Topic: 100 + Freelancing Professions To Choose From

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While not all careers translate well to a freelance lifestyle, there are many skills
that are perfectly suited for this kind of work. If you fall into one of these roles,
then it’s likely that you’ll be an attractive prospect to an array of clients.
Finding your niche within the freelance job market is super crucial to
leveraging your time, money and ultimately finding something you’d love to
So here we list 100+ freelancing professions that are most lucrative in
 Writing
If you’ve got a way with words and love to write, maybe you’re considering
looking for freelance writing work. Freelance writers are able to take on a
range of projects, from a variety of different employers, which can make for an
interesting side hustle, or even a varied and flexible career. Many aspiring
writers choose to focus on a specific niche based on their interest and
expertise, taking on projects across one or more types of writing. That could
leave you doing anything from writing website copy for local businesses,
blogging about your hobbies, working with social media channels, or writing
for online or print magazines. 

Freelance writing is a popular choice, with many people taking on occasional

freelance projects as an additional income, or moving to a full time freelance
writing career to enjoy the benefits of working remotely and to their own

You can take up the following under writing:

1. Article Writer - Article Writers are typically responsible for providing

written content for companies in the form of articles and other creative
2. Blog Writer – Bloggers or blog writers often write about their opinions
and thoughts. When a person writes on a blog, what they write is in the
form of a post, which is a single piece of writing on the blog. The primary
task of a blogger is to produce content in the form of
articles. Blog content is how you provide value to your audience,
educate them on what your business is about, and ultimately build trust
with them before you can expect them to spend any money.

3. eBook Writer - Ebook is short for "electronic book," and uses either a
computer, mobile device, or ebook reader to display long-form texts in
book form. A person who writes an ebook is known as ebook writer.

4. Fiction Writer – is an author or writer of novels and stories who writes

the genre of fiction.

5. Web Content Writer - A Website content writer or web content writer is

a person who specializes in providing relevant content for websites.

6. Copywriter - A freelance copywriter is anyone who writes words (or

'copy') for commercial use on a contract basis. Freelance copywriters can
work directly with clients, or through intermediaries such as agencies or
online work exchanges.

7. Writing Translator - Translators work with the written word, converting

text from a source language into a target language. 

8. Editor- A freelance editor reads, reviews, and corrects writing for a

variety of different clients to get stories ready for publication.
A freelance editor is a contractor and works on a project-by-project basis
for their clients.

9. Proof-reader - A proof-reader is someone who examines a manuscript

for errors in spelling, grammar, and sentence structure after an editor
has gone over the work for tone and style. Freelance proofreading is a
form of proofreading in which you work independently, taking in work
from a wide variety of clients.

10.Press Release Writer – Press releases are official statements written for
distribution to news media channels for providing information or making
an announcement and press release writers follow a very specific format
for writing press releases. They work on a certain brief and compile an
impersonal or factual news story.

11.Ghost Writer- Ghost writers are writers for hire who take money but
none of the credit for the work produced. The original writer, or author,
is hiring the ghost as a freelance writer to produce copy writer work for a

12.Legal Writer - Legal writing involves the analysis of fact patterns and
presentation of arguments in documents such as legal memoranda and

13.Resume & Cover Letter Writer – A writer who is able to showcase the
skills and achievements of the candidate in a resume or a cover letter in
an excellent manner.

14.Product Description Writer - A product description is the marketing

copy used to describe a product's value proposition to potential
customers. A compelling product description provides customers with
details around features, problems it solves and other benefits to help
generate a sale.

15.Transcription Writer - Transcription is the process in which speech or

audio is converted into a written document . A transcription writer has
to record and write everything that is being said in the audio/video.

16.Technical Writer - A technical writer is a professional information

communicator whose task is to transfer information (knowledge)
between two or more parties, through any medium that best facilitates
the transfer and comprehension of the information.

17.Guest Writer - Guest blogging, also called “guest posting,” is the act

of writing content for another company's website.

18.Academic Writing - Academic writing or scholarly writing is nonfiction

writing produced as part of academic work. 

