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A six monthly publication of Allianz EFU Health Insurance Limited January 2011

Water Borne Diseases Message from Vice Chairman

Facts About Water: Protozoa: Water borne protozoa that

cause disease include giardia and
We all need to drink clean water to cryptosporidium.
maintain a healthy and productive life,
Bacteria and viruses contaminate both
as well as to prevent health problems and
disease. surface and groundwater, whereas parasitic
protozoa appear predominantly in surface
Water is needed to sustain life.
water. The purpose of disinfection is to
An estimated 85% of all diseases are
kill or inactivate microorganisms so that
transmitted by water. This results in
approximately 25 million deaths per year they cannot reproduce and infect human
from water borne disease. hosts. Bacteria and viruses are well-
Dear Friends
Toxic chemicals which cannot be seen controlled by normal chlorination, in
contrast to parasitic protozoa, which Let me start by wishing you and your
or tasted are also entering the world’s family a (belated) happy New Year.
drinking water systems at an alarming demand more sophisticated control
rate, causing possible birth defects and measures. For that reason, parasitic For us this year marks our 11th year
of successful operations in Pakistan as
other health problems. protozoan infections may be more
a specialist and the largest Healthcare
common than bacterial or viral infections insurer. This, of course, would not have
What Causes Water Borne in areas where some degree of disinfection been possible without your ongoing
Diseases? is achieved. support and trust for which you have
Water borne diseases are caused by my sincere thanks.
microbes (germs) that are present in the How are water borne diseases To date, we have primarily concentrated
environment some of which are capable spread? on providing health cover to employees
(and their families) of businesses and
of causing diseases in humans. Microbes A person may be affected by drinking corporations. However, we know that
are present in the air, soil and water. Prior contaminated there is also a huge need for individuals
to the advent of modern water treatment water, or by direct wanting to provide health cover for
involving disinfectants and filtration, water hand to mouth themselves and their families at
borne diseases killed thousands of people transfer of the affordable rates. With the recent launch
all over the world. Even today in areas of our Individual Health plan we hope
bacteria from feces
to also cater to this critical need.
that lack modern sanitation and water or contaminated
treatment, water borne diseases are still a With health care costs constantly on
surfaces. Many
the rise, health insurance will continue
major contributor to mortality. people have no symptoms but can pass to play an important and an ever
Types of Microbes causing water borne the disease on when they do not wash increasing role in risk mitigation during
illness? their hands after changing diapers or using health emergencies. As a specialist
Bacteria: Diseases caused by water the toilet. health insurer we are determined to
borne bacteria play our part in helping our clients,
both corporations and individuals, in
include Who is at Risk? managing the financial risk associated
Everyone is at risk for water borne disease. with health emergencies.
cholera and
typhoid. However, infants, children, older persons Best wishes
Viruses: Water and immunocompromised people (those
borne viral diseases include polio, on chemotherapy, organ or bone marrow
hepatitis and various gastrointestinal
Taher G Sachak
Allianz EFU Health Insurance Limited

Water Borne Diseases (Contd)

recipients, persons with HIV/Aids) are more

susceptible. Health Benefits of Kalonji
Symptoms of Water Borne Disease: (Nigella Sativa)
Abdominal discomfort or cramps
Fever Nigella sativa is an annual Another active ingredient of
Vomiting flowering plant, native to kalonji, Thymohydrochionon,
Diarrhea southwest Asia. It grows to also acts as an antihistamine and
Loss of weight 20–30 cm (7.9–12 in) tall, with pain reliever.
Fatigue finely divided, linear (but not Use of kalonji helps in synthesis
thread-like) leaves. The flowers of prostaglandin E1.
Treatment of Water Borne Disease: are delicate, and usually coloured Prostaglandin E1 suppresses the
Replenishing water loss pale blue and white, with 5–10 petals. release of allergic messenger substances
Correction of electrolyte imbalance The fruit is a large and inflated capsule and harmonizes the immune system.
Drugs (depending on the causative organism- composed of 3–7 united follicles, each During the course of long term use the
anti bacteria, anti protozoal drugs) containing numerous seeds. The seed is body's defense mechanism stops its excess
used as a spice Kalonji. activity and regains its balance. This
Kalonji is known around the world by ameliorates ailments caused by allergic
Always wash your
many names because of its ancient popular hyper-reactions, such as asthma, hay fever,
hands before handling
history and medicinal value viz: black and eczema.
food especially after
caraway, roman coriander, carvi (french), It has been traditionally used for a variety
using the toilet or
schwarzkummel (german), kalonji of conditions and treatments related to
handling pets or soil.
(Hindi/urdu), kezah(Hebrew) chernushka respiratory health, stomach and intestinal
Wash fruits and vegetables with clean running
(Russian), corek-otu(Turkish), habbat- health, kidney and liver function,
albarakah or habbatus-sauda (Arabic) siyah circulatory and immune system support,
Avoid un-pasteurized milk and dairy products. daneh (Persian) etc. as analgesic, anti inflammatory, anti
Don’t drink water from lakes, rivers or pools In Islam, it is regarded as one of the allergic, antioxidants, anticancer, antiviral
as they may contain harmful bacteria.
greatest forms of healing medicine and for general well-being.
Use filtered water. A filter in your home or available. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Center
office is the inexpensive, easy solution. once stated that the black seed can heal at Thomas Jefferson University in
Be careful when buying water from a every disease—except death. Philadelphia have found that
commercial water machine. If the Other than calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, thymoquinone, an extract of Nigella Sativa
membranes and filters are not changed
magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin
regularly, then the water will not be treated
B, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C,
Kalonji contains significant proportion of

