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Organisational Behaviour

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Table of Contents

1. Analysis the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in an
organisational context................................................................................................................4

1.1. Assessment of the effect of organisational culture, power and politics within the team
and individual performance and behaviour............................................................................4
1.2 Critical analysis of how the culture, power and politics within an organisation can
impact on the behaviour and proficiency of the teams and individuals.................................6
1.3 Critical evaluation of the connection among the culture, power, politics and
encouragement that drives a group or an organisation to success with adequate
2. Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal.......................................7

2.1 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques
allows an productive achievement of desired goals within an organisational setting............7
2.2 Critical evaluation on how to influence the other’s behaviour by the implication of
behavioural motivational theories, frameworks and concepts...............................................7
3. Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others.........................7

3.1 Elaboration of aspects that makes an effective teams against an ineffective team..........7
3.2 Evaluation of potential team or group formation concepts to assists the development of
collaboration within an effective team...................................................................................7
3.3 Critical analysis and evaluation of the relevance of team development theories,
philosophies and frameworks that help influence behaviour and fosters proficiency and
4. Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business situation7

4.1 Application of philosophies and concepts regarding the organisational behaviour within
the contextual organisational scenario...................................................................................7
4.2 Comprehensive evaluation of theories and concepts of organisational behaviour that
influences the behaviour of the contextual business scenario................................................8


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Organisational behaviour is a crucial aspects that ensures evaluation of human behaviour
within the organisational scenario. The perspective of the study is relevant within Apple by
means of which a worker’s behaviour can be analysed in the workplace. The research also
helps to understand that organisational habits are influential on the job portfolio, workplace
appearance and management efficiency. The theoretical analysis of organisation’s actions is
related to power and politics that has always played a dominant position in any organisation
worldwide (Balwant, 2018). To this end, it is crucial for the organisation to ensure its
sustainability by properly developing the organisational behaviour, as it contributes to
regulating its job environment and using its employees working skills properly. Power thus
guarantees the organisation’s competence, legislation and credibility. Company culture
immediately refers to a notable major aspect which retains the ethics, values and norms
which dictates an organisation’s conduct (Chumg et al., 2016). In this sense, the following
study provides a comprehensive overview on the Apple. Co case, which is a world renowned
technical enterprise.

1. Analysis the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in an
organisational context
1.1. Assessment of the effect of organisational culture, power and politics within the
team and individual performance and behaviour
Whenever a person is critical of a social structure, a certain level of control over other people
is often discovered. Social networking can lead to growth, helpful interactions and essentially
ease the trajectory to loss of employment (Hosain, 2019). Such an overview of the social
network and whether it requires to be adapted or improved is very often desirable.


There are several fundamental variations of power segmented into multiple characteristics. In
order to adequately utilise the allotted power the entity have to ensure that the all the
individuals have distinctive and particular variations or power and responsibilities (James,
2017). Thus, some specific variation of power are illustrated in the following section.

Legitimate Power: Legitimate power is the recognized commodity rank or position;

technical knowledge, expertise, and connect directly to the others. Occasionally legitimacy
power can start coming from coercive force, from a higher authority (Kitchin, 2017). This

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type of power, for example, may be the power that administration maintains
over its subordinates.

Expert Power: It is the power that shows a person with the superior skills and knowledge.
When an individual’s base of knowledge and skills is more outstanding than the other, then
that person experts their authority (Maio et al., 2019).

Reward Power: The person who manages the distribution of rewards to the others, the
individual sense of power is stronger than everyone else because they see many people’s
interest and incentives (Majumdar, 2018).

Forced Power: The Forced power is the exact opposition to the reward based power rather
than providing the incentives or remunerations to the workers the forced power is more
focused on making punishment and extracting performance from the subordinates (McShane
et al., 2018).


There are two sides of politics through an organisation: the first one is those who can get
somebody to do their job for themselves, and the other is the conduct executed by
negotiations and the consideration of the management or the manipulator (Miao et al., 2019).

