WIPO - AIP-FIIT General Presentation + New Organisation

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AIP/FIIIT Pilot Project


In Partnership with:



Each person is a universe, and within many of these universes are key
solutions for hindrances, challenges, calls for innovation being currently
experienced by many institutions. Trust, Transparency and Fair Business
lack between them, as currently there are no methods of proving ones’
contributions and rewarding accordingly in such kind of exchanges.
Result: Everyone loses. How to solve these issues and fill these gaps,
while forging robust methods of Applied Intellectual Property Identification,
Value Assessment, Protection, and Trade, is the main focus of this project.


This Project introduces ​Applied Intellectual Property​ as a ​new category of I.P.

registered, tracked and protected by ​WIPO and its​ ​Partners​. It intends to
establish a new organisation ​for that end, something like a​ World Applied
Intellectual Property Organization.
First​ will be the ​pilot part​, happening ​within the year of 2019​. It comprises the
elaboration of ​beta version of App, beta version of smart contract, executing
the hackathons, compiling materials, implementing the App at the
Proposing Institutions, testing the interfaces, author-institution relations,
token impact evaluation, token value calculation, payments.

Second chapter​ will ​apply the improved version​ of the methods used in the
first phase in other countries, while ​continuously improving its methodology,
legal framework and digital infrastructure simultaneously​. It will also see
further opening​ in the ​range of people and legal entities​ who will have access
to the usage of platform, by ​negotiating and “recruiting” more companies​,
institutions​ and “potential ​AIPFIT authors​” to accept to use the App within their
organization’s works. ​AIPFIT Marketplace​ can either be launched on the second
or third chapter (whenever it is ready).

Third chapter​ of the project will comprise the launch of a campaign for
Companies, Organizations and Governments to adopt the now matured
WIPO/AIPFIIIT Smart Contract System, and allocate their resources towards
being part of an innovation and result-driven wave of new practices.


Applied Intellectual Property (AIP)

Identifiable, indexable ​quanta of information​ produced by ​3rd party groups and/or
individuals​, through reasoning and intellect, as the result of knowledge and skills
gathered through life and applied to ​current workings of existing institutions​, that
contribute to better performance​ in one or more sectors within their
organizational/operational structure.

Types of ​AIP​: Requested Support & Offered Support. ​Requested Support​ happens
when ​Proposing Institutions present topics​ to be worked on beforehand. ​Offered
Support​ happens when the initiative for contributions regards ​topics not covered by
the request​. It can ​also happen independently​ from the AIPFIIIT Project, by anyone
with an ​AIPFIIIT account in the app, using its AIPFIIIT features​.

AIP Impact Tracking (AIPIT)

The service of tracking the impact of analysed contributions​ made by a specific
author once they’ve been accepted for ​preliminary analysis​. The ​author’s AIP
signature​ is ​registered,​ and starts its ​trackable history​. ​A token is generated and
its value calculated according to impacts produced.

AIP Future Investments (AIPFI)

The very action of spending time researching and developing proposals for ​relevant
contributions​ towards ​requested support, ​and of doing the same through ​WIPO
AIPFIIIT APP procedures.

AIP Future Investment Tokens (AIPFIT)

Credit Units​ with ​performance-based value​ definition, updated on quarterly basis,

calculated on transparent and thorough assessment of its degree of influence in
generating improved indicators​, and ​the monetary value translation​ of the


This Project introduces ​Applied Intellectual Property​ as a ​new category

of I.P.​ registered, tracked and protected by WIPO and its ​Partner
Institutions​. It intends to ​establish a new organisation ​for that end,
something like a​ World Applied Intellectual Property Organization (with
a different name perhaps, if WIPO disagree. Such Organisation will
act as a worldwide facilitator for AIP protection and trading, and for
mission-driven, results-based employment smart contracts.

Proposing Institutions ​- ​Large Companies​ (SBB-CFF, Nestle, Mastercard Center for

Inclusive Growth, IBM, etc); ​Governments​ (Swiss Innovation Fund, State Secretariat for
Migration, etc), ​Organizations​ (IOM, UNDP, etc), ​Startups​ (Ztudium, Dragonbloc, etc.) ​Private

Venues for Pilot Phase

EPFL, UniFri, UniMail, International School of Geneva

Main objectives of the Pilot Phase

1- ​To ​test​ the ​relevance, potential and feasibility​ of ​introducing​ the category of
Applied Intellectual Property​ as a means of assessing, nourishing and enabling
intellectual capital present in people's minds (students in this case) to contribute to
existing processes within Public and Private sectors, being fairly appreciated and
rewarded for however they factually contribute.

