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Reflexes and the eye

Alex Paul Hunyor, MB BS*

is a discussion of the general physiological princi-

Abstract ples of reflex actions and an overview of the
Reflexes are an essential part of protective and specific reflexes pertaining to the eye and its
homeostatic function, both in general terms and surrounding structures.
with specific reference to ocular structures. A wide At the most basic level, reflexes require a
range of stimuli and responses, with varying receptor (or sense organ), an afferent neuron,
degrees of central processing, is involved in such one or more synapses in a central integrating
reflexes. station (brain or spinal cord) or sympathetic
The simplest reflexes are monosynaptic, such as ganglion, an efferent neuron and an effector.
the stretch or myotatic reflex. More complex Receptors may be sensitive to a wide range of
polysynaptic reflexes are involved in many regula- stimuli including mechanical, thermal, nocicep-
tory and protective functions - these include auto- tive, proprioceptive, pressure and chemical
nomic as well as somatic reflexes. Ocular auto- stimuli. Effectors may result in motor, sympa-
nomic reflexes include the oculocardiac, pupillary, thetic, parasympathetic, chemical and hormonal
accommodative and lacrimatory reflexes. Ocular responses. Afferent neurons enter via dorsal roots
somatic reflexes include eyelid and extra-ocular
or cranial nerves, have their cell bodies in dorsal
muscle reflexes (such as Bell’s phenomenon,
root or cranial nerve ganglia, and synapse in the
vestibulo-ocular and optokinetic reflexes).
central nervous system (CNS), with their efferent
An account of the above reflexes is given in the
fibres leaving in the ventral roots or motor cranial
format of an essay, modified from the FRACO Part
I Examination in Physiology. The topic was
‘Discuss reflex activities with particular reference to
the eye’. The content is based on several of the Monosynaptic reflexes
texts recommended for the Part I Examination, as The simplest reflexes are those with single
listed under references. afferent and efferent neurons and a single
synapse (monosynaptic reflexes). The minimum
Key words: Blink, corneal, monosynaptic, poly-
delay across one synapse is 0.5 msec. The stretch
synaptic, pupillary, stretch and vestibulo-ocular
or myotatic reflex is a typical monosynaptic
reflex. The stimulus is stretching of the muscle,
the receptor or sense organ is the muscle spindle
Reflexes are involuntary responses, usually asso- (composed of intrafusal muscle fibres), and the
ciated with protective or regulatory functions in response (reflex muscle contraction) is mediated
the organism in which they occur. The following by the extrahsal muscle fibres (see Figure 1).

From the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, 32 Gisbome Street, East Melbourne, victoria 3002.
*Ophthalmology Registrar.
Reprint: Dr Alex Paul Hunyor.

