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Toward a revival of classical analysis

C. M. Beck II

Abstract. Among the analytical methods used to determine chemical composition, there are two special methods
based on reaction chemistry. These are gravimetry and titrimetry, and taken together they are called classical
analysis. They are special because they lead directly to independent values of chemical quantities expressed in SI
units. Gravimetry and titrimetry can be performed in such a way that their operation is completely understood, and
all significant sources of error in the measurement process can be evaluated and expressed in SI units together with
a complete uncertainty budget. Such chemical measurements are metrologically valid and stand alone. They have
no need to be compared with a reference material of the quantity being measured and therefore are called definitive
or primary methods. In this paper the basic equations and terms of gravimetry and titrimetry are discussed, together
with detailed examples of each. This is followed by a discussion of the errors associated with gravimetry and
titrimetry, and instrumental techniques that can be used for evaluating these errors. There is also a discussion of
the uncertainties associated with both systematic and random errors in gravimetry and titrimetry. The paper is
underpinned by historical sketches of several important issues and scientists connected with the development of
classical analysis. A case is made for a revival of the use of classical analysis in chemical metrology, together
with some suggestions as to how such a revival might be implemented.

Introduction reactions) involving that elementary chemical entity.

In gravimetry, the general equation describing the
Among the analytical methods used to determine measurement is
chemical composition, there are two special methods
based on reaction chemistry. These are gravimetry (1)
and titrimetry, and taken together they are called where
classical analysis. They are special because they lead
directly to independent values of chemical quantities d = the amount of substance of the elementary
expressed in SI units. Gravimetry and titrimetry can chemical entity being determined, which may be
be performed in such a way that their operation is an element (e.g. Al), an ion (e.g. Ca2+ ), a radical
completely understood, and all significant sources of (e.g. SO ), or a compound (e.g. NH3 ).
error in the measurement process can be expressed in w = the amount of substance of the insoluble
SI units together with a complete uncertainty budget. elementary chemical entity whose mass is being
Such chemical measurements are metrologically sound determined, which may be: a gas evolved from
and stand alone. They have no need to be compared with a heated solution, a gas evolved from an ignited
a reference material of the quantity being measured, and or fused solid, a non-volatile solid residue from a
therefore are called definitive or primary methods. low temperature volatilization or high-temperature
ignition, or, as it is in most cases, a precipitate
Part 1: Gravimetry formed from an aqueous solution.
1.1 Basic equations and terms of gravimetry
a, b = small whole integers appearing in the stoichio-
Gravimetry is the determination of the amount of metric chemical reaction (or reactions) which
substance of an elementary chemical entity through define the stoichiometric relationship between the
the measurement of the mass of an insoluble elementary chemical entity being determined and
product of a stoichiometric chemical reaction (or the elementary chemical entity being weighed.
These small whole integers arise directly from
C. M. Beck II: Standard Reference Materials Program, National
the law of definite proportions, which was initially
Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD suspected by chemists at the end of the eighteenth
20899 USA. century and was brought into sharp focus by

Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30 19

C. M. Beck II

Stanislao Cannizzaro (1826-1910) in 1860 with 1.2 Basic example of a gravimetric determination
this statement: “The different quantities of the
same element contained in different molecules are Consider the following example of a gravimetric
all whole multiples of one and the same quantity, determination. Suppose it is desired to assay an aqueous
which, always being entire, has the right to be solution of K2 SO4 for SO . The SO contained in
called an atom” [1]. a known mass of the K2 SO4 solution is precipitated as
BaSO4 by adding a dilute HCl solution containing an
In addition to being stoichiometric, the reaction must
amount of substance of dissolved BaCl2 in excess of
proceed in only one manner (i.e. reactions other than the
that needed to complete the precipitation. The resulting
one indicated by the equation must not occur), and the
BaSO4 precipitate is separated from the solution by
reaction must proceed as completely as possible in the
filtration. The BaSO4 precipitate is dried, ignited to
direction of the precipitate (i.e. the solubility-product
constant weight at 1100 C, and its mass is determined.
constant of the precipitate must be very small).
The chemical reaction is
It can be seen from (1) that gravimetry is based
on the amount of substance of chemical entities
reacting and combining in simple proportions of
numbers. However, the classical analyst has no way It can be seen that one SO in the original
of determining amount of substance directly. Instead, sample matrix produces one BaSO4 “molecule”, and
the analyst must determine the mass of a chemical entity consequently both a and b are unity. Therefore the
(which does not take into account the particulate nature gravimetric factor, f, for this example is
of that chemical entity) and then “correct” that mass by
dividing it by its molar mass. In this way, numbers are (6)
obtained which are proportional to the simple ratios in
which atoms, ions, and molecules react. Applying this
Knowing both the gravimetric factor and the mass
concept, (1) becomes
of BaSO4 produced, the mass of SO in the specimen
can be calculated using (4). The mass fraction of SO
(2) in the sample is

d = mass of the elementary chemical entity being The amount of substance of SO in the sample
determined; appears as a natural consequence of its known mass
= mass of the elementary chemical entity being and relative molecular mass:
(d) = molar mass of the elementary chemical entity
being determined; 1.3 Sources of error in gravimetry
(w) = molar mass of the elementary chemical entity
In order to illustrate sources of error in gravimetry, it
being weighed.
is helpful to consider briefly some topics in the history
Rearranging (2) gives of gravimetry and, in particular, the quest for relative
atomic masses by gravimetry that went on from the late
1850s to the 1930s.
(3) By the late 1850s the development of classical
analysis had reached an impasse because of the
or confusion over the nominal values of relative atomic
masses. Chemists had no way of knowing if the
nominal atomic mass of H was 1 or 2; or that of
(4) C was 6 or 12; or that of K was 32 or 64. Nominal
relative atomic masses could have been determined
where if correct stoichiometric formulas had been known.
Conversely, correct stoichiometric formulas could have
been determined if nominal relative atomic masses had
been known. The chemists of that era faced the problem
of simultaneously determining both, and both were
Equation (5) is the definition of what analytical chemists unknown. Further confounding the problem was the
call the gravimetric factor. diatomic form of the common gases H2 , N2 , O2 , and Cl2 ,

