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Remote Data Monitoring (REFULOG) Portal

 Communication scheme to connect inverter to REFUlog :-

 Communication of REFUsol String inverter using wired

Ethernet connection :-

 Router is used to access internet and send data from inverter

to REFUlog server. The internet Service provider gives a
public static IP for the Router.

 The Router assigns STATIC LOCAL IP (for ego. in

range of up to We can assign any
IP from the available list of static local IP.)

 A switch is used to connect all the Ethernet cables

coming from individual inverter.

 In each inverter the communication parameters are set

as given in manual.
 REFUlog Architecture :-




5. Engine

Data Service

Client dedicated
API module REST service



Internet HTTP/ Internet HTTP Internet HTTP


Big Screen App

Mobile App

User AgentUser Agent User Agent Host computer Mobile phone

 Inverter Data on REFUlog :-

Param ID
Param ID REFU Internal ID Description Unit Unit Short Type Size
1 1 1106,0 PAC Watt W Float 32
2 2 1123,0 UAC Volt V Float 32
3 3 1124,0 IAC Ampere A Float 32
4 4 1122,0 FAC Hertz Hz Float 32
5 5 1107,0 PDC Watt W Float 32
6 6 1104,0 UDC Volt V Float 32
7 7 1105,0 IDC Ampere A Float 32
8 8 92,0 InternalTemp1 Degree Celcius °C Signed 16
9 9 92,1 InternalTemp2 Degree Celcius °C Signed 16
10 A 1191,0 Radiation Watt / Meter² w/m² Signed 16
11 B 1193,0 ExternalTemp Degree Celcius °C Signed 16
12 C 1150,0 Daily Yield kilo Watt Hour kWh Unsigned 32
13 D 501,0 Status - - Signed 16
14 E 1151,0 Total yield kilo Watt Hour kWh Unsigned 32
15 F 1152,0 Operating hours Hour h Unsigned 32
kilo Watt Hour /
16 10 1156,0 Daily solar energy kWh/m² Unsigned 32
Meter ²
 Advantages offered by REFULOG:-

 No additional data logger required

 Easy configuration of plants and sub plants.

 Display of current parameters for each plant and each inverter.

 Display of the plants and inverters in clearly arranged lists for easy comparison

 Graphical and tabular evaluation of historic data (day, month, year).

 REFUlog app for iPhone & Android.

 Overview of plant locations on an interactive map

 Multilingual capability of the entire application with location specific presentation of numerical values and date
 Remote Data Monitoring (REFULOG):-

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