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Alcohol Package Design’s Influence on Consumer Purchase Consideration

Grand Valley State University



This research investigates the consumer purchasing behavior of alcoholic products based

on the brand’s package design. The factors examined include color, typography, shapes and

images included on the product label. The importance of packaging design and its role in the

sales process is emphasized. Manufacturers must understand who they are targeting their product

to (such as demographic, social status, or annual salary) in order to design packaging that will

appeal to that audience, ultimately maximizing sales. The results of this research indicate that

perceptions of alcohol packaging concepts influence consumer purchase decision. These

reactions were researched through a focus group with participants at least 21 years of age to

determine which factor is most important in the purchase decision. Factors based on consumer

reaction will allow the brand to maximize the product’s impact on the market by tailoring their

product design or label to appeal to their target audience. Our findings include the conclusion

that product packaging only plays a significant role when the price and quality of the product are

mutual. The participants stated that the price and taste were the leading factors in their alcohol

purchase decision. The participants agreed that they prefer a sleeker, “classier” bottle with a

tasteful color scheme.

Keywords: a​ lcohol packaging, design AND alcohol, alcohol branding, presentation, “on

shelf competition”

Vodka Package Design’s Influence on Consumer Purchase Consideration

Advertising is a key element in the sales process to catch the attention of consumers and

maximizing profit. In order for a product to be successful in the market, the brand must excel in

product packaging. This is what will initially catches the consumer's attention on the shelves, so

it is important to know what they are drawn to. The alcoholic beverage industry has remained the

top manufacturer most heavily reliant on product packaging. Because of this, the on-shelf

competition is the biggest influencer of the consumer purchasing decision. To determine how

strong of a role product packaging plays in the consumer purchasing decision, we conducted a

focus group to moderate which bottle designs, if any, attract the consumer to the point of

purchase. It is useful for brands to be aware of the customers attraction to packaging designs so

they can adjust the look of their product to correspond with the customers overall preference.

Major industries facing a decline in sales may have to rethink their package design

methods to create a more aesthetically pleasing look. This will help them appeal to a greater

audience and therefore maximizing sales. In various studies, a conclusion has been made stating

that this is because of the bottle design, rather than the quality of the alcoholic product. To

isolate the cause of this decline, we conducted research to determine whether or not the product

packaging played a big role in the purchase of various alcohol brands. We paid special attention

to the details of the product’s labeling such as typography, color, shapes, and images as well as

the overall bottle shape as contributing factors. We hypothesize that the outcome of the focus

group will show that product packaging plays a significant role in consumer purchase decisions;

participants will prefer bottles with various high contrast colors and bigger fonts.


After conducting research regarding the effects product packaging has on consumer

purchase habits, we hosted a focus group consisting of six Grand Valley State University

students. The moderator, DeHaan, asked a series of questions to determine if people do, in fact,

consider packaging design before making a purchase. This focus group was conducted on March

28th, 2017, and was held at Grand Valley State University’s Allendale campus in Robinson

Living Center. This focus group required participants to be at least 21 years of age. Refreshments

were offered as an incentive to participate.

To begin the process, DeHaan asked each participant to give a brief introduction of

themselves. This included their name, age, major, extra curricular activities, and how often they

purchase alcohol. Four females and two males were in attendance. Participant number one is a 21

year old caucasian female with a major in Business. She is not involved in any clubs and buys

alcohol every week. Participant number two is a 21 year old caucasian male with a major in

Marketing. He is involved with a fraternity at Grand Valley and purchases alcohol frequently.

Participant number three is a 21 year old caucasian female with a major in Anthropology and a

minor in History. She works as a restaurant server and buys alcohol approximately twice a week.

Participant number four is a 21 year old caucasian male with a major in Business. He is also

involved with a fraternity at Grand Valley and purchases alcohol frequently. Participant number

five is a 21 year old caucasian female with a major in Health Communications. She works in

retail and buys alcohol at least once a week. Participant number six is a 21 year old caucasian

female with a major in Marketing and a minor in Advertising and Public Relations. She is

involved in Dance Troupe at Grand Valley and buys alcohol a couple times a month.

