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Give the forms of the following verbs:

- to teach taught /taught

- to challenge challenged/challenged

-to make made/made

- to write wrote/written

- to hide hid/hidden

ex 3 Put the words in the correct order

1. to/music/ he/ listening/like/ doesn't he doesn’t t like listening to music.

2. do/ what/he/does what does he do?

3. doesn't/she/drive she doesn’t t drive

4. go/work/to/why/by/you/do/train why do you go to work by train?

5. she/the/what/in/mornings/drink/does what does she drink in the morning?

exer IV Write the questions

1. i go work at half past eight at what hour do you go at work?

2. i like my job because it's interesting why do you like your job?

3. i have a sandwich for lunch what do you have for lunch?

4. i finish work at five o' clock when do you finish work?

5. Watch television or read in the evening what do you prefer to do in the evening?

6. Visit my parents at weekends what do you do in your weekends?

ex V translate into English

1. Unde lucreaza tatal tau where does your father work?

2. ea este profesoara si mereg la scoala pe jos she is a teacher and she goes to school by walking

3, Mama lui jhon este doctor si lucreaza intr-un spital amre in centrul Londrei John s mother is a
doctor and work in a big hospital in center of London

4, Nu-mi plac filmele frantuzesti I don t like French movies

Several years ago a professor who teaches psychology at a large university had to ask his
assistant, a young man of great intelligence but little experience, to take over the introductory
psychology course for a short time. The assistant was challenged by the opportunity and planned an
ambitious series of lectures. But he made a mistake. He decided to open with a short definition of his
subject. When the professor got back to his classroom two weeks later he found his conscientious
assistant still struggling to define psychology.

An alternative approach is to assume at the very outset that everybody knows, more or less,
what psychology is all about. 'Psychology', said William James in the first sentence of his classic text, 'is
the science of mental life.' Although this definition no longer means what it did when James wrote The
Principles of Psychology in 1890, it is relatively familiar and mercifully short. We can use it to
launch our discussion of psychology without prolonged introductions.

Psychology is the science of mental life. The key words here are science and mental.

Cu câţiva ani în urmă un profesor care preda psihologie la o mare universitate a trebuit
să ceară asistentul său, un tânăr de o mare inteligenţă, dar cu puţină experienţă, să preia cursul
de psihologie introductiva pentru o perioadă scurtă de timp. Asistentul a fost provocat de
aceasta oportunitate şi a planificat o serie ambitioasa de prelegeri. Dar el a făcut o greşeală. El
a decis să deschidă cu o scurtă definiţie a subiectului său. Când profesorul s- s întors la sala lui
de clasa două săptămâni mai târziu el a găsit asistentul său conştiincios încă luptăndu-se
pentru a defini psihologia.

O abordare alternativă este să îşi asume de la bun început că toata lumea ştie, mai mult
sau mai puţin, ceea ce psihologia este despre toate. "Psihilogia", a spus William James, în
prima fraza din textul său clasic, "este ştiinţa vieţii mentale." Deşi această definiţie nu mai
înseamnă ceea ce a insemnat atunci când James a scris Principiile Psihologiei în anul 1890,
este relativ familiar şi milos de scurt. O putem folosi pentru a lansa discuţia noastră de
psihologie, fără introduceri prelungite.
Psihologia este ştiinţa vieţii mentale. Cuvintele cheie aici sunt ştiinţa şi mental.

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