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Sensors and Actuators B 146 (2010) 116–121

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Theoretical investigation of an optical fiber amplifier loop for intra-cavity and

ring-down cavity gas sensing
K. Liu a,b , T.G. Liu a,b,∗ , G.D. Peng c,a,1 , J.F. Jiang a,b , H.X. Zhang a,b , D.G. Jia a,b , Y. Wang a,d ,
W.C. Jing c , Y.M. Zhang a,b
College of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, PR China
Key Laboratory of Opto-electronics Information and Technical Science (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300072, PR China
School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, UNSW, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Biomedical Detection & Instruments, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An optical fiber amplifier loop (OFAL) for intra-cavity and ring-down cavity gas sensing is proposed in this
Received 23 September 2009 paper. The action of the OFAL is investigated theoretically. A uniform model of the system is established
Received in revised form 10 February 2010 using rate equations, from which the sensitivity enhancement factor can be obtained. Based on the model,
Accepted 11 February 2010
the effects of pump power and system loss on the performance of the OFAL are deeply researched. At
Available online 19 February 2010
the same time, the expressions of the sensitivity for intra-cavity and ring-down cavity are deduced and
discussed respectively. And the simulation of the sensitivities depending on the pump power and system
loss is realized, which leads to the theoretical values of the system sensitivity limit.
Optical fiber amplifier loop
Intra-cavity © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ring-down cavity

1. Introduction ture, and can be described by the same model. However, as far as
we know, there is little attention have been paid on this issue in the
Detection of trace gases is important both for environmental and previous works. Only Zhang et al. initially investigated the influence
pollution monitoring [1]. Optical systems operating in the near-IR of pump power on the sensitivity of ICAGS using rate equations
are the best option for remote and multi-point sensing because of [9].
the ready availability of fiber optic components from the commu- In this paper, the structure of an optical fiber amplifier loop
nications industry and the networking capabilities of fiber optic (OFAL) for intra-cavity and ring-down cavity gas sensing is pro-
systems [2]. However, the major disadvantage of operating in the posed. A uniform model of the system is established using rate
1–2 ␮m spectral region is that one has access only to overtone equations, from which the sensitivity enhancement factor can be
absorption lines and these are typically two or three orders of mag- obtained. The effects of pump power and system loss are deeply
nitude weaker than the fundamental lines in the mid-IR [3]. The key researched. And then both forms are discussed respectively. The
objective for applications of near-IR systems is the development expressions of the sensitivity are deduced from the model, which
of high sensitivity techniques, which may be achieved by using conducts to theoretical simulation of sensitivity.
intra-cavity or ring-down cavity [4].
There has recently been much interest in intra-cavity sys- 2. Structure of the system
tems and ring-down cavity spectroscopy [5–8]. The wavelength
range have been extended to 1480–1620 nm, encompassing near- The configuration of the OFAL for intra-cavity and ring-down
IR absorption lines of gases such as CO, CO2 , C2 H2 , H2 S, NH3 , OH, cavity gas sensing is shown in Fig. 1. This loop consists of an erbium-
H2 O and HI. Both of the two methods have similar system struc- doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) with an isolator, a tunable attenuator,
a Fabry-Perot type tunable optical filter (TOF), and a gas cell. The
EDFA is forward pumped by a 980 nm pump laser via a 980/1550
WDM coupler. And the isolator is used to ensure unidirectional
∗ Corresponding author at: College of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics
operation and prevent spatial hole-burning [10]. The bandwidth
Engineering, Tianjin University, Weijin Road, 92#, Tianjin 300072, PR China.
Tel.: +86 22 27406522.
and the free spectral range (FSR) of the TOF are 1.25 GHz and
E-mail address: (T.G. Liu). 11.23 THz respectively. The gas cell with interaction length of 10 cm
G.D. Peng is now a guest professor of Tianjin University, PR China. is made by aligning a pair of commercial pigtailed C-lens, which

0925-4005/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Liu et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 146 (2010) 116–121 117

(s la / c )q a N1 represents the change of photon number in the loop

due to spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and stimulated
absorption respectively.
If the spontaneous emission is not considered, the steady-state
solution of the loop is obtained by setting dNi /dt = 0 (i = 1, 2) and
dq/dt = 0 in Eq. (1). And the solution of rate equations is

⎪ s la e Nc − ı

⎪ N̂1 = s la (e + a )

s la a Nc + ı
N̂ =
2 (2)

⎪ s la (e + a )

⎩ q̂ = c [s la (Wp 2 e − a )Nc − (1 + Wp 2 )ı]
Fig. 1. The configuration of the OFAL for intra-cavity and ring-down cavity gas s 2 ı(e + a )
The output power of the loop is proportional to q̂ and can be
expressed as
enables the gas cell with more favorable performance such as the
longer working distance and the lower insertion loss [11]. A cou- A − Bı
pler is used to extract signal from the loop to an optical spectrum I ∝ q̂ = (3)
analyzer (OSA). A distributed feedback (DFB) laser source is used to
produce a pulse input only for ring-down cavity through a coupler.

