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Berenice Piñero Fernández

Literatures en anglès dels segles XVII-XIX

Q1, G2. Professor Marta Puxan Oliva

Creative adaptation of Goblin Market

I have decided to write an adaptation of the poem that I will be discussing in class: Goblin
Market, by Christina Rossetti. I will be rewriting the whole poem in a novel narrative manner,
from Lizzie’s point of view, and I will give the plot a different ending.

After doing some research and digging deeper into the matter of sisterhood and twinning in
the poem, I found myself very interested in the relationship between Laura and Lizzie and their
behaviors towards each other and towards the situation they face in the writing.

To develop the relationship between Laura and Lizzie, I will provide a more detailed
narrative that will delve deeper into the sisters’ feelings and emotions towards each other and
how these affect their actions throughout the story and how they condition the consequences they
have to face later on. I will put a lot of focus on the fascination that people in the Victorian Era
had towards twins. There were not many studies about them so the knowledge about twins and
their behaviors was not much. This lack of knowledge led society to come up with their own
assumptions, some of them related to metaphysical theories such as twins being able to feel the
pain of the other or know what the other is thinking without having to verbally communicate it.

To change the style of the writing from poetry to narrative I will follow the structure of a
novel, adding chapters, paragraphs, describing scenarios and describing the characters with more

Chapter 1: Laura being tempted to answer the goblins’ call and Lizzie warning her not to
fall into temptation.
Chapter 2: Laura approaching the goblins, giving them a piece of her hair and eating the
Chapter 3: Laura getting sick after eating the fruit and Lizzie becoming concerned.
Chapter 4: Lizzie trying to save her sister by confronting the goblins.
Chapter 5: Lizzie coming back home to save her sister.

Regarding the ending, I intend on changing it from the original, as to my liking I was not
very satisfied with it, and I will be adding some changes and expanding on the scene where
Lizzie tries to save her sister form dying.
Berenice Piñero Fernández
Literatures en anglès dels segles XVII-XIX
Q1, G2. Professor Marta Puxan Oliva


- Edible Women and Milk Markets: The Linguistic and Lactational Exchanges of

“Gobling Market”, by MacDonald, Anna E (2015). Published in Nineteenth Century

Gender Studies; Winter 2015, Vol. 11 Issue 3.

- Heroic Sisterhood in Goblin Market, by Mermin, Dorothy (1983).

- Like Two Pigeons in One Nest, Like Two Seedlings in One Capsule: Reading Goblin

Market in Conjunction with Victorian Twin Discourse, by Bernhard-Jackson, Emily A.

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