20 Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30

Toward a revival of classical analysis

which presented the enigma of 1 volume of hydrogen by bringing to the task not only his extraordinary
gas combining with 1 volume of chlorine gas to give genius as an experimentalist, but also his developing
2 volumes of hydrogen chloride gas. By 1860 relative knowledge of the latest insights from the new physical
atomic mass tables varied from country to country, and chemistry which was emerging in Europe at that time.
in some cases from laboratory to laboratory. Richards entered Harvard as the youngest member of
That this difficult and multilayered problem was the Senior class in 1885, where he worked under
solved as early as 1860 is one of the triumphs of Josiah Parsons Cooke (1827-1894), revising the relative
the human mind [2-5]. Although Amedeo Avogadro atomic masses of hydrogen and copper. He earned his
(1776-1856) had proposed the correct solution as early Ph.D. under Cooke in 1888, and on the merits of
as 1811, confusion reigned until Friedrich August his doctoral dissertation, he won a fellowship for a
Kekulé (1829-1896) invited chemists to an international year of travel and study in Europe where he received
chemical congress at Karlsruhe, Germany, in 1860 additional exposure to the important new developments
[6]. Stanislao Cannizzaro, a young professor from in physical chemistry. Returning to the United States
the University of Genoa, was one of the delegates in 1889, he joined the chemistry faculty at Harvard
to this congress. For some time he had realized where he continued work on the determination of
the correctness of Avogadro’s hypothesis in resolving relative atomic masses. He was granted a sabbatical
the problems surrounding relative atomic masses, but in 1895, and spent a semester with Wilhelm Ostwald
his 1858 paper [7] had gone unnoticed. Despite his (1853-1932) at Leipzig and another with Walter Nernst
skilful and passionate presentations at the congress, (1864-1941) at Göttingen, strengthening his knowledge
no agreement was reached. Fortunately, a colleague of the new physical chemistry. Richards began to realize
of Cannizzaro’s distributed copies of his paper to the seriousness of errors caused by the adsorption of
the delegates as they departed. This paper showed gases and retention of water in a solid substance. To
how Avogadro’s hypothesis could be used to establish evaluate (and in some cases eliminate) these errors,
the relative molecular mass of a gaseous compound. he developed a special weighing tube which made
Moreover, it demonstrated that the relative atomic mass it possible for him to fuse a substance in a quartz
of an element could be determined by comparing the boat under one or more controlled atmospheres and
vapour densities of a series of gaseous compounds then place that substance in a weighing bottle under
containing that element. Julius Lothar Meyer (1830- anhydrous conditions [8]. Richards also realized that
1895) and Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeléev (1834-1907) additional serious errors were caused by the occlusion
read the paper on their journey home, and both and coprecipitation of other substances in a precipitate
were immediately convinced. The rest of the scientific made from aqueous solution, and also by the solubility-
world followed quickly. It is difficult to overestimate product loss of that precipitate into the supernatant
the impact of the events surrounding the Karlsruhe solution. To investigate these errors he developed the
congress. Without the insight that both Meyer and nephelometer [9]. He used this instrument in several
Mendeléev gained from Cannizzaro’s paper, it is ways: to determine the exact equivalence point in
doubtful that they independently would have gone on a precipitation titration; to determine the amount of
to work out the periodic table as early as 1869. The coprecipitated and occluded impurities in a precipitate;
confusion over the nominal values for relative atomic and to determine the solubility-product loss of a
masses disappeared almost overnight, and chemists precipitate into the supernatant solution. With his
were able to write the correct stoichiometric equations invention and use of the nephelometer, he was a
for the reactions they were using in their gravimetric forerunner in the use of instrumental methods for the
assays. evaluation of systematic errors in classical analysis.
With the problem of the nominal values of relative This is discussed in more detail below.
atomic masses solved, the next issue was to obtain In 1904 Richards determined the relative atomic
accurate values for them. In the years just after mass of sodium in a sample of sodium bromide which
the Karlsruhe congress, Jean Servias Stas (1813- he knew to be very pure. He obtained a value for the
1891) determined the relative atomic masses of twelve relative atomic mass of sodium that was significantly
elements, and his values were considered to be of such lower than Stas’s value, assuming Stas’s values for
high quality that their accuracy went unquestioned for silver and bromine were correct. This discrepancy
several decades. Although Stas was a careful analyst could not be disregarded, because it indicated either
who far outdistanced his predecessors, there were an impurity in Richards’s sodium bromide or a flaw in
significant errors in his work which he could not have Stas’s work. Failing to find impurities in his sodium
been aware of because he worked some thirty years bromide after additional careful work, Richards set out
before the principles of physical chemistry generally to redetermine the relative atomic masses of Na and
were understood. Cl [10]. He launched a very careful quantitative study
It remained for Theodore William Richards (1868- to determine three ratios: AgCl:NaCl, Ag:NaCl, and
1928) to bring to maturity the determination of relative Ag:AgCl. He found that each step of this work was
atomic masses by gravimetry. He accomplished this critically dependent on both the purity of the materials

Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30 21

C. M. Beck II

and the application of physical chemical principles to something from every other phase, solid, liquid, or gas,
the gravimetry involved. Stas had worked with large with which they come in contact” [15]. In other words,
masses (about 200 g) of substances in order to reduce one must determine the mass of all substances on the
weighing errors, but Richards saw that this approach balance pan that do not belong there, and one must
suffered from the difficulty of purifying a large mass determine the mass of all substances not on the balance
of substance. Stas had made his precipitations from pan that do belong there.
concentrated solutions, but Richards learned that this Richards’s use of the nephelometer is one of the
led to the occlusion and coprecipitation of impurities early examples of how an instrumental method was used
in the precipitates. Stas had dried his substances in tandem with a classical method for the evaluation
under atmospheric conditions, but Richards realized of systematic errors. Since that time analysts have
that this led to the occlusion of oxygen and water been combining classical and instrumental methods of
from the air. Richards worked with smaller masses analysis in individual situations. However, two papers
(3 g to 20 g), and he insisted on applying rigorous by Silve Kallmann (1915-1989) that appeared in the
standards for the purification of all substances. He mid-1980s advocated a deliberate, systematic approach
precipitated from dilute solution to minimize occlusion to using classical analysis and instrumental analysis
and coprecipitation effects. He used his special bottling in concert [16, 17]. In many instances, older classical
apparatus to dry precipitates under carefully controlled analyses can be reconstructed and revitalized by using
conditions. He used the nephelometer to achieve precise them together with instrumental determinations. In other
endpoints and to evaluate the solubility-product losses instances, entirely new methods, some of them very
of precipitates into the solution. Richards obtained elegant, are possible. Kallmann made an important
significantly lower values for the relative atomic masses contribution by suggesting that the classical analyst
of Na and Cl, which eventually necessitated the continually consider such possibilities as a part of the
recalculation of all relative atomic masses which were overall analytical approach to methods development.
related to Na, Cl, or Ag. There are at least two opportunities for combining
By 1906 several discrepancies had come to light, instrumental determinations with gravimetry. The first
suggesting that Stas’s relative atomic mass of silver is in checking the purity of precipitates, i.e. determining
was distinctly too high. This created confusion and what is on the balance pan that does not belong
uncertainty throughout the entire table of relative atomic there. Despite the fact that every effort is made to
masses since most of the values were related to oxygen choose optimum conditions for precipitation, many
through silver. Realizing that the relationship between precipitates are significantly contaminated because
silver and oxygen had to be known without doubt, of coprecipitation and occlusion. Such an impure
Richards, together with Hobart Hurd Willard (1881- precipitate can be redissolved and the contaminant
1974), designed a series of elegant preparations and (or contaminants) determined by instrumental analysis
gravimetric assays to determine the ratios LiClO4 :LiCl (e.g. atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively
and LiCl:Ag. Combining these ratios gave the relative coupled plasma emission spectrometry, x-ray emission
atomic mass of silver directly in terms of 4 oxygen spectrometry, etc.).
atoms, in addition to providing a new value for the The second opportunity is in checking the filtrate
relative atomic mass of Li. Richards obtained a relative from a gravimetric determination for the solubility-
atomic mass for silver 0,05 % lower than Stas’s value, product loss, i.e. determining what is not on the
and at the same time got a value for Li which turned balance pan that does belong there. No gravimetric
precipitate is completely insoluble, but the filtrate can
out to be 2 % lower than Stas’s value. This was
be examined by an instrumental method for the small
probably the most careful of all of Richards’s work,
amount of the precipitate that has dissolved in the
and remarkably his value for silver, after correction
filtrate. For example, the classical method for silica can
to r (12 C) = 12 exact, differs from today’s mass-
be simplified by isolating the precipitated silica from a
spectrometrically determined value by only 1 part in
single dehydration, and then determining the remainder
105 . For this and other work on relative atomic masses,
in the filtrate by graphite-furnace atomic absorption
Richards was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
spectrometry. Kallmann points out other examples of
in 1914.
how a method that may have been rejected because of
Richards’s papers, especially [11-13], provide a a slightly soluble precipitate can now be reconstructed.
clear textbook on how to do metrologically valid An example of this increase in accuracy is discussed
gravimetry. They are beautifully written and will bring in a paper describing the evaluation of all systematic
delight and insight to anyone who takes the time to errors for reaction (r-1) [18].
study them. Richards summarized in two sentences all
that one needs to know about evaluating systematic 1.4 Sources of uncertainty in gravimetry
errors in gravimetry. “Every substance separating as a
new solid phase tends to retain upon itself or within If gravimetry is to be employed in valid chemical
itself some of the other substance in the phase from metrology, all the sources of uncertainty in the
which it separated” [14]. “All liquids tend to dissolve analytical process must be understood. The com-

22 Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30

Toward a revival of classical analysis

bined uncertainty associated with a gravimetrically be determined routinely with an uncertainty of about
determined value is made up of many components. 1 part in 106 .
Although there can be overlapping effects, uncertainty Finally, there is the uncertainty associated with
components fall into two categories: those arising from replicate determinations. Carefully performed routine
random effects, and those arising from systematic gravimetric determinations have an overall relative
effects. replication uncertainty of about 1 part in 103 . This
In Section 1.3, the major systematic errors uncertainty results in part from a combination of
associated with gravimetry were discussed. The effects from dust and other particulate contamination,
evaluation of each systematic error (usually by an and losses through splattering, spilling, incomplete
instrumental method) leads to a correction which is transfers, etc. With special effort and attention to detail,
applied to the gravimetrically determined value. Each including clean-room facilities, an experienced analyst
correction has associated with it an uncertainty, and can achieve a replicate uncertainty of a few parts in 104 .
each of these uncertainties must be propagated into the The most painstaking gravimetric assays ever achieved
complete uncertainty budget. have had replicate uncertainties of a few parts in 105 ,
There are also uncertainty components that arise and such efforts have taken many months and in some
from random effects, and the major ones are associated cases over a year (e.g. some of the gravimetric assays
with the terms of (3) and (7). In addition there is performed by T. W. Richards in the determination of
an uncertainty component from the random effect the relative atomic mass of Ag).
of replicate determinations. Let us consider the
uncertainties of the terms in (3) and (7). The terms Part 2: Titrimetry
a and b in (3) generally are assumed to be small whole
integers with no uncertainty. This is true, of course, 2.1 Basis equations and terms of titrimetry
only in so far as the chemical reaction (or reactions)
associated with a particular gravimetric determination Titrimetry is the determination of the amount of
proceeds stoichiometrically as written. The standard substance of an elementary chemical entity through
chemical reactions employed in gravimetry have been the measurement of the volume of a primary standard
exhaustively studied and tested for decades, and in some solution of another elementary chemical entity of known
cases for well over a century. These chemical reactions amount-of-substance concentration which is necessary
are well understood and have been shown to proceed to complete exactly a stoichiometric chemical reaction
stoichiometrically as written. (or reactions) involving the two entities. If volumes
are measured, all work must be done at constant
The next consideration in (3) is the uncertainties
temperature (for ordinary work ± 0,5 C). To reduce
of the molar masses, (d) and (w). Today the
the overall uncertainty, titrimetry can be performed on a
uncertainties of the molar masses of the mononuclidic
mass basis using a weight buret together with a primary
elements as determined by mass spectrometry are only a
standard solution made up on a mass/mass basis.
few parts in 107 . The molar masses of the polynuclidic
In titrimetry, the general equation describing the
elements have only slightly larger uncertainties due
measurement is
to the experimental uncertainty associated with the
abundance ratios of the various isotopes in the naturally (9)
occurring element. Other polynuclidic elements have
still larger uncertainties in their molar masses due where
to the range of isotopic composition of the normal dD = the amount of substance of the elementary
terrestrial material, and isotopic fractionation occurring chemical entity being determined;
either geologically or by intentional or accidental
human intervention [19]. Therefore, when performing a tT = the amount of substance of the elementary
gravimetric determination of certain elements, including chemical entity contained in that volume of
among others B, Li, Sr, Pd, and Pb, the analyst must be its standard solution titrant which is necessary
sure of the source of the element. If there is doubt as to to complete exactly the stoichiometric chemical
the source of the material containing these elements, a reaction (or reactions) being employed in the
relative atomic mass together with its uncertainty must determination.
be determined for the specific sample at hand. Values In addition to being stoichiometric, the reaction (or
for the molar masses for specific specimens of these reactions) must proceed in only one manner, i.e. any
elements can vary by as much as several parts in 102 . reaction other than the one indicated by the equation
The next consideration is the uncertainty in the (or equations) must not occur; the velocity with which
determination of the mass of the sample in (7) and of equilibrium is reached must be sufficiently great; the
the precipitate in (3). By the mid-nineteenth century reaction must proceed as nearly completely as possible,
the analytical balance had been refined to a point i.e. the equilibrium constant must be very large; and
where masses routinely could be determined with an there must be a suitable indicator for the detection of
uncertainty of about 1 part in 105 . Today masses can the endpoint.

Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30 23

C. M. Beck II

Unlike the general expression for gravimetry (1), result of the assay can be expressed as a mass fraction
the small whole integer terms, a and b, do not appear [see (19)]:
in (9). Instead, the coefficients d and t appear, and (16)
their values (which may be integers or fractions)
depend on the amount-of-substance relationship in the Substituting (15) into (16) we obtain
stoichiometric reaction (or reactions) involving D and (17)
T. To illustrate this, consider the general case of
Analysts familiar with titrimetry will recognize (17)
(r-2) as being in the same form as the traditional expression
for titrimetry which uses the concepts of “normality”
(r-3) and “equivalent mass”. Although many chemists were
educated using the “normal-equivalent mass” system,
Combining the two reactions
there are several reasons why its use is being
(r-4) discouraged. The “equivalent mass” of a substance does
not have a unique definition and it is not compatible
where dD is the elementary chemical entity being with SI units. In contrast, all the terms in (17) are in SI
determined, aA is some other reactant, tT is the units. In addition, there are several oxidation-reduction
elementary chemical entity in the titrant standard systems and disproportionation systems where the use
solution, and eE, yY, and zZ are products of the of the “normal-equivalent mass” system is awkward at
reactions. In (r-4), the special combinations dD, aA, tT, best. Furthermore, the old system fails completely with
eE, yY, and zZ are considered as elementary chemical compleximetric and precipitation titrations. The reader
entities. This means that a mole of dD plus a mole is urged to consult [20], where there is further discussion
of aA plus a mole of tT yields a mole of eE plus a of the basic relationships involved in titrimetry together
mole of yY plus a mole of zZ. In other words, the with instructive examples.
elementary chemical entities have been chosen in such
a way that the amount of substance of each reactant is 2.2 Basic example of a titrimetric determination
equal to the amount of substance of each product. The
SI system stipulates that the elementary entity must be Consider the following example of a titrimetric
indicated by use of its mole. The entities of interest are determination. Suppose it is desired to assay an aqueous
dD and tT, and either entity may be an integer quantity sulfuric-acid solution of dissolved vanadium metal,
of a real molecule or ion, e.g. H2 O or Fe2+ , or either where the vanadium is in solution as the vanadate ion,
entity may be a fractional quantity of a real molecule VO . This assay can be performed using a standard
or ion, e.g. 1/3 NH3 or 1/6(Cr2 O ). If necessary, the titrant solution of Fe2+ . The reaction is
concentration of a fractional quantity of an entity, c(tT),
can be converted to the corresponding concentration of
the integer value of that entity, c(T), by the equation
For example, by this relationship It has been well established that the vanadate ion,
VO , where V is present as V5+ , is quantitatively
(11) reduced to the vanadyl ion, VO2+ , where V is present
as V4+ . In the reaction, Fe2+ is quantitatively oxidized to
Suppose that the amount-of-substance concentra- Fe3+ . If the amount-of-substance concentration of Fe2+
tion of tT in the titrant standard solution is ctT , and that is known, then the amount-of-substance concentration
VtT is the volume of the titrant standard solution needed of vanadium can be determined.
to exactly complete (r-4). The amount of substance of A titrant solution of Fe2+ is prepared by dissolving
tT is an appropriate mass of Fe(NH4 )2 (SO4 )2 6H2 O (fer-
(12) rous ammonium sulfate hexahydrate) in dilute sulfuric
acid. The “appropriate” mass is based on the expected
By (9) we know that
concentration of V in the unknown solution, and on the
(13) need for the volume of titrant used to be sufficiently
and it follows that large (usually 30 cm3 to 40 cm3 ) that good precision
can be obtained.
(14) An accurate value for the amount-of-substance
Substituting (12) into (13) gives concentration of Fe2+ in the titrant solution must now
be determined using a comparison titration to a primary
standard solution made from a primary reference
In many titrimetric determinations the mass of dD material such as K2 Cr2 O7 (potassium dichromate).
is desired (e.g. in metal and alloy analysis), so that the K2 Cr2 O7 can be obtained in very pure form as a certified

24 Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30

Toward a revival of classical analysis

reference material from reference material producers amount of substance of V is calculated by (15). The
(e.g. NIST SRM 136e). mass of V can be calculated by (16), and as is often
The quantitative oxidation-reduction reaction for desired, especially in metal and alloy analysis, the mass
this comparison titration is fraction of V in the solid sample can be calculated by