Reflexes and the eye 155

degree of stretch of the nuclear chain fibres. The
dynamic response to the rate of change of
receptor length is mediated by the nuclear bag
fibres and the primary (but not secondary) fibres.
The muscle stretch reflex is thus divided into the
dynamic stretch reflex, which causes rapid,
forceful reflex contraction of the stretched
muscle; and the weaker static stretch reflex which
operates over a prolonged timecourse, for as long
as the muscle remains stretched. The knee jerk is
a clinical example of the dynamic stretch reflex.
It has a central delay (time taken to traverse the
muscle fibre spinal cord) of 0.6 to 0.9 msec. When a muscle is
suddenly shortened, dynamic and static reflex
Figure I Monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes. Stretch inhibition occurs; this is called the negative stretch
reflex (solid afferent pathway) and inverse stretch reflex reflex.
(dotted afferent pathway). Responses to changes in muscle tension (as
opposed to muscle length) are mediated via the
Gdlgi tendon organ (GTO), which is contained
Muscle spindles consist of three to 12 small
in the muscle tendon, is in series with 10 to 15
muscle fibres encased in a connective tissue
capsule which is connected to the glycocalyx of muscle fibres, and is innervated by type l a affer-
the surrounding extrafusal skeletal muscle fibres ents. Like the muscle spindle, the G T O has both
(which make up the vast bulk of the muscle). a dynamic and static response to changes in
They are thus in parallel with the extrafusal muscle tension. The GTO is the receptor for the
fibres, with their central (essentially non- inverse stretch reflex (a polysynaptic reflex): up to
contractile) segments acting as sensory receptors a certain level, as muscle stretch increases, so
and their end portions contracting in response to does reflex contraction; beyond this, the muscle
stimulation of gamma efferent fibres (as opposed relaxes (Figure 1).
to the alpha efferents which innervate the extra-
fusal muscle fibres). Thus the spindle’s central Polysynaptic reflexes
portion can be stimulated either by contraction
Polysynaptic reflexes involve varying numbers of
of the whole muscle, or by contraction of the
end-portions of the intrafusal fibre alone. interneurons and thus increased synaptic delays.
An example is the flexor or withdrawal reflex,
Intrafusal fibres can be divided into nuclear
bag fibres (larger, more centrally placed and with where noxious stimulation of a limb results in
many nuclei) and nuclear chain fibres (thinner protective reflex withdrawal via activation of
and peripherally located). The muscle spindles flexor muscles of that limb. Some 0.2 to 0.5
contain two types of sensory endings. The seconds after ipsilateral limb flexion there is
primary or annulospiral ending encircles the extension of the opposite limb, the crossed extensor
central portion of the intrafusal fibre and is inner- reflex. The numerous reflexes that subserve regu-
vated by a type l a neuron with average diameter latory and protective functions (including those
17 km and conduction velocity 70 to 120 msec. discussed below) are also clearly polysynaptic
The primary ending innervates both nuclear bag reflexes.
and nuclear chain fibres. The secondary or flow-
erspray ending innervates the intrafusal fibre
receptor region to one side of the primary ending, Autonomic reflexes
and is innervated by a type I1 fibre with average The responses of the autonomic nervous system,
diameter 8 pm and conduction velocity 30 to namely the sympathetic (typically concerned
70 msec. with reactions to stress) and the parasympathetic
The static response of the spindle receptor is (more associated with restorative and vegetative
such that the discharge of the primary and functions) usually have opposing actions which
secondary endings increases in proportion to the are reciprocal rather than antagonistic in main-

156 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalmology 1994; 22(3)


Edinger-Westphal nucleus

Medial geniculate body

’ optic nerve

Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the pathway for the pupillary light reflex.

taining homeostasis. Autonomic reflex control nerve, to the trigeminal nerve, thence to the
occurs at different levels. trigeminal spinal nucleus which projects to the
1. Local reflexes such as bladder contraction, reticular formation in the area of the visceral
where pelvic sensory nerves form the afferent motor nuclei of the vagus nerve, and vagal
limb, relaying in the spinal cord at S2-S4 with efferent outflow results in nausea, bradycardia
parasympathetic preganglionic fibres, which in and faintness (via muscarinic cholinergic recep-
turn synapse in pelvic parasympathetic ganglia tors). Syncope and even cardiac arrest have been
with postganglionic fibres which innervate the described with this reflex, which may be
detrusor muscle. prevented by prior muscarinic blocking (with
2. Brainstem reflexes such as the pupillary reflex intravenous atropine) or by retrobulbar or
(see below) and vital reflexes, e.g., vagal afferents peribulbar anaesthesia. Thus, it may still occur
from the lungs influence the output from pontine during general anaesthesia.
respiratory centres (pneumotaxic and apneustic
centres). Pupillary reflexes
3 . Higher control of autonomic activity by the
The main pupillary reflexes are the light and dark
hypothalamus includes integration with
reflexes (which share a common afferent
endocrine and immune systems and higher cere-
pathway) and miosis associated with the near
bral functions, and maintenance of chemical,
triad or synkinesis. The pupil has opposing
thermal and nutritional homeostasis.
dilator and sphincter muscles, innervated
predominantly by sympathetic and parasympa-
Autonomic reflexes and the eye thetic fibres respectively.
Oculocardiac rejex The pathway for the light reflex (Figure 2) is
This reflex occurs with pressure on the eye or from the retina via optic nerve, hemi-decussating
orbit, or stretching of extraocular muscles, as in the optic chiasm, to the optic tract, leaving in
may occur during ophthalmic surgery. Stimuli its proximal third, and passing between the
such as pain or pressure are transmitted via affer- medial and lateral geniculate bodies, via the
ents in the nasociliary branch of the ophthalmic brachium of the superior colliculus to the

