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Portfolio Activity Unit-2

Organizational Behaviour

The concept of pertinent negative refers to the power of noticing what you are not seeing.

Explanation: When it comes to the benefits of the pertinent negative in human

interaction, pertinent negative ensures that we interact in the right manner with different people

and not understand them wrongly.

Use the broader view of things in improving our relationships with others:

1. Strengthen business relations

If you are involved in business in any way, you already know what I’m about to share. In order

to have a successful business, you need to know your customer, you need to know what they are

looking for, why they are looking for it and how to best meet their needs. The only way to figure

this out, is to step into their shoes, see life from their perspective, in their culture.

2. Greater innovation

When we open our minds to new ways of thinking, whether by working with others who have

different experiences or come from different cultures or backgrounds or by simply reading and

gaining new knowledge that opens up a new world of ideas to us.

3. Increased understanding

One of the greatest gifts of travel is the broadening of our perspectives. Spending time in another

culture, we discover that there are many alternate ways to live life well. When we recognize this

life truth, we can begin to increase our understanding.

4. Increased tolerance

Continuing from #3, when we come to understand how and why others live their lives, even if it

is not the path we have chosen, our tolerance increases because we refrain from making ignorant

assumptions that can be destructive. There is no one way to live a fulfilling life, and such a

realization can be quite liberating.

Portfolio Activity Unit-2
Organizational Behaviour

5. Obliterate stereotypes

When we base our understanding of cultures or ethnicities other than our own on what is

portrayed on television or uttered by ignorant others in our lives, we establish in our mind

stereotypes that can stand in the way of seeing the world as it exists. By definition, a stereotype

is incorrect, oversimplified and fixed.

Manager use pertinent negative in understanding employee behaviors and actions:   

For those in management and leadership positions, it's not a matter of if, but a matter of when

you will come across a negative employee that requires your attention.  Understanding how to

manage negative employees will help make the experience as painless as possible, not only for

yourself, but for your team. The key thing is to address the employee immediately before

negativity spreads. 

1. Do Your Homework

The minute you sense negativity in the air, take the time to learn about that employee's

professional and personal situation.  Are there any outside influences causing that employee to

act more negative than usual?  Conduct your due diligence so you can address the situation


2. Conduct Damage Control and Document 

A negative employee can do exponentially more damage to the morale of a team with each day

that passes. Address the situation immediately with the employee. In preparation, make note of

how the behavior is affecting the greater team dynamic.  Document examples and use them to

illustrate the problem in regular management meetings with the employee. 

3. Model the Behavior

Portfolio Activity Unit-2
Organizational Behaviour

Don't let a negative employee drag you down.  Lead by example and avoid workplace gossip

about that employee. Everyone needs to vent, but your role is to set the tone for a positive

environment while actively resolving the situation. 

4. Reinforce the Desired Behavior

Did anyone ever tell you that management is just like parenting? Much like redirecting the

negative behavior of a toddler by praising their good choices, managers need to give positive

feedback whenever they see their negative employee displaying a desired workplace behavior.

You're part manager, part therapist, part parent. 

5. Know When Enough is Enough 

Done all the above and still, negativity persists. It's time to put your employee on a performance

improvement plan and consider termination. If all else fails, use the documentation you gathered

during your exploratory phase to build a case for termination.  And please, we implore you, if

this is all happening in the first 90 days, part ways!  Hire slow, fire fast. 

Being prepared to manage a negative employee will help you act swiftly and effectively when

the situation occurs. Having the confidence and tools to take action will earn you more

credibility as a leader, resulting in a more positive workplace environment.  

Current situation this concept can improve my own attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors:

 Positive attitudes, perception and behavior is always productive and on the other hand negativity

of this three features are very destructive no matter whether it is on personal life organizational

context. Based on perception we can’t say any negative word, shoe negative body gesture to

anyone whatever the situation, Increase our tolerance and maintain a good relation with all the

colleagues and fnf would be the focused on this concept.

Portfolio Activity Unit-2
Organizational Behaviour


Burkus, D. (2016, September 14). How to notice what you can’t see. Inc. Retrieved





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