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Stolt Offshore


OKPOHO Diving Services

Contract Ref. : OKP 003

Spool Installation Procedure

4521 – CTN - 154

Originator : Tom O’Malley (Senior Project Engineer)

Checker : Joseph Leroy (Project Engineer)
Approver : Leif Thorsen (Senior Project Manager)

0.1 Issued for IDC Nov.11.03

Version Reason for Issue Issue Date Prepared by Checked by Approved by Customer
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This is an electronically generated document which has been reviewed and approved in accordance with Stolt Offshore’s Management
System. An audit trail of review and approval is available within the electronic system.

The screen version of this document is the CONTROLLED COPY at all times. When printed it is considered a FOR INFORMATION
ONLY copy, and it is the holder’s responsibility that he / she holds the latest valid version.

, Stolt Offshore S.A. or a subsidiary thereof, copyright 2001 and design right reserved. Copying and/or disclosure of the confidential
information contained herein is prohibited without written permission of the proprietor.


Version Issue Date Purpose List of updated/modified

sections if any
0.1 Nov.11.03 Issued for Internal Review N/A
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This is an electronically generated document which has been reviewed and approved in accordance with Stolt Offshore’s Management
System. An audit trail of review and approval is available within the electronic system.

The screen version of this document is the CONTROLLED COPY at all times. When printed it is considered a FOR INFORMATION
ONLY copy, and it is the holder’s responsibility that he / she holds the latest valid version.

, Stolt Offshore S.A. or a subsidiary thereof, copyright 2001 and design right reserved. Copying and/or disclosure of the confidential
information contained herein is prohibited without written permission of the proprietor.


VERSION RECORD SHEET.....................................................................................................................................2

TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................................3
1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................................4
1.1 SCOPE OF PROCEDURE..............................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 WORKSITE CHANGES TO APPROVED PROCEDURE............................................................................................................4
1.3 COMMUNICATIONS AND INTERFACES..................................................................................................................................5
1.4 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................................................5
1.5 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................................6

2. SAFETY...............................................................................................................................................................8
2.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................................................................................................................8
2.2 HAZARD / CONSEQUENCE SUMMARY...................................................................................................................................8

3. TECHNICAL INFORMATION.......................................................................................................................9

4. TASK PROCEDURES.....................................................................................................................................10
4.1 PROCEDURE OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................................................10
4.2 PREPARATIONS & STATUS SURVEY.....................................................................................................................................11
4.3 RECOVERY OF START UP & LAYDOWN HEADS.................................................................................................................13
4.4 SPOOL INSTALLATION.............................................................................................................................................................19
3.4. WET-STORING OF SPOOLPIECES (OPTION).........................................................................................................................19
4.5 INSTALLATION OF CLOSING SPOOLS...................................................................................................................................23
4.6 MASTER EQUIPMENT LIST......................................................................................................................................................31

ATTACHMENT 1 – SKETCHES............................................................................................................................34

APPENDIX 2 – SPOOL DATA SHEET..................................................................................................................35

APPENDIX 3 – FLANGE FACE INSPECTION SHEET.....................................................................................36

APPENDIX 4 – USE OF HYDRAULIC STUD TENSIONIG EQUIPMENT.....................................................37

APPENDIX 5 – GUIDELINES ON THE USE OF AIR LIFT BAGS..................................................................38

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The scope of this document is to define the procedure for the:
 Removal of Start up and Laydown Heads on both pipelines
 Removal of Blind flanges at SSIV / Riser Base and platform riser
 Mobilisation of spools to worksite
 Wet Storing of spools (option)
 Installation of closure spools (6 x 2no. total)
 As Built Survey

This operation requires to be carried out at 6 locations as shown below :

Location Description Ref Drg Water Approximate

ID Depth Closure

A 8" SSIV – Pipeline @ Platform 539028-A-050-UD-9127 Sheet 1 of 2 90m 49.000m

B 8" Platform – SSIV 539028-A-050-UD-9127 Sheet 2 of 2 90m 30.390m

C 16" Platform - SSIV 539028-A-050-UD-9123 Sheet 1 of 2 90m 29.120m

D 16" SSIV – Pipeline @ Platform 539028-A-050-UD-9123 Sheet 2 of 2 90m 44.342m

E 8" Pipeline - Riser Base / SSIV 539028-A-050-UD-9125 Sheet 1 of 1 72m 41.030m

F 16" Pipeline - Riser Base / SSIV 539028-A-050-UD-9121 Sheet 1 of 1 72m 40.000m

In addition, this document will provide a clear understanding of the scope of work
associated with each activity to be undertaken and will help to ensure a safe and
efficient performance of the operation.


In the event of any unplanned circumstances which affect this procedure, then this
procedure can be changed to ensure the safety and efficiency of the operation. Any
change to this procedure will be performed in strict accordance with Stolt Offshore's
"Management of Changes to Worktasks Guideline" GR-HSE-003.


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For the purposes of this procedure, the CLDSV Discovery will be working within
platform and / or FPSO 500m zones, and it is assumed there will be no interference
from other infield vessels.

Should this situation change during the course of the work scope, then the Bridging
documents between Stolt Offshore Ltd and Saibos Cml will be implemented to
harmonise the control of operations and to ensure the safety of personnel involved.

The Bridging Document describes the following interfaces:

 Organisational Structure, Responsibilities and Accountabilities

 Communication
 Work Programme, Permit to Work, and Procedures
 Equipment
 Monitoring, Auditing and Review

All parties involved will be responsible for ensuring compliance with this document.


Abbreviation Definition
c/w Complete with
CLDSV Cable Lay Diving Support Vessel
CR Client Representative
DF Deck Foreman
DMA Dead Mans anchor
DP Dynamic Positioning
DPO Dynamic Positioning Operator
DS Dive Supervisor
DSV Diving Support Vessel
HIRA Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
LAT Lowest Astronomical Tide
OIM Offshore Installation Manager
OM Offshore Manager
PE Project Engineer
PTW Permit to Work
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
Shell Shell UK Exploration and Production
SS Shift Supervisor
Stolt Stolt Offshore Limited
SWL Safe working load
Te Metric Tonne
VM Vessel Master

1.5.1 Documents
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Document No. Title

GR-HSE-002 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Procedure
GR-HSE-003 Management of Changes to Worktasks Guideline
GR-DIV-022 Guidelines on the Use of Air Lift Bags
GP-00-201-018 Use of Hydraulic Stud Tensioning Equipment
XXXX Stage 1 HIRA Report
XXX Project SMS Bridging Document
XXXX Spool Lift Analysis Doc

1.5.2 Sketches
Drawing No. Title
Start up / Laydown Head Recovery – Sequential stages
Spool installation Procedure Sheet 1 of 2
Spool installation Procedure Sheet 2 of 2
Spool Installation Air Bag Requirements
Spool Installation Studbolt Length check 16” Class 900
Spool Installation Studbolt Length check 8” Class 2500
Typical Hydraulic Jack Coverage for 50% cover tensioner
Typical Hydraulic Jack Coverage for 100% cover tensioner

