The Electrical Experimenter

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How Electricity Produces Mystery in the Movies by three -quarters -an immense saving. Low
heat will keep the water boiling.
Do not allow liquids to bubble -boil. This
Electricity is playing a very important from one of the commanding officers on is entirely unnecessary. By so doing you
rile in the moving picture art. So much the firing line. The large armored motor are merely turning the water of the liquid
so, that without the use of this mystifying car seen in the immediate back -ground into steam, where it is wasted. No matter
agent, it would be difficult, if not quite whirls away at terrific speed as soon as how much current is applied, the liquid
impossible, to stage our modern scientific . the word is received by the radio operator. cannot be made hotter than the boiling
Many housewives believe that the food
is not cooking unless the water is bubbling
furiously. This is a mistake. If the water
is steaming it is hot enough to do the work,
and current is saved.
Turn current entirely off about ten min-
utes before thru boiling. The heat stored
in the unit will keep the liquid at the boil-
ing temperature for the remainder of the
cooking operation.
Use flat -bottomed utensils, preferably
those made of steel or aluminum. These
are to be preferred to porcelain ware, for
they conduct the heat better.
Do not use too much water. This is ex-
tremely important. It requires a lot of
electricity to heat the extra water and this
heat is usually wasted.
In cooking vegetables, these need not be
submerged in the water. The steam will
do the cooking. For instance-in boiling
eggs-use only enough water to cover the
bottom of the vessel-generally about half
a cupful. This amount of water is quickly
boiled and the steam does the cooking.
The same principle applies to any boiling
operation. Put a cupful of water on po-
tatoes and watch the result.
Boiling is the mcst expensive operation
performed on the electric stove, and the
above instructions, carefully followed out.
twill cause a material saving in your bill
Spat! Spat! Sings the Mighty Spark of the Wireless in This Latest "Battle Scene" from the Exciting
for electricity.
Film Play, "Liberty." Yes, It Looks Like the Real Thing. Do not heat a gallon of water if you
need only a pint.
moving pictures, which show so realistically FOR THE WOMAN WHO COOKS The oven is the most economical part of
such wonderful thunder storms, radio con- BY ELECTRICITY. the stove if properly used.
trolled torpedoes, mind- reading machines, The woman who cooks with an electric Do not use water in roasting, as it is en-
and hundreds of other possible and im- range for the first time should be given tirely unnecessary. The electric oven is an
possible creations of the human brain. careful instruction in its use, for the arts air -tight fireless cooker. and the natural
Many of us have had the pleasure of of cooking by electricity and cooking with moisture of the meat is not evaporated, hut
witnessing the spectacular photo play "The coal differ widely. An electric -range manu- is retained.
Black Box" in which the most wonderful facturer offers the following excellent sug- When placing a roast in your oven, see
electrical ,displays were exhibited. The il- gestions for conserving the consumption of that the indicator registers the proper tem-
lustration shows one of the detectives, in electricity which apply to almost any type perature. After the roast has been in for
this absorbing screen story, making a test of electric range. about ten minutes. turn the current off.
in his laboratory, also his two female as-
sistants. This room is elaborately equipt
with a startling galaxy of electrical instru-
ments and two high -frequency machines,
one of which is a large Wimshurst static
machine, seen at the left. A mammoth
Tesla high- frequency transformer áppears
in the'background. The high tension cur-
rent supplied to the primary of this coil is
obtained from a large alternating current,
step -up transformer, and is past thru a
rotary spark gap. The leads from the half -
million volt Tesla coil are connected to
various different apparatus stationed about
the laboratory.
One that may be particularly noted is
the rectangular screen. This consists of a
long copper wire wound between two glass
rods and when properly excited by the Tes-
la transformer it produces one of the most
spectacular effects imaginable. A powerful
discharge appears on the various sections
of the wire and the whole effect seems as
if the entire instrument is enveloped in
flames. Two large Leyden jars are used
for the condensers, one of which is seen
to the right of the door.
Radio apparatus has again been 'featured
in one of the latest serial photo -plays en-
titled "Liberty," produced by the Univer-
One of the Best Electrical Laboratory Scenes Eger Produced
Black Boa."
-A Moment from the Screen Play, "The
sal Film Company. This scene shows one In boiling operations, bring liquids to
of the duly uniformed Army Officers re- Do not open the door, but permit all the
boil on full heat. Then switch to low. heat to remain inside the oven. _allow 15
ceiving an important message via radio This cuts down the current consumption minutes to the pound for cooking.

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