2- The ​instrument​ to be used will be an ​app​ that should allow for one’s ​IP Tracking,
Value Assessment and Trade​. Each contribution made is registered and starts as a
latent seed. It becomes a ​Creative Commons registration ​when it’s ​accepted for
preliminary analysis​, becomes ​a token​ when it’s ​directed to feasibility evaluation​;
the ​number of tokens​ of a contribution will be ​equal to the number of institutions
that took up one’s contributions for ​feasibility evaluation​. That token will ​change in
value​ according to the contribution’s ​results​ within the proposing institution(s),
specifically its ​measurable, verifiable indicators, cumulative over time​. Some
institutions may also allow for their employees to to opt for having a similar IPI Tracker

3- To elaborate further views on how can Intellectual Property, and Applied Intellectual
Property be better​:

● Defined –​ knowledge and technology keep expanding, and so the different ways they’re
used, and so too the shapes Intellectual Property take. How to better define individual
and collective IP in an ever-changing world?

● Identified –​ In Big Data and Open Source times, what is truly one’s exclusive
contribution, that was not born of many others’ contributions? Therefore to define
authorship and applicability range becomes a challenge needed to be faced and

● Utilised –​ Timing is of utmost importance when it comes to either large institutions such
as multinational corporations, national utility services, and governments; it is also of
utmost importance for Startups for their survival and growth in a competitive market.
Applied Intellectual Property Future Investments find its great value in the capacity to
deliver solution to an institution’s most pressing current challenges.

● Tracked (its impact) ​– How to truly measure the impact of a contribution made? What
verifiable indicators can be used as criteria,

● Evaluated- ​Results may also vary along time, and a solution may become a bigger
problem with time. Long lasting stable solutions would have more aggregated value with
time than solutions that work for just a while – its token keep increasing in value​.

● Rewarded ​what is the rate of reward? What kind of reward will be offered?

● Protected ​Privacy and personal data flow management is under the authority of the

For Investing Companies​ – Receive relevant advice on how to improve the Company’s
indicators. Opportunities for alliances and partnerships, growth. Improve Stakeholder relations
and rewarding methods. Develop new methods of smart contracts for employment in formats
more compatible with Industry 4.0
For Swiss Innovation Fund ​– Receive relevant insight on Government Policies, nourish the
improvement of IP protection systems, nourish the professional life of Swiss Students, promote
better practices and better results among Swiss Large Companies and Startups.

For Swiss Impact Investment Association​ – Access to valuable info on Impact Investment
opportunities, on possible attractive data from the campaign, and on possible new enterprises
and/or on execution of large companies’ new policies resulted from the campaign. Also insight
into the individual and collective potential among students and groups of students in the
different Universities.

For the Universities ​– To nourish the academic and professional life of their students, as well
as facilitate the promotion of efforts towards better intellectual property protection, very
important for the Academic World.

For students​ – opportunity to practice and learn further about the subject matters being
studied, to get in touch with current challenges faced by most relevant institutions, to contribute
to better government and corporate policies, and to have one’s own Intellectual Wealth invested
as IPFI (Intellectual Property Future Investments), that will be tracked in its influence as it
touches different departments of those institutions.

Areas of studies most

Contributions kin to produce
table Definition impacting results
Cost Cuts in Engineering, Business
Operational Solutions that prove viable reduction of costs, being efficient, Administration (B.A.),
Chain innovative and unique in its approach Economics
Engineering, Business
Enhanced Contributions to productivity enhancement that was not Administration (B.A.),
Productivity previously proposed by anyone else within proposing institution Economics
Company’s Economics, B.A.,
business Information
expansion, Strategies that enable a company to expand. Production line, Technology (I.T.),
product liquidity entering new market niches, product or brand’s liquidity Marketing
Law, Sociology,
Political Science
More Efficient Advices in regards to policies that are taken up by (P.S.), International
Government’s Governments and generate positive indicators w/ cost Relations (I.R.),
Policies efficiency Economics
Business New Practices and/or technologies suggested are taken up Engineering,I.T. , B.A.,
Innovation and allow for companies/ startups to reach a new level Marketing
Administrative Solutions to existing challenges and crossroads faced by Accountancy, B.A.,
Solutions proposing institutions that prove to be working alternatives Law
Increased ESG-compliance in economically attractive ways,
ESG- born from Hackathon Data(HD) proves the IP behind it to be
Compliance in valuable. Its consumer market reaction rates could become Economics, I.T., Law,
the supply chain reason for rewards B.A.
Undocumented migration disturbs greatly a Nation’s finances,
public administration policies and national security. Advices
towards tackling these challenges that enable a country to Sociology, P.S.,
Solutions on mitigate those negative impacts and generate positive ones, Occupational Therapy,
Immigration become very valuable I.P. I.R., Economics
War-torn countries and conflict zones need vast amounts of
helpful contributions to return to or conquer normality, stable
economy and continuous overall progress. Such contributions,
Solutions on when ideasied by someone in a hackathon, transformed into
conflict practice by the UNSC, UNGA, IMF, World Bank and Public as
resolution well as Private sectors, becomes AIPFIT P.S., Sociology, I.R.

