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Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar: Falcon, Raven, Snow Lion 09/09/2020, 15)17

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T U E S D AY, M A R C H 1 7 , 2 0 0 9 PA G E S

Falcon, Raven, Snow Lion Home

Quick Guide to Mo Divination
I began this web log when I was traveling, as an aide-memoire for
myself and my traveling companions: a place to store sadhanas, Quick Guide to Lucky Days
snapshots, scraps, snippets, and so forth. Occasionally, I still like to Quick Guide to Geomancy
use it for this original purpose.
Quick Guide to 2009 Astrology
Here is the fast divination technique using a mala. Quick Guide to 2010 Astrology
Quick Guide to 2011 Astrology
You visualize the deity (often Manjushri) and pray one japa of the
mantra. You then hold the mala in your lap, and with each hand grasp Quick Guide to 2012 Astrology
a bead at random. You then count off in threes, moving the hands
Quick Guide to 2013 Astrology
toward each other, until one, two, or three beads remain. You do this
three times. Quick Guide to 2014 Astrology
Quick Guide to 2015 Astrology
Editorial Policy

T R A N S L AT E ᘉ 捌
One remaining bead is called Falcon. If you have a Falcon on your
first round, it indicates support from protectors, luck in new
endeavors, and success in lawsuits. If you have a Falcon on the
second round, this indicates general good luck, with small risk of S E A R C H D I G I TA L A LTA R
misfortune. If you have a Falcon on the third round indicates
expected guests will arrive imminently, or you will have news of Search Page 1 of 9
Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar: Falcon, Raven, Snow Lion 09/09/2020, 15)17



Two beads remaining is called Raven. A Raven on the first round

means little support from the protectors, nothing can be
accomplished, lawsuits will be unsuccessful, and enemies have the Fly the Namkhyen Gyaldar
upper hand. A Raven on the second round indicates serious illness and
a decline in force. Things will be lost or stolen. A Raven on the third
round indicates bad luck for travelers, and sicknesses will not be
Padmasambhava in America
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Buddhist Literary Heritage
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Tsadra Foundation
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Kagyu Prayer Services
Who Is Tenpa?
Three beads remaining is called Snow Lion. A Snow Lion on the first D'sala Net
round indicates middling support from the protectors, slow For the Nose
accomplishment, and weak enemies. This is generally a neutral
result. A Snow Lion on the second round indicates dangers to health Hong Kong Rabbit Society Page 2 of 9
Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar: Falcon, Raven, Snow Lion 09/09/2020, 15)17

that could nevertheless be resolved. Things lost or stolen can be Tang Dynasty Times
found. A Snow Lion on the third round indicates late arrival for
travellers, and some difficulty finding the right treatment for illness. Russian Buddhism
Nyingmapa School
Mindrolling Trichen XI
Dudjom Rinpoche
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Dodrupchen Rinpoche IV
Bean said... Chatral Rinpoche

Before doing Mo divinations for others, shouldn't one obtain a Trulshig Rinpoche
Manjushri empowerment? Otherwise is it unwise to give such Ogyen Tulku IX
readings? Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

M ON D AY, AU G U ST 1 6 , 2 0 1 0 AT 1 0 : 2 7 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 8 Gyalwa Karmapa XVII

Shambhala Organization

Tim said... Don Croner

Radio Free Shambhala
You mentioned doing this 3 times. If you get different result
each of the time, how do you interpret the results then? Sakya Trizin XLI
Dalai Lama XIV
TU ESD AY, SEPTEM BER 2 1 , 2 0 1 0 AT 1 : 2 5 : 0 0 AM
G M T+ 8 Urgyen Tulku
Gyatrul Rinpoche

Anonymous said... Lama Lodru

The "Two Khenpos"
Please, what is a japa?
Buddhist Art News
108 mantras?
Radio Free Asia
In the movie "Unmistaken Chid", Geshe Tenzin Zopa makes Asian Classics
this practice? Berzin Archives
Buddhist Channel
First class blog, thank you. Dr. Joseph Rock
S UN DAY, OCTOBER 24, 2010 AT 1 0 : 5 5 : 0 0 PM G M T + 8 Lotsawa House
Bernard (ben) Tremblay said...

For the benefit of all sentient beings I hope you will respond Tibet Blog, American Version
to replies. Tibet Blog, Chinese Version
Tibet's Reality
Mangalam! Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
Karma Chöpal Tibetan Heritage Fund
FRIDAY, FEBRU ARY 4 , 2 0 1 1 AT 1 2 :2 5 :0 0 PM GM T+ 8 Tibetan Maps
Early Tibet
mihnea said... Thor bu Curiosia
The first round seems to be about support from protectors, Tibeto-logic
the second about illness and well being, and the third about Tibetan Medicine
travelers and their well being. Page 3 of 9
Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar: Falcon, Raven, Snow Lion 09/09/2020, 15)17


If you get a different result each time, then you interpret ► 2016 (3)
them according to the instructions above. For example, if you
► 2015 (36)
get a snow lion first time, a falcon second time, and a raven
► 2014 (15)
third time, then the interpretation is:
► 2013 (24)
snow lion first time = "middling support from the protectors, ► 2012 (129)
slow accomplishment, and weak enemies"
► 2011 (88)

falcon second time = "general good luck, with small risk of ► 2010 (424)
misfortune" ▼ 2009 (883)
► Dec 2009 (75)
raven third time = "bad luck for travelers, and sicknesses will
► Nov 2009 (91)
not be cured"
► Oct 2009 (91)
W ED N ES D AY, JU N E 1 , 2 0 1 1 AT 7 : 4 6 : 0 0 PM G M T+ 8
► Sep 2009 (80)

