Seating (Spread Out As Much As Possible) : Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

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Seating (spread out as much as possible)

2m 2m

Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

EIT Covid-19 handling for teaching (may be
updated at any time)
1. The baseline is that teaching is conducted online.
2. Some teaching and examination can take place on campus.
a) Year 1 is prioritized for all programs.
b) Some additional teaching may occur to a limited extent.
c) All campus-based activities are preceded by a risk assessment, which must be approved by the
head of department.
3. The recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Sweden must be followed.
a) Stay home for symptoms, even mild colds.
b) Wash your hands, thoroughly and often.
c) Keep the distances, at least 1.5 meters between individuals.
d) In booked rooms no more than half of the number of students the room is intended for.
e) No gatherings with more than 50 people.
4. The teaching premises are adapted to accommodate no more than half of normal capacity. In some
rooms every other chair is removed, in others every other chair is marked as unavailable.
5. In situations where students sit opposite each other and the furniture cannot be changed, screens of
plexiglass or wood are set up.
6. Teaching situations are adapted so that distance can normally be maintained. In lab situations, this may
mean that only one student sits at each lab setup, which does not prevent students from talking and
collaborating with each other.
7. In some rooms, the teaching assistant can set up a reception table with a separating plexiglass sheet,
where students can come with their questions instead of the teaching assistant moving in the room.

2 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

EIT Covid-19 handling for teaching (may be
updated at any time)
8. In some rooms, the teaching assistant can set up a reception table with a separating
plexiglass sheet, where students can come with their questions instead of the teaching
assistant moving in the room.
9. In situations where distance cannot be guaranteed to be maintained, such as lab
supervision, certain practice teaching, collaborations between students, etc., face masks
are to be used by everyone in the room. The department supplies disposable masks in the
affected premises, students and employees are welcome to use their own when available.
10. Disposable gloves, disinfectant wipes, and disinfectant sprays are available in lab areas.
11. Students are advised to bring their own keyboard and mouse (USB connectors).
12. Hand wash with soap is available in toilet areas that are well available in the building.
13. Hand disinfectant is provided in the department's teaching rooms as a complement to soap.
14. In rooms with two doors, one is marked as the entrance and the other as the exit.
15. Corridors and stairs are divided into files with a recommended direction of travel where
feasible. Marking with tape or decals.
16. The student flow within the department's premises is directed if possible so that passage in
front of office doors is minimized.

The head of department ask all students and personnel to follow these
guidelines. Students who do not follow the guidelines may be dismissed
from the teaching activity. The guidelines may be updated at any time.

3 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

EITF35 Covid-19 handling

1. It is OK for me if you want to have personal protection (face masks, gloves) in the lecture

2. Let me know if you are sick (or other reasons) that cannot attend lectures or lab sessions.
We can discuss how to perform the teaching and learning in special cases. Important to
communicate with me as EARLY as possible

3. Always email and book a meeting with teachers and TAs before going to them directly.
(use email subject: EITF35_2020_StudentName)

4. Zoom meeting and remote supervision will be the main method

5. Give feedbacks. Both teachers and students are new for this situation. Let’s improve

4 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

EITF35: Introduction to Structured
VLSI Design
Part1.1.1: Course Introduction

Liang Liu

5 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Course Factor

 Introduction to Structured VLSI (very large-scale

integration) Design (7.5HP)

Digital IC This Course

6 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Lego building

 Build two identical houses

 ~3 min plan & discuss
 30 sec build

Digital IC This Course

7 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Fast Rubik’s Cube

8 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Structured design

 Know the basic building blocks

 Plan, know your design before coding
 Design flow
 Hierarchic design, modules, IPs….
 Verification
 Design trade-offs, complexity, quality, time-to-
 ”Good enough” is the ”best” enginering
 Teamwork

9 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020


 Course Objective
 Teachers
 Lectures and Labs
 Language, Tools, Device
 Assignments
 Examination
 What’s next

10 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Course Objective

 To introduce the basic concept and knowledge on

digital VLSI realization
• Basic function blocks of a large digital system: controller (state
machines), data-paths, storage elements
• Optimization techniques for area, speed, and power
 To provide the basic VHDL knowledge, design flow
and (FPGA) tool training
 To provide hand-on digital VLSI design experience
• Fast prototyping several assignments and projects on
commercial FPGA platform

11 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

• Liang Liu, Associate Professor
• Email:
• Room: E2342
• Homepage:

12 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

• Liang Liu, Associate Professor
• Email:
• Room: E2342
• Homepage:
Teaching Assistants
• Jesus Rodriguez
• Lucas Ferreira
• Mohammad Attari
• Arturo Prieto
• Masoud Nouripayam
• Ilayda Yaman

13 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Book Recommendation
RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL
• Coding for Efficiency, Portability, and Scalability, Pong P.
FPGA Prototyping by VHDL Examples
• Xilinx Spartan-3 Version, Pong P. CHU

Lund University Library

Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020
Course Content & Schedule
 Overview
 Controller
Memory  Data-Path
Control • Combinational
FSM • Sequential

ALU ALU circuits
• Storage
Test Vector  Test &
Concept &Theory
VHDL Knowledge  Design
Assignment & Project Optimization

15 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Guest Lecturers (?)

