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Lecture 2-01: The Gaseous State in Review

• Expand to fill the container they occupy
• Gas particles interact weakly with one another
• Average distance between gas particles is large compared to
particle size so they are far less dense than solids
• Provide simplest opportunity to relate macroscopic properties
of a substance to molecular structure

APSC 131 – Gases Lecture 2-01 – The Gaseous State in Review 1


• Gaseous state of substances that ordinarily are liquids or

solids at room temperature
• Water is normally a liquid at room temperature. However, if
some enters the air, which increases humidity, it is considered
to be a water vapour.
• Oxygen is considered to be a gas because it is a gas at room
temperature while gaseous water is water vapour.

Properties of Gases
Four properties determine physical behaviour of gases:
• Amount of gas (moles)
• Volume of gas
• Temperature of gas
• Pressure of gas

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Gas Pressure

The force exerted by a gas on a unit area of a wall, bottom or top

of its container is called the pressure of that gas.

• Pressure (P) = force/area where

P(Pa) = F(N)/A(m2)
• Pa = pascal
• N = newton
• m2 = square metres

• Pressure takes into account the magnitude of the push on an

object and the area of the region upon which it pushes

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• Two cylinders above have same mass and exert the same
force on the table top. Which one exerts greater pressure?
• An enormous pressure is exerted to the surface of your skin by
a needle using a small force. Pressure is large in this example
because the point of needle has such a small contact area.

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When using SI units:
• Force is in newtons (N) which equals kg.m.s-2. Think about
F=ma for units.

• Area is in square metres (m2)

• Pressure = force/area has units N.m-2 which is also called a

pascal (Pa)

• Standard pressure (1 bar) is equal to 100 000 Pa exactly.

Kilopascals (kPa) used because pascal so small. Therefore,
standard pressure = 100 kPa (exact number).

• Standard atmospheric pressure equivalent to pressure

required to support a column of mercury 750 mm tall in a
barometer or equivalent to 750 torr.

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Gas Volume:

• SI unit for volume is cubic metre (m3)

• Because the cubic metre is large, the cubic decimetre used

in chemistry. One cubic decimetre is equal in volume to one
litre (L). 1 m3 = 1000 dm3 = 1000 L

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Boyle’s Law

Gas volume and gas pressure are related by Boyle’s Law which
states that the pressure of a quantity of a gas is inversely
proportional to its volume when temperature is fixed.

(PV = constant)n,T

Shape of graph of P vs V is that of a hyperbola

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A useful operational form of this equation is

(P1V1 = P2V2)n,T (Boyle’s Law)

Note: This law is accurate at low pressures but is a reasonable

approximation for gases (because few forces of attraction
between adjacent gas molecules) at commonly used

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Absolute Temperature and Charles Law

• absolute or Kelvin temperature scale is used in gas laws

• zero Kelvin (0 K) is theoretically the coldest temperature

possible and temperature at which gas molecules have no
kinetic energy.

• real gases condense or sublime before reaching absolute zero

• increasingly difficult to cool a substance as absolute zero


T (Kelvin) = t (Celsius) + 273.15

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Where did Kelvin temperature scale come from?

Jacques Charles did a great deal of experimentation in attempt to

discover how temperature (oC) and volume related. He obtained
following type of experimental data (as illustrated by solid lines but
not dashed lines) but never found simple relationship.
Volume (L)

Gas data A (n1 moles)

Extrapolated temperature
at which volume of gas Gas data B (n2 moles)
is theoretically 0.0 L

Gas data C (n3 moles)

0.0 L
o o
0C Temperature ( C)

n1 > n2 > n3

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Lord Kelvin took data of Charles and extrapolated (illustrated by
dashed lines) back to zero volume. All extrapolated data went
through -273oC. This became 0 K, the beginning of absolute
temperature scale.

Volume (L)

Gas data A

Gas data B

Gas data C
0.0 L
273 K Temperature (K)

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Gas volume and absolute temperature related by Charles’s Law
which states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to
its absolute temperature if pressure is held constant, or

(V = constant.T)P,n

Shape of V vs T graph is linear (see above)

A useful operational form of this equation is

(V1/T1 = V2/T2)P,n

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Charles Law plus Boyle’s Law gives Combined Gas Law
Let’s Review
Gases at low pressures (gas particles are far apart) have following

• V α 1/P (constant temperature, fixed amount of gas) – Boyle’s


• V α T (at constant pressure, fixed amount of gas) – Charles’


If Boyle’s and Charles’ Laws are combined, the combined gas
law is obtained.
(P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2)n

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Avogadro’s Gas Law

V α n (at constant temperature and pressure) – Avogadro’s


Could be written as (V = constant. n)P,T (linear plot)

This means that if you double amount of gas molecules,

volume would double if pressure is to remain constant.

A useful operational form of this equation is

(V1/n1 =V2/n2)P,T

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Combining three gas laws given above, we obtain:

P1V1/n1T1 = P2V2/n2T2

This is the Ideal Gas Law which approximates the behavior for
all gases at atmospheric pressure and becomes increasingly
accurate as pressure is decreased.

PV/nT = constant ( designated R) -called the Ideal Gas Law-

explains behaviour of ideal/perfect gas. It is written as:

PV = nRT

where R = 8.3145 kPa.L/mol.K (solve gas law problems)

= 8.3145 N.m/mol.K (solve Physics problems)
= 8.3145 J/mol.K (solve thermodynamics)
= 0.08206 atm.L/mol.K

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Oxygen gas can be produced on a small scale from the thermal
decomposition of potassium chlorate to give oxygen and
potassium chloride. Calculate the volume of oxygen at 298 K
and 100 kPa that can be produced from 0.532 kg of KClO3.


Suggested Homework:
See the article shown below about the working of the widget
Read Petrucci 192 – 211
Examine Petrucci worked examples: 6-4 to 6-9
Problems Chapter 6: 3, 13, 15

APSC 131 – Gases Lecture 2-01 – The Gaseous State in Review 16

Chemistry in Action: The working of the widget – very

Most beers carbonated with CO2(g). While in can, some of this

gas dissolved in beer and some at top of can. When can is
opened, pressure outside less than pressure inside and dissolved
CO2 quickly comes out of solution forming bubbles that produces
the head on the top of the beer.

Stouts, like Guinness, are less fizzy than lagers. They are canned
with mixture of N2(g) and CO2(g) instead of pure CO2. The
nitrogen gas doesn’t dissolve well while the carbon dioxide does,
so even though Guinness at same pressure as can of lager, it
contains less dissolved gas.

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To increase the head on glass of Guinness, a widget is added. It
is plastic, nitrogen-filled sphere with tiny hole in it. It floats in beer,
with hole slightly below surface.

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Just before beer can sealed, small amount of liquid nitrogen
added to beer. This quickly vaporizes increasing pressure in can
and forcing liquid beer containing dissolved CO2(g) into widget
and compressing the N2(g) in the widget.

When can is opened, pressure in can quickly drops. The

compressed gas in widget expands pushing beer trapped in
widget out through tiny hole. As beer rushes out of widget (like
shaking a can of coke) dissolved CO2(g) in beer comes out of
solution forming the head on the top of the glass of beer.

Isn’t chemistry a blast!!!!!

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