. ( )
6. The little red hen can make bread. ( )
7. She wants to make some bread with milk ( )
8. The red hen makes all the bread. ( )
9. The bread looks bad. ( )
10.The red hen says, "It's time to eat the bread". ( )
11.The hen wants her friends to eat the bread. ( )
12.The cat eats some bread. ( )
13.The hen says, "You can't eat bread". ( )
14.The goose says, "Go away and play". ( )
15.The little red hen eats all the bread. ( )

B) Underline the correct answer:

1. The hen says, "Let's (eat – grind) this wheat.

2. She grinds the wheat into (rice – flour).
3. The (cat – hen – goose) does all the work.
4. We can make some (cakes – bread) with this (flour – rice).
5. "All right," says the (duck – goose – hen).
6. The duck wants to go to the (school – garden).
7. The goose wants to (hit – sit) and wash.
8. The (hen – duck – cat) wants to make bread.
9. The bread looks (bad – good).
10.It's time to (eat – meet) bread.
11.The (cat – dog) can help the hen to eat bread.
12.The (duck – goose – hen) eat all the bread.
13."Go away and (eat – play – sleep)!" says the little red hen.
14.The hen (cuts – eats) all the bread.
15.Her friends (help – don't help) the little red hen.

C) Choose the words from the box:

sit - grind – garden – work – eats –

good – flour – the little red hen –

bread – away - time

1. Let's ………….. this wheat into ………….. .

2. The little red hen wants to make ……………. .

3. "I want to go in the ……………." says the duck.

4. "Who can help me?" says …………………..

5. "I want to ………… and wash", says the goose.

6. The little red hen does all the ……………

7. The bread looks …………….

8. It's …………. to eat bread.

9. "Go………….. and play", says the little red hen.

10.The little red hen …………. all the bread.

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