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Many nouns are stressed on the first syllable. Compound nouns follow this pattern, with stress on
the first word. Words like record, which can be nouns or verbs, have two stress patterns. They're
stressed on the first syllable as nouns and on the last syllable as verbs.

Compound Nouns

Compound nouns are two nouns used together as one noun. Pronounce the first noun with heavy
stress and high pitch. Pronounce the second noun with secondary stress and low pitch.

p6stl ~
'bffice road

1. Spelling
Some compound nouns are written as one word; others are written as two words.
database password
identity thief bike path

2. Phrasal Verbs Used as Nouns

Use the stress-pitch pattern of compound nouns.

~ \
I bought some new up. The 6ff has been delayed byan hour.

Noun-Verb Pairs

Some two-syllable words are nouns when stress is on the first syllable. They become verbs when
stress is on the second syllable.
Noun: a present a r~cord
Verb: to present to rec6rd


EXERCISE 1: Compound Nouns

(8 Listen and repeat the words.
1. birth date 8. greenhouse
2. graduate school 9. footbridge
3. White House 10. orange juice
4. age limit 11. driver's license
5. travel agent 12. darkroom
6. employment history 13. report card
7. fingerprints 14. blood type

EXERCISE 2: Listen for Differences: Stress patterns

(8 Listen to the phrases. Circle the phrase that has the compound stress-pitch pattern (heavy stress
and high pitch on the first word and secondary stress and low pitch on the second word).

1. a blackboard a black board

2. the post office the new office

3. paper napkins paper clips ~

4. a birthday card a beautiful card

5. an impressive building an office building

6. fresh juice grape juice

7. a lighthouse' ~ a light color

8. a greenhouse 2 a green house

9. my good friend my boyfriend

10. rock music popular music

lighthouse: a tower with a bright light that guides ships away from danger near land; 2 greenhouse: a glass
structure for growing plants

152 UNIT29
EXERCISE 3: Conversations

(!) A I Listen and complete the sentences in the left column with the words you hear.
Sentences Responses

h 1. Please enter your password a. Yes. I bought some vitamins.

f 2. Somebody left a _ _celllphone
_ _ _ _ _ _ in b. Eighteen years old.

class yesterday. c. Yes, but I didn't see the president.

a drugstore
3. Did you go to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? d. My flight leaves at 8:00, so

4. What's the _ voting

_ _ _ _age
probably 5:30.
b _ _ _?
e. Congratulations! I guess you
c whitehouse
5. Did you visit the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? finally learned to park.

e 6. I got my driver's license £. It's mine. I wondered what

happened to it.
g 7. What's the _ _forecast
_ _ _ _ _ _ for
g. Heavy rain and high winds.
h. I didn't know I had one. I don't
d 8. What time do you have to leave for remember it.
the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

B I PAIRS: Make conversations by matching the sentences and responses. Then practice them with a
partner. Take turns.

EXERCISE 4: Listen for Differences: Noun-verb pairs

(!) A I Listen and repeat the words.

Noun Verb Noun Verb
I I I • I
1. a. convert b. convert 5. a. permit b. permit
2. a. r~cord b. record 6. a. convict b. convict

3. a. r~bel b. rebel 7. a. object b. object

4. a. suspect b. suspect 8. a. protest b. protest

(!) B I Listen again and circle the words you hear.

C I Choose a word from Part A and say it to the class. Your classmates will tell you whether you said
a noun or a verb.

Compound Nouns; Noun-Verb Pairs 153



EXERCISE 5: Passwords
(I A I Listen to the conversation.
CusToMER SERVICE: How can I help you, Mr. Choi?
PATRICK: I need some information about my account balance. I think there's been
a mistake.
CusTOMER SERVICE: I'll be happy to help you. Can you type in your password?
PATRICK: Password? Did I set one up?
CusToMER SERVICE: Yes, you did.
PATRICK: Can you give me a hint?
CusTOMER SERVICE: What was the name of your first pet?
PATRICK: Oh, OK. Thanks.

Natural English

In questions, can has a short, reduced pronunciation: /kan/. Can joins closely to
surrounding words.
Howk;;n I help you? (How can I help you?)
kanyou give me a hint? (Can you give me a hint?)

B I PAIRS: Practice the conversation in Part A. Take turns.

account balance: the amount of money you have in your bank account

154 UNIT29
EXERCISE 6: Your Turn
GROUPS: Discuss the questions.
1. Do you have trouble remembering passwords?
2. How careful are you about keeping your personal information private?
3. What kinds of personal information do you provide about yourself in online profiles? Do you
think it's safe to share this information with others? Have you ever had a problem sharing this


@0 Accuracy Practice Listen again to Exercises 1and 2 on page 152. Then record the words and phrases.

0 Fluency Practice Record your answers to the questions. Concentrate on using correct stress patterns.
1. When you applied to this school, what personal information did you have to include in
the application?
2. If you're a full-time international student, what kinds of personal information did you have
to supply to get a visa?

Compound Nouns; Noun-Verb Pairs 155

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