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colo tia clade Cte mee FOR CONSTRUCTION SITES ‘The Site in Charge / Project Manager of the site has a key role in implementation of containment measures at site and need to be fully involved. The guidelines for precautions to be implemented at construction sites are as below. ‘Attendance Recording {Stop Biome ingr print recording wherein fore. Face recognition othe muster book systems to be used Personal Hygiene and Site Practices 1B Ant point the sts should havea cleaning station nthe vicinty where adequate soap solutions made aval. Al personnal are adised to ‘wash ther hand thoroughly for about 20 seconds ding the folowing: On entry to ste vancement and at and of Tea breaks. sancement and tend of Lunch breaks Before exiting te ste Enooutage personneto bring hr un unch and avoid eating out Avid cronng together a Tea and Lunch breaks ‘void personal contact including handshake amongst workers and ouside! visors ‘oid cheng pan or spiting when at the ste Do nat handover one's mobile phone to another person colleague fois her se “The salty Ofer orn his absenes the Sitin Charge is he Coordinator fr COVIDconainment and may be contacted for support nd guidance in ‘his mate. He wil also formuble Emergency Response Measures in consultation wth he Stein Charge Ensure thal one doesnot oto ay local hosp for check up teste I anybody is Sck or suspected tobe Sck with COVID 18 symotoms, please

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