Private Wells: protein, carbohydrates and essential

unsaturated fatty acids, namely linoleic
Private well owners can prevent water borne
acid and gamma linoleic acid (omega 3 &
illnesses by flushing out contaminated
6) which are essential for a healthy
floodwater, disinfecting the casing of their
immune system.
wells, and re-flushing water systems before
The active ingredients of Kalonji are seed oil, blocked pancreatic cancer cell
allowing the water to be used for household
nigellone, thymoquinone, and fixed oils. growth and killed the cells by enhancing
purposes again. Wells most likely to be
the process of programmed cell death,
vulnerable to bacterial contamination after Nigellon semohiprepinon is an effective
flooding are shallow, have been dug or bored (apoptosis). While the studies are in the
treatment of bronchial asthma and
or have been submerged by flood water for early stages, the findings suggest that
respiratory allergies because of its ability
long periods of time. thymoquinone could eventually have
to expand and relax the air ways. It also
some use as a preventative strategy in
Three or more water samples taken two reduces the release of histamines into the
patients who have gone through surgery
weeks apart should be negative before well bloodstream and thus works against
and chemotherapy or in individuals who
owners can safely proceed to reuse their allergic reactions.
are at a high risk of developing cancer.
water system.
Home Remedies for
Get to know Weight Loss
Dr. Sabeeh Jaffery 1. Cabbage is a negative calorie food that
helps in burning body fat. It can be
Deputy General Manager, Head of Medical taken as a salad or added to other
food. Try to replace one meal with a
Services & Claims Management cabbage meal.
Dr. Sabeeh Jaffery a truly gifted yet humble, polite yet extremely professional individual 2. Green tea is one of the popular home
began his journey with Allianz EFU Health Insurance Limited in June 2000, shortly remedies for weight loss. Drink three
after the foundation of the company was laid. With dreams in his eyes and a burning cups of green tea to deal with the
desire to succeed and grow with the orgainzation he propelled forward setting and extra weight. It is an ultimate fat
achieving higher standards. During these ten years he has not only groomed his young burner.
team members but has also inspired them to face the world with utmost confidence. 3. Eat two red tomatoes every morning
In a recent rendezvous with the Health Matter’s team he candidly spoke about in breakfast for a few months. This
himself........ will help in restricting calorie intake.
As a Person… Zodiac Sign… Aries. 4. Prepare a mixture of 1/4 teaspoon
I think I am a friendly person who generally powdered black pepper, 3 teaspoon
Favorite Cuisine… lime juice, and 1 teaspoon honey in
gets along well with people. I don’t have
I like oriental food (Pakistani/Arabic dishes). 1 cup water. Drink this mixture for 3-
two shades of character and I am open 4 months to lose weight.
about my values and beliefs. I may be very Recommended program?
vocal at times, but I do not harbor grudges National Geographics and documentaries. 5. Drink a glass of lukewarm water
against anyone. mixed with lime juice and some honey
Favorite Vacation spot / place… first thing in the morning. This is also
As a colleague… I enjoy places that offer peace and tranquility a common home remedy for weight
I am accommodating, helpful, sensitive to such as a farm house retreat, hill resorts etc loss to dissolve the excess fats.
other peoples feelings and always open to as opposed to the hustle and bustle of 6. Eating 10-12 fully grown curry leaves
feedback from all quarters. modern civilization (cosmopolitan cities). every morning for 3 to 4 months may
Favourite Movie… help in weight loss for obese people.
As a Leader…
I believe in leading by example. Ben Hur, Lawrence of Arabia, Three Idiots, 7. Minimize your carbohydrate intake.
Dabbang. Avoid rice and potatoes. Wheat, barley
Journey with Allianz EFU… and maize are ideal substitutes for rice
When I sit and reflect over the ten plus Getting angry... in people who have weight problems.
years that I have spent at Allianz EFU, I Yes, I do and that is something I try to Also do not consume oily and fatty
feel a great sense of satisfaction. It certainly control (although I am not awfully substances like clarified butter and
has not been an easy ride but it has proven successful in that). However, once I have sweet potato.
one thing….hard-work and honesty pays! exploded, my mercury comes to the base 8. Exercise is extremely important in
And, that is my message to all my junior line and it seems nothing had happened. weight loss. It is necessary to indulge
colleagues. Things that really bug me are people not in mild physical activity after each
keeping their word, not coming on time, meal even if you cannot make time
Setting priorities? to go to a gym.
and people who lie.
I try to keep a balance in all things in life.
Three most important things in my life… 9. Begin your day with a cup of mint
I do not let things overwhelm me.
My family, friends and commitment to my tea. Also prepare mint leaves chutney.
However, I try to fulfill any commitment This must be taken with every meal.
that I make at all cost. job.
It helps in the proper breaking down
My Ideal… My one dream… of the fats.
Mr. Baqar Naqvi. I wish I had a job in the holy city of Macca. 10. The Indian plum (jambula) is well
I envy people who reside there. known for its weight controlling
He was our CEO for about five years. He properties. Take 4-5 leaves of the
brought with him a wealth of experience Secret to my success…
jambula plant and soak them in a glass
in management and human psychology. I Hard work, belief in myself, honesty, and
of water overnight. In the morning,
believe he was and is a role model for above all, a very exceptional team of medical discard the leaves and drink the water
many of us even today. doctors and claim officers that I lead. on an empty stomach. If you do this
everyday, then you will find a positive
reduction in your weight in three
Welcome to Allianz EFU Family weeks or a month.
11. Vegetables and fruits (avoid banana
We are pleased to welcome Mr. Amin Nizar Ali to Allianz EFU Health
and cheeku) are low calorie foods,
Insurance Ltd. as the Head of Actuarial, Strategic Planning, Alternate therefore, eating more of them will
Distributions & Information Technology . help in weight loss. Do not add salt
Mr. Amin is a Fellow of Society of Actuaries and has diverse and rich to fruits and vegetables for taste.
experience of insurance business. Reduce the salt and sugar intake to
the minimum.
We wish him the best of luck with his new position.
Allianz EFU Health Insurance Limited


