Art 1 Pretest

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Art 1 Pretest (answer what you presently know or think, please do not look up


1. Do lines have personalities? yes

2. Which type of line makes a drawing feel graceful? (curved or zigzag) curved
3. Are you three-dimensional or two-dimensional? two
4. If light shines on an object from the left, the darkest shadows will be seen
on the _______? right
5. Name the primary colors. Red blue and yellow
6. How do we get the secondary colors? By mixing them
7. Smooth and rough are types of _____textures______.
8. Is a leaf an organic shape or geometric shape? organic
9. Is a sculpture three-dimensional or two-dimensional? three
10.Should paintbrushes be stored with bristles down? no
11.If you draw a room using lines to show space, are you using linear or non-
linear perspective? linear
12.Is a sculpture a form or a shape? form
13.True or false: Warm colors make us hungry or think of food false
14.Which type of line gives the feeling of calm to a painting? (Horizontal or
diagonal) diagonal
15. True or False: Value is the lightness or darkness in a work of art. false

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