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Journal of Physics: Conference Series


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5th International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1297 (2019) 011001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1297/1/011001

The 5th International Scientific Conference


(The 5th SEA-CONF 2019)


Accepted, peer reviewed papers from the 5th SEA-CONF 2019

Edited by

Naval Academy Press

Constanta – Romania


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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
5th International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1297 (2019) 011001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1297/1/011001


The objectives of the International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF are to bring

together stakeholders from marine industry, research and education, and to provide
a networking opportunity for academics, professionals, and public authorities
active in this domain.

The International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF is a place of debate and

sharing research ideas and results related to the topics of the conference.

Sea-Conf 2019 aims to be a hub for sharing research ideas and results, built on the
scientific contributions of the participants, in accordance with the conference

Sea-Conf 2019 brings together researchers, experts and representatives from

maritime academia, companies, and public authorities, eager to review, discuss,
and explore the latest opportunities and strengths in the maritime domain.

5th International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1297 (2019) 011001 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1297/1/011001

Octavian TARABUTA, Rector of "Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy

MEMBERS (in alphabetical order):

· Avni Zafer ACAR (Turkey) · Nicolae JULA (Romania)
· Nicoleta ACOMI (Romania) · Kalin KALINOV (Bulgaria)
· R S AJIN (India) · Mihail KOCHUBOVSKI (Macedonia)
· Taner ALBAYRAK (Turkey) · Stan LIVIU (Romania)
· Beazit ALI (Romania) · Dorin LUCACHE (Romania)
· Dinu -Vasile ATODIRESEI (Romania) · Delia LUNGU ()
· Laura BACALI (Romania) · Sergiu LUPU (Romania)
· Nicolae BADARA (Romania) · Carmen MAFTEI (Romania)
· Dana BADAU (Romania) · Mihaela-Greti MANEA (Romania)
· Alina BALAGIU (Romania) · Liviu MARSAVINA (Romania)
· Ghita BARSAN (Romania) · Razvan MATEESCU (Romania)
· Andrei BAUTU (Romania) · Boyan MEDNIKAROV (Bulgaria)
· Elena BAUTU (Romania) · Lucia MELNIC (Romania)
· Blagovest BELEV (Bulgaria) · Maria Emanuela MIHAILOV (Romania)
· Hristo BELOEV (Bulgaria) · Ticuta NEGREANU-PIRJOL (Romania)
· Melat BORMAMBET (Romania) · Florin NICOLAE (Romania)
· Mircea BOSCOIANU (Romania) · Filip NISTOR (Romania)
· Romeo BOşNEAGU (Romania) · Anna NOCIVIN (Romania)
· Mihaela BREABAN (Romania) · Catalin Silviu NUTU (Romania)
· Luminita BUGA (Romania) · Suleyman OZKAYNAK (Turkey)
· Paul BURLACU (Romania) · Dimitrios Nikolaos PAGONIS (Greece)
· Gheorghe CALOPAREANU (Romania) · Valeriu Nicolae PANAITESCU (Romania)
· Daniela CAPRIOARA (Romania) · Cristian Adrian PAPARI (Romania)
· Maria Filomena CAPUCHO (Portugal) · Radu-Dumitru PENTIUC (Romania)
· Ionel CHIRICA (Romania) · Mihaela PICU (Romania)
· Catrina CHIVU (Romania) · Valentina Mihaela POMAZAN (Romania)
· Catalin CLINCI (Romania) · Adrian POPA (Romania)
· Valentina COATU (Romania) · Catalin POPA (Romania)
· Carmen COJOCARU (Romania) · Mihaela POPA (Romania)
· Carolina CONSTANTIN (Romania) · Petrică POPOV (Romania)
· Irina CRISTEA (Slovenia) · Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI (Romania)
· Dumitru DELEANU (Romania) · Mihail PRICOP (Romania)
· Florentiu DELIU (Romania) · Anastase PRUIU (Romania)
· Vasile DOBREF (Romania) · Anca Alexandra PURCAREA (Romania)
· Leonard DOMNISORU (Romania) · Serban RAICU (Romania)
· Florentina Loredana DRAGOMIR (Romania) · Ileana RAU (Romania)
· Mihail DUMITRU (Romania) · Marius ROGOBETE (Romania)
· Virgil ENE-VOICULESCU (Romania) · Sorin RUGINA (Romania)
· Oral ERDOGAN (Turkey) · Gheorghe SAMOILESCU (Romania)
· Jean-Claude FRERY (France) · Ionut Cristian SCURTU (Romania)
· Mihai GIRTU (Romania) · Tomasz SZUBRYCHT (Poland)
· Florin Eduard GROSARU (Romania) · Alecu TOMA (Romania)
· Ioana IOANA (Romania) · Deniz UNSALAN (Turkey)
· Rosen IVANOV (Bulgaria) · Ion VISA (Romania)
· Ricardo IZZO (Italy) · Tania ZAHARIA (Romania)

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