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The Health Mate API allows developers to create applications that take
advantage of the Withings devices and the data they record.

Using this API, developers have the ability to access data stored in the Health
Mate app for users having gave them prior consent, including weight, body fat,
activity, sleep, blood pressure and heart rate, and to integrate them into their

 The API is public.

 It only requires you to register your application.

 The request limit is 120 requests per minute for a registered partner (if
you call a service for a first user and then for a second user request counter
will be increased by 2 requests).

Value creation: It solves the massive problem of employees having to

remember multiple user names and passwords for all of the applications they
use at work, by “brokering” login authentication through their software in a
seamless way (an over-simplification of their offerings). This results in a
completely secure system for users to access multiple application with one
user name and one password. Security is maintained while time and hassle are
reduced. This translates into peace of mind and more productive employees
for client companies. Customers are willing to pay more for this product than
the cost of production. Lots of value being created here.

Value Delivery: It execution of marketing, sales and support is both efficient

and effective. Their efficiency comes from fulfilling all of these functions over
the Internet, with very little time lost in travel. 

Value Capture: Because the company performs exceptionally well in the areas

of value creation and delivery, they are able to enjoy a healthy profit margin.
This is in addition to giving customers an opportunity to capture some of the
value as well, by offering a substantial number of user licenses for free as a
part of most enterprise sales. When value is properly and plentifully created
and delivered, there will always be enough to go around. Generous distribution
of captured value can become one of your best strategies for keeping your
competition at bay.

Value Defend: Providing proper scope of career development and growth. A

strong salary package to compensate their efforts and hard work. Providing
challenging targets to drive their internal locus of motivation. Awards and
Recognition to keep them encouraged and motivated to achieve higher targets
as well.

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