Reflexes and the eye 157

pretectal nuclei. There is a further hemidecussa- amount of accommodation for distinct vision.
tion via the posterior commissure to project to After the age of 24, accommodation lags behind
both Edinger-Westphal (E-W) nuclei (part of the Convergence.
oculomotor nuclear complex of the midbrain) The afferent limb for accommodation is the
whose preganglionic fibres travel via the nasocil- retinogeniculocortical pathway. The exact
iary nerve to synapse in the ciliary ganglion, with central mechanism for accommodation is
myelinated postganglionic fibres travelling in the unclear, but unilateral stimulation of certain
short ciliary nerves to innervate the sphincter peristriate areas of cortex will result in bilateral
pupillae via M3 muscarinic receptors. There is accommodation, miosis and convergence. Para-
weak beta-adrenergic inhibition of the sphincter sympathetic neurons, following a similar path-
pupillae. The bilateral projection of the light way to that for miosis, have the predominant
reflex pathway produces both direct and consen- influence over the ciliary muscle. Those
sual pupillary constriction, and asymmetry of subserving accommodation are located rostrally
afferent input, due to retinal or optic nerve in the E-W nucleus with respect to pupillomotor
disease, is manifest clinically as a relative afferent neurons. Cortical output to the E-W nucleus is
pupillary defect. subject to hypothalamic autonomic influence.
The sympathetic pathway to the dilator Only 1% of neurons innervating the ciliary
pupillae has a similar afferent limb - the central muscle are sympathetic, resulting in weak beta-1
outflow is from the ventrolateral hypothalamus inhibition. Convergence is mediated by the
(and in areas adjacent to the E-W nucleus), via medial rectus subnucleus (probably subnucleus
the brainstem and spinal cord to the ciliospinal ‘C’) of the oculomotor complex of the midbrain.
centre of Budge in the intermediolateral tract at
C8-T2, synapsing with the preganglionic neuron Reflex lacrimation
which passes in the sympathetic chain to synapse Reflex tear secretion may be in response to
in the superior cervical ganglion, whence the various stimuli, including: physical and chemical
postganglionic efferents pass to the carotid stimuli to the cornea, conjunctiva and nasal
plexus and join the nasociliary branch of the mucosa; bright light; and in association with
ophthalmic nerve and reach the dilator pupillae emotional upset, vomiting, coughing and
(predominantly) via the long posterior ciliary yawning. Basal tear secretion is thought to be
nerves. There is also weak cholinergic inhibition mediated by sympathetic regulation of blood
of the dilator pupillae. flow to the lacrimal gland, while reflex lacrima-
The dark reflex involves both a passive return of tion is predominantly via parasympathetic
the pupil to its relaxed state, and active supranu- secretomotor action on the acini and ducts of the
clear inhibition of the tonically active E-W nucleus. lacrimal gland. The afferent pathway (in the case
There may also be reflex pupillary dilatation as part of local stimuli) is via the sensory branches of the
of a generalised sympathetic response to physical trigeminal nerve (as detailed above).
and psychosensory stimuli. Parasympathetic outflow is from the lacrimal
nucleus of the pons, via the n e w s intermedius
through the geniculate ganglion, as the greater
Accommodation and the near triad
superficial petrosal nerve, joining the deep
The near triad of bilateral miosis, accommoda- petrosal nerve to form the Vidian nerve, and
tion and convergence to near visual targets is a synapsing in the pterygopalatine ganglion.
reflex which enables particularly rapid response Postganglionic fibres join the zygomatic nerve
to approaching or nearby objects. Miosis will and reach the lacrimal gland via its lacrimal
occur with accommodation in the absence of branch.
convergence, and vice versa. The stimuli to
accommodation are blur, chromatic aberration,
proximity and convergence. In youth, conver- Somatic reflexes and the eye
gence and accommodation match in a 1:1 ratio. Eyelid reflexes
Thus, a stimulus to convergence alone (i.e., Closure of the eyelids may be voluntary, by spon-
diplopia) will be adequate to induce the correct taneous blinking, or as a protective reflex

