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Internet 5: Evaluating Web Information

Name of Resource: (Engineering Sustainability Article February 2017)

Can SMART pumps help deliver Sustainable Development Goal 6?
Date Accessed: 18 March, 2017
Search Terms Used: UN Sustainability Goal Water
Currency: Although not stated on the pdf itself, there is reason to believe that this article is fairly
current based on the references used by the author, most of which were published from 2010 to
2015 and some publications were accessed by the author as late as November of 2016. This is
beside the fact that the default file name for saving this document has dated the article at
February 2017.
Relevance: This article is relevant to the Sustainable Development Goal chosen that is Goal
Number 6 relating to access to clean water aside from sanitation. This has been concluded
because the article chosen tackles the provision of SMART pumps to regions of the world
particularly in Africa and some countries in South America who can only access drinking water
using hand pumps. The different efforts of multinational agencies to provide assistance by using
mobile technology to inform maintenance teams when water pumps break down aims to help
communities have an almost continuous water supply from the said water pumps.
Authority: There is reason to believe that the authors have authority on the topic as evidenced by
the educational institutions and the specific departments in the said institution to which they are
affiliated. One of the authors also provides an email address which can be used to contact him
with regards to any queries. The manner of how the article was written, that is both concise and
clear, and the use of language that can be understood by lay persons not really knowledgeable in
the technicalities and circumstances involved in the provision of water pump monitoring
technologies are additional proofs that the authors have enough knowledge to be able to simplify
certain aspects, of a possibly technical article, to convey their point to their audience.
Accuracy: The almost three pages of references cited by the authors vouch for the articles
accuracy. The article also tries to balance all the factors that could help in the provision of
drinking water to poor communities. Although the article cites the facts that providing and
maintaining the supply of clean drinking water to communities is multisector, the authors also
state a disclaimer that the article is about the use of telemetry for ensuring continuous water
supply “within the context of legal obligations.”
Purpose: It is believed that the aim of the authors for this article clearly stated as the authors were
able to compare various projects by multinational agencies to provide a means to monitor the
function of hand water pumps in various communities using mobile devices and highlight the
SMART pump among others as one of the more efficient ways of monitoring a hand water
pumps to provide data just in case the said hand water pump breaks down or malfunctions.
There is also reason to believe that the article is impartial as it discusses how SMART pumps
and other telemetry technology could help in monitoring and maintenance of hand water pumps
so that communities are able to have a more or less constant supply of water. The article did not
state that only the SMART pump technology is the best but rather sees the other telemetry
technologies as complement to be used in areas where the SMART pumps are not made
This is a reliable article and is a good resource for information on technologies used to ensure
water supply.
Name of Resource: Integrating water and energy models for policy driven applications. A review
of contemporary work and recommendations for future developments
Date Accessed: 18 March, 2017
Search Terms Used: UN Sustainability Goal Water
The document is fairly current as the footer of the page states: “Preprint submitted to Renewable
& Sustainable Energy Reviews May 25, 2016”
The resource is relevant to the UN Sustainable Development Goal chosen which is: access to
clean drinking water and sanitation. The information from the resource is somewhat technical as
the review tackles in depth the relationship between water supply and energy. A reader without a
background in water utilities or public health or knowledge in environmental science may need
to research for some of the more technical terms in the review.
This publication is a collaboration this time the authors are affiliated with Instituto de
Investigacion Tecnologica, Universidad Pontifica Comillas in Madrid Spain which is a research
center of ICAI School of Engineering. The cover page provides pictures of the authors with a
hyperlink linked to the names on each of the author to access each of the authors profile to prove
that each of the authors are competent and qualified enough to discuss the topic. It is no surprise
that the authors use some technical terms and have access to the wide range of information from
competent sources to be references to the data and discussion provided to the readers of this
review. Again as with the other resource, the authors of the review have provided their contact e-
mails just in case a reader may have a query about the review.
The number of references for this publication demonstrates the author endeavor to be as accurate
as possible. The language employed in putting together this review is technical, thereby
eliminating any perceivable bias although some of the words were misspelled and some of the
tenses were incorrect (probably because the review was translated from Spanish and/ or the
authors first language is not English) it is perceived that the review is written to be as accurate as
The purpose of the article is to review the existing models with regards to the water-energy
production models as both water and energy production are now more than ever closely related
so much so that the shared relationship dictates that one model to achieve UN Sustainable
Development Goals for Energy Production should strongly consider integration with a model to
achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals for Water and Sanitation.
The point of view of the review is deemed impartial as it doesn’t appeal to the emotions, instead
it presents data/information to support the point of how important it is to have solutions for
access to clean water be integrated to proposals for sustainable energy (with different energy
sources stated).
This is another reliable article and is a good resource for information on the relationship between
energy production and access to clean water sources. Although readers without technical
backgrounds on public health, water and energy utilities would probably be put off by the
technical matters discussed in the review.

Swan, A., Cooper, N., Gamble, W., & Pritchard, M. (2017). Can SMART pumps help deliver
Sustainable Development Goal 6?. Retrieved from
Khan, Z., Linares, P., & Garcia-Gonzales, J. (2016). Integrating water and energy models for
policy driven applications. A review of contemporary work and recommendations for future
developments. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

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