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If I were president, I would wage a war on poverty.

I believe in a
powerful country such as ours, it is devastating to know that while
you are sleeping in your warm bed every night, kids and families

all around us are going to sleep cold and hungry. I believe that if
everyone would lend a hand, it would better our society and we
could make poverty a thing of the past.

We should keep our manufacturing companies here in the United

States which would keep our people working and allow them to
provide for their families. Under my presidency, big corporations
would not be allowed to move outside the United States merely to
make a bigger profit. Big corporations should not focus on their
immense income, but on the outcome of the families they are
hurting. I truly believe people living in poverty, if given the chance,
would work hard and provide for their families. We need to devise a
plan for a task force to oversee large corporations and to work
collectively on national and state levels to focus on the working
class. We are supposed to be the “land of opportunity.” Has that
vision faded away? If I were the president of this great country, I
would focus on the American families and grow this nation into the
nation our forefathers intended.

Over five decades since the Brown v. Board of Education ruling,

schools remain segregated by the wealth of their communities. As
president, my priority would be to close this gap, securing the
American dream for all citizens — regardless of their socioeconomic

Reforming education goes beyond increasing government spending.

To achieve effective change, we must reconsider how we perceive
teaching, emphasizing engagement of students, enthusiasm for
knowledge, and accountability for failure. Americans should view
educators as admirable, encouraging
arental involvement is central to a successful education, and we
need to support grass-roots efforts that will engage parents who are
uninterested in their child’s schooling. If not, children will only
inherit this indifference. Higher education must become more
affordable, making it a feasible option for all students — not just
those whose parents went to college.

Education drives the economy. It drives innovation. It drives

community. If we fail to fulfill our nation’s most fundamental
promise, we turn our backs on our founding fathers’ bold vision of a
society in which all can succeed. As president, I would strive to
make the American dream truly viable.

Ignorance is not bliss, and education is the cure to ignorance. I

believe that every child has the right to be educated, and that same
child should be able to see their ancestors in the history books.

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