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Universidad Católica Tecnológica Del Cibao


1- Complete the sentences with her/his/their/yours.

A) This is Frangely _______________ brother’s name is Brian; he is married to Yarlin.
B) ________________ children’s names are Alfred and Ambar.
C) ________________ sister lives’ in Palm Springs, near ___________ parents.
D) Lisbeth has one brother and a sister _______________ names are Gustavo and
E) _______________ sister Marianny wants to be a Navy pilot.

2- Complete the following questions with the correct answer.

You must be exhausted - He might be her boyfriend - You should call your professor
Would you rather go to the gym with me - They might not be coming
Who knows, he will have some excuse - You must be so proud - You must be angry
She might be her sister - You must be exhausted

A) My son has just won a scholarship.


B) I Studied for 5 hours.


C) Why isn't Tania here?


D) Who is that girl with Leonela?


E) Why aren't the students here?

3 - Read the questions and complete with the correct answer.
A) Besides learning another language, she wants to be good at sports. good at sports means.
. 1) next to 2) obtain new knowledge 3) The best 4) in addition to

B) Sometimes it was a struggle taking her to classes it was a struggle means

. a) It was easy b) It was confusing c) it was challenging d) It was free

C) Sylvia Shouted STOP slamming the door. Stop Slamming means.

1) to close hard 2) to speak in a loud voice 3) don´t close hard 4) the house

D) Which of the followings is not a fine art?

1) B and D 2) Photography 3) Biology 4) Playing the piano

E) Elizabeth complaint I don’t like people telling me what all the times do, telling me what all the times means.

1) To like 2) those around her 3) Don’t like people giving advice 4) To feel sad

4 – Look at the poster and answer Yes/No

A) The doctor has a beard. ___________

B) A Boy has broken shoulder. ________
C) A nurse is drinking from a cup. _______
D) A fish is jumping out of the water. ________
E) Everyone is drinking water. _________
F) A boy has a stomach aid. ___________
G) A woman has her hands on her head. _________
H) Two men are talking. ___________
I) A woman is sitting between two children. _________
J) A boy has a headache. ___________
5 – Write the correct definition of each word.
balcony – souvenir – tourism – towel – phrase – single – conditioning – backpack – sun blocker
accommodation – all inclusive – city - view - swimsuit – suit – guide – breakfast – vacation

A) Pack this before you go ____________________________________________________

B) Book tells you what to say in a foreign language _________________________________
C) We sat on the sun on our ____________________________________________________
D) You need this after swimming _________________________________________________
E) A place to stay ______________________________________________________________
F) When you go out of your home for more than 12 hours to do something not related to work
G) Something to remind you of your holiday _________________________________________
H) Resort where meals and bead are included ________________________________________
I) You wear this at the beach _____________________________________________________
J) Not a double ________________________________________________________________
K) B&B = Bead and ______________________________________________________________
L) A ________________________ tells you about a place.
M) We had a lovely __________________________ from our window.
N) You can see the __________________________ if you go on a guided tour.
O) Something to prevent the sun from burning your skin _________________________________

3- Answer the following questions.

a) An Engineer works with

1- Cement and wood 2 – Cement and mahogany 3 - Cement and waster

b) A Dentist works with

1- 1- Cotton 2- Pliers 3- Teeth 4 – All of them

c) A Real State Agent works with

1- Land 2- Electricity 3- Water 4 – All of them

d) An Architect
1- Makes houses 2 – Makes Bridges 3 - Design plans 4 – Design Apartments
e) A Doctor works with
1 – Patients 2 – Blood 3 – Medicine 4 – gloves

Ingles L-W- 4-6

Ambar – Yarinet -Arianny – Marie – Lidia – Nancy – Ana Liz – Francis – Brayan
Esmerlyn – Luisaira - Mariel – Massiel – Grismarlyn – Jose A. – Franchesca – Altagracia – Pamela –
Yanibel – Jose Burgos – Edith – Luis Alberto – Caroly – Carla – Cristal Ureña – Roder -

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