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Photogrammetry is the science of measuring photos so that we can determine the

relative position of points same as surveying. By taking photographs from at least two
different locations, lines of sight can be developed from each camera to points on the
object. These lines of sight, are mathematically intersected to produce the three-
dimensional coordinates of the points of interest. Similar to how your eyes works, it
obtains depth and perspective because of separate points of observation.


J. Horswell, in Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences (Second Edition), 2013

A photograph contains a number of distortions that require correction before accurate
measurements can be made. “Dito papasok ang” Optics. As the general meaning
goes, Optics is a science concerned with the genesis and propagation of light, the
changes that it undergoes and produces, and other phenomena closely associated with
it. There are 3 subfields of optics and that it physical, geometrical, and quantum but in
photogrammetry we will focus more on geometrical optics. Geometric Optics deals with
the formation of images by using optical devices such as lenses, prisms and mirrors and
with the laws governing the characteristics of these images, such as their size, shape,
position and clarity.
Md Anisur Rahman (Anjum) Professor & Head of the department (Ophthalmology)
Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka

The law of reflection, evidently first stated by Euclid around 300 BC, states that when
light encounters a flat reflecting surface the
angle of incidence of a ray is equal to the
angle of reflection.
When light meets an interface between two
media, its behavior depends on the nature of
the two media involved. Light may be
absorbed by the new medium or transmitted
onward through it or it may bounce back into
first medium.
The purpose of the camera lens is to focus and direct the incoming light. The
camera lens consists of one or more precisely shaped pieces of glass or plastic
called elements. The light coming through the elements is "bent" or directed to the
image sensor where the information about the light is captured.

The camera lens is an extremely important part of the camera. That is because the
type of lens and the quality of the lens being used will contribute greatly to the
sharpness and overall appearance of the picture.
The lens aperture is actually a part of the camera lens. The camera lens aperture
controls the amount of light that will reach the camera's image sensor. (as
opposed to the camera shutter which controls the length of time light is exposed to
the image sensor)
photogrammetry simply put it is the

science of measuring with photos so what

you try to do is you mount a camera on

an aircraft or a troll and try to take

the photo vertically like shown in this

picture and from this picture you can

get to know what is the scale of the

photograph like here one centimeter on

the photograph will mean how much on the

Light can reflect as it bounces off a sufficiently smooth barrier.  In doing this, it will obey the law of
reflection that says the incident angle is equal to the reflected angle.  Reflection can also occur for curved
mirrors, both convex and concave.  In these instances, real or virtual images can be formed.  Ray
diagrams can be used to trace the behavior of light and determine the image.  The mirror formula can
also be used to calculate variables.  When light passes into transparent materials, it may refract or bend. 
Snell’s law describes this quantitatively.  Sometimes the light is bend so much that it doesn’t emerge from
the transparent material.  This is called total internal reflection.  This bending of light is the basic behind
the operation of a lens.  Convex and concave lenses can form real and virtual images too.  Again, both
ray diagrams and the lens equation can be used to describe the resulting image.

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