“Brands Icon of Pakistan-2009” A client calls up his insurance agent
and tells him he needs to file a claim.
EFU Group comprises of EFU General, EFU Life and Allianz EFU, it is
the largest insurance group in Pakistan with gross premium revenue of over The agent says “Tell me what
Pak Rs. 19.6 Billion in 2010. happened?”
The client tells him and the agent says
“I’m sorry but that’s not covered.”
The client says “well, let me explain
better what happened.”
The agent says “I´m sorry but that´s not
covered either.”
The client says ” I´ll tell you what, you
tell me what´s covered and I´ll tell you
how it happened!”
An actuary is walking down the corridor
when he feels a twinge in his chest.
Immediately, he runs to the stairwell
and hurls himself down. His friend,
Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of Pakistan awarding “Brands ICON of visiting him in the hospital, asks why
Pakistan-2009” to Mr. Saifuddin N. Zoomkawala, Chairman, EFU Group he did that.
The actuary replies, “The chances of
having a heart attack and falling down
Allianz SE donation for flood the stairs are much lower than the
chances of having a heart attack only.”

victims in Pakistan
Allianz SE has contributed EUR 150,000
to support relief and reconstruction efforts
in Pakistan, which was hit by the worst
floods in its history in July 2010.

The recipient of the funds is the Mahvash

& Jahangir Siddiqui Foundation in Karachi,
a non-profit organization that closely
cooperates with Allianz EFU Health Quotes

D-136, Block-4, KDA Scheme-5 Clifton, Karachi-75600. UAN: 111-HEALTH (111-432584)

Insurance Ltd. in Pakistan.
Allianz Insurance in the UK collected By three methods we may learn wisdom:
Other Allianz Group companies supported First, by reflection, which is noblest;
approximately GBP 12,500 for the charity Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and
the flood victims, too. Employees in organization CARE International. third by experience, which is the bitterest.
Germany contributed to the Allianz Direct Confucius
Editorial Committee: Omer ul Islam, Nosheen Khalid, Dr. Reena Gajria

Help Foundation, with donations totaling Discipline is the bridge between goals and
A six monthly publication of Allianz EFU Health Insurance Limited

more than 18,000, while colleagues of accomplishment.

Jim Rohn
Every man is a damn fool for at least five
Best International We
minutes every day; wisdom consists in not
exceeding the limit.
Insurer Award would Elbert Hubbard
Happiness is not something you postpone
Allianz S E has been voted Best love to for the future; it is something you design
international insurer for the third year for the present.
running by the association of insurance
hear Jim Rohn
brokers UNiBA. More than 100 agents from you To exist is to change, to change is to
mature, to mature is to go on creating
from the companies of UNiBA Partners If you have any question or comments, oneself endlessly
judged 16 international insurance or any suggestions as to what can be Henri Bergson
companies on the basis of a broad range included in this newsletter, please write The real art of conversation is not only to
of criteria, in particular innovation, to us at: say the right thing in the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the
problem-solving skills, customer focus, tempting moment.
claims services and risk management. Lady Dorothy Nevill

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