Flange Face inspection Sheet

Spool Preparation Sketches (12no.)
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1.5.3 Drawings
Drawing No. Title
539028-A-050-UD-9127 8” Pipeline Spool Make-Up at Okpoho PLT
Sheet 1 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9127 8” Pipeline Spool Make-up at Okpoho Platform
Sheet 2 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9123 16” Pipeline Spool Make up at Okpoho Platform
Sheet 1 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9123 16” Pipeline Spool Make up at Okpoho Platform
Sheet 2 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9125 8” Pipeline Spool Make-up at FPSO
Sheet 1 of 1
539028-A-050-UD-9121 16” Pipeline Spool Make-up at FPSO
Sheet 1 of 1
539028-A-050-UD-9330 16” Pipeline Start up Head
Sheet 1 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9330 16” Pipeline Start up Head – Valve Protection
Sheet 2 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9331 16” Pipeline Termination Head
Sheet 1 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9331 16” Pipeline Termination Head – Valve Protection
Sheet 1 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9360 8” Pipeline Start up Head
Sheet 1 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9360 8” Pipeline Start up Head
Sheet 1 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9361 8” Pipeline Termination Head
Sheet 1 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9360 8” Pipeline Termination Head – Valve Protection
Sheet 1 of 2
539028-A-050-UD-9197 FPSO Worksite General Layout
539028-A-050-UD-9161 OKPOHO SSIV Station General Layout (Platform)
Sheet 2 of 13
539028-A-050-UD-9161 OKPOHO SSIV Station General Layout (FPSO)
Sheet 1 of 13
539028-A-050-UD-9100 General Pipes Route Layout
539028-A-050-UD-9121 16” & 8” Pipeline General Route Map

Drawing No. Title

Flange Catcher Fab Drawings 16” Class 900
Flange Catcher Fab Drawings 8” Class 2500
Podger Bar Details
Flange Face Protector Details
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 All work will be carried out in accordance with the Stolt Offshore Management
 All work will be carried out under a PTW system (Stolt Offshore / Customer etc).
 All work will be carried out in accordance with the Bridging Document.
 All Risk Assessments (Stage 1, 2 and 3) will be performed in accordance with Stolt
Offshore Procedure GR-HSE-002.
 A Stage 1 Risk Assessment has been performed on this procedure and the results
have been detailed in document XXXXX.


The following list of hazards is not exhaustive, however it is intended that it act as an
aide memoir for identifying Task Specific Hazards or consequences related to main
Stolt activities.
MOBilisation PLAtform Activities DIVing
1. Transport 1. Scaffolding 1. Water Jetting 17.Extended Umbilicals
2. Cranes 2. Overside Work 2. Hp Grit Blasting 18. Mid Water Swims
3. Vehicles 3. Paint Spraying 3. Reduced Visibility 19. Falling Debris
4. Fork Lift Ops 4. Grit Blasting 4. Cold Cutting 20. Buoyancy
5. Use of Tuggers to Skid 5. Heli Ops 5. Oxy Arc Burning 21. Thrusters
Loads 6. Process Vents 6. O2 Build Up 22. Access
6. Deck Overcrowding 7. Dumping LSA Scale 7. Habitat Welding 23. Sharp edges / points
7. Slips / Trips / Falls 8. Turbine Exhausts 8. Hydraulic Tools 24. Strong Tidal Flow
8. Manual Handling 9. Lifeboat Launch (DSV Position) 9. Excavating / Dredging 25. Restricted Access
9. Working at Height 10. Alarms - DSV Response 10. Air Lifting 26. Working Environment
10. Cutting & Welding 11. Basket Transfer 11. Air Bags 27. Harmful Chemicals
11. Arc Eye 12. Venting Cement 12. Confined Space 28. Drill Muds
12. Power Tools 13. Flaring 13. Pressure / Vacuum 29. Excursions
13. Stacking & Storing 14. Deck Drains 14. Collapsing/Overturning Structure 30. Complexity of Structure
14. Flying Debris 15. Microwave Interference 15. Entrapment 31. Release of Hydrocarbons
15. Crane Ops 16. None 16. Permitted Umbilical Lengths 32. All
16. Dropped Objects 17. All 33. None
17. None
18. All
DP SYMops MARine
1. Reference Systems 1. Priority Operations 1. Supply Vessels 9. Diesel Engine Exhausts
2. Artemis Interface 2. ROV 2. Weather 10. Surface Visibility
3. HPR Interface 3. Air Diving 3. Strong Tidal Flow 11. Alarms-PlatformResponse
4. Spotting of Taut Wire 4. Sat Diving 4. Collision 12. Anchor Patterns (Chain / Wire)
5. Blow on / Blow Off 5. RAT 5. Heli Ops 13. Alongside Platform
6. Within Anchor Pattern 6. Other In-field Vessels 6. DP Failure 14. Alongside PFU
7. Shallow Water Ops 7. Communications 7. Seafastenings 15. None
8. Loss of Position 8. Pigging & Testing 8. Hot Work 16. All
9. Thruster Wash 9. Overall Responsibility
10. None 10. PTW
11. All 11. Fax Availability / Reliability
12. None
13. All
LIFting Ops ROV PROject
1. Rigging (SWL/Inspected) 1. Propellers 1. Damage to flange faces
2. Swinging Loads 2. Electric Power Source 2. Incorrect spools being deployed
3. Dropped Load 3. Comms with Diver 3. Loss of information
4. Heavy Lift 4. Launch & Recovery 4. Transfer of Personnel to Delivery Vessel
5. Internal Lift 5. None 5. Failure of crane to raise load due to poor Hook Height
6. Supply Boat Lift 6. All
7. Weather
8. None
9. All
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The Spool installation operation requires to be

carried out at 6 locations as shown below, there are
2no. Spools per location (12 spools in total) : 1. P R E P A R A T IO N S

Spool ID Description Ref Drg Water Approximate

2. RDepth
E M O V E P I P E S T A R Closure
U P / LA Y D O W N H E A D

A 8" SSIV – Pipeline @ Platform 539028-A-050-UD-9127 Sheet 1 of 2 R E90m

M O V E B L IN D 49.000m
B 8" Platform – SSIV 539028-A-050-UD-9127 Sheet 2 of 2 90m 30.390m

C 16" Platform - SSIV 539028-A-050-UD-9123 Sheet 1 of

4 .2 L O90m
W E R S PO O L 29.120m

D 16" SSIV – Pipeline @ Platform 539028-A-050-UD-9123 Sheet 2 of 2 90m 44.342m

E 8" Pipeline - Riser Base / SSIV 539028-A-050-UD-9125 Sheet 1 of 1 S72m
P O O L IN T O 41.030m

F 16" Pipeline - Riser Base / SSIV 539028-A-050-UD-9121 Sheet 1 of 1 72m 40.000m

5. S T R U C T U R E (D O N O T
T E N S IO N )

Pipeline laydown Data

Description Eastings Northings KP

8” Platform End 536281.57 -1383.89 0.0


16” Platform End 545751.07 -10160.19 13.496

16” FPSO End 536296.94 -1391.25 0.0

SSIV As-Positioned Data


Description Eastings Northings

Platform SSIV 7. R E P E A T O P E R A T IO N
F O R R E M A IN IN G 5 n o .
Riser Base / SSIV SE TS O F S PO O LS

 Review Weather Forecast
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 Obtain Permit to Work