 Designing - Working in a creative industry allows designers, to work

however they want - for a company, remotely, or freelance.  You can
gradually move towards a price tag that feels good for you and your clients
within the market you’re in.

You can take the following under designing:

19.Logo Designer – Logo designers are graphic designers who create
distinctive branding that represents companies or products.

20.Photoshop Editor – Photoshop Editors take footage shot by camera

operators and organize it into a final product. They collaborate with
producers and directors to create the final production.

21. Website Mock-up Designer - In the world of web design, a website

mockup is a high-fidelity simulation of how a website will look and mock
up designers help doing that.

22. Photo Editor - A Picture Editor, also known as a Photo Editor, is a

professional who collects, reviews, and chooses photographs
and/or photo illustrations for publication in alignment with pre-set

23. Photo Retouching - Photo retouching is the process of altering

an image to prepare it for final presentation. Retouchers typically
perform actions that are small localized adjustments to an image.

24. Graphic/Poster Designer - Posters are among the major attributes of

the printing industry. A poster is a usually large sheet with images and
text which aims at conveying certain information and making it
noticeable for the target audience and poster designers create the same.

25. Icon Design - Icon design is the process of designing a graphic symbol
that represents some real, fantasy or abstract motive, entity or action.

26. Book Cover Designer - Book cover designers play an important role in

the production of both fiction and non-fiction books. A professional book
cover designer will frequently do the following: Oversee all elements of
the design process: This includes graphic design and typesetting.

27. T-Shirt Designer - T-shirt Designer is a graphic designer who

earned to chose there specialty for apparel designing. T-shirt designing is
an integral part of graphic designing.

28. Infographic Designer - Infographic designers create infographics that

are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge
intended to present information quickly and clearly.
29. CAD Designer - A CAD designer generates technical drawings that will
aid in the building or manufacturing of many things.

30.Vector Designer - designers use vector artwork created by illustrators or

they sometimes produce vector art of their own for the designs.
A designer may create a vector-based design that incorporates many
different pieces of vector artwork.

31. Cartoon Artist - Someone who creates cartoons in the first sense is

called a cartoonist, and in the second sense they are usually called an

32. Banner/Ad Designer - Banner design is a fundamental component of

online branding. When marketing a business' products and services,
catering to the visual component of the target audience's purchasing
intent and behavior is a crucial factor. Banners are among the most
prevalent forms of graphic design used to market services at present.

33. Wedding Album Designer – These designers design unique wedding

album layouts for clients.

34. Sketch Artist - sketch artist refers, in the broad sense, to an artist who

creates likenesses of subjects using tools such as pencil, charcoal and
pastels. The term is sometimes employed to refer to artists who work
for the criminal justice system.

35. Digital Artist - Digital artist is used to describe an artist who makes use
of digital technologies in the production of art.

36. Vector Illustrator - Vector art is created using vector

illustration software programs, such as Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw.
These programs use mathematic equations and geometric primitives
(points, lines, and shapes) to create art that is clean, camera ready, and
can be scaled infinitely, without any loss of quality or fidelity.

37. Print Designer - Print design is a varied category of commercial art.

Graphic designers in the industry of print design find themselves working
on magazine layouts, book covers and layouts, catalogs, greeting cards,
packaging, textile prints, and more. It’s a long, fantastic list of artwork
and design meant to be recreated in a tangible, printed form.
38. Concept Artist - Concept artists are responsible for the style and look of
a game. They are the first to draw the environments, enemies and player
characters. Working with a brief from the producer, their sketches are
used to help 3D artists, producers, programmers and publishers
understand how the game will look.

39. Oil Painter - Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments with a
medium of drying oil as the binder.

40. Flyer Designer - A flyer (or flier) is a form of paper advertisement

intended for wide distribution and typically posted or distributed in a
public place, handed out to individuals or sent through the mail. A flyer
designer professionally designs flyers.

41. Brochure Designer - Brochure design is the service in which a document

is designed that advertises a business' products or services.

 Web development - Becoming a freelance web developer is not just about

knowing how to code. It's about being a project manager, a sales person
and head of customer care. You might not have had much experience in
these areas but they are just as crucial to the success of
your freelancing career.