2.3 Sources of error in titrimetry
(Note that in (r-6) and (r-7), the primary reference
material has not been written in its ionic form on the left The work of Izak Maurits Kolthoff (1894-1994)
side of the reaction (e.g. 2K+ + Cr2 O ). This has been provides perhaps the best example of how physical
done to illustrate this specific discussion.) The most chemistry can be applied to titrimetry, and in particular,
convenient elementary entity in this type of reaction is to how physical chemistry can be used either to
one which gains or loses one electron. Choosing Fe2+ as evaluate, or in some cases to eliminate, systematic
the elementary entity, the equation can be rewritten as errors in titrimetry.
Kolthoff attended the University of Utrecht in
1911. His lack of certain prerequisites needed to
study in the chemistry department was a blessing in
disguise, because it brought him under the tutelage
- of Nicolaas Schoorl (1872-1942), who was teaching
With the equation in this form, we see that in the University’s school of pharmacy. Schoorl
each Fe2+ reduces 1/6(K2 Cr2 O7 ), and so 1/6(K2 Cr2 O7 ) had studied at the University of Amsterdam where
becomes the elementary chemical entity of K2 Cr2 O7 . J. H. van’t Hoff (1852-1911), C. A. Lobry de Bruyn
An aqueous primary standard solution of K2 Cr2 O7 is (1857-1904), and Hendrik Bakhius-Roozeboom (1854-
prepared with a known amount-of-substance concentra- 1907) were teaching. (It was Roozeboom who had
tion of 1/6 K2 Cr2 O7 . The value of this concentration introduced the European scientific community to
is chosen such that when a volume consistent with Gibbs’s phase rule.) Schoorl was aware of all the
good precision (i.e. 25,00 cm3 ) is taken, it will require recent advances in physical chemistry which he stressed
30 cm3 to 40 cm3 of the Fe(NH4 )2 (SO4 )2 6 H2 O titrant in his teaching. He immediately recognized Kolthoff’s
to complete the reaction. Replicate high-precision talent and encouraged him to carry out independent
comparison titrations, using sodium diphenylamine research. Kolthoff had trouble understanding the proper
sulfonate as a visual colour indicator, give the volume of selection of indicators for acid-base titrations, and
Fe(NH4 )2 (SO4 )2 6 H2 O titrant necessary to complete he launched his own study into the matter. He had
(r-7) exactly. By (13) and (14) we know that already acquired a used copy of Wilhelm Ostwald’s
1894 classic, Die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der
analytischen Chemie [The Scientific Foundations of
Analytical Chemistry]. This important book began the
where process which put classical analysis on a scientific basis.
Kolthoff was further encouraged by the 1909 paper
tT = the amount-of-substance concentration of the of the Danish physiological chemist S. P. L. Sørensen
elementary chemical entity in the titrant (in this (1868-1939), who introduced the concept of pH. He
case, Fe2+ ); was inspired in 1913 by the work of Joel Hildebrand
(1881-1983) who used the hydrogen reference electrode
tT = the volume of the titrant solution used to
in electrometric titrations. Kolthoff borrowed pH
complete the reaction exactly;
measuring equipment from another professor, but within
sS = the amount-of-substance concentration of the a year he had devised his own potentiometric apparatus
elementary chemical entity in the primary standard in Schoorl’s laboratory. He published his first paper in
solution [in this case (K2 Cr2 O7 )]; 1915 on the titration of phosphoric acid.
Kolthoff quickly realized how important physical
sS = the volume of the primary standard solution
chemistry would be for the development of analytical
taken for the standardization.
chemistry, but in those beginning years, the going
The amount-of-substance concentration of Fe2+ in the was sometimes rough. Not realizing the significance
titrant solution can now be calculated. of his early work, faculty members in the chemistry
This Fe2+ titrant is now used to assay the unknown department sometimes criticized him. One member
vanadium solution. Replicate high-precision titrations went so far as to try to block him from publishing
with a known volume of the vanadium solution and lecturing. Kolthoff was disparagingly known by
are made using the Fe2+ titrant with diphenylamine some as the “pH-er”, which when pronounced in Dutch
sulfonate used as the visual colour indicator, and the came out as “pay-haer” with a as in “haha”. A colleague
¯ ¯
Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30 25
C. M. Beck II

publicly criticized him and warned lecture students not diphenylbenzidine sulfonate ion (abbreviated here as
to read any of the junk that Kolthoff published. When H2 dpbs2– ). When this indicator is used to determine the
Kolthoff confronted the colleague and asked him to endpoint of the standardization titration, (r-6), a small
retract the statements, he was criticized for showing amount of Cr2 O is reduced as soon as the indicator is
disrespect. Before his 1924 United States lecture-tour, added to the solution. This can be represented by (r-8):
this same colleague warned Kolthoff that the Dutch
had an excellent name in the United States, and that he
(Kolthoff) could easily spoil it. Despite the criticism, (r-8)
Kolthoff forged ahead and in 1918 presented his Ph.D.
thesis on the “Fundamentals of Iodimetry”, a topic he
returned to again and again over the years. In 1914 the Next the H2 dpbs2– ion enters into a reversible oxidation-
Danish physical chemist Niels J. Bjerrum (1879-1958) reduction reaction, producing the diphenylbenzidine
had published a book showing how to calculate both the violet ion (abbreviated here as dpbs ). This can be
shape of neutralization curves and the titration errors represented by (r-9):
in visual endpoint determinations. This work inspired
Kolthoff to begin the development of a theoretical
interpretation of all the methods of titrimetry. This
work resulted in his well-known two-volume work,
first published in German in 1926 and then translated
as Volumetric Analysis by N. Howell Furman (1892- (Note that the hydrogens indicated in the abbreviations
1965) in 1928 and 1929. A three-volume revision of are either a part of the ring structure of the indicator
the work appeared between the years 1942 and 1957 molecule or are attached to the nitrogen atoms in
[21]. In 1927, Kolthoff accepted a professorship at the the indicator molecule. They are so indicated in the
University of Minnesota where he remained for the rest abbreviations in order to keep track of the hydrogen
of his remarkably long and productive career. atoms which are oxidized from the indicator molecule
Kolthoff’s Volumetric Analysis is perhaps the best as H3 O+ .)
single resource in English on titrimetry, and these Because of the small amount of Cr2 O reduced
volumes contain a wealth of information on the by (r-8) and (r-9), the volume of titrant used will be
systematic titration errors associated with different types slightly less than the correct volume. This difference is
of titrimetry. Various systematic titration errors are the first component of the indicator error. In using this
specific for each titrimetric procedure, and they result indicator to perform the unknown vanadium solution
from the chemical processes involved and the nature titration, (r-5), analogous reactions (r-10) and (r-11)
of the indicator. These errors cannot be diminished occur which reduce a small amount of the VO ion:
arbitrarily; e.g. the indicator error would be zero only
if the indicator changed exactly at the endpoint –
and that never happens. Stated briefly, titration errors (r-10)
are those things that cause one either to deliver too
much or not enough titrant. While the best conditions
for keeping the overall titration error small may be
deduced mathematically, they should always be tested
experimentally (Kolthoff’s well-known maxim: “the
theory guides, the experiment decides”).
In the above example of a titrimetric assay of So (r-8) and (r-9) cause too little titrant to be
a vanadium solution, sodium diphenylamine sulfonate dispensed in (r-6), and (r-10) and (r-11) cause too
is used as the indicator. This indicator gives a sharp little titrant to be dispensed in (r-5). What we need
endpoint both for the reaction involved in the titrant to know for both (r-6) and (r-5) is the volume of
standardization (r-6), and for the reaction involved Fe(NH4 )2 (SO4 )2 6 H2 O titrant that would have been
in the assay of the unknown vanadium solution used in each case if no indicator had been present, so
(r-5). However, when this indicator is used in these that an appropriate correction can be made. This volume
reactions, a significant systematic titration error (called can be determined by the following technique. The
an indicator error) is introduced. This indicator error concentration of the sodium diphenylamine sulfonate
has two components. The first component is the result solution used for the indicator solution is 0,01
of two chemical reactions that take place as soon as mol/dm3 ( 2 g/dm3 ). The volume of each of the
the indicator is added to the solution to be titrated [22]. solutions being titrated is 300 cm3 . In order to
When the indicator is added to the K2 Cr2 O7 solution have sufficient concentration of the indicator in the
in (r-6), the diphenylamine sulfonate ion (abbreviated solution so that one can see the colour change at the
here as H2 dpas– ) enters into an irreversible oxidation- endpoint in 300 cm3 , one must add 0,2 cm3 of the
reduction reaction converting it to the colourless indicator solution. One can determine the amount of