When the gain of the EDFA is larger than the whole loss of ⎪ Sc la (Wp 2 e − a )Nc
the system, the loop works in the form of intra-cavity. The laser
⎨A =  ( +  )
2 e a
action can be obtained, dispelling the need for an external source. (4)

⎩ B = Sc (1 + Wp 2 )
With using wavelength sweeping technique, the absorption spec- s 2 (e + a )
tra of the detected gas can be collected [12]. And the amplitude of
the spectrum is proportionally attenuated by the gas absorption are the constants determined by the system. The threshold con-
according to the Lambert–Beer law [13]. dition is given by A − Bı = 0. When ı < A/B, the state of the system
When the gain of the EDFA is less than the whole loss of the is above the threshold, the gain of the EDF is larger than the sys-
system, the loop works in the form of ring-down cavity. The DFB tem loss. So the laser action can be obtained, and the system works
laser source produces pulse signal at a low repetition rate. The pulse as an intra-cavity. When ı > A/B, the state of the system is below
circulates in the loop, experiencing attenuation on each round trip, the threshold, the gain of the EDF is less than the system loss. So
and produces a ring-down trace at the output coupler. The ring- the ring-down action can be observed, and the system works as a
down time depends upon the concentration of the detected gas ring-down cavity.
[3]. When the spontaneous emission is considered, the steady-state
Intra-cavity and ring-down cavity gas sensing systems are both solution of the loop is
based on the OFAL. And the main differences are the working state ⎧
⎪ qı(s 2 qe + Sc )
of the system and the requirement of an external DFB laser. If the ⎪
⎪ N̂1 = s la {Sc [(1 + q)Wp 2 e − qa ] + s 2 qe a }

state is above the threshold without the need of an external DFB ⎪

laser source, the system works as an intra-cavity. If the state is qı ( q + W S )
2 s a p c
N̂2 = (5)
below the threshold with the need of an external DFB laser source, ⎪
⎪ s la {Sc [(1 + q)Wp 2 e − qa ] + s 2 qe a }

the system works as a ring-down cavity. Because of the same basic ⎪
⎪ −b ± b2 − 4ac
structure, both forms can be described using a uniform model. ⎩ q̂ =
3. Theoretical model of the OFAL for gas sensing where

The OFAL using erbium-doped fiber (EDF) as gain medium can

⎨ a = s ı2 (a + e )
be considered as a two-level system [14]. The temporal behavior of b = Sc (1 + Wp 2 )ı − s la [2 e (SWp c + s a ) − Sc a ]Nc (6)
the loop can be described by rate equations as

c = −Ss la Wp 2 c e Nc
⎧ dN N2 s q

= Wp N1 − − (e N2 − a N1 ) It is difficult to obtain an analytical expression for the threshold of

⎨ dt 2 Sc
the system by using Eqs. (5) and (6). So the numerical calculation
N1 = Nc − N2 (1) is used to evaluate the system.

⎩ dq = s la [(1 + q) N − q N ] − ı q In absorption sensors, the absorption signal K is defined and
e 2 a 1
dt c c governed by the Lambert–Beer law as [13]

where N1 and N2 are the population densities of ground level Io

K = ln = ˛cL (7)
and upper laser level respectively; Nc is the moderate dopant I
concentration of the EDF; q is the photon number in the loop;
where I and Io respectively represent the laser output power with
Wp = p Pp  ap /Shp is the pump probability; Pp is the pump power of
and without the absorber in the cavity; ˛ is the absorption coeffi-
the pump laser; hp is the pump photon energy;  ap is the absorp-
cient; c is the absorber concentration; L is the optical path length
tion cross-section at the pump wavelength; S is the fiber core area;
of the absorber. I = Io − I, where I is the reduction of the output
p and s are the proportions of the pump and signal power within
power due to absorption induced system loss variation ı. For a
the fiber core;  a and  e are the absorption and emission cross-
small absorption, I  Io , Eq. (7) can be approximated as
sections of the mode respectively;  2 is the life time of the stable
level;  c is the loop round time; la is the length of the EDF; ı is the I
K≈ (8)
total loss of the loop. The terms of (s la / c ) e N2 , (s la / c )q e N2 and I
118 K. Liu et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 146 (2010) 116–121

