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M3 Technology: To be or not to be?

Elaborate the following in just two images/visuals with accompanying two-sentence

1. Technological Literacy

Technological literacy helps people in making well-informed choices and helps

them so that they can function more effectively in understanding technology. Being
literate in technology makes people’s lives easier and more efficient by knowing its
advantage and disaadvantage, how it operates, and how to properly put it to good use.

2. Information Overload

Information overload is being overwhelmed by the amount of data being

presented for one’s attention or processing. It reduces our capacity to function
effectiviely which can lead to poor decisions in life.
3. Technological Paradox

Technological paradox means that technology nowadays are changing

dramatically and features are adding up to stay competitive. Just like what Donald
Norman said “The same technology that simplifies life by providing more functions in
each device also complicates life by making the device harder to learn, harder to use.
This is the paradox of technology.”
4. Technostress

Technostress is the stress that people encounter when dealing with new
technologies. People experience technostress when they cannot adopt or cope with the
informations in the technolgy.
5. Technophobia

Technophobia is anxiety or fear of a person of a person related to the effect of

technology especially computers. Because of the fast change in technology nowadays a
lot of people are experiencing technophobia.
6. Technological Accordance

Technology means the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,

especially in industry and accordance means in accordance with a rule, law, wish, etc..
This means that Technological accordance is following the rules given by the

7. Technological Trap
Technological trap happens when users become stuck with technologies and the
harmful consequences produces by these technologies. Technological trap not only
happened physically but also psychologically that affects our health.
8. Technological Quotient

Technological Quotient is also called as TQ. It is our ability to assimilate or adapt

to technology changes by developing and emplying strategies to successfully include
technology in our everyday life.

9. Adversity Quotient

Adversity quotient is also known as AQ. It is the ability to handle adversities well
and who can adapt to drastic changes in management, additionally it is someone who
can stick out in a job in spite of its circumstances.
10. Online Fatigue
Online fatigue is feeling worn out with being online all the time that has to be
endure each day. Because of the works we need to do we should be online all the time
that is what causes fatigue.


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