You can take the following under Web Development:

42.Front-End Designer - A front end web developer is the person who

implements web designs through coding languages like HTML, CSS, and

43. Back-End Developer - Back-end Development refers to the server-side

development. ... Backend developer focuses on databases, scripting, and
the architecture of websites. Code written by back-end developers helps
to communicate the database information to the browser.

44. UX / UI Designer - UX and UI design are two different elements of a

single consumer experience. UX refers to the user experience, which
focuses on how something works and how people interact with it. UI, or
user interface, focuses on the look and layout. ... A UI designer ensures
each page visually communicates that path.
45. Plugin Developer- The Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
provides tools to create, develop, test, debug, build and deploy
Eclipse plug-ins, fragments, features, update sites 

46. WordPress Expert - A WordPress expert is someone who is able to  get

the end product done by knowing the right plugins and themes for the

47. Web Font Designer - Font designers design, develop, and create fonts.

This powerful visual art form affects everyone.  It plays a role in what we
are attracted to on a website.

48. Bug Fixing - A bug fix is a change to a system or product designed to

handle a programming bug/glitch.

49. Server Administrator - Server administrators install, configure, and

maintain various types of hardware and software, which often involves
creating user accounts, carrying out backup and recovery functions, and
monitoring the performance of servers at all times. They need to
configure, manage, and implement operating systems.

 Consulting - Consulting is one of those career field buzzwords that is a bit

vague and undefined. It sounds as though almost anyone can start a career
as a consultant, but what does that mean, exactly? Essentially, consultants
are people with particular areas of expertise, and they’re found in almost
every career field. Freelance consultants are hired by companies and
organizations to tackle problems and provide solutions.

You can take the following under Web Development:

50. Financial Advisor - A financial adviser or financial advisor, is a

professional who suggests and renders financial services to clients based
on their financial situation. 

51. Legal Consultant - A legal consultant is someone who provides expert

and professional legal advice on a contractual basis to businesses and/or

52. SEO Consultant - The search engine optimization consultant job

description, or SEO Consultants job description, is to analyze, review,
and improve websites, search engine performance, and incoming links in
order to provide expert advice, guidance, actionable tasks, and
recommendations to business owners seeking to earn more natural
search engine traffic.

53. Health Advisor- Health Advisor is an individual who offers assistance

and advice pertaining to matters that involve improving
public health activities.

54.Parenting Advisor - Parenting advisors are emerging as a new way for

parents to gain support for a variety of parenting issues. Unlike
psychotherapists who treat diagnosed mental health conditions,
advisors behave more like consultants. They provide tools, ideas, and
support without treating underlying issues, like ADHD or depression.

55. Fitness Advisor - Fitness Advisors help potential members get started

working towards their fitness goals by identifying their specific needs &

56. Career Advisor - A careers advisor gives information about education

and work opportunities to children and youths. Careers advisors give
information about opportunities, as well as helping with competencies
and help with CVs and application forms.

 Video Production - Smartphones and other devices have made shooting

video easier than ever. Taking that raw footage and turning it into a
compelling message requires the work of a professional video editor. They
shape a video through editing and the inclusion of graphics, effects and
other enhancements so it plays well on each platform.
Because not many businesses or individuals need a full-time video editor, it
is a lucrative freelance profession.

You can take the following under Video Production:

57. Intro & Explainer Videos - Explainer videos are bite-sized bits

of video content, often around one to two minutes in length, and they
come in many forms, from traditional animation, to 3D, to live-action
and more.
58. Video Testimonials – A video testimonial is a video of
a customer or client praising a company. In most cases, they talk about
how that company's product or service has helped them solve a
problem. They might discuss who they are, how they use the product or
service, and what they like about the company.

59. Stop-Motion Videos - Stop motion is an animated filmmaking technique

in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments between
individually photographed frames so that they will appear to exhibit
independent motion or change when the series of frames is played back .

60. Video Animator -They create a simulation of movement by displaying a

series of pictures, or frames. Cartoons on television is one example
of animation. ... Whereas video takes continuous motion and breaks it
up into discrete frames, animation starts with independent pictures and
puts them together to form the illusion of continuous motion.