Without the consideration of spontaneous emission, the sensi-

tivity enhancement factor in terms of K/ı can be derived, by using
Eqs. (3) and (8), as
= ∝ (9)
ı Iı ı(A − Bı)
This expression represents the sensitivity enhancement factor of
intra-cavity and ring-down cavity, corresponding to ı < A/B and
ı > A/B respectively. It can be seen from the expression that the
sensitivity of the OFAL is inversely proportional to ı(A − Bı) and
can therefore be enhanced by reducing the value of ı(A − Bı). As
the system loss ı cannot be made too small, high sensitivity can
only be achieved when the system is running close to the thresh-
old A − Bı = 0. In other words, the gain of the EDF and the system
loss are near to each other. When the system is established, the
gain of the EDF can be tuning by pump power. So both changing
the pump power and the system loss have the same effects on the
system. Only investigating the influence of pump power will be not
With the consideration of spontaneous emission, the sensitivity
enhancement factor can be evaluated numerically by using Eqs.

4. Simulation and discussion

The influence of pump power and system loss on the OFAL can
be simulated and evaluated by use of the model. The expressions
of the sensitivity for both forms can also be deduced respectively,
conducting to theoretical sensitivity calculation. And then the com-
parison between the two forms is obtained.

4.1. Influence of pump power and system loss

The sensitivity enhancement factor can be theoretically simu-

lated by using the model of the system. Take acetylene for example.
The signal wavelength is arranged at one of the absorption lines of
the gas. The parameters used in the calculation are given in Table 1.
The sensitivity enhancement factor as a function of pump power
is shown in Fig. 2(a). The dot and dash lines are respectively the Fig. 2. The sensitivity enhancement factor as a function of (a) pump power and (b)
results for intra-cavity and ring-down cavity without the consider- system loss.
ation of spontaneous emission, while the solid line is the result with
the consideration of spontaneous emission. The system loss is taken
as ı = 10 dB and the loss variation is set to ı = 0.1 dB. The threshold
pump power for the system loss is calculated as Pp = 6.4 mW. The tivity enhancement factor tends to infinity when the pump power
sensitivity enhancement factor for ring-down cavity is negative. So is close to the threshold value if spontaneous emission is not con-
the absolute value is taken instead of the practical value. The sensi- sidered. Comparatively, the sensitivity enhancement factor reaches
the maximum near the threshold if spontaneous emission is con-
sidered. The sensitivity enhancement factor of intra-cavity is a little
Table 1
Parameters used in calculation. larger than that of ring-down cavity with the same differences to
the threshold. The curves with and without the consideration of
Symbol Description Value
spontaneous emission have the same variation trends, with error
la Length of EDF 8m that can be ignored. So the model of the OFAL for gas sensing
Nc Moderate dopant 6.8 × 1024 m−3 without the consideration of spontaneous emission is valid and
concentration of EDF
S Fiber core area 9.08 × 10−12 m2
effective. In the following parts of this paper, spontaneous emission
p Pump source wavelength 980 nm is omitted if there is no special explanation.
s Signal light wavelength 1530.4 nm When the pump power is taken as Pp = 10 mW, the sensitiv-
 ap Absorption cross-section at 3.17 × 10−25 m2 ity enhancement factor as a function of system loss is shown in
pump wavelength
Fig. 2(b). It is illustrated from the figures that the system loss has
a Absorption cross-section at 4.06 × 10−25 m2
signal wavelength the same effect on the sensitivity. Reducing the pump power and
e Emission cross-section at 3.91 × 10−25 m2 increasing the system loss are the same to the OFAL, and vice versa.
signal wavelength
p Proportion of the pump power 0.70
within the fiber core
s Proportion of the signal power 0.61 4.2. Sensitivity of intra-cavity
within the fiber core
2 Life time of the stable level 100 ms For intra-cavity form, the relationship between the concentra-
c Loop round time 100 ns
tion of the detected gas and the reduction of the output power is
K. Liu et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 146 (2010) 116–121 119

deduced from Eqs. (7) and (8) as

K = ˛cl ≈ (10)
The recognizable concentration variation of the detected gas
is the concentration corresponding to the reduction of the output
power equal to two times of the system noise

