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Chapter 7

My favorite scene was when John’s family went out for lunch on Sunday afternoon. They were
looking for a good restaurant for lunch. (mmm for lunch sounds a little redundant) They found
a restaurant and dat down outside. (Is dat or sat?) John put Marley’s leash around one of the
legs of the strong table. Suddenly, Marley saw a small White dog across the Street. So Marley
wanted to follow him. The table started to move. I moved very quickly between others tables.
John and Jenny ran behind Marley. They grabbed the table and it stopped moving. They turned
around and sow saw faces of the other customers. Everybody looked at them with their
mought open.It was so embarrasing for them. They carried the table back to its place. Finally,
they paid their drinks and left.

Chapter 8

One day, John came home from work and he went into the kitchen. He saw Marley there, but
he didn’t see him and he didn’t hear him. There was a sandwich on the kitchen table. Marlet
put his paws on the table and he ate the sannwich. John told him, but Marley couldn’t hear
him. John put his hands on Marley’s fur he jumped. John started to laugh. (started laughing
match better) He couldn’tbe angry with him. Marley was very old John had to understand it.
(He is about to pass away :’( )

Chapter 9

Marley was a old dog. He couldn’t hear,he couldn’t see and his hips were hurt, day,
the vet called John and she asked him:”do you want us to help end Marley’s life?”

For me it’s a difficult decisión when you love your pet.some days later, Marley was getting

Jenny and her children went to visit Jenny’s sister. One day before they got back home , John
and Marley slept into john’s bedroom. He thought about the first night with Marley when
Marley only was a small puppy. He slept in a box next to John’s bed. Thirteen years later they
were together.

Chapter 10

Marley was so ill. Jhon took him at the hospital, but Vets couldn’t do anything. The doctor gave
Marley something, It didn’t hurt him. Marley die quietly.It was the saddest. Children were very
sad and they started to cry when told him about Marley.They wrote some letters.

Conor wrote:” To Marley. I have loved you all my life. You were always there when I wanted
you. Your brother, Conor Richard Grogan.”

Colleen wrote:”I will never forget you, Marley”. John found a very good place for Marley, in
the ground under two big fruit trees.

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