 Set-up DSV as required to complete works
 Raise Pipeline & laydown head from seabed and place on grout bags
 Remove studs from underside of flange (Hydratight Spread / Nut Splitter Spread)
 Deploy clump weight approx. 5m from laydown / start up head
 Attach airbags and reduce weight of laydown / start-up head
 Install local rigging and pull head away from flange
 Recover gasket and place flange protection on both flanges
 Deflate bags & install lift rigging and recover head
 Carry out flange face inspection on pipeline flange.
 Locate 8” blind flange on Riser Base SSIV
 Dive r to open quarter turn valve on blind flange
 Using Nut Splitters / Hydratight spread remove studbolts
 Remove blind flange and recover to surface
 Diver to carry out flange face inspection & install flange face protector
 Mobilise Delivery Barge / Supply vessel to worksite
 PE to locate Spool as required
 Deck foreman board barge and prepare spool for overboarding
 Under Instruction for the dive supervisor raise spool no. 2 and move barge away from vessel
 Overboard spool and deploy to 10m above seabed
 Deploy divers to spool location
 Divers to bank spool into approximate location at SSIV
 Repeat the above for Spool 1
 Divers to install lacing wires & inflate air-bags as required.
 Divers to inflate all other airbags and lift & shift spools into location
 Divers to place podger bars across flanges and pull in as appropriate
 Remove Flange Face Protectors
 Carry out flange face inspections as appropriate
 Install Gaskets & Bolts into flanges at Structures / Pipelines and tighten
 Align and install gaskets & Bolts into mid-spool flange
 Remove all installation aids
 Deploy Bolt Tensioning Spread to Worksite
 Divers to set up flanges for 100% tensioning
 Deploy downline to worksite and secure
 Carry out bolt tensioning activities
 16” Pipeline to Riser Base at FPSO
 8” Pipeline to SSIV at Platform end
 16” Pipeline to SSIV at platform end
 8” SSIV to Platform at Platform end
 16” SSIV to Platform at Platform end
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4.2.1 Task Hazards
Task Hazards
The following hazards tabulated below have been identified during the preparation of this
procedure. This list may not represent ALL hazards associated with this task. Reference
should be made to REPORT XXX which details all findings of the Stage 1 Risk Assessment and
the proposed control measures required to minimise the risks associated with this task.
DP PLAtform Activities DIVing
1. Reference Systems 1. Scaffolding 1. Extended Umbilicals
2. Artemis Interface 2. Overside Work 2. Cold Cutting
3. HPR Interface 3. Paint Spraying 3. Sharp edges / points
4. Spotting of Taut Wire 4. Grit Blasting 4. Strong Tidal Flow
5. Blow on / Blow Off 5. Heli Ops 5. Excavating / Dredging
6. Within Anchor Pattern 6. Turbine Exhausts 6. Restricted Access
7. Shallow Water Ops 7. Alarms - DSV Response 7. Air Lifting
8. Loss of Position 8. Basket Transfer 8. Working Environment
9. Thruster Wash 9. Flaring 9. Air Bags
10. Deck Drains 10. Excursions
11. Microwave Interference 11. Collapsing/Overturning Structure

PROject SYMops MARine

1. Damage to flange faces 1. Priority Operations 1. Supply Vessels 9. Diesel Engine Exhausts
2. Incorrect spools being 2. ROV 2. Weather 10. Surface Visibility
deployed 3. Sat Diving 3. Strong Tidal Flow 11. Alarms-Platform Response
3. Loss of information 4. Communications 4. Collision 12. Anchor Patterns (Chain / Wire)
4. Transfer of Personnel to 5. Pigging & Testing 5. Heli Ops 13. Alongside Platform
Delivery Vessel 6. Overall Responsibility 6. DP Failure
5. Failure of crane to raise 7. PTW 7. Seafastenings
load due to poor Hook 8. Hot Work

4.2.2 Preparations & Status

Item Task Resp. Check
Initial Status: Info
 All Spools have undergone a Trial Lift and Hydrotest at
fabrication yard
 Spools have been mobilised to site via delivery vessel
 Stolt Supervisor has insured all installation aids (except air-bags)
have been installed onto Spool
 Level 2 HIRA Complete
 Permit to Work in place
 Complete Toolbox talk
1. The Offshore Manager shall have reviewed the existing and anticipated OM/VM
environmental conditions in conjunction with the Captain.
2. DSV to position itself over worksite for ROV / DS survey. DPO
 Refer to Drawing 539028-A-050-UD-9197 for site set up at FPSO
 Refer to Drawing XXX for site set up at Platform Worksite

3. Deploy OBSROV / SS to worksite – ROV /

Sequence is Subject to change – however base case is based upon
stating at the FPSO worksite and progressing to the platform
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Item Task Resp. Check

4. OBSROV / DS to locate Pipeline flange and inspect seabed for debris / ROV /
obstructions that may interfere with the spool Metrology works. SS

Ref. Section 3 for as-Laid Data

Survey of Flange to Highlight the following :

 General Condition of laydown head
 Surrounding Area Layout
 Access for Subsequent Diving Operations
 Identification of debris for removal where required
5. ROV to fly the planned route of the metrology wire over to the SSIV DS
Southerly flange and confirm it is free from debris and obstructions.
6. OBSROV / DS to locate Pipeline flange and inspect seabed for debris / ROV /
obstructions that may interfere with the spool Metrology works. DS

Ref. Drawings 539028-A-050-UD-9197 for details of SSIV / Riser

Base at FPSO End
Ref. Drawings XXXX for details of SSIV at platform end

Survey of Flange to Highlight the following :

 General Condition of laydown head
 Surrounding Area Layout
 Access for Subsequent Diving Operations
 Identification of debris for removal where required

4.2.3 Equipment
Item Description Qty Total Check
1. Video Tapes 1 6
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4.3.1 Task Hazards

Task Hazards
The following hazards tabulated below have been identified during the preparation of this
procedure. This list may not represent ALL hazards associated with this task. Reference
should be made to REPORT XXX which details all findings of the Stage 1 Risk Assessment and
the proposed control measures required to minimise the risks associated with this task.
DP PLAtform Activities DIVing
10. Reference Systems 12. Scaffolding 12. Extended Umbilicals
11. Artemis Interface 13. Overside Work 13. Cold Cutting
12. HPR Interface 14. Paint Spraying 14. Sharp edges / points
13. Spotting of Taut Wire 15. Grit Blasting 15. Strong Tidal Flow
14. Blow on / Blow Off 16. Heli Ops 16. Excavating / Dredging
15. Within Anchor Pattern 17. Turbine Exhausts 17. Restricted Access
16. Shallow Water Ops 18. Alarms - DSV Response 18. Air Lifting
17. Loss of Position 19. Basket Transfer 19. Working Environment
18. Thruster Wash 20. Flaring 20. Air Bags
21. Deck Drains 21. Excursions
22. Microwave Interference 22. Collapsing/Overturning Structure

PROject SYMops MARine

6. Damage to flange faces 8. Priority Operations 9. Supply Vessels 9. Diesel Engine Exhausts
7. Incorrect spools being 9. ROV 10. Weather 10. Surface Visibility
deployed 10. Sat Diving 11. Strong Tidal Flow 11. Alarms-Platform Response
8. Loss of information 11. Communications 12. Collision 12. Anchor Patterns (Chain / Wire)
9. Transfer of Personnel to 12. Pigging & Testing 13. Heli Ops 13. Alongside Platform
Delivery Vessel 13. Overall Responsibility 14. DP Failure
10. Failure of crane to raise 14. PTW 15. Seafastenings
load due to poor Hook 16. Hot Work

4.3.2 Recovery of Start up / laydown Heads

Item Task Resp. Check
1. Initial Status: INFO
 DP Trials are successfully completed
 Permit to Work is in place
 Confirmation has been received to ensure pipelines are fully flooded
and at ambient pressure.