26 Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30

Toward a revival of classical analysis

Fe(NH4 )2 (SO4 )2 6 H2 O titrant that would be used if 0,03 cm3 must be added to the volume of titrant to
no indicator were present in (r-6), by performing a series correct for the second component of the indicator error
of titrations on the same volume of K2 Cr2 O7 primary for (r-6). For (r-5), the indicator changes 0,03 V after
standard solution with 0,20 cm3 , 0,40 cm3 , 0,60 cm3 , the endpoint, and therefore, 0,03/0,50 (0,10 cm3 ) =
and 0,80 cm3 of the indicator solution and recording 0,006 cm3 (rounded to 0,01 cm3 ) must be subtracted
the volumes of Fe(NH4 )2 (SO4 )2 6 H2 O titrant used from the volume of titrant to correct for the second
in each case. If the volume of indicator is plotted component of the indicator error for (r-5).
against the volume of titrant used, a straight-line Each titrimetric assay has to be treated individually
plot is obtained. Extrapolation back to 0,00 cm3 of in terms of evaluating systematic errors. Different kinds
indicator gives the volume of titrant solution that would of titration errors are associated with the different
have been used had no indicator been present. This types of titrimetric assays, i.e. titrimetry involving
experiment also must be performed for the titration precipitation reactions, neutralization reactions with
of the unknown vanadium solution (r-5), because the strong acids and bases, neutralization reactions with
corrections will be similar but not necessarily identical weak acids and bases, complex-formation reactions,
for each titration. (A correction of 1,3 parts in 103 was and oxidation-reduction reactions. Detailed information
observed for both reactions when they were carried out can be found in [23, 24].
in a recent determination of vanadium in a chromium- The other major systematic error in titrimetry arises
vanadium master alloy. The fact that the correction from side reactions. Side reactions occur when there is
value was the same for both reactions in this instance a trace of another element which reacts with the titrant.
was a coincidence.) For example, in the assay of a Zn solution by titration
We have now evaluated the first component of with EDTA, there is almost always a trace of Cd in the
the indicator error. There is a second component of Zn solution. The trace of Cd requires a small amount
the indicator error which also must be determined. of the titrant, thus giving a titration volume which
When the titration is begun in both (r-6) and (r-5), the is slightly high. Errors of this type are most easily
potential of the solution changes until one approaches dealt with by titrating both the Zn and the trace of Cd
the endpoint potential. Indicators are chosen so that together. The amount of Cd is determined separately by
the colour-change reaction of the indicator occurs very an instrumental method, and an appropriate correction
near the true endpoint of the titration. A problem arises, is made.
however, because the potential at which the indicator
changes colour is never exactly the same as the potential 2.4 Sources of uncertainty in titrimetry
of the true endpoint of the titration. The half reaction
for the colour change of the sodium diphenylamine Just as in gravimetry, it is important that all sources
sulfonate indicator (i.e. the colourless diphenybenzidine of uncertainty be understood if titrimetry is to be used
sulfonate ion being oxidized to diphenylbenzidine in valid chemical metrology. The combined uncertainty
sulfonate violet ion) can be represented by the half associated with a titrimetrically determined value is
reaction (r-12): made up of many components, some of which are
the same as in gravimetry. Additionally, there are
some uncertainty components in titrimetry which are
different, and there are some additional uncertainty
components which are not present in gravimetry.
Although there are overlapping effects, the uncertainty
The standard reduction potential for (r-12) is components in titrimetry arise from both random and
0,84 V. The endpoint potentials for (r-6) and (r-5) systematic effects.
can be estimated by calculation [22] or looked up In Section 2.3, the major systematic errors asso-
in potential tables in quantitative analysis textbooks. ciated with titrimetry were discussed. The evaluation
The standard reduction potential for (r-6) is 0,97 V, of each of these systematic errors results in a
and for (r-5) it is 0,81 V. The small difference in the correction which has an associated uncertainty. Each
potential of (r-12) and the endpoint potential of (r-6) uncertainty component associated with each systematic
gives rise to the second component of the indicator error correction must be propagated into the overall
error for (r-6); and similarly, the small difference in the uncertainty budget of the titrimetric determination.
potential of (r-12) and the endpoint potential of (r-5) The uncertainty components that arise from the
gives rise to the second component of the indicator random effects in titrimetry are associated with the
error for (r-5). In the region of the endpoint of (r- terms in (17). In addition, there is an uncertainty
6) and (r-5), the plot of E/ V is nearly a straight component from the random effects of replicate
line with a slope very close to 0,50 V/0,10 cm3 of determinations. Considering (17), the coefficient d is
titrant. For (r-6), the indicator changes to its coloured almost always chosen to be unity with no uncertainty,
form 0,13 V before the endpoint, and therefore a very and in so choosing d, the coefficient t becomes a fraction
good estimate of this part of the indicator error for whose numerator and denominator are small whole
(r-6) is 0,13/0,50 (0,10 cm3 ) = 0,03 cm3 . Consequently, integers with no uncertainty. For example, in an acidic

Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30 27

C. M. Beck II

dichromate titration with Fe2+ , d = 1 and t = 1/6, and in error must be evaluated so that appropriate corrections
an acidic permanganate titration with Fe2+ , d = 1 and can be made. All of these systematic errors in
t = 1/5 [25]. These fractions result from the coefficients both gravimetry and titrimetry can be evaluated by
of the chemical entities in the reaction (or reactions) instrumental methods. With systematic errors evaluated
employed in the titrimetric assay, and hold true only if and random errors calculated or estimated, a complete
the reaction (or reactions) proceeds stoichiometrically to uncertainty budget can be produced.
the right as written. The chemical reactions employed in Despite the fact that instrumental analysis has
titrimetry have been well characterized, and only those rightfully assumed the overwhelmingly major role in
that have been shown to proceed stoichiometrically to the analytical laboratory, there remains a limited,
completion as written are used. although very important, need for classical analysis
The issues surrounding the uncertainty in the today. The continued need for classical analysis in
molar mass, (dD), and the uncertainty associated industry is well known. As an illustration, consider my
with replicate determinations are the same as with own experiences in government and industry analytical
gravimetry. What is different with titrimetry is the laboratories in the 1980s and 1990s. While working
uncertainty of tT and tT because they involve the for a large corporation engaged in advanced ceramic
measurement of volumes. Typically, tT is determined research, the analytical laboratory was asked to assay
by measuring the volume of the titrant delivered from each of the elements (except oxygen) in the following
a buret, which can be read with an uncertainty of compounds: SiC, TiC, WC, BN, AlN, Si3 N4 , TiN,
0,01 cm3 to 0,02 cm3 . Therefore, the typical uncertainty Al2 O3 , SiO2 , TiO2 , and Y2 O3 . In most cases, the
in the volume measurements for the nominal 40 cm3 required uncertainty was 5 parts in 103 or better,
titration is a few parts in 104 . If a piston-type automatic and, in many cases, mixtures of two or more of the
buret is used to deliver the titrant, the uncertainty in compounds were submitted for analysis. While working
the delivered volume is a few parts in 105 . Since for a major forging company, the analytical laboratory
concentration is a mass/volume term, two measurements was asked to assay aluminum-, titanium-, cobalt-, and
are required to obtain the value of tT . The issues nickel-base alloys for Al, Co, Cr, Mo, Sn, V, and
surrounding the determination of the mass of the Zn in the 5 % mass fraction to 80 % mass fraction
primary reference material are the same as with mass range with a required uncertainty of 2 parts in 103 or
determinations in gravimetry. The specifications for better. While working for the government, the analytical
Class A volumetric flasks call for uncertainties of a few laboratory was asked to assay the following compounds
parts in 104 , however, they should always be checked. and materials: Si2 Te3 , W5 Si3 , Mo5 Si3 , Mo3 Si, CoSi2 ,
[The analyst can calibrate volumetric ware to a few parts Si3 N4 , the oxides of all the rare-earth elements, the
in 105 by measuring the water contained (or delivered in ores and ore concentrates of Cu, Mn, Mo, and Zn, and
the case of a pipet) at a specified temperature, correcting concentrated solutions of Th, Sr, and Li, all with a
for buoyancy, and calculating the volume using water required uncertainty of 1 part in 103 or better. All of
density tables.] When titrimetry is done on a volume these requests finally arrived at the classical analyst’s
basis, the work must proceed at constant temperature,
bench, either because instrumental methods had failed
or the uncertainty in volumes created by temperature
to provide the necessary uncertainty, or because, due
fluctuations must be determined. In order to reduce
to the unavailability of a suitable reference material for
the uncertainty associated with volume measurements,
instrumental calibration, a definitive method had to be
titrimetry can be conducted on a mass basis. A weight
used. Without exception, each of the above assays was
buret is used and the mass of the titrant is determined,
of considerable economic importance to industry and
the titrant having been prepared so that its concentration
is known on a mass/mass basis.
It is doubtful that colleges and universities will
ever again offer sufficient training in classical analysis
Conclusion – toward a revival
to resupply the work-force with well-trained classical
A goal of this paper is to show that gravimetry and analysts. Because of the fiercely competitive nature
titrimetry can be used for metrologically valid chemical of research grant funding, no “professor of classical
determinations. Classical analyses are based directly on analysis” could long survive in a modern university
the SI units of mass and length, together with the use chemistry department. Nevertheless, in some important
of molar masses and stoichiometric chemical reactions. instances, industry and government laboratories will
Gravimetry and titrimetry can be performed in such continue to depend on the classical analyst to decide
a way that their operation is completely understood. if raw materials meet specifications and finished
With gravimetry, the important systematic errors of products can be released for sale. To an even
adsorbed, occluded, and coprecipitated impurities in the greater extent, classical analysis will be needed in
precipitate, and solubility-product losses of precipitate the development of new materials. Most importantly,
into the filtrate, must be evaluated so that appropriate however, gravimetry and titrimetry will continue to
corrections can be made. With titrimetry, the important be indispensable processes in the production and
systematic errors of “indicator error” and side-reaction certification of the reference materials which are

