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Transcript Vocabulary

RACHEL: Okay. Switch placesA with A. switch places: to exchange or swap to get arrested
me! Switch places with me! Come on! I’ll with someone, in this case where they
go under, you go over! are sitting.

ROSS: Yeah, I’ll get right on thatB. B. I’ll get right on that: expression
used to say that you will do something
RACHEL: Oh come on Ross!! immediately. >> A. Can someone clean
the dishes? B. Yep, I’ll get right on it.
ROSS: No Rach! Come on! No-no! Yeah,
I’m sure we won’t get arrestedC+ PIC for C. get arrested: to be captured by a po- Note: in the image
above the man has
this. lice man for breaking the law. (PIC) been handcuffed

RACHEL: Hi officer, was I going a little D. here you go: used when you’re giv- to get pulled
too fast1? ing something to someone (that they over
asked for)
ROSS: Oh my God.
E. here it comes: phrase often used to
POLICEMAN: Can I see your license anticipate someone’s negative reaction

please? to something.

RACHEL: Oh yes, absolutely! You know, Pronunciation

it’s weird uh, but I had a dream last 1. was I going a little too fast? Note: the act of
night where I was stopped by a police- woh-zy-go-wen-a-lih-dul-too fast being stopped by
man. And then he uh…well I probably a policeman when
shouldn’t tell you the rest3. 2. can I see your driving is to get
keh-ny-see-yur pulled over
POLICEMAN: Your license? driver’s license
3. I probably shouldn’t tell you the rest
I praw-be-sho-un-tell-yu the rest
RACHEL: Yes. Here you goD Officer uh,
POLICEMAN: That’s Hanson. I. Officer Hanson: Rachel is being flir-
tatious by deliberately mispronouncing
RACHEL: Oops sorry, my mistake. the officers name, which is Hanson, not
handsome. Handsome = beautiful
ROSS: Dear LordII!!
II.Dear lord: Ross can’t believe that
POLICEMAN: Wow! Rachel is being so flirtatious with the
officer. Note: this is a religious term
ROSS: Here it comesE.
Transcript Vocabulary
POLICEMAN: This is a great picture. A. roll out of bed: to leave your bed in I just rolled out
a very casual way, and not paying any of bed
RACHEL: Really?! You think so? You attention to your appearance.
know, I had just rolled out of bedA.
B. wonder: to be curious about some-
POLICEMAN: Yeah? Well you look phe- thing.
C. the old date: using old before some
ROSS: Well she should, it was taken ten nouns can add affecting to them. In
years ago! this case Rachel adds old to make it
seem less serious. Note: you will more
RACHEL: You know you’re-you’re commonly hear the term ‘good old’.
Astrology Signs
probably wonderingB about the old
D. I bet you are a: to bet means to risk
dateC+1 on there.
or gamble money on the outcome of
POLICEMAN: Yes I am. a game, like poker, but the more com-
mon form of this expression is used to
RACHEL: Yeah. guess something that you are sure of.
>> I bet it is going to rain today.
POLICEMAN: You’re an Aquarius PIC,
E. I’ll tell you what: we say this before
we make a compromise, or do a per-
RACHEL: I bet you’re aD Gemini PIC. son a favor in exchange for something
(often small) in return.
RACHEL: TaurusPIC? 1. you’re probably wondering
about the old date?
RACHEL: Virgo ? PIC a-bout-the-ol-date

POLICEMAN: Nope. References

I. You’re an Aquarius, huh?: we all
RACHEL: SagittariusPIC? expect that the officer will notice that
Rachel’s license has expired, but the
officer starts to flirt back by admiring
RACHEL: I knew itII! I knew it, ahh…. Rachel’s star sign.

II.I knew it: it was obvious that Rachel

POLICEMAN: Well I’ll tell you whatE...
was just guessing, but she celebrates as
RACHEL: Yeah? is she really knew the officers star sign.
Transcript Vocabulary
POLICEMAN: You’re not going to A. speed: (verb) to go too fast gear stick
speedA anymore right1?
B. right away: immediately, withoug
RACHEL: I won’t speed. hesitation.

POLICEMAN: And you promise you’ll C. in the meantime: during the inter-
get this taken care of right awayB? vening time. >> The train is late so I am
going to read a book in the meantime.
RACHEL: I promise.
D. license: although there are many
POLICEMAN: And in the meantimeC types of licenses, but in this context we fourth gear
you better let him drive. Does he have a mean driver’s license.
E. handle a stick: expressions used to
RACHEL: Yeah! ask if someone can drive a manual car,
POLICEMAN: Can he handle the the ‘stick’ is referring to the gear stick.
stickE? F. slip: (verb) to fall off by accident
RACHEL: Oh well…
G. ten and two o’clock position: the 10 and 2 O’clock
ROSS: I can handle a stick!! name of the correct holding position of (literally)
a steering wheel, something you learn
RACHEL: You know what? Remind me in driving school (it lines up with the
to introduce you to someoneI. 10 and 2 on a clock-- see PICS)
ROSS: Who?
RACHEL: Fourth gearI! 10 and 2 O’clock
1. you’re not going to speed any-
more right?
ROSS: What?! What does he want?! I yur-naw-gon-speed-nee-more-right?
wasn’t doing anything!
2. does he have a license?
RACHEL: Well maybe he saw your hand duz-ee-ava license?
slipF briefly from the ten and two o’clock
positionG + II. References
ROSS: Maybe it’s uh Sergeant Sagittarius I. Introduce you to fourth gear.. Ra-
coming back to flirt some more! chel is making a joke. Ross thinks she
wants him to meet a person, but it’s
RACHEL: It’s a different guy! “fourth gear,” which is the stick shift
that will go faster.
ROSS: Good evening officer.
II. the 10 and 2 O’Clock position.. Ra-
POLICEMAN: Do you know how fast chel is sarcastically making fun of Ross
you were traveling back there? for following the rules too carefully.
Transcript Vocabulary
ROSS: Ah no. I don’t, but it could not A. sixty: 60 miles per hour.
have been more than sixtyA.
B. weirdest: the superlative form of the
POLICEMAN: You’re right. It was 37. adjective weird, which means strange.

ROSS: I mean you’re not going to give C. ticket: in American English, ticket
me a1 a ticket for driving too slow are is used for penalties and infringements,
you? as well as concert and plane tickets. In
this case it’s a speeding ticket. ALSO:
POLICEMAN: That’s right.
Parking ticket Movie ticket
ROSS: You know of-officer I uh…I had
the weirdestB dream last night…

RACHEL: Oh my God!

POLICEMAN: Your license please.

ROSS: You don’t-you don’t want to

hear about2 my dream Officer…Pretty?
POLICEMAN: It’s PettyI. I’ll be right 1. you’re not going to give me a ticket
back with your ticketC. yur-not-gonna-gimme-a ticket

2. you don’t want to hear about

RACHEL: You have a sonII!

ROSS: I know. I know.

I. Officer Petty: Ross tries to flirt just
like Rachel did by calling the officer
‘pretty’ instead of Petty.

Double meaning: petty also refers to a

not so serious crime. Ross has committed
a petty crime by driving too slow.

II. You have a son: Rachel is making

Ross feel much more ridiculous and
immature by reminding him that he is
a father.

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