Reference Drawings are available for the start up / laydown heads

16” Start up head details – Ref. 539028-A-050-UD-9330

16” Laydown Head Details - 539028-A-050-UD-9331
8” Start up head details - Ref. 539028-A-050-UD-9360
8” Laydown Head Details – Ref. 539028-A-050-UD-9361

Reference Sketch : XXXXXX for schematic

2. Set-up the vessel on the location of the Start up / Laydown Heads as DPO/
required. SS
3. Deploy the ROV to survey the Start up / laydown head locations and RS
confirm the worksite is safe for divers.
4. Deploy divers and workbasket to work site. DS/DF
5. Safety Note: Divers to confirm all valves are open or burst discs DS/DI
have burst on the Start up / laydown heads to
confirm that the pipeline is flooded.
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Item Task Resp. Check

6. On the Pig Launcher, the divers are to disconnect any flooding hoses DS/DI
from the inlet flange (knock off connection with a lump hammer). Use tin
snips or bolts cutters to cut any straps holding the hose to the pipeline.
Reel the hose back to the vessel.
7. On the Initiation head the divers are to confirm that the initiation wire has DS/DI
been cut and removed. Divers are to check for any other wires or
shackles that may exist.
8. If required divers will dredge under the flange to gain access to the DS/DI
studbolts or using the vessel crane lift the pipeline onto a sandbag pier.
9. Divers to disconnect the Start up / laydown head from the pipeline flange DS/DI
Divers to use flogging spanners and sledge hammers initially.
For 8” Start up / laydown Head – use 80mm A/F Spanner
For 16” Start up / laydown Head – use 65mm A/F spanner
. The 6 o’clock studbolts should be removed first.
Safety Note: Confirm the DSV and platform water makers are shut
down prior to braking the flange in case excess dye
is released.
10. Should flogging spanners and hammers fail to remove the nuts, bolt DS/DI
tensioning equipment shall be utilised to remove the nuts.
For 8” Start up / laydown Head – use Type D Jacks
For 16” Start up / laydown Head – use Type B Jacks

Refer to procedure WP-UK-201-01 “Operation of Bolt Tensioning

11. Divers to remove all bolts except those at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions. DS/DI
Remove the nuts from Start up / laydown head side only of the remaining
12. If required deploy a 5Te-clump weight to seabed. Divers to co-ordinate DS/DI
positioning of clump weight approximately 5m behind the Start up /
laydown head.
8” Start-up / laydown Heads Weight - 1.3te (Dry)
16” Start-up / laydown Heads Weight - 1.6te (Dry)

13. Diver to attach a 3.2te Tirfor and cross-haul rigging between the clump DS/DI
weight and the Start up / laydown head.
Note: If the seastate allows the Start up / laydown head could be
moved away from the pipeline using the vessel crane
attached directly to the head.
14. Divers to pull Start up / laydown head away from the pipeline (guided by DS/DI
the remaining two bolts) in a controlled manner using the 3.2te Tirfor.
Note: On the Pig Receiver the divers are to confirm that the
pigs are fully located within the receiver.
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Item Task Resp. Check

15. When the head is approximately 1m away from the pipeline, detach the DS/DI
Tirfor rigging and store in dive basket. On the Pig Receiver end, the
divers are to perform a visual check to confirm that no pigs exist in the
16. On the Pig Receiver only, the divers are to thread 12mm polypropylene DS/DI
rope through the bolt holes to secure pigs during recovery of the head.
17. Remove the two remaining stud bolts and nuts and place in the dive DS/DI
18. Recover the gasket to the vessel for inspection. Clean and check the DS/DI
pipeline flange face/groove for damage or defects.
Install a wooden flange protector on the pipeline flange.
QA Note: Record pipeline flange groove inspection on a
dedicated "Flange Groove/Gasket as-built video”
19. Divers to choke 2 no. 3te x 8m circ round slings around Start up / DS/DI/
laydown head and attach tag lines. Confirm that divers are in safe DF
position and recover the Start up / laydown head to deck.
Note: See above for approx. weight of heads in air.
20. Clear work site of all equipment. DS/DI
21. Deck crew to check and inform the Client’s Representative that all pigs DF/PE/
have been recovered in the Pig Receiver. CR
22. The Above activity is required at both pipeline ends for both 16” and 8”
pipeline (a total of 4 heads to be removed)
Ref. Section 3 for as-built locations
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4.3.3 Recovery of Blind Flanges From Subsea Structures

Divers are required to remove blind flanges from the SSIV and the Platform at one end
and the Riser Base / SSIV at the FPSO end of the pipeline. The activity for removal is
consistent throughout – therefore the following describes the removal of the blind
flange from the Riser Base / SSIV.

Item Task Resp. Check

23. Initial Status: INFO
 DP Trials are successfully completed
 Permit to Work is in place
 Confirmation has been received to ensure SSIV / Platform Risers are
fully flooded and at ambient pressure.

Reference Drawings are available for the SSIV, Platform and Riser
base for tie-in flange location details.

SSIV @ Platform End –

Site layout drawing Ref. 539028-A-050-UD-9161 Sheet 2 / 13
Site layout drawing Ref. 539028-A-050-UD-9161 Sheet 1 / 13

24. Divers to locate to proposed tie-in flange on the riser base. DS / DI

25. Diver to identify the proposed tie-in flange and allow project engineer to DS / DI /
confirm flange location. PE
26. Diver to confirm ambient pressure behind flanges by opening the quarter DS / DS
turn valve located at the centre of the blind flange.
27. Divers to disconnect the blind flange from tie-in flange. DS/DI
Divers to use flogging spanners and sledge hammers initially.
For 8” Blind Flange – use 80mm A/F Spanner
For 16” Blind Flange – use 65mm A/F spanner
. The 6 o’clock studbolts should be removed first.
Safety Note: Confirm the DSV and platform water makers are shut
down prior to braking the flange in case excess dye
is released.
28. Should flogging spanners and hammers fail to remove the nuts, bolt DS/DI
tensioning equipment shall be utilised to remove the nuts.
For 8” Start up / laydown Head – use Type B Jacks
For 16” Start up / laydown Head – use Type D Jacks

Refer to procedure WP-UK-201-01 “Operation of Bolt Tensioning

Should this equipment not provide sufficient tension a nut splitting
spread is available for use.
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Item Task Resp. Check

29. Divers to remove all bolts except those at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions. DS/DI
Remove the nuts from blind flange leaving the above in place.
Divers to loosen the 3 and 9 o’clock nuts and slowly prise open flange
showing due care ensuring no differential pressure is present.
30. If required a 250kg air bag can be used to aid in the removal of the blind DS/DI
flanges, due care should be taken to ensure the air-bag is suitably rigged
to prevent and accidents.
8” Class 2500 Blind Flange Weight - 240kg (Dry)
16” Class 900 Blind Flange Weight - 260kg (Dry)

31. Repeat the above operation at all worksites : SS / PS

1no. 8” Class 2500 Blind to be removed on Riser Base
1no. 16” Class 900 Blind to be removed on Riser Base
At Platform
2no. 8” Class 2500 Blind to be removed at SSIV
2no. 16” Class 900 Blind to be removed at SSIV
1no. 8” Class 2500 Blind to be removed at Platform Riser Base
1no. 16” Class 900 Blind to be removed at Platfrom Riser Base

4.3.4 Equipment
Item Description Qty Check
1. Airlift or Dredge hog system c/w compressor and downline 1
2. 25kg sandbag 20
3. 2te x 4m circ round sling 2
4. 3te x 4m circ round sling 2
5. 3te x 8m circ round sling 4
6. Large adjustable spanner (12") 2
7. Stiltsons (12") 2
8. Tin snips 2
9. Bolt cutters 2
10. 65mm flogging spanner 2
11. 80mm Flogging Spanners 2
12. 65mm Combination spanner 2
13. 80mm Combination Spanners 2
14. 4lb lump hammer 2
15. Short handled sledge hammer 1
16. 8” Wooden flange face protectors 2
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Item Description Qty Check

