Case Study 2 - Support Ticketing System - Excel File Illustration

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1 The database mapping Account Executive and Customers is available to Data Executive.
2 The database of the Employee Reporting Structure is available to Data Executive.
3 The support facility is availabe only to the Paid customers.

Centralized Support

Identify the Customer
CLIENT Customer
REQUESTS Personal ?
Communication to AE

Redirect the lead to

AE to Send a formal Sales team to pitch
Request to Centralized premium services
Support Mailbox
Customer-AE Mapping HRMS Database

Reference Customer Account Data Reference HRMS Database

Premium Yes Is AE Yes

ustomer Ticket Creation Identify the Account Available
? Executive ?

ct the lead to Reference

team to pitch Reporting
ium services Data
Identify the AM to
Employee whom AE Reports

Send the Ticket to

AM for further Action
ce HRMS Database

Yes Assign the Customer

to Identified AE

AM Assigns the ticket

to available AE
Ticket Number Customer Name AE Name Create Date Support Request Name
SR12345671 Intellectual, Inc. A B Caudhary 2-Jan-18 Frequest app suspension
SR12345672 ABC D E Francis 10-Jan-18 Territory reports unavailable
SR12345673 XYZ G H Indivar 14-Jan-18 Special discount plans
SR12345674 SRT J K Lamani 21-Jan-18 Invoice Issue
SR12345676 P Q Rafiq 16-Feb-18 Report bug

Selected fields
Service Tag Based on the nature of request, a pre-defined service tag is assigned to the request by department handling
TAT Each Service Tag has a specific Turn Around Time (TAT) specified for it. When a ticket gets generated for that
Escalation Stage Represents how many stages of escalation (i.e. AM->AVP and so on) the ticket has gone through. L-0 is defau
Service Tag TAT Escalation Stage Request Source Assignee Dept Dept PoC
Software x Days L-1 Support Email Technology Support S T Usha
Operations Support y Hours L-0 AE Email MI and Data Analytics V W Xerxes
Sales and Marketing z Hours L-0 Phone/Chat Business Development Y Z Avans
Finance v Hours L-0 Other Accounts Receivables B C Dhariwal
Operations Support y Hours L-0 Support Email MI and Data Analytics H I Jadhav

o the request by department handling the resolution

When a ticket gets generated for that service tag, the TAT is assigned. When the TAT deadline is overshot, the ticket is escalated to the ne
e ticket has gone through. L-0 is default and means there is no escalation, L-1 means first stage of escalation to Account Manager and so o
Priority Status
Critical Closed
Medium Resolved
High Pending Resolution
Low Pending Validation

cket is escalated to the next level indicated by Escalation Stage

Account Manager and so on.
Pending Resolution
Pending Validation
Opened in the last 24 hours and a first response yet to be provided
Work in progress on resolving the issue/request
Resolution provided to customer and response on validation of the same pending from customer
Customer happy! Closed the ticket
Quick View
Amount of work Amount of work
Status #Tickets Priority #Tickets
New Critical
Pending Requirement High
Pending Resolution Medium
Pending Validation Low
Closed Total

New Pending On Hold Pending Vali Closed
Technology Support
MI and Data Analytics
Business Development
Accounts Receivables

Days in Status
New Pending On Hold Pending Vali Closed
1 to 5 days
6 t0 15 days
15 to 30 days
more than 30 days

Important Metrics/SLAs
SLA Name Calculation
Average Response Time Total Resp This is the time taken between a ticket arriving in your help desk system and being perma
Average Iterations for ResTotal Itera Defined as the numbers of times a customer of times a customer asked to revise the solu
Ticket Resolution Rate Total TickeTicket inflow should be evenly matched with ticket resolution. If the ratio of ticket resoluti
Average First Response Time First response time is the time taken between an issue arriving in the help desk system an
Quality of Work Quality of Work
Department Average Response Time Account Executive Average Response Time
Technology Support A B Caudhary
MI and Data Analytics D E Francis
Business Development G H Indivar
Accounts Receivables J K Lamani
Operations P Q Rafiq
Total Total

Escalation Level
Total Account Executive
L-0 L-1
D E Francis
G H Indivar
J K Lamani
P Q Rafiq


your help desk system and being permanently resolved for the customer.
mes a customer asked to revise the solutions/ iterations until satisfaction
t resolution. If the ratio of ticket resolution to ticket inflow is very low, it shows that either you are understaffed or your staff are not suffic
ssue arriving in the help desk system and being responded to by a support staff.
alation Level

affed or your staff are not sufficiently skilled to handle this volume of support requests.

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