Elements driving political behaviours

Organisational factors: The difficulties with legislative components is that it offers a much
more detailed review of an individual’s personal attribute to businesses like apple, it
demonstrates that the user likelihood through the use of policies and strategies which are
performed within their environment (Muchiri, Shahid and Ayoko, 2019). It is often necessary
to look at a person further and clarify their condition in which political behaviour can be seen
as dominant.

Individual factors: Individual aspects may play an important role in the political activities
within an organisation, and individuals with specific characteristics of behaviour appear to
have a greater propensity for politics (Taylor, 2018). Individuals with an autocratic
background have a greater risk status and are often statesmen who are totally off-hand of
their use of politics.

Organisational change: In the event that a regulatory difference is needed, it gives

individuals the opportunity to exercise their abilities and demonstrate their skills at the front

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of organisation. It makes greater evaluation of the organisational proficiency and initiative for

Organisational culture: Within organisation like apple, culture plays a crucial role in
assisting to achieve goals and objectives, particularly when there are different projects to be
done within various departments. Having a variety of various people or groups may assist to
finish the work in the correct order as this ensures they can approach tasks and goals from a
different perspective (Wood et al., 2016). Yet at the same time, if a person is not well
knowledgeable about another’s operating methods, it can cause conflict.

1.2 Critical analysis of how the culture, power and politics within an organisation can
impact on the behaviour and proficiency of the teams and individuals
The power and politics maintains the prosperity, profitability and continuous progress of
the company are decided in no small measure. Politics can be used in constructive as well as
negative ways in the same way as power. Use of politics relies on the supervisor or the leader
who is able to influence politics (Balwant, 2018). The efficiency of will always
benefit by using politics wisely, however misuse will result to depletion. Inadequate
management or policy making generally leads to demise that can hamper the operations and
market initiatives taken by the organisation.

The concepts of power is also highly fragile and can be different in its form. In matter of
conflicts there are several scenarios such as clashes among the administrative managers and
employees. In such cases the use of power by the management to acquire the upper hand is
much more relevant (Chumg et al., 2016). The corporate culture tries to bring a sensation of
belonging to its workers so that they know they are part of an organisation that supports the
society in which they operate and represents so much, the aim is to make sure they have a
positive impact for the environment (Maio et al., 2019). The ethos of leadership, creativity
and co-operation ensures that the organisation has solid foundations and effective
communication networks on development strategies which are defined by the organisational

1.3 Critical evaluation of the connection among the culture, power, politics and
encouragement that drives a group or an organisation to success with adequate
The forecasters have a subjective corporation with culture, politics, power and motivation. In
turn, the appropriate analysis and use of these explanatory variables leads to changes in the

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company’s job capacities. Organisational policy of Apple appears to have a major impact on
the corporate culture by providing assistance in promoting employee concepts and helping to
develop better infrastructure on the basis of a proposition to improve employees’ obligations
or acquisitions. Culture in this regard also tackle changes and also allow Apple to follow
rules required to achieve goals and to create a better workplace environment designed to
improve skills (Maio et al., 2019). The change of corporate culture is therefore explicitly just
necessary within Apple’s workplaces. In this sense, promoting motivation would allow
employees in the future to increase workforce productivity. In this way, workplace
credentials in a highly motivational role are strengthened by an ideal practice of politics and
power. It therefore lets Apple improve on corporate successes immaculately.

2. Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal

2.1 Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational
techniques allows an productive achievement of desired goals within an organisational
2.2 Critical evaluation on how to influence the other’s behaviour by the implication of
behavioural motivational theories, frameworks and concepts

3. Demonstrate an understanding of how to cooperate effectively with others

3.1 Elaboration of aspects that makes an effective teams against an ineffective team
3.2 Evaluation of potential team or group formation concepts to assists the development
of collaboration within an effective team
3.3 Critical analysis and evaluation of the relevance of team development theories,
philosophies and frameworks that help influence behaviour and fosters proficiency and

4. Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business

4.1 Application of philosophies and concepts regarding the organisational behaviour
within the contextual organisational scenario
The 1965 team development paradigm of Bruce Tuckman adopted different phases of
forming, storm norming and performing Apple could replay this development model in more
than one step at every point of business change. It will always be said that it is an important
idea to experience the new staff and the progress to an executive committee at the outset of

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any particular business scenario (Hosain, 2019). As it is an important thing to explore a
different team and the development towards a leader category in the middle of any given
business scenario. The theory of Tuckman will ensure the repetitive evaluation of operational
approaches and help make constant adjustments and modifications to ensure efficient
development of behaviour and performance.