17. 16” Wooden Flange Face Protectors 2

18. Plastic Ty-wraps (503 x 12mm) 20
19. Bolt tensioning spread 1
20. Type B Seaserpent jacks 20+4
21. Type D Seaserpent jacks 12+2
22. Bolt Tensioning Whips 21+2
23. Y-Piece 2
24. Nut Splitter to suit 2” Nuts 2
25. Nut Splitter to Suit 1 5/8” Nuts 2
26. 150m Downline 2
27. 5te clump weight c/w lift rigging 1
28. 3.2te Tirfor c/w 20m wire 1
29. 4.75te Bolt Type Anchor Shackles 6
30. Length of 12mm polyprop 5m
31. 180 min VHS blank video tape 2
32. 1te Air Bags 2
33. Roll of duct tape 2
34. 250kg Airbag 1
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Note – the Spool installation activity involves the installation of 2 x 2no. spools
( 16” and 8”) at 3no. locations (12 Spools in Total). The following procedure
describes the method in which 1no. set of spools are installed.

4.4.1 Task Hazards

Task Hazards
The following hazards tabulated below have been identified during the preparation of this
procedure. This list may not represent ALL hazards associated with this task. Reference
should be made to REPORT XXX which details all findings of the Stage 1 Risk Assessment and
the proposed control measures required to minimise the risks associated with this task.
DP PLAtform Activities DIVing
19. Reference Systems 23. Scaffolding 23. Extended Umbilicals
20. Artemis Interface 24. Overside Work 24. Cold Cutting
21. HPR Interface 25. Paint Spraying 25. Sharp edges / points
22. Spotting of Taut Wire 26. Grit Blasting 26. Strong Tidal Flow
23. Blow on / Blow Off 27. Heli Ops 27. Excavating / Dredging
24. Within Anchor Pattern 28. Turbine Exhausts 28. Restricted Access
25. Shallow Water Ops 29. Alarms - DSV Response 29. Air Lifting
26. Loss of Position 30. Basket Transfer 30. Working Environment
27. Thruster Wash 31. Flaring 31. Air Bags
32. Deck Drains 32. Excursions
33. Microwave Interference 33. Collapsing/Overturning Structure

PROject SYMops MARine

11. Damage to flange faces 15. Priority Operations 17. Supply Vessels 9. Diesel Engine Exhausts
12. Incorrect spools being 16. ROV 18. Weather 10. Surface Visibility
deployed 17. Sat Diving 19. Strong Tidal Flow 11. Alarms-Platform Response
13. Loss of information 18. Communications 20. Collision 12. Anchor Patterns (Chain / Wire)
14. Transfer of Personnel to 19. Pigging & Testing 21. Heli Ops 13. Alongside Platform
Delivery Vessel 20. Overall Responsibility 22. DP Failure
15. Failure of crane to raise 21. PTW 23. Seafastenings
load due to poor Hook 24. Hot Work


Depending on present and future weather forecasts the Vessel Master and Offshore
Manager, after discussion with the Client’s Rep, may decide to take the opportunity to
wet store the spools as close to their final location as possible.
OM must take into account seabed conditions prior to wet storing as future retrieval
may be difficult in the silty seabed conditions.
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The table below details the rigging arrangement drawings and weights of the spools:
Lift No. Spool Ident. Rigging Weight in Weight in
Arrangement Drg Air (te) Water (te)
At FPSO Worksite
1. 16” 9121 - 1
2. 16” 9121 - 2
3. 8” 9125 - 1
4. 8” 9125 - 2
At Platform – Pipeline - SSIV
5. 16” 9123 C - 1
6. 16” 9123 C - 2
7. 8” 9127 A - 1
8. 8” 9127 A - 2
At Platform – SSIV - Platform
9. 16” 9123 D - 1
10. 16” 9123 D - 2
11. 8” 9127 B - 1
12. 8” 9127 B - 2

4.5.1 Wet Storing of Spool-pieces (Option)

Item Task Resp. Check
1. Initial Status: INFO
 DP Trials are successfully completed
 Permit to Work is in place
 Weather forecast is suitable for spool deployment

2. Set the vessel up next to the proposed wet storage locations. VM/DPO
Wet Store Location to be fully agreed between OM, VM and
Customer representative. The logistics of installation has to be
finally determined, therefore it is critical that all the spools are
properly Identified and marker for future retrieval
Note : The wet storage location will be as near to the final spool
locations as is possible.
Safety Note: The spools are being delivered on a supply boat /
barge, it is critical that their position on the barge is pre-
agreed prior to mobilisation to ensure the vessel crane can
lift and shift offshore.
3. Deploy the ROV or divers to survey the proposed wet storage location. RS/SR/
ROV is to confirm there is a level seabed with no debris or boulders that DS/DI
could damage the spool. If necessary relocate to a more suitable
4. The spool lift rigging will be checked for damage. Check the swivel DF/PE
flanges are free to rotate.
Note: Flange grooves will have been checked prior to mob.
5. Confirm all bolt holes have been numbered on one mating flange. PE
6. Attach an 8kg aluminium buoy to the lift rigging master link to aid PE / DF
recovery. Paint the spool no. on the buoy. Confirm the spool has been
marked with its ident no. and orientation.
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Item Task Resp. Check

7. Pre-fit any airbags to the spool using cargo straps or polyprop. Refer to PE/DF
rigging drawings noted in the table above.
8. Deck crew will fit weighted tag lines and light sticks to the spool. The DF
Deck Foreman will attach holdback lines as required to stabilise the spool
during its deployment.
9. The Offshore Manager and Vessel Master will confirm the seastate OM/VM
is acceptable for spool deployment and that there is a suitable
weather window.
10. Attach the vessel crane to the lift rigging and take up the slack with the DF/SR
crane hook plumbed over the spool COG mark on the deck. A
transponder beacon and strobe light will be fitted just above the crane
hook so the spool can be positioned.
11. Disconnect the seafastenings cargo straps so that the spool is free to be DF
12. The dive bell will remain on the surface or divers remain under the bell DS/SR
during overboarding. The ROV will monitor the deployment of the spool
to 10m off the seabed.
13. Under the direction of the Deck Foremen the vessel will lift the spool out DF
of its seafastenings on the cargo barge and the Deck Crew controlling
the swing of the spool using holdbacks and tag lines.
14. When the spool is high enough off the Barge deck position the spool DF/RS
outboard and deploy subsea. – Request the barge master to manoeuvre
away from the worksite. Deploy spool through the splash zone and
onward to the worksite.
Note : Depending on completed workscope at this stage – it may be
possible to temporarily store the spools on the Discovery deck to
allow final preparations to be completed on the spools
ROV is to monitor the descent.
Safety Note: Spools are to be deployed a min of 30m clear of any
subsea structures.
15. Lower the spool to 10m off the seabed and stop decent. Deploy the DS/DI
divers to the spool who will take control of the taglines.
Safety Note: If due to the current the spool is rotating subsea,
decision may be made to land the spool on the
seabed without the divers.
16. Under the divers instruction the spool will be lowered onto the seabed at DS/DI
its required wet storage area.
17. Divers will confirm the spool is lying flat on the seabed and there are no DS/DI
large freespans or obstructions. If necessary reposition the spool.
18. The divers will position a hand held mini beacon on both flanges and DS/DI/
fixes taken to position the spool. SR
19. Disconnect the crane hook and recover to surface. DS/DI
20. Repeat the above steps for any other spools to be wet stored. INFO

4.5.2 Equipment list

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Item Description Qty

1. Spools c/w lift rigging (idents as detailed in table above) 12
2. 16” Swivel flange lever arm 3
3. 8” Swivel flange lever arm 3
4. Strobe light c/w batteries 3
5. Coil of 16mm polyprop 1
6. 8kg aluminium buoys 12
7. 1te airbag 9
8. 0.5te airbag 6
9. 2te x 4m circ round sling 6
10. 1.5" x 4m endless cargo straps 9
11. 4.75te bolt type anchor shackle c/w R pin 9
12. Mini transponder beacons c/w charger 3
11. Roll of Duct Tape 2
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Reference Table Appendix 2 for full details of closure spools, there idents and
there repsentive bolt loads etc.

