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This paper reports the result of focus group discussion

carried out with the researchers as its main respondents to give
a justifiable conclusion and findings about the three literary
works of the Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. The
themes highlight the legacy he has left in the Philippines which
inspires Filipinos especially the youths. The researchers will
examine A La Juventud Filipina (To the Philippine Youth), Por La
Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria (Through Education is the
Nation Glorified), and Alianza Intima Entre La Religion Y La
Educacion (The Intimate Alliance between Religion and Education)
to know how is it relevant to Philippine youths which he has said
is the hope of the motherland. This paper concludes with a brief
discussion of the impact of Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s work to his
countrymen associated with different insights of the focus groups

Dr. Jose P. Rizal is more than a national hero. He serves as
an inspiration of his fellow citizens for he had gave value of
patriotism and did more than enough to be notable not just in the
Philippines but in the world. The aim of this study is to capture
different perceptions of different participants in the literary
works of Rizal namely: A La Juventud Filipina (To the Philippine
Youth), Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria (Through
Education is the Nation Glorified), and Alianza Intima Entre La
Religion Y La Educacion (The Intimate Alliance Between Religion
and Education). This study will be of interest to nationalists,
analysts and anyone who has interest on studying works of Rizal.
The researchers aim to use this information to further drive the
interest of Filipino youths in understanding the rationale of

Examining the literary works of Rizal is important for a

number of reason. Firstly, the contents of his works encompasses
several lessons about history. It is vital to understand more
fully what has happened in the past for it will help in
inculcating the patriotism of the countrymen. Secondly, his
writings seeks to redictate the lives of youth for the epitomes
of sovereignty and nationalism, for which our heroes lived and
died. Thirdly, our national hero devout his life and works in
shaping the Filipino character and the least we can do is to pay
tribute for everything that he has done for us. Lastly, through
studying Rizal’s works and writings, Filipino will gain an
inspiring source of nationalism which is necessary in giving high
hopes to our mother land.

This research is qualitative in nature with focus group

discussion as its design. Exploring the literary works of Rizal
through the medium of focus group discussion means that the
writings can be understood deeper.

This carries important data on the data on the methodology and
procedures that are thorough and in-depth harness will be done by
the researcher.

The focus group method was chosen as a method of conducting
this qualitative reseach. This aims to have spontaneous
interactions and informal discussions that allows researchers to
understand how the literary works of Rizal affects the mindset of
the youths.
According to Baral (2016), a focus group discussion involves
gathering people from similar backgrounds or experiences together
to discuss a specific topic of interest. It is a form of
qualitative research where questions are asked about their
perceptions attitudes, beliefs, opinion or ideas. In focus group
discussion participants are free to talk with group members. The
three literary works of Rizal namely: A La Juventud Filipina (To
the Philippine Youth), Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria
(Through Education is the Nation Glorified), and Alianza Intima
Entre La Religion Y La Educacion (The Intimate Alliance Between
Religion and Education) will be discussed to point out the
essence of each works to the Filipino youths.
Data Collection
This study is free and open discussion among members who has
knowledge about Rizal to generate new ideas about the topic and
will be useful in making conclusions. Researchers will have an
initial discussion about the said topic to have a good
understanding of the subject, problem, or topic to be
investigated. This includes both theoretical knowledge and
practical experience. The researcher, as its main respondents, is
vital in this paper to give a justifiable conclusion and findings
about the three literary works of the Philippine national hero,
Dr. Jose P. Rizal.


This paper reengineered a process of qualitative research about

thematic analysis of Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s literary works. To sum
up, based on the insights drawn on the focus group discussion,
the figure below were formulated.

Filipino Youth

Nation Building

Por La Educacion Alianza Intima

A La Juventud
Recibe Lustre La Entre La Religion
Patria Y La Educacion

Hope of Motherland Religion

Youths in the Past Education

Youths at Present

Youth in the Future

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