2 × 10−SNR/10
cin = (11)
where SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio of the OFAL and defined as
SNR = 10 × lg (12)
Io − Io
and Io and Io are respectively the laser output power with and with-
out the consideration of spontaneous emission. Under standard
condition, the concentration of the environmental gas is c0 = NA /Vm ,
where NA and Vm are Avogadro constant and the molar volume
respectively. So the sensitivity of intra-cavity is

cin 2 × 10−SNR/10 NA
senin = = / (13)
c0 ˛L Vm

The sensitivity of intra-cavity can be calculated theoret-

ically. Take acetylene as an example. The absorption coef-
ficient and the absorption optical length of the gas are
˛ = 1.21 × 10−20 cm−1 /(molecule cm−3 ) and L = 10 cm respectively.
The sensitivity as function of pump power and system loss is shown
in Fig. 3. And the system loss and pump power are set to ı = 10 dB
and Pp = 10 mW as constants for Fig. 3(a) and (b) respectively. It is
demonstrated by the figures that the pump power and system loss
have the same effects on the performance of intra-cavity gas sens-
ing system. Because the pump power cannot be adjusted finely and
also not be measured conveniently, the state of intra-cavity should
be controlled by tuning the system loss. However, when the pump
power or system loss is approach to the threshold, the sensitivity is
too large and cannot be used for trace gases detection. So the pump
power and system loss should be set to optimized values instead
of being too close to the threshold. Additionally, it can also be seen
from the figures that the sensitivity of intra-cavity can be less than Fig. 3. The sensitivity of the OFAL as a function of (a) pump power (intra-cavity)
1 ppm. and (b) system loss (intra-cavity).

4.3. Sensitivity of ring-down cavity

where mr = tr / c is the round time of the pulse circulating in the
loop. Because the 1/e ring-down time tr is corresponding to the
When the state of the system is below the threshold, the OFAL
pulse power attenuation of 4.343 dB, the round time mr can also
works as a ring-down cavity. Because the injected pulse power
be written as mr = 4.343/(ı − A/B), where ı − A/B is the attenuation
oscillates damply in the loop, gas sensing cannot be realized by
on each round trip. It is assumed that the experimental measure-
detecting the variation of the steady output power. Instead, the
ment error of ring-down time is 1%, that is, tr /tr = 1% [3]. Thus, the
rate of decay of the output pulse train indicates the system loss,
sensitivity of ring-down cavity can be derived as
and hence reveals the concentration of the detected gas.
The relationship between the 1/e ring-down time tr and the

cri 0.01 ı − A/B NA

system loss ı can be expressed as [3] senri = = · / (18)
c0 ˛L 4.343 Vm
tr = (14) The sensitivity of ring-down cavity can also be calculated theo-
retically. Take acetylene as an example with the same parameters
From Eq. (14), we can write
as above. The sensitivity as function of pump power and system
tr ı loss is shown in Fig. 4. And the system loss and pump power are
= (15) also set to ı = 10 dB and Pp = 10 mW as constants for Fig. 4(a) and
tr ı
(b) respectively. It is demonstrated by the figures that the pump
And the system loss variation ı due to gas absorption can be
power and system loss have the same effects on the performance
described, according to the Lambert–Beer law, as
of ring-down cavity gas sensing system either. And the sensitivity
ı = 4.343˛cL (16) of ring-down cavity can be near 10 ppm.

So the variation of the detected gas concentration can be derived,

using Eqs. (14)–(16), as 4.4. Comparison

tr c 1 1 tr Both intra-cavity and ring-down cavity gas sensing system are
cri = = · · (17)
˛Ltr 2 ˛L tr /c tr based on OFAL. So they can be described using a uniform model. And
120 K. Liu et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 146 (2010) 116–121

5. Conclusions

An OFAL for intra-cavity and ring-down cavity gas sensing is pro-

posed in this paper. A uniform model of the system is established
using rate equations, based on which the sensitivity enhancement
factor can be calculated with or without the consideration of spon-
taneous emission. The performance of the system is simulated and
discussed by using the model. The dependence of the sensitivity
enhancement factor of the OFAL on the pump power and system
loss is deeply researched. And both parameters have the same
effects on the system. The expressions of sensitivity for intra-cavity
and ring-down cavity are deduced from the model respectively.
And the influence of pump power and system loss on the sensitivity
is theoretically simulated for intra-cavity and ring-down cavity. The
theoretical sensitivity limits of both forms are 1 ppm and 10 ppm
respectively. Intra-cavity has more advantages than ring-down cav-
ity. This model can also be used for the intra-cavity and ring-down
cavity gas sensors of other structures and gases.


