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W O R K B O O K 

Phone : +91 7760431980 ​|​ Email : i​​ |​ ​ Website :
Pick out an area in your life which you think is not working well or you would 
like to work towards? 
​[Ex : Playing a sport | Eating | Money | Sex , Relationship Etc] 
Stand somewhere with at least six feet of empty space in front of you. Some people like to write out 
the names of each category on piece of paper and lay them out on the floor like a series of stepping 
stones (particularly useful if you are doing the exercise on your own or for the first time). 
Walk along the logical levels starting from the environment and walk up to goal level 
Step into the first space marked ‘Environment’. Answer the following questions (and any 
others that seem relevant): 
Check whether your environment supports you in the fulfilment of your purpose. 
Your environment consists of your surroundings , people , tools etc 
Where are you when you engage in this area of your life? 
What are the things in the environment that support you? 
What are the things in your environment that don't support you? 
Can you influence the things which don't support you? What can you do about this 
Out of the things in the environment which don't support you - what are the things which are 
out of your control - What can you do about this 
Behaviours : 
Step into the second space, marked ‘Behaviour’. Answer the following questions (and any 
others that seem relevant): 
If someone was watching you on a video, what would they see you do?  
What are your behaviours which support you in the pursuit of your goals? 
What are your behaviours which stop you from progressing towards your goals? 
What can you do about the behaviours which stop you from progressing towards your goals? 
Now, step into the third space, marked ‘Strategies'. 
Mention the skills that you already have to achieve your goals 
Mention the skills which you require to achieve your goals 
What can you do about the skills which you do not possess. 

Phone : +91 7760431980 ​|​ Email : i​​ |​ ​ Website :
Next, step into the space marked ‘Beliefs and Values’. 
Why is the goal important to you? 
What core values are being satisfied with your goals? 
What are you current beliefs which support you in achieving your goals? 
What are your current beliefs which stop you from achieving your goals? 
Take a step forward into the space marked ‘Identity’. 
Create a person who can achieve the goal ? 
How will you become that person? 
Who are you now? 
What is your Goal 
You have walked to your goal and achieved your goal? 
Now turn back and see the things that you need to correct at each level? 

Phone : +91 7760431980 ​|​ Email : i​​ |​ ​ Website :

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