DeHaan asked the participants for their permission to be audio recorded and was granted

such. Each participant was asked approximately 20 questions. These questions were used to gain

insight of the participant’s alcohol purchasing habits, factors considered before purchasing, and

preference on the outward appearances of the bottles being purchased. DeHaan ensured that each

participant answered each question by asking each participant individually so they could give

their personal input.When the general questions concluded, the participants were then shown

pictures of different alcohol bottles. Two bottles were shown at a time as the participants were

asked which bottle they prefered and the reasoning behind their answers. DeHaan then asked

probing questions after they responded to gain insight of their answers and why they prefered the

font, color, shape, and graphics that they chose.

The focus group lasted approximately one hour.. At the end of the discussion, DeHaan

asked the participants for any further questions about what was discussed. Each participant was

thanked for participating and made aware how much their feedback was appreciated on this



Our data disproved our hypothesis. Even though there were several times that participants

chose a bottle with more color over a plain bottle, they communicated that they normally do not

consider packing when making a purchase. We concluded that product packaging does not play a

significant role in the consumer purchase decision based on the feedback received from the


Each participant involved in this group is a frequent alcohol purchaser. Most of the

participants did not care for how colorful and decorated a bottle was, but rather if it looked older,

sleeker, and gender appropriate. The results of this study could benefit alcohol packaging

manufacturers when considering current and future package design strategies. The average cost

the participants spent for alcohol per week ranged from $10-$50. We were surprised to find that

the highly decorated and colorful bottles were actually disliked more than the plain classier

looking bottle. To a college student, price is the main factor when making a purchase. A series of

20 different questions were asked that could assist furthering our research in alcohol product

packaging. We received an assortment of answers of why a certain bottle was preferred over

another, but overall the vote was significantly the same. Participants concluded that they spent a

high amount of money on alcohol per week. A unanimous answer was given that when

purchasing alcohol, taste and price were the most significant factors. Most participants seemed to

have a poor experience when purchasing alcohol based on the package design; only to find that it

would not meet their expectations. When asked about what created a focus towards a specific

bottle, they responded stating that blue and pink attracted their attention. Logos on the label and

fonts did catch their attention, but only if it was legible.

We showed a series of eight slides containing a diverse collection of bottles; the first

showing two watermelon smirnoff bottles; one clear and one pink. This set of pictures proved

our hypothesis correct; color could be a deciding factor in choosing one bottle over another. We

The second set of pictures presented a blue Skyy bottle alongside a clear Absolut bottle. The

results were in favor of our hypothesis. The participants communicated that they preferred the

Absolut bottle because it came off as “sleeker and older.” Generally, fonts were not taken into

consideration when choosing one bottle over another. However, when looking at the clear

Absolut bottle, a majority of the participants found the font to be confusing and harder to read

and therefore preferring the Skyy label. With the next set of pictures, we believed the

participants would choose the green Jameson bottle over the iconic and dark colored Jack

Daniels bottle, but found that the majority of the participants chose the Jack Daniels bottle

because of the brand name awareness. One participant stated, “I chose Jack because it’s branded

in society and you see the label everywhere. It’s so well known and everybody thinks it’s a good

drink.” We were surprised by this turn of events because it was not something chosen by bottle

design, but rather brand awareness.

A pink and white Svedka bottle and a darker Smirnoff bottle were presented next. Like

the first two comparisons presented, participants chose the Svedka bottle because of the colorful

“beachy” feeling it gave off. Next, we presented a comparison of a taller bottle alongside a

shorter bottle. The purpose of these images was to determine if bottle size could be a deciding

factor in the purchase decision. According to the participants, the taller bottle appeared to be

easier to carry around. The next comparisons presented resulted in the preference of the sleeker



The results of this focus group disproved our hypothesis. The participants did not show

interest in the packaging appearance. The main focus of their purchase decision was if they

enjoyed the taste of the product and if the product was found in their price range. The

participants stated that they enjoyed the physical appearance of the bottle was merely seen as a

bonus. When faced with the decision of choosing a more attractive package design and the taste

of the product, the participants will initially gravitate towards the most colorful bottle, but will

make their purchase decision based on the price and taste of the product. Meaning, package

design does not play a major role in the purchase decision of 21 year olds that frequently

purchase alcohol. These results show that the younger generation of alcohol purchasers are more

concerned with the price of the product that they will enjoy the taste of.

