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Practical examination in human biology for all students\ first class

Year 2019-2020
: Q1\ Choose the correct sentences for the following

: The parts of the compound microscope is .1

a- three b-two c- one d- four
: The types of electron microscope are .2
a- two b – three c- one d- four
: Electron microscope is used to observed the following .3
a- cell structure and bacteria
b- fungi and yeasts
c- parasites and worms
d- all above
: Taxonomy is derived from .4
a-Taxa and nomy
b-genus and species
c- order and family
d- binomial and nomenclature
: Cell wall is present in.5
a- plant cell
b-animal cell
c- human cell
d- all above

Column A Column B
Hepatitis B-1 a- Kuru
Prions -2 b-They have a circular RNA
Viroids -3 c- Warts
Skin or dermal disease -4 d- Lambda
A temperate phage-5 e- Hepadna virus ( ds DNA)
Cytoplasmic membrane-6 f- secretion of analyser enzyme
Mitochondria-7 g- control of molecules transport
Cytoskeleton-8 h- supporting and shape of cells
Peroxisomes-9 k- power houses
Flagella-10 L- bacterial movement and
Q2\ Matching between column A with column B and transfer the
: letter of correct sentence from B to A of the following

? Q3\ What are the differences between of the animal cell and plant cell

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