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Final Case
Program: BS Accountancy

1. Dr. Williams' journey from orphan and cultivate youngster to Doctor of Education,
not-for-profit founder, and creator has been both testing and fulfilling. Dr.
Williams has demonstrated that achievement can be accomplished when an
individual has duty, relentlessness, and uprightness. In his vocation, he has
satisfied a large number of jobs, including direct consideration laborer, non-
permanent parent, house parent, business visionary, philanthropic and revenue
driven association organizer, Chief Executive Officer, aide teacher, researcher in-
living arrangement, anchor person, and inspirational orator.
Dr. William came to recognize after some time that the genuine blessing he had
gotten from Sister Mary Patrick was not the bike, but the lesson he learned from
the experience. A lesson that would keep on advising his life’s choices and
headings for an incredible reminder. He urge every individuals to find the
message behind the second as opposed to being overwhelmed by the moment
itself. He attempt to comprehend that there is something in here for him to detract
from every experience. He had the option to get through the troubles just by
setting his mentality, and accepting that one day he will be the top of an effective
association which spends significant time in aiding those out of luck.

2. At the age of 28 years old, Dr. Nathaniel Williams established an organization

that is currently a combination of nine different associations concentrated on
human consideration benefits that help other people out of luck. Dr. Williams is
likewise on the top managerial staff for three different associations and hosts a
week by week TV syndicated program in the State of Pennsylvania. Rather than
concentrating on what he didn't have as a youthful African American vagrant
experiencing childhood in a difficult urban condition, Nat concentrated on what he
had, what he could do, and what he could gain from his encounters. He discloses
that to rise above not exactly perfect outer conditions, it is critical to work with
what you have and to accept that what you have isn't so awful. By so doing, your
concentration and vitality gets coordinated toward confining your circumstance in
the most ideal light and afterward endeavoring to benefit as much as possible
from that circumstance.

3. Postponing my objectives until someday. Since sometime in the future never

shows up on the schedule, I will never achieve my objectives on the off chance
that I continue pushing them off. Good motivations won't benefit me in any way
without a reasonable arrangement. On the off chance that there is a significant
objective you need to accomplish, attempt to make a plan. In spite of in the event
that you are not capable beginning taking a shot at your objective today; at any
rate you will have the option to remind yourself with it tomorrow. Holding back to
make a move until you 'feel' prepared. In the event that you hold up until you feel
prepared to handle something extreme you may be holding up quite a while. It's
improbable that you're going to increase an unexpected eruption of motivation
out of nowhere. Change your conduct first. Once in a while, the feelings change
later. Make a move and you may pick up the desire you have to continue onward.

4. I can apply an entrepreneurial mindset to my life that will help me break through
to reach success by using the mindset that was set to me to reach the goals and
vision that i wanted to be successful in life. Therefore i can used various of type
in mindset when in comes in business that will help me to be successful, i can
have a growth mindset where i can learn, challenge myself to do hard things or
may risk the company and try more harder to really show my effort for the
company. This helps me to keep myself motivated and be knowledgable on what
i do for the company that will leads to success or i can also have a fixed mindset,
Where what enough is enough, not taking risk or challenges that may risk the
business and also give up, because that all the time you can get what you want
to want to get more because sometimes what you have is already enough to be
successful. Either the way both of this kind of mindset can help to reach my goals
and be successful in life. What it matters that i live a happy life on the things i
have and always have this passion that will keep me motivated on what i do and
for my life.

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