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How to get a job when NOBODY is HIRING.

Firstly, it is not true, and here is why.

Good people like yourself are always in demand, no matter what.

Here is what is key.

1. Let your positive attitude come through. You have this "I can do
that" disposition, and it is so important to show it.

2. Make sure your eyes are focused on the camera of the device you
are using. Yes, most interviews are now on Zoom and Meetups and

3. Don't just focus on your skills. Yes, you have them. But do tell
your interviewer how you applied them. Your accomplishments are
even more important than your skills.
I, for one, do not look just for skills. I look for 3As: aptitude, attitude
and achievements. If you have them, please let me know in
comments. And I have 300,000 recruiters in my network of
followers. Let them see what skills you have and what
accomplishments you achieved.

If you have someone in your network who needs a job right now,
put a like on this post, so that they can comment with their skills
and accomplishments.

Recruiters and hiring managers, forget that line "nobody is hiring".

It is simply not true. Talent is and always will be in demand. In fact,
now is the time to look for talented people, here on LinkedIn. You
will find them in comments.

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