61.3D Model Designer - 3D modeling is a technique in computer graphics

for producing a 3D digital representation of any object or surface. An
artist uses special software to manipulate points in virtual space(called
vertices) to form a mesh: a collection of vertices that form an object.

 Audio Production - Audio production is when someone records audio and

edits it to make it sound a certain way. Freelance Audio Production is a
good option to look for.

You can take the following under Video Production:

62. Voice Over Artist - A voiceover artist is an actor, announcer, comic etc.
who performs off-camera, using his or her voice. This could mean
anything from a :10-second tag at the end of a radio commercial, to
creating characters to be used in multi-million dollar films or ongoing
animated series.

63. Audio Editor - Audio editing is the process of manipulating audio to

alter length, speed, and volume or to create additional versions such as

64. Audio Translator – People who translate audio from one language to
65. Music Production - Music production is the process by which a
record producer or music producer oversees the recording
and production of a track, single, or record.

66. Record Podcast Ads - A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word

digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy
listening. Podcasts also have ads so one can record podcast ads as a

 Virtual Assistance

You can take the following under Web Development:

67. Virtual Assistant - A virtual assistant is generally self-employed and

provides professional administrative, technical, or creative assistance to
clients remotely from a home office.

68. Data entry - A data entry clerk is a member of staff employed to enter
or update data into a computer system. Data is often entered into a
computer from paper documents using a keyboard. 

69.Marketing Strategist - is a marketing professional who works to assure

the execution of high-quality marketing strategies within the defined
time frame.
70. Social media manager - Social media managers are in charge of
representing a company across social channels as the sole voice of the
brand. They respond to comments, compile campaigns and create
71. Live Chat agent - LiveChat is a tool that facilitates communication
between a company and its customers. Live chat agents who wield that
tool use it to make customers happy and satisfied. Through one to one
communication, which involves answering various inquiries and solving
problems, agents should strive to please their customers.
72. Recruiting Agent - Recruitment agents are individual professionals who
go and find candidates for employers.
73. Customer support representative - Customer service representatives,
customer service advisors, or customer service associates interact with
customers to handle complaints, process orders, and provide
information about an organization’s products and services.
74. Zendesk Consultant - Zendesk Inc. is a customer service software
company one can be a consultant with the company.
75. Book keeper- Bookkeepers oversee a company's financial data and
compliance by maintaining accurate books on accounts payable and
receivable, payroll, and daily financial entries and reconciliations. They
perform daily accounting tasks such as monthly financial reporting,
general ledger entries, and record payments and adjustments.
76.Technical Assistant - Technical support assistants are a part of the
company's information technology (IT) team. Their primary goals are to
offer support and assistance to customers related to computers,
technology, desktop support, and data management.