4.6.1 Task Hazards

Task Hazards
The following hazards tabulated below have been identified during the preparation of this
procedure. This list may not represent ALL hazards associated with this task. Reference
should be made to GDF-HSE-0015 (Risk Analysis Report) which details all findings of the Stage
1 Risk Assessment and the proposed control measures required to minimise the risks
associated with this task.
DP PLAtform Activities DIVing
28. Reference Systems 34. Scaffolding 34. Extended Umbilicals
29. Artemis Interface 35. Overside Work 35. Cold Cutting
30. HPR Interface 36. Paint Spraying 36. Sharp edges / points
31. Spotting of Taut Wire 37. Grit Blasting 37. Strong Tidal Flow
32. Blow on / Blow Off 38. Heli Ops 38. Excavating / Dredging
33. Within Anchor Pattern 39. Turbine Exhausts 39. Restricted Access
34. Shallow Water Ops 40. Alarms - DSV Response 40. Air Lifting
35. Loss of Position 41. Basket Transfer 41. Working Environment
36. Thruster Wash 42. Flaring 42. Air Bags
43. Deck Drains 43. Excursions
44. Microwave Interference 44. Collapsing/Overturning Structure

PROject SYMops MARine

16. Damage to flange faces 22. Priority Operations 25. Supply Vessels 9. Diesel Engine Exhausts
17. Incorrect spools being 23. ROV 26. Weather 10. Surface Visibility
deployed 24. Sat Diving 27. Strong Tidal Flow 11. Alarms-Platform Response
18. Loss of information 25. Communications 28. Collision 12. Anchor Patterns (Chain / Wire)
19. Transfer of Personnel to 26. Pigging & Testing 29. Heli Ops 13. Alongside Platform
Delivery Vessel 27. Overall Responsibility 30. DP Failure
20. Failure of crane to raise 28. PTW 31. Seafastenings
load due to poor Hook 32. Hot Work

4.6.2 Installation of Spools

Item Task Resp. Check
1. Initial Status: INFO
 DP Trials are successfully completed
 Permit to Work is in place
 Spools have been wet stored on location
 Pigging heads have been removed
 Blind Flange has been Removed from structure / SSIV / Riser Base
2. Set the vessel up to give the divers access to the worksite. DPO

Refer to Sketch nos. XXXXX for the final spool layouts.

3. Deploy and position ROV and / or divers at work-site. DS/DI/

4. ROV and / or divers to carry out visual survey of the spoolpiece corridor DS/DI/
from the SSIV / Riserbase / Riser tie-in flanges to the Pipeline flanges. RS
Confirm there are wooden flange face protectors on all tie-in flanges.

5. Record position of any debris or boulders encountered. SR

6. Move any debris as required and fix new location. DS/RS/

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Item Task Resp. Check

Vessel will relocate over the spool wet storage location. Divers will
inspect rigging (if wet stored for more than 1 week ferrules must be
closely checked) and reconnect the crane hook to the lift rigging. Under
divers instruction lift the spool 10m off the seabed.
Continue from Item 20.
8. IF THE SPOOL IS Mobilised from a barge direct : DF/PE
The spool lift rigging will be checked for damage. Check the swivel
flanges are free to rotate.
Note: Flange grooves will have been checked prior to

9. Confirm all bolt holes have been numbered on one mating flange. PE

10. Attach an 8kg aluminium buoy to the lift rigging master link to aid DF
recovery. Paint the spool no. on the buoy. Confirm the spool has been
marked with its ident no. and orientation.

11. Deck Crew Pre-fit any airbags to the spool using cargo straps or PE/DF
Refer to rigging drawings noted in the table above.

12. Fit weighted tag lines and light sticks to the spool. Attach holdback lines DF
as required to stabilise the spool during its deployment.

13. Safety Note: The Offshore Manager and Vessel Master will OM/VM
confirm the seastate is acceptable for spool deployment and that
there is a suitable weather window

14. Attach the vessel crane to the lift rigging and take up the slack with the DF/SR
crane hook plumbed over the spool COG mark on the deck. A
transponder beacon and strobe light will be fitted just above the crane
hook so the spool can be positioned.

15. Disconnect the seafastenings so that the spool is free to be lifted. DF

16. The dive bell will remain on the surface or divers remain under the bell as DS/SR
the ROV monitors the deployment of the spool to 10m off the seabed.

17. Under the direction of the Deck Foremen the vessel will lift the spool out DF
of its seafastenings with the Deck Crew controlling the swing of the spool
using holdbacks and tag lines.

18. When the spool is high enough off the deck position the spool outboard DF/RS
and deploy subsea. ROV is to monitor the descent.
Safety Note: Spools are to be deployed a min of 30m clear of any
subsea structures.

19. Lower the spool to 10m off the seabed and stop decent. Deploy the DS/DI
divers to the spool who will take control of the taglines.
Safety Note: If due to the current the spool is rotating subsea,
decision may be made to land the spool on the
seabed without the divers.

20. Using vessel/crane movements the divers will manoeuvre the spools DS/
towards the tie-in flanges. Refer to sketch nos. 60108130-ABZ-0009-S DPO
and 0010-S for typical spool installation procedure.
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Item Task Resp. Check

21. Under the divers instruction the spool will be lowered until the tie-in DS/DI
flanges are approx. 300mm apart.
22. Divers will relocate to the other end of the spool and using the taglines DS/DI
orientate the flange until “best” alignment has been achieved. Lower the
spool until it is rested on the seabed.
23. Once the spool position is acceptable the lift can be disconnected and DS/DI
the crane hook recovered to deck.
24. Divers to repeat the above activity for the second spool and align
between mid-line mating flange and pipeline / structure.
25. Divers to orientate the spools as required and advise of any major wis- DS / DI
alignments that may exsist, with the use of the crane divers may re-align
the spools as suits the working conditions.
26. Deploy work baskets to divers complete with all installation aids, avoid DS / DF
deploying tensioning equipment at this stage.
SPOOL 1 Alignment
27. Divers to install lacing wires and air-bags as required to aid in spool DS / DI
flange alignment with structure.
Note – Ensure all safety lines are in place prior to inflation of any
lift bags.
Divers to inflate lacing with lift bag as required.
28. Divers to monitor flange and spool at all times during lifting operations. DS / DI /
A 5te clump weight is available for use to aid as a tie-back for the lift
bags if required
29. Divers to slowly inflate and monitor spool during inflation operation. DS / DI
With the aid of the flange catchers divers to land the spool flange onto
the structure flange and secure.
30. If the divers find that the spool flanges are too high then the airlift will be DS/DI
deployed to lower the spool flanges by dredging high spots as required.
31. Using a hand held beacon divers to carry out a survey of the spool DS / DI /
alignment to aid with installation of the second spools SU
SPOOL 2 Alignment
32. Divers to install lacing wires and air-bags as required to aid in spool DS / DI
flange alignment with structure.
Note – Ensure all safety lines are in place prior to inflation of any
lift bags.
Divers to inflate lacing with lift bag as required.
33. Divers to monitor flange and spool at all times during lifting operations. DS / DI /
A 5te clump weight is available for use to aid as a tie-back for the lift
bags if required
34. Divers to slowly inflate and monitor spool during inflation operation. DS / DI
With the aid of the flange catchers divers to land the spool flange onto
the structure flange and secure.
35. If the divers find that the spool flanges are too high then the airlift will be DS/DI
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Item Task Resp. Check

