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<Fruitful Life> Quality Assurance Report

Agency Name
Guiding Light Ltd Pty.

Project Name
Fruitful Life

Review Interval
June – July, 2019


Contact Information
Sara 0424042728

Project Overview
Fruitful Life is a project to develop a software system in a University of Ulaanbaatar.
Benefits are: To adapt modern technology and catch up the speed of the worldwide
educational information system.

Current QA Activities

 Application of Technical Methods (Conducting proper methods and tools

developing software)

 Testing of software

 Implementing Formal Technical Review

 Taking control of change (Assessing the need for change, document the change)

 Estimation (Software Metrics to measure the quality, quantifiable)

 Keeping records (Including documentation, review, improvement and so on)

Records of your findings

The program is run on some test cases and results of the program’s performance
are examined to check whether the program operated as expected.

Planned tasks and activities based on your findings

Describe Planned Activities based on your findings,

Other Findings
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 Assessments of quality processes and controls,
 Observations for the Project team and/or executive sponsors and adherence
to quality agreements or other tools.

Recommendation and next quality inspection date

Recommended next quality inspection date is 7th July, 2020

About the Quality Assurance Provider/Vendor


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