 Marketing - Freelance marketers help companies and businesses promote

their brands. And most every business needs marketing help in one shape
or another — especially new ones. The busy founder of a new tech start-up
isn’t going to want to focus on writing great sales letters or coming up with
tweets. That’s where you come in.
77. Lead Generator - In marketing, lead generation is the initiation of
consumer interest or enquiry into products or services of a business.
78.Presentation designer - will have experience designing templates and
layouts and will be able to follow strict brand guidelines. They are
quickly able to solve issues like blurry images, confusing layouts, and
ineffective design.
79. Online Advertise Expert - is someone who works alongside a
company's marketing team to identify a target market, create a brand
image, and create and maintain a marketing campaign for the internet
and for digital technologies.
80. Social Media Editor - Social media editors manage a company's
overall digital image. They work closely with bloggers and content
writers to create engaging content their users want to see. 
81. Email Designer – Email designers are web designers tasked with
implementing email marketing for a company. Their typical day
involves designing and building websites using HTML and CSS.
82. Email Outreach – Email outreach is the process of getting in touch with
other people via email. In content marketing, the goal is typically to
promote a piece of content, to request a backlink, or to attempt to form
a partnership/collaboration with an influencer.
83. Traffic Generation - Traffic generation organizes online wanderers and
potential customers in one spot where you can entice them into
entering into the sales funnel. Traffic generation is dependent on your “
find-ability ” and quality of useful content.
84. Product Reviewer - a report in a newspaper, magazine, or programme
in which an expert gives an opinion about a product or compares various
similar products.
85.Keyword Researcher - The simple goal of keyword research is to find
out what your target audience is searching and what it will take to
actually rank for those keywords.
86. PR Submission - Press release submission refers to writing about new
events, products or services of the company and submitting it
to PR sites.
87. Market Researcher - Carries out surveys and collects and analyses data
on behalf of organisations such as businesses, government bodies and
88. Branding Services - Branding is about understanding the attributes that
your target audience appreciates in a business and blending your
business values and personality with these attributes. The idea is to
project what the business is all about in a way that would connect with
your target audience.
89.Outdoor Advertising - Out-of-home advertising or outdoor advertising,
also known as out-of-home media or outdoor media, is advertising that
reaches the consumers while they are outside their homes. 
90. Content Strategist - The core function of the job is developing
a content strategy based on a company's or client's business objectives
and a customer's or end user's needs.
91. Content Marketer -  A content marketer is responsible for the planning,
creating, and sharing of valuable content to attract and convert
prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers.

 Others
92. Freelance Photographer - Freelance photography is the taking of
photographs as a contract or self-employed photographer. You usually
work under contracts specific to each of your clients. As a freelance
photographer, you market yourself through professional portfolios,
websites, and social media to find potential clients.
93. Data Analyst - A data analyst is someone who collects, processes and
performs statistical analyses of data. He or she can translate numbers
and data into plain English in order to help organizations and companies
understand how to make better business decisions.
94. Documents Creator - Document Creator helps you generate standard
documents using predefined templates. 
95. Gaming Help - Gamers are one of the most demanding groups of
customers. They play games around the clock and expect video game
support to be available at any time, in their native language, on the
channel they choose. So gaming helpers do the same.
96. Cooking Lessons - Freelance cooks train people on cooking, baking etc
and charge them accordingly
97. Make Up Lessons – A freelance makeup artist is an individual who isn't
associated with any particular organisation, production house, editorial
company, salon or a parlour but instead works independently. 
98. User Testing - User testing is the process through which the interface
and functions of a website, app, product, or service are tested by
real users who perform specific tasks in realistic conditions.
99. Travel Planner - Also called Travel Agents, Travel Planners help clients
make travel arrangements.
100.Private tutor – Private tutors provide one-on-one educational
assistance to elementary and secondary school students or to adults
101.Pet Training- An animal trainer knows how to teach dogs, horses, or
even marine animals to display certain behaviours or keep them from
exhibiting others. Animal trainers help animals become accustomed to
human contact and teach them to respond to commands.
102.Computer Training- Computer trainers teach topics related to all
aspects of using computers in the workplace, including
personal computer (PC) software, operating systems for both stand-alone
and networked systems, management tools for networks, and software
applications for mainframe computers and specific industry management.
103.Remote Computer Repair- Remote computer support (sometimes
called remote repair or remote assistance) is computer service that doesn't
require you to take your PC to a shop. During a repair or support session,
a computer repair expert accesses your computer wirelessly and
troubleshoots your PC's issue.
104.Uber/Ola Driver – Uber/Ola is a technology platform. These apps
connect drivers and riders. As a driver, you use your own vehicle to pick up
riders and drive them to preferred destinations in your city.
105. Food Delivery - Retail food delivery is a courier service in which a
restaurant, store, or independent food-delivery company delivers food to a
106. Personal Fitness Training- A personal trainer can help you select
activities that you enjoy, and also choose exercises that will keep you
challenged and on track towards reaching your fitness goals. 
107. Property Manager Agent- A Property management agents, also known
as property managers, are hired by owners or landlords of income-
producing properties to run the day to day requirements of their real
estate. ... A property management agent is responsible for maximizing the
value and income of an investment property.
108. Child Care - Child care, otherwise known as day care, is the care and
supervision of a child or multiple children at a time, whose ages range from
six weeks to thirteen years.


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