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B. J. M. College of nursing.

4th Yr. Basic. Bsc. Nursing

Subject. Community health nursing 2.


What is planning.
planning is the technical managerial
functions that enable to deal with the present
and anticipate the future. It involves deciding
what to do, who and how.
Planning Implies.
• Making choices: use of available resources.
• Committing Resources : The money, people and
material are to be available for proper planning.
• Planning : planning always refers to a specific time
limit within which it must be Complied.
• Compenents of planning.
1. Planning must start from top level.
2. Planning must be flexible.
3. Planning must be careful and detailed.
4. Plans are good only if they properly implemented.
Steps in Planning
1. Health situation analysis of the area to assess the health problem
2. Establish health Priorities of the area.
3. Identify key area for action within national health plan objectives and
programme objectives.
4. Setting targets for action.
5. Identify tasks to be performed.
6. Matching organizationAl Inputs and resources with key tasks.
7. Draw implementation plan on program objectives, inputs, time frame and
8. Develop a monitoring plan and built in feedback mechanism.
9. Evaluation
10. replanning. .
Factors to be considered while planning are.
1. . Assessment of health situation, health status of people, health
facilities, and assessment of the resources, training , facilities and health
2. Projection of health situation over the plan period.
3. Defining the nature of health problem and selection of priorities.
4. Definitation of goals and objectives of health sector plan.
5. Programme planning and implementation for example :formulation of
plan for each Health Programme according to priorities and putting
them into action.
Preparation of the sub _ center plan
This plan is prepared by the ANM on the basis of the following steps.
• preparation of the map of the sub_center and its catchment area.
• Conducting household survey to collect relevant information required.
• Conducting group meetings for consultation with the working team members and
other members including panchayat members, school teacher etc. Sharing others
the information collected by household survey, asking for more information and
validation of the same.
• Setting Priorities, developing feasible norms for each service as per the identified
• Identify higher risk groups.
• Estimate of work load and resources requirement for each component’s of the
services and preparation of plan of action by indicating details to fixed days and
term of each services.
Advantages of planning
• Planning leads to more efffective and faster achievement of
• Planning foresee the future and makes pprovision for it.
• Planning secures and ensures unity of purpose direction and effort
by focusing attention of objectives.
• Planning minimizes costs of performance.
• Planning has unique contribution towards the efficiency of the
managerial functions.
• Planning provides the basis for control in an organization.
• Planning Provides flexibility and makeS provIsion for growth and
Disadvantages Of planning

• It depends upon the facts and information, reliable

information is not possible.
• Planning may led to internal infexibilities and procedural
• It is time consuming and expensive process.
The budget is the master plan For annual operation a control
device and an evaluation tool to determine the organization
performance over the year or specific period of time. It is Fiscal
definition :
• Budget is a plan or schedule adjusting expenses
During a certain period to the estimated or fixed
Income for that period
• Effective budget is a systematic documentation For
one Eor more carefully developed Plans For all
individually supervised activities
Need for budgeting in health care System.
1. Scarce resources: Health care systems deals with money because of
decreased resources it requires in budgeting.
2. Increasing Health and Care costs:cost increase every day. Many health
care services are vanished.
3. Cost containment : effective and efficient delivery of service while
generating needed productivity. Survival of health care organization depends
Upon cost containment.
Advantages of budgetting
• It helps in integration of activities.
• It acts as a controlling device.
• It aids as measurement Of performance.
• Help to analyze the past experience and avoids repetitions of such
• It motive the forecast or to provide Attention to future operations .
• Facilitate Communication.
• Help the new people and lower level manager to understand the
goals and responsibilities in it.
Disadvantages Of budgetting
• Time consuming
• It requires skills.
• Some times It applies too rigidly.
• It limits innovation and changes.
• It may assess the results but cases of failure are not analysed.
• If the allocated amount is not used the next used the next year
budget will be less.
• If the goals are unrealistic it. Produce Tension, pressure and
Characteristics of good budget:
1. Budget should be oriented towards results.
2. .All operations and activities are well defined and rightly assigned.
3. It should be documentAl information and not on guess work and
4. Budget should be simple and understandable, fair and objectives.
5. Budget should Not be too rigid and it should be two way communication
in implementing budget.
6. Everyone should understand in positive way and it should be informed in
Preparation of financial estimation or
• Budget means stating the activities that have to perform at CHC, PHC, and
Sub _ CENTER in monetary terms.
• As the physical facilites and drugs materials equipment etc. Are used for
carrying out the activities are supplied from The district level from the
allocated fund, no need to prepare a budget for each financial year. This
done at distriCT level.
• In order to facilitate the district Level officer to prepare for The budget
estimations to the CHC, PHC and SubCenter one should prepare the action
plan which would give the details Of each service to be provided at each
level specifying the resources requirement for each activity.
• In addition if there is need for replacement of any instruments,
equipment, repair of building, vehicle must submit these needed
things well in advance, so as to include the monetary requirements in
the budget allocation.
• When any plan is the there organize any special activity /camp/mela
etc. The medical officer has to prepare a detailed a plan specifying the
resources requirement translated into monetary term and submit
well in advance.
Budget for additional requirements for organizing a camp in a village
for screening of anemic among adolescent girls
Maintenance of accounts
Each time money is spent from the contingency fund. It must be recorded in
many places use of petty cash voucher systems is practiced. In that case, petty
cash vouchers should be prepared each time when spending the money and
the vouchers should be numbered.
management of petty cash /imprest/visible money.
Petty cash or imprest money is a small amount of cash given to
the medical officer as an advance for some special task. Usually
Fixed up in conSultation with State level directorate, district level
officer and medical officers from PHCs.
also imprest money is also known as contingency advance
in many states. The purpose for while this advance can be
utilized also vary from state to state, which includes.
1. Postages :stamps, telegrams, telephone calls in the absence of
2. Stationeries : office papers, gum, cello tape, pins, envelope etc.
3. Cleaning material :soap, detergent etc.
4. Transport: small repair of vehicle, bus fare for workers, messenger’s etc.
5. Miscellaneous:candles, matches, tea, emergency supplies etc.
Material management at SubCenter
Material management at SubCenter
• The aim of material management is to maximize the
availability of material of right quality at right time at the
right place for accomplishing the objective of an
organization. Therefore material management for a PHC is to
develop system of supplies which will a PHC is to develop
system of supplies which will ensure right quantity and
quality of stock of items properly stored and distributed for
usage at PHC,CHC, SubCenter. This system consists of the
following component’s.
• Material planning and estimation of right quantity.
• Procurement of right estimated demand for material
• storage of the material.
• Issue of the store for use.
• Maintenance.
Under the RCH programmes, it is expected that the demand estimation be
prepared at SubCenter and PHC level based on identified service needs and
submitted to the district level for supply. The regular supply is provided on
quarterly basis to both PHC and CHC and the sub_center.
The requirements of vaccines, Drugs and material will be dependent on the
workload of services provided by a PHC and SubCenter functioning and they are
planned by the nurse.
1. . Community health nursing _ 2(2nd edition)
Dr. Vasundhara tulasi and Dr. G. Gnana
Thank you ☺
The end.

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