While the packaging was not a deciding factor, brands still strive to produce physically

attractive and appealing packaging design. The participants of this focus group overall enjoyed

more of a sleek and classy look of their alcohol bottles. When asked to decide between two

products based solely on the package design, the result was the bottle that appeared to be more

expensive. For example, when choosing between Grey Goose and Alize, every participant chose

the Grey Goose bottle because of the more “adult”. One participant mentioned gender targeting

with the color of the bottle. Both of the male participants said that they would not purchase

Smirnoff Sour Watermelon because of the bright pink packaging. This brought up an interesting

point because even though both male participants seemed to care the least about the look of the

product they were buying, they both refused to purchase a bright pink bottle. While even though

the idea of making the bottle pink was to match the taste of the product, young males are more

hesitant to purchase this because of the color usually being targeted towards females.

There were some limitations involved in this focus group. Each participant was asked to

choose the bottle they prefered, but some participants seemed hesitant to go against what the rest

of the group had decided. Even though DeHaan heard from each participant, there could still

have been an influence from the other participants. Another limitation through this experiment

was the uncertainty of the product’s price when being asked to choose a bottle.

Overall, these findings are important because of the fact that participants do not see the

package design of a bottle as a major influence on their consumer spendings. From the results we

received from this age group, it makes sense for these participants to prefer the cheapest option

being that they are all college students with limited spending ability. It is vital for alcohol

manufactures to be aware of the preferences that these participants have on the design and to

tailor their designs to meet the likes of their target audience.


Vodka Package Design’s Influence on Consumer Purchase Consideration

Discussion Guide


1. Introduction and Explanation

A. Moderator- Sara DeHaan
B. Informed Consent

1. Title: Vodka Package Design’s Influence on Consumer Purchase Consideration

2. This project is being done for CAP 115- Research Basics.

3. Your participation in this project is voluntary. You are allowed to quit at any time. There
are no right or wrong answers; all of your personal opinions are welcomed here. We
would like to hear from everyone in the group so don't be shy about answering our
questions. We will keep everything confidential. Only with your permission we may
record this focus group for research and it may be viewed by only our particular class.

4. We will be conducting an experiment regarding the influence that package design may
have on consumer consideration and purchasing of Vodka. We want to know if you think
that branding a product a certain way will affect if a consumer will purchase the product.
This should take approximately 1 hour of your time.

5. We have provided cookies for all of our participants for coming to this focus group. We
want to thank you for taking the time today to participate in this experiment. This
discussion will be useful for our research on the influence packaging design has on Vodka.

6. As the moderator, I will be asking you questions and taking notes of your answers and
7. Lastly, if you have any questions please contact us.

C. Goals

Focus Group- A focus group is a ​small number of people (usually between 4 and 15, but
typically 8) brought together to discuss a specific product or topic. There is usually a moderator
who will facilitate the discussion.

Reasons of Focus Group Today:

● This is a research project and we are interested in your opinion
● Feel free to communicate with other participants
● There are no right or wrong answers
● Be as honest as possible
● Ask questions for clarification

2. ​Purchasing Alcohol - Opinions

A. Have you ever purchased alcohol?

Probe- If yes: How frequently? How many bottles do you typically buy in one purchase?

B. How much money do you typically spend in one purchase?

C. What kind of alcohol do you typically purchase?

Probe- Why do you purchase that product? Is it the taste, price, packaging, brand name? Have
you ever purchased Vodka?

D. Have you ever purchased a bottle of Vodka that you did not like the taste of?
Probe- If yes: Why? Would you have still purchased this particular flavor if the package design
was different?

E. Does price typically make a difference in choosing between alcoholic products?

Probe- If yes, when did price come into play? How often does it come into play? Has it ever been
a deciding factor in your purchase?

F. Have you ever purchased a product that was more money because you prefered the
packaging over another product?


A. Have ever paid special attention to the packaging of Vodka?

Probe- Following questions about shape of bottle, color of label, fonts/other graphics on label.

B. Has a color of a bottle ever drew you to purchase that product?

Probe- If yes, why? What colors are you more inclined to purchase?

C. Did you consider the taste of the product before purchase?

Probe- Why or why not?

D. Do the fonts on the bottles draw your attention?

Probe- If yes, what about the font? (i.e size, look, color, boldness)

E. Do graphics affect your decision? Does product shape affect your decision?
Probe- Do busy or simple designs attract you?