deployed to lower the spool flanges by dredging high spots as required.
36. Using a hand held beacon divers to carry out a survey of the spool DS / DI /
alignment to aid with installation of the spools SU
37. Divers to align all 3 mating flanges as near as possible and install podger DS / DI
bars / securing aids as required.
Overall Spool alignment
38. Once both spools have been aligned – the divers to locate to SSIV/ Riser DS / DI
base end of spool.
39. As required the divers will take flange gap measurements (at the 4 DS/DI
Cardinal points) and using a spirit level along the spool confirm whether
the spool needs to be lowered or raised.
40. Divers will align the flange faces using the cross haul rigging(Tirfors, DS/DI
lever hoists, lacing wires, etc) and airbags along the spool (if required)
until 2 no. podger bars can be inserted.
Refer to spool lift rigging drawing nos. 6XXXXXX-ABZ-XXXX-D to
XXXX for locations of airbag lift points. Lift bridle lift points will be re-
Note: The swivel lever arm can be used to turn the swivels into

41. Divers will commence inflating the pre-fitted airbags located along the DS/DI
spool (if required). Refer to the relevant lift rigging drawing for actual
Safety Note: Airbag dump lines must always be held back to a
suitable structure or clump weight.

42. Using the cross-haul rigging (Tirfors, lever hoists and lacing wires) align DS/DI
the flange faces until the flange faces are approx. 300mm apart.
QA Note: Remember a video of the flange grooves must be
taken before gap is too small .

43. Once alignment of the flanges has been achieved remove the wooden DS/DI
flange face protectors. Insert the 2 no. podgers and gasket insertion tool
(use the swivel flange lever arm to align bolt holes). Leave a 4” x 2”
timber in place in case the flanges come together.
For 16” Class 900 Flange – utilise a 40mm dia. Podger bar
For 8” Class 1200 Flange – Utilise a 50mm dia. Podger Bar

44. If required divers may install 2 no. studbolts and use 2 no. Bolt DS/DI
Tensioning jacks to pull the flanges together rather than flogging the
16” Class 900 Flanges Utilise 20no. M42 Studbolts
8” Class 2500 Flanges Utilise 12no. M52 Studbolts

45. Continue to draw the flange faces together. Ensure flanges remain DS/DI
aligned using a Vernier gauge (check flange gaps at the 4 Cardinal

46. Draw flange faces together until they are approximately 100mm apart. DS/DI
Install a fluorescence dye stick into the spool.
Note : Leave the dye stick on the surface until it is needed.
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Item Task Resp. Check

47. The diver will un-wrap the gasket and check for any damage or defects. DS/DI
Record the condition of gasket and ident no. on an as-built video.
8” Class 2500 Flange Utilises an R51 Gasket
16” Class 900 Flange Utilises an R66 Gasket
QA Note : Divers will record flange groove inspection on a
dedicated "Flange Groove/Gasket as-built video”.

48. When 50mm apart install the studbolts (staggered for 100% DS/DI
tensioning) and gasket and use flogging spanners to draw the flanges
together evenly. Continually measure the flange gaps to ensure an even
gap until the gasket is held within the groove.
Note : A gasket insertion tool or a length of cat gut can be used
to hold the gasket in place until nipped in the groove.

49. Remove the podger bars and gasket insertion tool allowing the remaining DS/DI
studbolts to be installed.

50. Using the appropriate flogging spanner, DS/DI

For 8” Spools – use 80mm A/F Spanner
For 16” Spools - Use 65mm A/F spanner
tighten the studs at the 3, 6, 9, & 12 o’clock positions to bring the flange
faces together. Ensure this is done evenly by monitoring the flange gap
using Vernier gauge. Divers are to ensure gasket is correctly located in
the groove.

51. Deploy a 5te clump weight with hold back rigging attached as required to DS/DI/
aid the cross-hauling of the spool into alignment. DF

52. Divers to remove flange face protectors and carry out a full visual DS / DI /
inspection of the flange face. PE
This inspection is to be recorded on a separate video – fully
describing the flange, its location, its ID and its condition.
PE / DS to fill out a flange face inspection sheet – Ref. Attached
53. Divers to commence installation of bolts around flange, starting at 6 DS / DI
O’Clock, and with the aid of the gasket alignment tool – install the gasket
into its groove.
54. Divers to install remaining studbolts and tighten using flogging spanners DS / DI

For 8” Spools –
There are 12no. sets of M52 dia. Studbolts
use 80mm A/F Spanner
For 16” Spools -
There are 20no. Sets of M42 dia. Studbolts Required
Use 65mm A/F spanner

55. Divers to then locate to mid-line flange and repeat steps 42 – 54 DS / DI

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Item Task Resp. Check

56. Divers to then locate to Pipeline end flange and assess misalignment of DS /DI /
flanges (if any) and re-align and mate the flanges following the guideline PE
in steps 42 – 54 above.
Should it be necessary to raise the pipeline and slightly re-align the
flanges then this should be carried out under the supervision of the
Project engineer utilising airbags (only) to raise pipeline & pipeline flange
as required.
57. Once all 3 flanges have been mated and tightened using flogging DS / DI
spanners divers to deflate all air-bags and remove all installation aids
from the spools
58. All installation aids to be returned to the work basket and recovered to DS / DI /
deck for cleaning and re-arrangement for upcoming spools. DF / PE
Bolt Tensioning Operations
1. Deploy the bolt tensioning equipment to the worksite. DS/DI/
8” Class 2500 Flanges Utilise 12no. Type D Hydratight Jacks
16” Class 900Flanges Utilise 20no. Type B Hydratight Jacks

2. If required divers may use 2 no. Hydratight jacks to further align the DS/DI
flanges rather than flogging the studbolts.

3. Install the tensioning tools on the studs and check that there is no DS/DI
sand/grit caught between the flange faces. Ref. WP-UK-201-01
(hydratight jacks) Bolt Tensioning operational Procedure.

4. Divers are to carry out bolt tensioning operations as per Stolt Offshore DS/DI
Procedures ref: WP-UK-201-01 (hydratight jacks).

5. The pressures and tensions to be used on each flange for Hydratight DS/DI
tools are given in the data sheets provided in Appendix 2.
QA Note: The DS will complete these data sheets during the
tensioning of the flanges.

6. Once tensioning is complete all flanges are to be wrapped in cling film or DS/DI

7. Recover all bolt tensioning equipment to workbasket and relocate divers DS / DI /

to mid-line flange then pipeline flange and repeat bolt tensioning PE

8. Recover all equipment to deck or relocate to next flange. DS/DI/

9. ROV or divers will complete a video As-Laid Video Survey of all spool DS/DI/
corridors prior to any mattress installation. The survey should cover the RS/CR
spools and past the tie-in flanges.
QA Note : Divers/ROV will record spool layouts on a dedicated
Spool as-built video.