General Outline of Methodology

● Promote hackathons​ wherein students engage in solution-finding on topics presented

by proposed institutions; test AIP registration methods; relationship between authors and
proposing institutions; implement beta version of app.
● Evaluate​ average performance of students during hackathons
● Track verifiable indicators​ of contributions by each group and member of the
● Notify and inform​ participants of their IP contributions through the IPIT-IPFI App.
● Assess​ the difficulties during execution process, suggest ways to further improve
● Identify and Adopt​ key better practices, needed improvements in IP identification and
evaluation within projects reports.
● Address and answer in practice the question​ how can present and future
technologies be of better use for administrative procedures to reward valuable AIP
offered by employees and third party contributors
Steps of execution
AIPFIIIT App design and development

Proposing Institutions formulate topics to be worked on by the students during Hackathons

Proposing​ ​Institutions (Private Companies, Government, NGOs, Startups)​ propose topics

to be worked on according to
a) current situations they face, or
b) directions they are taking in terms of future strategic plans

Hackathons -Groups of students​ take up the task of examining the topics proposed, applying
their knowledge, intellectual and research capabilities to work on finding ways to ​contribute at
their level best, however they can​.

Hackathons​ in Swiss Schools and Universities. Students will hack the subject matters
proposed, before cameras and voice recorders, and produce several reports along each
hackathon. Each one’s ​materials​ will then be ​separated into data slots​ containing ​video,
audio, written and any other relevant material​, which will be then ​handled to the student
first​, and ​with his/her permission thereafter​, we will handle what ​students have selected to
be shared​ to the ​proposing institution​.

Proposing Institutions do initial curation of the students’ proposals. Proposals that are
taken in for analysis receive I.P. Tracking Code. The chosen proposals, now equipped
with IPTC,​ are then first compared to existing works within the company, possible previous staff
reports on similar or same subjects; then, it’s decided whether it will proceed towards a
preliminary feasibility study. All the developments from then on related to the IPFIT will
be notified to its author, ​and the Proposing Institution may invite him/her to participate already
from the ​Feasibility Studies Phase​. If so, the ​Author ​will most likely be offered to provide paid
consultancy services or other forms of professional/business relationships by the ​Proposing

For the ​students​, as authors of proposals that are taken for analysis, the ​minimum return​ is
recognition through Creative Commons by mentioning their names​. Possible rewards may
come up to ​sizeable amounts of cash​, or ​vouchers for a company’s products and/or

Proposing Institutions​ form work groups to develop specific IPFFIT that prove to be worthy
investing on, composed of both members of its staff and members of the contributing group.
Works are done together, further developing what was proposed. Or, the ​Proposing Institution
decide to develop it further by itself. Either way the ​IPIT​ and ​IPFIT​ will be both active, and info,
notifications on the developments made from it will be reported transparently by the ​Proposing

Tracking continues ​and authors (students in this case) can keep themselves up to date with
the ​latest impacts their contributions made​. Also they may, if they decide so, ​have their
AIPFIT public or open for views to specific groups,​ with the amount of access to details they
choose to make available to each audience.

Project reports are made to ​WIPO​ in regards to conclusions withdrawn from its execution,
suggestions on strategic directions, methodology changes and others, pertaining to the subject,
both from the team and from feedbacks from participants are also delivered attached to the

Replicate improved versions of the same project in other countries such as Russia,
Mexico, Kuala Lumpur.
8- Launch the Organisation (No name defined yet)




1. The current organization that does the IP protection work (​WIPO​) has a ​non-profit
status​, which ​disqualifies it​ for ​having a profit-generating enterprise​, while the
infrastructure​ that will provide ​operational capacity​ for Applied Intellectual Property
protection ​must be​ one of a ​paid service-provider nature​, in order to achieve
optimum efficiency​.
2. The ​immense amount and variety​ of Applied Intellectual Property that ​can and must
come under this IP protection dome ​demands a separate institution to run it, as in ​its
workings it will differ greatly​ from the ​day-to-day activities of the rest of WIPO​.
3. WIPO​ is a ​very bureaucratic institution​, which does not provide for ​speed of action
and ​flexible dynamics​, ​organizational reconfigurations​ and so many other actions
that would be required so to ​adapt it ​to be able to e​ fficiently run​ something like an
Applied Intellectual Property wing​.

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