F. Are you opposed to purchasing products with colors you do not like?

G. Have any of you picked a clear Smirnoff bottle over a Sour Smirnoff?
Probe- Do you think it’s effective? Why would you pick one over the other? Does it look better
too drink?

Show the participants pictures of different bottles- opinions of the bottles

Now I will show you a number of different alcohol bottles. I will be asking you questions about
their color, font, and bottle shape. I will also be asking you to give me your preference between
different bottles. We will be able to use any information you give us about your opinions of these

● Which bottle do you prefer? Why?
● What factor drew you to pick the bottle you did?
● Which font appealed to you the most? Did you like cursive font? Big font? Bolded font?
Why or why not.
● Do you notice the shape of the bottles? Does that have any influence on your decision?
● Which colors drew you to the bottles the most? Light or dark colors? A lot of color or
only a little?

● If you knew what the taste of the product was, did it have an influence on your decision?
How? If you thought the taste was bad, did it also make the bottle less appealing?
● Etc.

3. Conclusion/Thanks

Today we did research testing if a decorated product, such as alcohol, sells better/is preferred
over a plain product. We thank you for taking the time to answers our questions, we had a very
successful focus group today.

A. Does anybody have any questions for us?

B. What did you guys learn today?

Probe- Is there anything else anyone would like to add for us?

Thank you for your time today, it was very much appreciated.

This survey is going to be an electronic computer survey. This way the survey will be able

to reach a vast majority of people in a short amount of time. The people we are looking to have

participate in this survey are people who are 21 and older that purchase alcohol. We could select

these people in a number of ways since the target audience is so large. We could send out the

survey to friends and family who are of age, post it in some Grand Valley student Facebook pages

indicating the age requirement to take it, and also catch anyone leaving party stores to stop for 5

minutes to take the survey. This would increase the response rate because there are a lot of

students at Grand Valley who are of age to give us their feedback. So posting the link on a

Facebook group with a large number of students would give us a good chance for a lot of

responses. The tactic of catching people as they are exiting party stores could also have a big

impact. If we had an electronic device available for them to take the survey on it would be readily

available and take up very little of their time. We could clearly see that they have purchased

alcohol, so we know that these people would have some valid insight in the product packaging.

The findings here would be very useful for many alcohol brands. If there is a product that is

struggling to sell, just changing the package design to what a majority of people prefer could help

increase their sales. It is very important for brands to know what the public thinks sticks out and

draws the most attention.


2. Nominal

3. Ratio

4. Ordinal

5. Interval

6. Ordinal

7. Open ended

8. Nominal

9. Nominal


11. Nominal

12. Nominal

13. Nominal

14. Nominal


We are looking for participants 21 and older to participate in this survey. There is a total of 14
questions and this should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. This survey is going to be
used to determine the effects product packaging has on consumer consideration and purchase.
Your answers are confidential and will be used for further product packaging research. Please
answer all of the question and be as honest as possible, thank you.

1. Have you ever purchased alcohol?



2. How often would you say that you purchase alcohol?


A couple times a week

Once a week

A couple times a month

Once every couple months

3. How much do you usually spend when you purchase alcohol?

I do not purchase alcohol




4. 1 being the most important and 4 being the least important, how important is the
following when purchasing alcohol?

1 2 3 4 Brand Name

1 2 3 4 Price

1 2 3 4 Physical Appearance

1 2 3 4 Taste

5. How likely are you to buy a product based on the package design?

Extremely likely



Extremely unlikely

6. 1 being the most noticeable and 4 being the least noticeable, when looking at a product
design, what about the packaging do you notice the most?

1 2 3 4 Bottle Shape

1 2 3 4 Color

1 2 3 4 Font

1 2 3 4 Graphics

7. Describe the packaging of your favorite alcoholic beverage. (color, shape, font, graphics,

8. Do you prefer cursive or print writing on alcohol packaging?



I do not have a preference

9. Have you ever purchased alcohol solely based on how it appeared?



10. Which type of packaging colors draw you in?

Bright colors

Dark colors

Minimal color

I do not pay attention to the color

11. Which do you prefer when looking at the package design?

Sleek and classy

Fun and colorful


I do not have a preference


12. Do you like to see graphics on the package design? (Example: A picture of a
watermelon on the Smirnoff watermelon packaging.)



I have no preference about the graphics

13. How old are you?





14. What is your gender?



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