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Xandrē Kris L.

Latog Date: January 12, 2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #9

Erikson’s Post Freudian theory is pretty much straight forward and categorized well
for a personality theory. For the dimensions, his concept mostly surrounds on Social
factors rather than biological and I agree because of the way he explains it like the
different methods of play. His eight stages of development is what makes his
concept really unique for me and quite convincing. Each of the eight stages is
characterized by a psychosexual mode as well as a psychosocial crisis. The
psychosocial crisis is stimulated by a conflict between the predominating syntonic
element and its antithetical dystonic element. From this conflict emerges a basic
strength, or ego quality. Each basic strength has an underlying antipathy that
becomes the core pathology of that stage.

The way he looks at the development of personality from start to finish is what
makes his concept more expanded than the other psychodynamic theories before.
Every stage has its own progress towards development and it is also diverse for it
gives different patterns of which one the personality of the person chooses. Erikson
believed that the eight developmental stages transcend chronology and geography
and are appropriate to nearly all cultures, past and present. Even though his concept
of personality has similarities to Freud, he still gave his unique input on personality
whether he was inspired by Freud’s or not. Overall, Erikson’s take on personality
was well spoke and well impacted on how you see personality as a whole now and
this is the last personality theory of the psychodynamic theories so in a way it had a
perfect ending and now we move into the next one which is Humanistic/Existentialist

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