10. Repeat the above steps for the next 5no. sets of spool alignment and tie- INFO
in operations.
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4.6.3 Equipment
Item Description Qty Check
1. Spool lift c/w lift rigging 12
2. 5te x 8m circ round sling 2
3. 2te x 4m circ round sling 4
4. 4.75te bolt type anchor shackle c/w R pin 16
5. 10t Air Lift baggs 3
6. 5t Air Lift Bags 10
7. 2t Air Lift Bags 10
8. 1te Air Lift Bags 10
9. 500kg Air Lift Bags 5
10. 250kg Air Lift Bags 3
11. 100kg Air Lift bag 3
12. 2" x 8m endless cargo straps 8
13. 50mm podger 3
14. 40mm podger 3
15. Short handled sledge hammer 1
16. 4lb lump hammer 2
17. 65mm flogging spanner 2
18. 80mm Flogging Spanner 2
19. 3ft crow bar 1
20. 8" x 2500 wooden flange face protector 6
21. 16" x 900 wooden flange face protector
22. Large plastic ty-wraps 20
23. 180 min VHS video tape (dive control) 1

24. 10" airlift c/w compressor 1

1. 1m spirit level 1
2. Plastic Vernier gauges 2
3. Carpenter's rule 1
4. 5te steel clump weight c/w lift rigging 2
5. Green scouring (Scotch) pad 10
6. Clean rags (bag of) 1
7. 16mm polyprop rope (coil) 1
8. 4" x 2" timber (600mm long) 10
9. 3.2te Tirfor c/w 20m wire 2
10. 1.6teTirfor c/w 20m wire 2
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Item Description Qty Check

11. 3te lever hoists c/w 3m chain (Elephant type) 2

12. 1.5te lever hoists c/w 3m chain (Elephant type) 2
13. 500kg mini-mule come-along 2
14. 5te x 6m circ round sling 4
15. 3te x 6m circ round sling 4
16. 2te x 4m circ round sling 6
17. 10mm dia x 2m long wire rope sling c/w soft eyes (Lacing wires) 8
18. Gasket insertion tool (16" x 900psi flange) 4
19. Gasket insertion tool (8" x 2500psi flange) 4
20. Roll of coloured cat gut (0.74mm fishing line) 2
21. 16” Class 900 Swivel flange lever arm 2
22. 8” Class 900 Swivel flange lever arm 2
23. M52 dia x 750mm studbolts c/w 2 no. drilled nuts (per flange) 12 x 6no.
24. M42 dia x 600mm studbolts c/w 2 no. drilled nuts (per flange) 20 x 6no.
25. R66 Soft Iron Gasket 10
26. R51 Soft Iron Gaskets 10
27. Fluorescence dye sticks 30
28. Roll of commercial cling film (to wrap flanges) 1
29. Roll of clear polythene sheet (to wrap flanges) - 1m wide x 1mm thick 1
30. Bolt tensioning spread 1
31. Type D Seaserpent jacks 12+2
32. Type B Seaserpent jacks 20+2
33. 180 min VHS blank videos 3
34. 25kg grout bags Qty
35. 2te SWL steel cargo net 1
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Item Description Total Check

1. Airlift or Dredge hog system c/w compressor and downline 1
2. 25kg sandbag – 1te Scrouts 8
3. 2te x 4m circ round sling 4
4. 3te x 4m circ round sling 2
5. 3te x 8m circ round sling 4
6. Large adjustable spanner (12") 2
7. Stiltsons (12") 2
8. Tin snips 2
9. Bolt cutters – 2” Approx. 2
10. 65mm flogging spanner 5
11. 80mm Flogging Spanners 5
12. 65mm Combination spanner 5
13. 80mm Combination Spanners 5
14. 4lb lump hammer 2
15. Short handled sledge hammer 2
16. 8” Wooden flange face protectors 6
17. 16” Wooden Flange Face Protectors 6
18. Plastic Ty-wraps (503 x 12mm) Bag 2
19. 5te clump weight c/w lift rigging 1
20. 3.2te Tirfor c/w 20m wire 1
21. 4.75te Bolt Type Anchor Shackles 20
22. Coil of 12mm polyprop 1
23. 180 min VHS blank video tape 36
24. Roll of duct tape 24

25. 2” Nut Splitters – c/w Spare Blades 2

26. 1 5/8” Nut Splitters – c/w Spare Blades 2
27. Spools c/w lift rigging (idents as detailed in table above) 12

28. 8” Swivel flange lever arm 3

16 “ Swivel Flange Lever Arm 3

29. Strobe light c/w batteries 4

30. Light sticks 250

31. Coil of 16mm polyprop 1

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Item Description Total Check

32. 8kg aluminium buoys 14

33. 1.5" x 4m endless cargo straps 8

34. Mini transponder beacons c/w charger 3

25. 5te x 8m circ round sling 2
26. 10t Air Lift bags 3
27. 5t Air Lift Bags 10
28. 2t Air Lift Bags 10
29. 1te Air Lift Bags 10
30. 500kg Air Lift Bags 5
31. 250kg Air Lift Bags 3
32. 100kg Air Lift bag 3
33. 2" x 8m endless cargo straps 8
34. 50mm podger 3
35. 40mm podger 3
36. 3ft crow bar 1
36. 1m spirit level 2
37. Plastic Vernier gauges 2
38. Carpenter's rule 2
39. Green scouring (Scotch) pad 10
40. Clean rags (bag of) 2
41. 4" x 2" timber (600mm long) 15
42. 3.2te Tirfor c/w 20m wire 2
43. 1.6teTirfor c/w 20m wire 2
44. 3te lever hoists c/w 3m chain (Elephant type) 2
45. 1.5te lever hoists c/w 3m chain (Elephant type) 2
46. 500kg mini-mule come-along 2
47. 5te x 6m circ round sling 4
48. 3te x 6m circ round sling 4
49. 2te x 4m circ round sling 6
50. 10mm dia x 2m long wire rope sling c/w soft eyes (Lacing wires) 8
51. Gasket insertion tool (16" x 900psi flange) 4
52. Gasket insertion tool (8" x 2500psi flange) 4
53. Roll of coloured cat gut (0.74mm fishing line) 2
54. M52 dia x 750mm studbolts c/w 2 no. drilled nuts (per flange) 135
55. M42 dia x 600mm studbolts c/w 2 no. drilled nuts (per flange) 216
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Item Description Total Check

56. R66 Soft Iron Gasket 14
57. R51 Soft Iron Gaskets 14
58. Fluorescence dye sticks 10
59. Roll of commercial cling film (to wrap flanges) 2
60. Roll of clear polythene sheet (to wrap flanges) - 1m wide x 1mm thick 2
61. Bolt tensioning spread 2
62. Type D Seaserpent jacks 12+2
63. Type B Seaserpent jacks 20+2
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4521-CTN-154 Ver. 0.1 Spool Installation Procedure Appendix 1


(X Pages to follow)
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4521-CTN-154 Ver. 0.1 Spool Installation Procedure Appendix 2


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4521-CTN-154 Ver. 0.1 Spool Installation Procedure Appendix 3


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4521-CTN-154 Ver. 0.1 Spool Installation Procedure Appendix 4


(33 Page to follow)

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Stolt Offshore Ltd Shell UK Ltd Contract: 1300000631 Aug.04.03
Customer Document No & Version:

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CLB-CTN-00009 Ver. 1.1 Installation Procedure Appendix 4


(15 Page to follow)

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