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de Trujillo

FACULTAD : Ingeniería

ESPECIALIDAD : Ingeniería de Minas

CURSO : inglés

PROFESORA : Silviva Edma

INTEGRANTES : Cavero Jara Jean Pierre Pool

Román Salvatierra Pedro

CICLO : VI - 2019

Excercises Reported Speech (Lenguaje Indirecto)

Make sure you've done this Report Speech exercise well by controlling your sent
ences with the following:

Excersices N°1

1. "The gardener cut the grass yesterday", my

mother said.
2. "I did not understand the lesson", my sister
3. "We will travel to New York the next year", my
father said.
4. "I will not go to work tomorrow", I told my
5. "Peter is going to write a letter", the secretary
6. "It is very expensive", the lady said.
7. "He is such an irritable person", the teacher told me.
8. "I am working now!", my father said.
9. "We are finishing our homework", the pupils answered.
10."They are studying maths", the teacher explained.

Excercises N°2

1. "I am reading a book", I told my sister.

2. "My father loved the farm", my neighbour said.
3. "I have felt very nervous", I said.
4. "We knew him in Australia", my husband and my
son said.
5. "I never work on Sundays", I told my boss.
6. "He was very ill", the doctor explained.
7. "I am going to sign a contract", the secretary said.
8. "Mr. Thompson will see you tomorrow morning", the receptionist
9. "I enjoyed the trip but I didn´t take photos", my friend told me.
10."I have lost all my money!", the old lady exclaimed.
Solución del ejercicio de Reported Speech

Excercises N°1

1. My mother said that the gardener had cut the grass the day before.
2. My sister said that she had not understood the lesson.
3. My father said that we would travel to New York the following year.
4. I told my wife that I would not go to work the following day.
5. The secretary said that Peter was going to write a letter.
6. The lady said that it was very expensive.
7. The teacher told me that he was such an irritable person.
8. My father said that he was working at that moment.
9. The pupils said that they were finishing their homework.
10.The teacher explained that they were studying maths.

Excercises N°2

1. I told my sister that I was reading a book.

2. My neighbour said that his father had loved the farm.
3. I said that I had felt very nervous.
4. My husband and my son said that they had known him in Australia.
5. I told my boss that I never worked on Sundays.
6. The doctor explained that he had been very ill.
7. The secretary said that she was going to sign a contract.
8. The receptionist said that Mr. Thompson would see you the
following morning.
9. My friend told me that he had enjoyed the trip but he had not taken
10.The old lady exclaimed that she had lost all her money.

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