Guest Lecturers from Academia

• Liesbet Van der Perre, Professor, KU
Leuven and Ulund
• Erik Larsson, Professor, EIT, on
Design for test

Invited Lecturers from Industry

• Torsten Larsson, Digital Hardware IP,
Ericsson Lund
• Stefan Lundberg, Expert Technologies
Engineer, Axis

16 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Lectures and Labs
 Lectures (10)
• Monday: 13:15-15:00
• Tuesday: 13:15-15:00
• Room E:B
• In the 1st Week an extra lecture will be given for Friday at 13:15, room E:A
 Labs E:4121 GroupA, GroupB, GroupC, GroupD
• Will present the assignments before the lab
• Each time slot will have 2TAs helping with lab for 1 hour or more
• TA supervision will be remote control or at the receiption desk (with 2m
 You can only go to the time slot you have signed up for (very strict
control on the # of people in the room)
 You can bring your own keyboard and mouse
 You need to sign up for the lab before you can get access
• Regisit as team of 2 students, but should not seat closely together (not
easy to cooperate ”remotely”)

Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Lab Layout (max 10 students in the lab room)

1 3 5 7 9 T

2 4 6 8 1 T
0 A

Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Language, Tools, Device
• VHDL (Verilog) will be used to develop the circuits
• Xilinx Vivado
• XILINX Nexys 4

19 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

To pass the course, 3 assignments need to get
• Sequence Detector
 Simulation

• Keyboard Controller
 FPGA implementation

• Alrithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

 FPGA implementation

Assignments approved in time will result in grade 3

20 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Assignments cont’d
Extra projects are required
to get grade 4 /5
• FPGA implementation (4)
➢ ALU with input memory
➢ ALU output on VGA
• Advanced arithmetic funtion in
the ALU (5)
➢ CORDIC (for Coordinate
Rotation DIgital Computer)
➢ Area/timing
• Open Project (4 & 5)
➢ Convolutional Neural network

21 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020


Before the lab

All assignments must be prepared

Without preparation you are NOT allowed to continue
the lab

22 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Examination cont’d
Design Approval

All assignments must be demonstrated to the TA's to

get approved before deadline
Students need to demonstrate their understanding of
the assignment to get it approved
Graded as a team, but individual grading may be applied
if an ”unbalance” is discovered
• Both team members need to be present at design approval
• Oral test will be given to BOTH team members

23 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Examination cont’d (deadlines)

Before This year

• Assignment 1 • Assignment 1
 Deadline 1 • Assingment 2
• Assingment 2 ...
 Deadline 2 • Assingment 5
• Assingment 5 • Deadline: Friday Oct,
 Deadline 5 23rd 17.00

24 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Examination cont’d

Very strict check during project approval

• Application of learned knowledge
• Good HDL coding style
• Understanding of circuits and timing
• Check list (but not limited to) for each Lab
• Report needed for Lab 4 & 5 (good document for all the
• ...

25 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Examination cont’d

Assignment on Canvas

Late course sign-up:

26 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Next Step (see the big picture)

What can we do after finishing this course?

27 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Digital Path

Introduction EITN45
to Structured DSP Design
VLSI Design
Digital IC Computer
Design Architecture

28 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Digital Path

Chenxin Zhang

DSP Design
Intro. VLSI IC Project PHD MediaTek Ericsson
(mouse Comp. Arc. (Processor (Processor (5G/6G
control) (MIPS for 4G) for 4/5G) Processor)

29 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Projects and Thesis (industry)

30 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Mistbase: low-power IoT chip

31 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

The acquisition

Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Research at EIT
 Leading 5G and beyond research

50 kintex-7 FPGA

33 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Research at EIT
 Leading 6G research

34 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Research at EIT
 AI & Autonomous Vechicles

Delivery Agricultural Support Mapping

35 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Research at EIT
 AI & Autonomous Vechicles

36 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Projects and Thesis
(Other Deartments of Lund University)
Chemical Physics: Ultra-fast laser measurement

CERN: Implementation of readout system for a

prototype detector in particle physics

ESS: Particle simulation on hybrid computing platform

37 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020


38 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

Other Opportunities

International Conference and Journal

39 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020


40 Lund University / EITF35/ Liang Liu 2020

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