Tinman said... ► Aug 2009 (75)

► Jul 2009 (89)
@ Tim
► Jun 2009 (101)
Mala divination is especially good for travel... and every ► May 2009 (85)
journey has a beginning, middle and an end, right? The three
► Apr 2009 (80)
"draws" form a trajectory; a beginning, a middle and an end
to the issue. ▼ Mar 2009 (75)
Ninth Ogyen Tulku's New
A "japa" is generally one round of 108 mantra. Or, 111 in the Booklet for Free Download
case of wrathful mantra, or whatever is most beneficial to A Personal Anniversary
your practice. The exact number isn't essential. The point is
Latest Advice from Namdroling
to get your self out of the way so that your ego will not color Monastery: Death of ...
the response or its interpretation. Manjushri is good for this.
Salute to the Best Man in Spain

Tashi delek! Your Enemy Is Your Friend

Dorje Gonpo Misfortunes
W ED N ES D AY, A U G U S T 3 , 2 0 1 1 AT 2 : 0 3 : 0 0 A M G M T+ 8 Formal Announcement: Death
of Penor Rinpoche
viswanadh said... Advice of Gyang Khang Tulku at
well i saw a falcon in my home this evening dec 14 2011,at 7 Death of Penor Rinp...
pm is any thing wrong in tht one or its a sign of the luck as u Nagas Have Long Memories
mentioned above plz send me a reply regarding this iam PENOR RINPOCHE DIES
confused and bit scared and the falcon is multicolour biscuit
Prominent Tulkus Rush to Aid
and white and black .. and iam from india and my mail adress
Stricken Penor Rinpoche
Riwo Sangcho, Complete Text,
W ED N ES D AY, D EC EM B ER 1 4 , 2 0 1 1 AT 9 : 4 0 : 0 0 PM
for Penor Rinpoche
G M T+ 8
H.H. Penor Rinpoche Page 4 of 9
Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar: Falcon, Raven, Snow Lion 09/09/2020, 15)17

Anonymous said... Hospitalized in Intensive

Hello, if anyone is still out there. I have been following this
link for some time with no activity for about a year. Any Prayer for Swift Rebirth of H.H.
ideas? Regarding the japa.... Kusum Lingpa (Lam...
Penor Rinpoche Hospitalized
Tibet Bids Farewell to
TU ESD AY, D EC EM BER 2 0 , 2 0 1 1 AT 9 : 1 3 : 0 0 AM G M T+ 8 Lamasang
Tens of Thousands Pay Respects
Anonymous said... to Kusum Lingpa
Thank you. What is the origin of this instruction? It seems Lama Sang's Relics (Death of
incomplete though and leaves out questions such as : What Kusum Lingpa)
does the numbers " 4 " or " 0 " signify? Under My Umbrella, 'Ella, 'Ella,
Thanks again 'A, 'A
TU ESD AY, D EC EM BER 2 3 , 2 0 1 4 AT 1 1 : 3 3 : 0 0 PM Buddhist Literary Heritage
G M T+ 8 Project
Tibetan Feng Shui
Unknown said...
Great Perfection Prayer of
You are exactly right...a lot of westerners don't follow the Kuntuzangpo
same path that the buddhists really need to be
Somebody Please Fix the
initiated in the proper lineage.
Tibetan Calendar
FRIDAY, APRIL 2 8 , 2 0 1 7 AT 1 0 :3 7 :0 0 AM GM T+ 8
Acid River: Updated
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Blood Red and Saffron
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World's Largest Mani?
Falcon, Raven, Snow Lion
Natural Altars, Natural
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First Photos of Dzongsar
Khyentse After Surgery
Karmapa's Art
Dzongsar Khyentse's Keynote
Address at Translation...
Thoughts on the Two-Headed
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Monastery ᬡࠈ੓
Visions of Pemakod Page 5 of 9
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The Town of Evil Turtles

Still More Signatures Needed
for Translator's Conf...
More Signatures Needed for
Lotsawa Petition
Dodrupchen Rinpoche's Building
Today Is Garab Dorje's Birthday
Text of Sakya Trizin's Letter to
Dzongsar Khyentse
Dharma Translation
Conference: News Release
The Lotsawa's Conference:
Signatures Needed
All Sentient Beings Wish for
Today Is Marpa's Anniversary
The "Dogshit In Brocade" Poem
Today is Milarepa's Anniversary
Chotrul Duchen: What to Do for
Ten Million Day
Complete Text of Dalai Lama's
Statement on 50th An...
Tibet "Hell on Earth:" Dalai
Raise the Gyaltsen (Gyaltsen
The Lost Stupa of Albuquerque
Naga Days, and Ways
Kilung Monastery of East Tibet:
Fly the Flag
Cambodian Dreams
108 Stupas at Qingtong Gorge
Prayer Wheel Design and
H.H. Kusum Lingpa Dies: Text of Page 6 of 9
Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar: Falcon, Raven, Snow Lion 09/09/2020, 15)17

Hung Kar Dorje's A...

Death of Kusum Lingpa
U.S. Senate Seeks Tibetan
First Public Stupa in America
Prayer for the Long Life of
Dodrupchen Rinpoche
Tibetan Altar, Tibetan Shrine,
Tibetan Choshom
Worldwide Trade in Stolen
Tibetan Manuscripts
Travellers and Magicians
This "Rinpoche" Business
Kalu Rinpoche's Anniversary
Remembering Gonpo Tsetan:
Buddha's Skull Found in China?
Temple of One Million Bottles
Chotrul Duchen, 2009: The
Display of Miracles

► Feb 2009 (40)

► Jan 2009 (1)

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► 2007 (298)
► 2006 (116)

Link for the Blessed Ones Page 7 of 9
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