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Xandrē Kris L.

Latog Date: November 14,2019

Code:09166 Title: PSY 123

Dimensions for a Concept of Humanity #2

Freud’s theory were all about being self aware and the dimensions for this always
sides on the scientific and not on the irrationality. It does not mean it is on the bad
side either for Freud’s theory was always being rational and straight forward. Freud
believes that we do not have our own grip on our decisions but the psychological
factors deciding for us from the very beginning, from our past experiences, IQ,
influences and overall our state of mind, which is literally the mind. Freud’s theory for
me is not a buzz kill, because even if he states that I am not special makes him also
not special. Either we are all special or none of us.

Which pretty much sums up the two issues of dimensions, which is uniqueness
versus similarities and pessimism versus optimism. As long as its rational and
proven, I don’t mind learning something from it. I’ve known for almost my entire
adolescent life that we are driven by a simple chemical in our brain called dopamine,
for whatever thing and reason why you are doing anything is because of a simple
chemical that is the source of satisfaction and even though I know this, it does not
bother me at all, at least not anymore. We adapt to our learnings but we can never
learn. Even Freud himself is still driven by his own unconscious behaviour and
attachments to achieve his success. Everybody is driven by their own brains,

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