This work was supported by National Basic Research Program

of China (973 Program) under grant no. 2010CB327802, China
Postdoctoral Science Foundation under grant no. 20090460690,
the National Natural Science Fund of China under grant no.
60627002, the Key Program of Application Basis Research Project
of Tianjin under grant no. 06YFJZJC00400, the Doctoral Funds of
Ministry of Education of China under grant no. 200800561020 and
200800561022, and the Tianjin University Youth Faculty Career
Fund under grant no. TJU-YFF-08B47. The authors thank the review-
ers for their valuable comments.


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main research focus will be on the methods of reducing the noise
and increase the SNR of the system. The sensitivity limits of both Biographies
structures have been discussed above. In addition, the model can
be used for gas sensing system in other structure like linear cavity
K. Liu received his BEng in opto-electronics information engineering and MEng in
configuration and so on. And it can also be used for theoretically
optical engineering in 2004 and 2006 respectively, from Tianjin University, China,
calculating the sensitivities of other gases. where he is pursuing his PhD degree. His research interests are fiber sensing systems.
K. Liu et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 146 (2010) 116–121 121

T. Liu received his BEng and MEng and his PhD degree in 1982, 1987and 1999 ometry and optical design. Dr. Zhang has published more than 20 papers in scientific
respectively, from Tianjin University, China, where he is currently a professor in the and technology journals and proceeding.
College of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering. His research inter-
ests include opto-electronics detection and fiber sensing. Prof. Liu has published D.G. Jia received his BEng. degree in Material Processing in 2001 and his Ph.D. degree
more than 60 papers in scientific and technology journals and proceedings. in Optical Engineering in 2004; both from Tianjin University, China. From 2004 to
2006, he was employed as a Post Doctor within Department of Precision Instrument
G.D. Peng received his BEng degree in physics from Fudan University in 1982, and at Tianjin University. He jointed Tianjin University as Associate Professor of Optical
his MEng degree in application science and his PhD degree in electronics engi- Engineering in 2006. His research interests include Optical Interconnection, Optical
neering in 1984 and 1987 respectively, both from Shanghai Jiaotong University. Sensing, and Passive Optical Component.
He is currently a professor in School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunica-
tions, University of New South Wales. He has worked with success over 10 years Y. Wang graduated from Naikai University and received his MEng in biomedi-
on a wide range of photonics related research topics: electro-optical modulator cal engineering in Southeast University. He is currently a professor in the College
and switches, all-optical switches, optical fiber couplers, splitters and combiners. of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering in Tianjin University. His
Prof. Peng has published more than 100 journal publications and 180 conference research interests include time of flight mass spectrum, engine emission detection,
publications. NIR spectroscopy and fiber sensing. Prof. Wang has published more than 20 papers
in scientific and technology journals and proceeding in recent 5 years.
J.F. Jiang received the B.S. degree in automobile and tractor in 1998 from South-
west Institute of Technology, Mianyang, Sichuan Province, China, the M.S. degree W.C. Jing received his BEng and MEng in electrical engineering and his PhD degree
in dynamical mechanics and engineering in 2001, and the PhD degree in optics in optical engineering in 1993, 1995 and 1998 respectively, from Tianjin University,
engineering in 2004, both from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. He worked as China, where he is currently a professor with the College of Precision Instrument &
postdoctor in instrument science and technology in Tianjin University from 2004 Opto-electronics Engineering. His research interests include optical detection, opti-
to 2006. He worked as postdoctor in electrical engineering and computer science cal interconnection and fiber sensing. Prof. Jing has published more than 70 papers
department, University of Kansas, from 2007 to 2008. Since October 2006, he has in scientific and technology journals and proceedings. He is a member of SPIE and
been a faculty member in the College of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics the Chinese Optical Society. He is now a visit professor in UNSW.
Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, where he is currently an Associate
Y.M. Zhang graduated from Tianjin University at 1955 and finished postgraduate
Professor. His current research interest includes fiber sensing technology and optical
study there in 1958. His research fields are applied optics, opto-electronic tech-
communication performance measurement.
nology, and optical signal processing. He is President of the Academic Committee
H.X. Zhang received her MEng and PHD degrees in optical engineering from Tianjin of Precision Instruments & Opto-electronic Engineering College, Tianjin University.
University, China, in 2002 and 2005, respectively, where she is currently an assistant Mr. Zhang is a Fellow of SPIE and a member of the Standing Committee of the Chi-
professor with the college of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering. nese Optical Society. He is President of the Reprographic Scientists and Engineers
Her research interests include fiber optic sensing, photoelectric detection, interfer- Society of China.

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