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1/Speaking_Grade 9_2019




1. “A room without books is like a body without a soul”, said Marcus Tullius Cicero.
 Do you think that books you have at home reflect your personality. How?
 Do your parents influence your choice of books to read? Do you follow their advice?
 How do books help you develop your personality?

2. A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your city.

 Where would you take him/her? Give your reasons.
 What's your favourite place in Kyiv?
 What tourist attraction would you build in Kyiv?

3. “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell
us that dragons can be beaten”, said Neil Gaiman.
 Do you think that it is important to teach that "Good always beats evil"?
 How can fairy tales help a child to be courageous?
 How important is it to believe in fairy tales wonders for children and adults?

4. “I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library”, said Jorge Luis Borges.
 What does "your paradise" look like?
 Where is this place? What can you do there? Who are you there with?
 How does "your paradise" reflect your personality?

5. “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all”,
Oscar Wilde.
 Have you got the book(s) you reread several times?
 Don't you think it's a waste of time rereading the same book? Why?
 Can you get the same pleasure of rereading the book as you get while reading it for the
first time?

6. Talk about the most important person in your life.

 Why is this person so important for you?
 Would you be proud if someone told you that you were the most important person for
 How vital is it to have someone to support you / to be a good example for you?
2/Speaking_Grade 9_2019

7. Talk about teaching art at school.

 Is an art subject important to study to school?
 If you could choose what kind of art to study at school, what would you choose? Why?
 How would you teach art: would you give theory or more practice, or would you prefer
visiting museums, exhibitions?

8. Speak about your dream town/city.

 If you could design a town/city of your dream, how would it look like?
 What would you do to make it comfortable to live in?
 What would you do to make it green and eco-friendly?

9. Speak about learning to play a musical instrument at school.

 Do you think that learning to play a musical instrument is essential for developing a
 Would you introduce such a subject at school? Would you make it obligatory? Optional?
 Would you support organizing bands at school?

10. Speak about music bands.

 If you and your friends organised a music band, what kind of music would you play?
 Would you start with imitating someone's style or would you try to make your own from
the very beginning?
 Would you write your own music or would you perform famous compositions?

11. "People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile", said Lee Mildon.
 Do you think that smile is a universal instrument to make people see your personality,
character or inner world?
 Can you give any examples from literature, films when a smile helped to solve
 Don't you think that people sometimes smile when they actually do not know what to do
or to say?

12. Speak about museums.

 If you could have any type of a museum, what museum would it be?
 What would you exhibit? Where would you get show pieces for your museum?
 Who would your visitors?

13. Speak about competitive sports.

 Do you think that competitive sports, both team and individual, are rather for boys than
 Do you like competitive sports?
 Are they necessary at school? How can they help to achieve success in the future?
3/Speaking_Grade 9_2019

14. Speak about sports.

 Do you prefer team or individual sports?
 Are you a team player? What features do you think make a good team player?
 How can team sports help you in your future career?

15. Speak about free time activities.

 Which free time activities do you find the most exciting and which ones the most
 What do you do in your spare time? What would you if you could choose any activity?
 Can your free time activities help you to develop necessary skills for your future?

16. Speak about the luckiest day of your life.

 Where were you? Who were you with? What happened? How did you feel?
 Do you consider yourself a lucky person?
 Do you think that some people are luckier than others? Why is it so?

17. Having goals in life is important because it keeps you focused and allows you to set priorities.
 What are some goals you have set for yourself?
 Have you made steps towards accomplishing these goals?
 Who and what helps/helped you on your way to your goals?

18. Speak about a famous person.

 If you could invite any famous person to your home, who would you ask to come? Why?
 What would you talk about?
 What preparations would you make to demonstrate your hospitality?

19. Despite all modern devices many people still listen to the radio.
 What advantages and disadvantages does listening to the radio have?
 Do you occasionally listen to the radio?
 What is your favourite radio programme?

20. Speak about a radio program.

 If you could start your own radio program for teenagers, what would it be about?
 Would you be a radio host yourself or would you invite someone famous?
 When would you broadcast your most attractive program?

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