Fundamental Factors Affecting Cost of Capital Market Opportunity

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Unquestionably, most fundamental price deciding factor for anything in this world is the law
of demand-supply. Cost of capital is also not away from this fundamental law. When the
demand for capital increases, the cost of capital also increases and vice versa. The demand is
influenced greatly by the available market opportunities. If there are a lot of production
opportunities in the market, more and more entrepreneurs will explore those opportunities to
create profitable ventures. Entrepreneurs, then, would require capital to implement their
business ideas. So, cost of capital is directly related to the market opportunities available in
the market.
An individual who has some additional funds has two straight choices – save money or
consume it. It is completely a personal choice but to a great extent, it is impacted by the
culture of a society. For example, Japanese people are more bent towards saving compared to
the US. Another important factor that determines the utility of capital is the interest rate or
returns available to their funds. Naturally higher returns would enforce higher savings.

‘High-risk high-return’ principle works here too. If the venture where investment is required
has a high level of risk, the return required by the investor would also be very high to
compensate the risk. On the other hand, the businessman taking up the venture may not opt
for a too high cost of capital because it may put the viability of the overall project at stake.
So, this is how risk plays a key role deciding the capital transactions in the market.

All capital providers try to invest in a manner that maximizes returns. The lower benchmark
for investing has always been the inflation. At the minimum, an investment should beat the
inflation and there should be some real income. Real income is nothing but the actual return
less inflation. In simple words, you invested money which could buy you a particular basket
of things a year ago. After a year when your investment is matured and you receive money,
you would at least expect that money should be able to buy that same basket of things. If the
matured money falls short of buying you the same basket, you have diminished the value of
your money in last one year. If the money is more than just buying that basket, you have
earned real income on your investment.
All federal banks have got the power to influence the economy. US Federal Reserve Board
simple purchases the treasury securities, normally held by banks, to boost the economy. Let’s
understand how it works. When the ‘Federal Reserve Board’ buys the Treasury securities
from the banks, the banks accumulate a lot of loanable funds with it. Now, the banks with a
higher supply of funds would start offering loans at lower interest rates. This reduction in
interest rates will encourage industrialists to start more and more ventures and that, in turn,
will create job opportunities, overall demand in the market etc. Although, there is a flip side
of this policy that it will increase the inflation in the longer run. This is how federal policies
have a great impact on the cost of capital.


Federal budget deficit and surplus also have a role to play in deciding the cost of capital in
the market. In a surplus situation, Fed would buy Treasury securities from the market and that
will reduce the interest rates. On the contrary, in a deficit situation, Fed would sell Treasury
securities or mint money. Minting money would increase the money supply in the market
along with an expectation of higher inflation and that leads to increasing the cost of money.
Similarly, selling Treasury securities to banks will reduce the loanable funds with banks and
they increase the cost of funds.
Economic boom and recession also play a very important role in determining the cost of
capital by impacting the interest rates in the market.
A foreign trade deficit creates a need for borrowing from other countries. Borrower countries
will have their own opportunity cost of capital based on the interest rates available with other
countries. Higher the borrowings and higher will be the interest rates. That will impact the
capital market.

Country risk is the risk associated with political, social, economic environment of a country.
To understand with an example, assume a country has trends of suddenly changing the tax
rates, regulations relating to trade and commerce etc. An international investor would resist
investing in that country because their policy can put any business at stake suddenly. This
will reduce the flow of international capital in the country and thereby increase the cost of
Investment in countries other than the home country has a bearing of exchange rate risk on
them. The real return of an investor depends on two factors.

1. The performance of the investment in the foreign country and

2. The performance of the currency of that country in comparison to home currency.
At the time of maturity of the investment, if the home currency weakens, the net realization in
home currency would also be reduced. That can affect an investor’s decision of investing in
other countries, especially whose currency rates fluctuate a lot.
All companies try to optimize their capital structure with a policy that suits their individual
situations. New acquisition of capital will depend a lot on the capital structure policy and
therefore the capital structure policy of the said company will have a bearing on its cost of
A dividend policy of a corporation decides how much percentage of profits it will retain and
how much will be distributed as dividends. If a company retains higher percentage of profits
in the business, it is effectively adding a capital at the cost of equity. Accordingly, the overall
cost of capital will be impacted.
A company is nothing but a set of different projects it takes up. It is very important to note
that different projects would have different risk profile. If a company is adding a project with
higher risk compared to overall risk level of the organization, it is effectively increasing the
risk of the organization. With this increase in risk, the required rate of return will also
increase. This is how, investment policy impacts the cost of capital


What are the elements in the business environment that cause a company’s weighted cost of
capital to be high or low? We identify four primary factors: general economic conditions, the
marketability of the firm’s securities (market conditions), operating and financing conditions
within the company, and the amount of financing needed for new investments.

Factor 1: General Economic Conditions General economic conditions determine the demand
for and supply of capital within the economy, as well as the level of expected inflation. This
economic variable is reflected in the risk less rate of return. This rate represents the rate of
return on risk-free investments, such as the interest rate on short-term government securities.
In principle, as the demand for money in the economy changes relative to the supply,
investors alter their required rate of return. For example, if the demand for money increases
without an equivalent increase in the supply, lenders will raise their required interest rate. At
the same time, if inflation is expected to deteriorate the purchasing power of the euro,
investors require a higher rate of return to compensate for this anticipated loss.

Factor 2: Market Conditions When an investor purchases a security with significant risk, an
opportunity for additional returns is necessary to make the investment attractive. Essentially,
as risk increases, the investor requires a higher rate of return. This increase is called a risk
premium. When investors increase their required rate of return, the cost of capital rises
simultaneously. Remember we have defined risk as the potential variability of returns. If the
security is not readily marketable when the investor wants to sell, or even if a continuous
demand for the security exists but the price varies significantly, an investor will require a
relatively high rate of return. Conversely, if a security is readily marketable and its price is
reasonably stable, the investor will require a lower rate of return and the company’s cost of
capital will be lower.
Factor 3: Operating and Financing Decisions Risk, or the variability of returns, also results
from decisions made within the company. Risk resulting from these decisions is generally
divided into two types: business risk and financial risk. Business risk is the variability in
returns on assets and is affected by the company’s investment decisions. Financial risk is the
increased variability in returns to common stockholders as a result of financing with debt or
preferred stock. As business risk and financial risk increase or decrease, the investor’s
required rate of return (and the cost of capital) will move in the same direction.

Factor 4: Amount of Financing The last factor determining the corporation’s cost of funds is
the level of financing that the firm requires. As the financing requirements of the firm
become larger, the weighted cost of capital increases for several reasons. For instance, as
more securities are issued, additional flotation costs, or the cost incurred by the firm from
issuing securities, will affect the percentage cost of the funds to the firm. Also, as
management approaches the market for large amounts of capital relative to the firm’s size,
the investors’ required rate of return may rise. Suppliers of capital become hesitant to grant
relatively large sums without evidence of management’s capability to absorb this capital into
the business. This is typically “too much too soon”. Also, as the size of the issue increases,
there is greater difficulty in placing it in the market without reducing the price of the security,
which also increases the firm’s cost of capital.

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