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mal abet (onde | Jypes of Operating System ~ th we Accondt fe i dapes . mu - emia 1 : SS th abtngle «4 . Br cpestating aval i # Se oar a Supposis omndy os t V4 foment ‘ i LSA 1 eke } | . ‘9 Multi 1400 opestalty syatem? (4 mult uses 7 . yoiecomegey Syohem Bilt use OM Mowe USPHS 4O cise wh pe the Bathe Lomputen cat the Some Ume and/on BY ape wenk, time, Cg: LINUX, DAI SMA aind ont NT o .. TER lo +: . ‘ae, Ae pending Upon the working potnetple, hene ane 7 Vos ous types og Ofie maling Syotem - t Th Geastol D woceas ivy ieades dpenabking oy shom 4 t 37m Gesial Potaresd ts opexallng system. the HOP sams cose cates inzl sey fal mannes One ni bk OFLEM the another fo? PDP on Hi, Batch Puoctsting opestaling system t Pp When Bpera kin Heian +10 4Adeed up the SPMOClSS execute b sinitlan needed Png Ao then on a quan is Known of Batch, cratic tng System. fy > Mac OS ") tavT Intestdoces need ay ntgteantly mowe. them eo 40 mun than othes inkenyoce bo pes iii). The 7 At Mmpste. 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Ey SC TSS, UNIX G Cal, Hulties i + , Pi Pay 4 > S vitik_ Peat dime openatin ayatem t > Reabtime openativg “system ao has a coktl defined , fixed 4me ‘constent, P4 ts i Chastackesnsied by processing activity aig ered gcomdemsy accephed openation. 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Manipuladion of file System ie Fanon detection and homd itn 4 “beau ollog Aon = Memos management, wea, + a. ‘Tnfoxmati¢n and sesounce psotection =f Sea NT | 4s Usen intesfaces— { > sen vo ace 16 O biay 40 thdenack soit et fon O40 ‘spleific day +0 give Tndteuedio hd "Dine gms sl \ ee —_ J. CUD. ond “eng, baa 2 Eb tg, om AN steanoak ol Leng ake ee Pisner oad Sten ubt enteuedy DN wigakion tn cug te SOLUTE 4 - SS omeh Cast ey, b hovideH do scemembesy thon Wavtgaie. ate. by OUT q hon aug Nt yo. DOL As +he &*omple Ss Wind ows ug the. rg Cus example oy LUT x n an Y_Advantap es oy. Cut y— The advanlages, of CUT ase — A) AN. taste —& Lite Avhte dace m, AD. Dots easy ku ude if the ugeu Kno tog the CoumMect Commands ton i) This type oy Ynkesiface needs mush in ostden to us tinteryoce SA) eT hia biype ay lnikesyt ace Uses Low SLésalubtan, Cheapexs maonttou less memo Y) No extaa input device needed expect: Keyboand I ®isod vantages Bye CUD acphee +The dtsadvn' kag 25 of CUT one — | SYR sa att di{fieule 40. 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