28 Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30

Toward a revival of classical analysis

necessary for the calibration of almost all instrumental since 1958. The world-wide analytical community
methods. This paper has attempted to demonstrate should ensure that a second edition of Kodama’s book
that classical analysis, gravimetry and titrimetry, are is published and maintained in print.
metrologically valid analytical procedures. If this is With a few capable and dedicated teachers, a
indeed true, then the use of gravimetry and titrimetry school with an excellent reputation could be established
in the certification of reference materials can rightly be in less than a decade. Industry, or a joint venture
referred to as “chemical metrology”. by industry and government, will have to bear the
Analytical laboratories, especially national labora- cost, but further delay in addressing the problem will
tories, continue to look for capable people to replace prove even costlier. In fact, such a venture would not
their retired classical analysts. Most laboratories have require a huge financial investment. The building and
given up after years of unsuccessful searching. The equipment requirements for such a teaching laboratory
writer speculates that at the present time thousands would be relatively modest, but those in charge of the
of well-trained classical analysts are needed world- administration and instruction would need to be people
wide. If there were a “classical analysis teaching of great ability, experience, commitment, and integrity.
laboratory” where qualified classical analysts were The science, the art, and the “state of mind” that are
being trained, recruiters would probably line up at the necessary in order to become a good classical analyst
door at graduation time. Perhaps the way in which will have to be carefully imparted to each student.
Karl Remegius Fresenius (1818-1897) established his Students will have to practise until they master the
laboratory could serve as a model for a similar effort techniques of common classical analytical operations,
today. and they will have to analyse the kinds of material used
Fresenius was hired as professor of chemistry, in industry and government in order to gain proper
physics and technology at the Agricultural College at experience. From such a school could flow a small but
Wiesbaden, Germany, in 1845. Because the college steady stream of qualified classical analysts to serve
administrators repeatedly refused to supply funds for in industrial, governmental and private laboratories.
a chemistry laboratory, he borrowed money from his The graduates of this school would have the mental
father, a prosperous attorney, bought a house, and and manual skills necessary to do classical analyses.
remodelled it into a private analytical laboratory. He Perhaps such a school exists. If not, now is the time
opened the doors in 1848 with one assistant [Emil to establish one.
Erlenmeyer (1826-1909)] and five students. In five years
Fresenius had thirty students, and in eight years he had References
sixty students, all of whom were eligible to receive
university credit for their study in his laboratory. 1. Cerruti L., Metrologia, 1994, 31, 161.
Fresenius had one advantage over us in that he 2. Cerruti L., Metrologia, 1994, 31, 159-166.
did have good textbooks for his courses because he, 3. Ihde A. J., The Development of Modern Chemistry,
himself, had written two of the best textbooks available New York, Harper & Row, 1964.
at that time [26]. Today, the unavailability of textbooks 4. Szabadváry F., History of Analytical Chemistry, New
and reference books is a serious problem for anyone York, Pergamon Press, 1966.
wanting to study classical analysis. Except for the 5. Szabadváry F., Robinson A., The History of Analytical
reprinting of Vol. I of Scott’s Standard Methods of Chemistry, In Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry,
Chemical Analysis [27], and the recently published, A Vol. X (Edited by G. Svehla), New York, Elsevier, 1980.
Manual for the Chemical Analysis of Metals by T. R. 6. deMilt C., J. Chem. Educ., 1951, 28, 421-425.
7. Cannizzaro S., Sketch of a Course of Chemical Philosophy,
Dulski [28], most, if not all, of the comprehensive
Edinburgh, Livingstone (Alembic Club Reprint #18),
textbooks and reference books on classical analysis 1969.
in English are out of print. References [22, 29- 8. Richards T. W., Parker H. G., Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci.,
33] are landmark classical analysis reference works 1896, 32, 59.
which the world-wide analytical community should 9. Richards T. W., Wells R. C., Am. Chem. J., 1904, 31,
attempt to have reprinted. Special mention should be 235-243.
made of Methods of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis 10. Richards T. W., Wells R. C., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1905,
by Kazunobu Kodama (b. 1914). In this monumental 27, 459-529.
work, Kodama has written a compendium of all 11. Richards T. W., Köthner P., Tiede E., J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
classical methods (together with all spectrophotometric 1909, 31, 6-20.
methods) that have appeared in all the textbooks and 12. Richards T. W., Willard H. H., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1910,
32, 4-49.
all the chemical literature up to 1958. This book has
13. Richards T. W., Determinations of Atomic Weights,
been out of print for over thirty years. Since his Publication 125, Washington DC, Carnegie Institution of
retirement, Kodama has meticulously prepared hand- Washington, 1910.
written notes annotating the first edition of his book 14. Richards T. W., Determinations of Atomic Weights,
together with references to all classical methods (and Publication 125, Washington DC, Carnegie Institution of
spectrophotometric methods) appearing in the literature Washington, 1910, 101.

Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30 29

C. M. Beck II

15. Richards T. W., Determinations of Atomic Weights, 26. Beck II C. M., Anal. Chem., 1994, 66, 227A.
Publication 125, Washington DC, Carnegie Institution of 27. Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis, The Elements, 6th
Washington, 1910, 104. ed. (Edited by N. H. Furman), New York, Krieger, 1975.
16. Kallmann S., Anal. Chem., 1984, 56, 1020A-1028A. 28. Dulski T. R., A Manual for the Chemical Analysis
17. Kallmann S., In Chemical Analysis of Metals (Edited by of Metals, ASTM Manual series, MNL25, West
F. T. Coyle), Philadelphia, ASTM, 1987, 128-133. Conshohocken, ASTM, 1996.
18. Vetter T. W., Beck II C. M., Pratt K. W., Turk G. C., 29. Kodama K., Methods of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis,
Butler T. A., Analyst, 1995, 120, 2025-2032. New York, Interscience, 1963.
19. Peiser H. S., Anal. Chem., 1985, 57, 511A-522A.
20. Zaho M., Lu L., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1994, 289, 121-124. 30. Hillebrand W. F., Lundell G. E. F., Bright H. A., Hoffman
21. Kolthoff I. M., Stenger V. A., Belcher R., Matsuyama J. I., Applied Inorganic Analysis, 2nd ed., New York,
G., Volumetric Analysis, 3 vols., New York, Interscience, John Wiley & Sons, 1953.
1942, 1947, 1957. 31. Kolthoff I. M., Sandell E. B., Meehan E. J., Bruckenstein
22. Kolthoff I. M., Sandell E. B., Meehan E. J., Bruckenstein S., Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th ed., New York,
S., Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 4th ed., New York, Macmillan, 1969.
Macmillan, 1969, 755-757. 32. Lundell G. E. F., Hoffman J. I., Bright H. A., Chemical
23. Kolthoff I. M., Furman N. H., Potentiometric Titrations, Analysis of Iron and Steel, New York, John Wiley &
2nd ed., New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1931. Sons, 1931.
24. Erdey L., Svehla C., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1968, 40, 473-478. 33. Lundell G. E. F., Hoffman J. I., Outlines of Methods of
25. Zaho M., Lu L., Anal. Chim. Acta, 1994, 289, 121-122. Chemical Analysis, New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1938.

30 Metrologia, 1997, 34, 19-30

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