The Tuckman model gives an important understanding of the underlying stages through
which organisations pass; environmental factors can exist within the group during impact of
transitions (Balwant, 2018). In this prospects there multitude of types of philosophies of
teams that can be assessed. Yet, the most potentials are as follows:

 Formal group philosophy: The formal philosophy of the group is developed for
functional needs and objectives. The dimension of this group is the relation between each
person who regularly forms part of the company. Formal groups may differ in dimensions
based on the sector, but also provide relatively long term stable overtime as the hierarchal
structure ties them within (Chumg et al., 2016). Its growth could therefore be the
innovation of management, as its purpose is to achieve the different corporate objectives
and face the challenges or carry out a given mission.
 Informal group philosophy: Informal groups are associated with organisations that have
spontaneously evolved over time. They become influenced by a single common interest,
i.e. including similar activity, athletics, or political viewpoint, with no given direction
from the company and its operational area (Hosain, 2019). Informal groups are the
inverse to organised organisations and often are informal groups of people who may at
this point be quite dysfunctional, but that may be attributable to their behaviour regulated
by collective fundamental beliefs.

The informal and formal theory reminiscent that such groups are not just a group of
individuals but a community of people who use an organised way to maximize the
organisation’s resources for achieving their expectations (James, 2017). Yet, in the
organisational scenario of Apple, as the organisation is highly centric to managerial co-
ordination and subjected to larger competitive market and also well-established the
evaluation of formal groups are much more larger in the company.

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4.2 Comprehensive evaluation of theories and concepts of organisational behaviour that
influences the behaviour of the contextual business scenario
According to the statement of Kitchin (2017), the subject of concern was the evolving
influence of an organisation’s workers and how procedures can be adjusted to optimize their
effectiveness and eliminate unintended interruptions. Change in behaviour in this respect
plays a significant role, through variations of elements including market trends, monetary
cycles, competitiveness, technology and politics the occurrence of change influences the
organisational behaviour and stature in significant manner.

According to the research of Taylor (2018), it has been identified that the manner in which an
organisation incorporates and tackles the changes makes significant impact on the behaviour
of the organisation. This means that some unreeling feelings can quite reduce the
organisational proficiency. For a company such as Apple, management needs to make sure
that the entire organisation has a foundation of faith levels in making choices and honouring
each other and communicating its priorities.

In this context, negative reactions and decreasing morale are likely to have a significant
negative impact within the organisation’s operational processes and service delivery leading
to the loss of creativity at work. Thus the contextual company may make appropriate changes
by appealing to “Tuckman’s philosophy” to create effective ethical standards and behaviours
in the workforce. According to Tuckman Theory Apple should be able to ensure good
formatted leadership that ensures organisational clarification and improving the management
system in the most effective way, by storming the teams, will clarify their purpose and
develop their capacity to deal with issues like the fight for strength, by standardizing choice-
making and assessment (Chumg et al., 2016). However, the adopted theoretical approach has
to be aligned with the organisational environment as the implication of misleading approach
can lead the organisation to jeopardy. Thus, in order to formulate an effective and productive
organisational behaviour Apple needs to adopt a philosophical approach that is appreciatory
to the organisational groups and individuals and highly compatible with the corporate
characteristics of the company.

Nevertheless, the considered model of Tuckman will help the team perform more extensively
and evaluate issues and therefore make improvements as it is highly compatible with the
large complex organisational structures. Therefore the management would develop the
organisation’s competence by carrying out the negotiated procedures (Maio et al., 2019).

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Therefore, Apple will be effective in increasing workplace flexibility at a significant rate that
will reward raise morale and competitiveness while stabilizing optimism of the worker


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