158 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ophthalmology 1994; 22(3)

response to tactile, visual and auditory stimuli. a response to rotational acceleration, maintaining
The efferent limb in all cases is the facial nerve. steady eye position in space despite head rota-
The corneal rejfex is a response to tactile stimuli tion. The semicircular canals are the sense organs
on the cornea, with afferents via trigeminal nerve for this response, which results in eye movement
branches. Similar stimulation of the eyelids, equal and opposite to the direction of head rota-
eyelashes and conjunctiva can also produce reflex tion. For large angles, slow compensatory eye
blinking. Visual stimuli can produce: the dazzle movements are interrupted by fast movements in
reflex, a response to shining a bright light into the the direction of rotation (vestibular nystagmus) .
eye, which occurs at a subcortical level; and the By Flouren’s law, each semicircular canal gives
menace reflex, in response to a threatening object rise to nystagmus in the plane of that canal.
suddenly entering the visual field, which requires
The optokinetic system attempts to maintain a
occipital cortical connections. Auditory stimuli
stable retinal image so that the perception of the
(sudden loud noises), and stretching or striking
stationary world remains clear despite movement
of structures near the orbit, may also cause reflex
of the head or the object of interest. The stimulus
is full-field retinal slip (there are both central and
peripheral components, in distinction to simple
Extraocular muscle reflexes foveal smooth pursuit) , and optokinezic nystagmus
Bell’s phenomenon is the protective reflex upward (OKN) consists of alternating slow (compen-
movement of the globe that occurs with forcible satory) movements in the direction of object
eyelid closure (during blinking, eyes tend to movement, and rapid (anticompensatory) move-
move towards the primary position). T h e ments in the opposite direction. OKN is medi-
pathway for this phenomenon is not known, but ated by the geniculo-transcortical-floccular
it differs from that for voluntary upward gaze, as pathway, and the presence of OKN can be used
it may still occur in the presence of supranuclear as a test of visual function in infants and illiterate
gaze palsy. It is absent in 10% of normal individ- patients.
The vestibulo-ocular rejlex (VOR) functions to
maintain steady gaze during head rotation. Static
Davson H. Physiology of the eye. 5th ed. Hampshire:
VOR maintains a normally orientated visual field Macmillan Press, 1990.
despite changes in head position. Head tilting, Duane TD, Jaeger EA. Biomedical foundations of ophthal-
maintained postural deviation or rectilinear mology. Vol 2. Physiology of the eye and visual system.
acceleration of the head will result in slow, Philadelphia: Harper and Row, 1982.
incomplete eye movement in the direction oppo- Ganong WF. Review of medical physiology. 15th ed. London:
Prentice-Hall International, 1989.
site to that of head movement. The utricle and
Guyton AC. Textbook of medical physiology. 7th ed.
saccule of the vestibular complex mediate the Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1986.
static VOR, which forms the basis of Hart WM. Adler’s physiology of the eye. 9th ed. St Louis: CV
Bielschowsky’s head tilting test. Dynamic VOR is Mosby, 1992.

Reflexes and the eye 159

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