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How To Read Your Pattern

Thank you for purchasing my pattern. I hope you like and have fun making it!

I am going to use this heart pattern as an example, you could make it as practice.

This is your graph pattern. Each square is 1 dc stitch (UK)

Count how many squares along there are. I have added a

numbered grid to make counting easier and quicker.

This number is your starting chain, so add one more for

your turning chain (in this example would be 24 total)

Turn your work and dc st to the end (23)

(At the end of every row chain 1 and turn)

(if the starting chain is long it can be quite tricky to hold and crochet as it is thin and curls up. Keep
going! It gets a lot easier by about row 5)

Keep building your rows until you get to the row with your first colour change. In this example it
would be row 3. On this row count how many squares there are until the colour change (11) and dc
stitch up to this. On the last stitch of your colour (white) do the colour change (to red)

(The way I colour change is to insert hook, yarn over and pull through. You should now have 2 loops
on your hook. Yarn over with your new colour and pull it through both loops to complete the dc. If
it’s a bit loose put the ends of both colours tight. Then continue to dc in your new colour)

Repeat with any more colour changes on the row in the same way.

At the end of the row do the usual chain 1 and turn.

You will now be reading the pattern from right to left. So for row 4, you would dc 10, but on the 10th
stitch you would do your colour change.

(Or you could look at is as the red needs to come out 1 stitch more for this row which is how I do it
do save counting, This may sound a bit tricky but it’s made a lot easier by having the previous line
made as a guide)

Again at the end of the row chain 1 and turn.

Now you will be on row 5 and reading it from left to right again.

This is how you will continue, switching directions with every row until you get to the last row. Then
you can finish off and weave in your ends.
Tips and tricks

If your pattern is like the one in the example, to save lots of weaving in, or crossing over yarn at the
back, Use 2 balls of yarn.

Crochet up until the first colour change (row 3, stich 11) Then when you start the background colour
again (on stitch 13) use a second ball of the same colour.

For each side continue to use the yarn for that side.

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