Key Learnings-L & D Session 8: Making Leaning A Part of Everyday Work (HBR Article Discussion)

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Key Learnings- L & D Session 8

Making leaning a part of everyday work (HBR article discussion)

 Learning is have become more essential in this time of uncertainty.
 Opportunity for development is the second most important factor contributing towards
workplace development, nature of the work being the first factor.
 People spend 6.5 hrs everyday sitting in front of computer ,28% time on email,19% of
time gathering data,14% of time in formal and informal meetings.
Bottom-up learning:
 Practice mindfulness-Be aware and be present as you go about your daily job.
 Maintain a to-learn list- Write down a list of concepts, thoughts, practices, and
vocabulary you want to explore, book mark them in your browser and add them to
your list.
 Use tech-enabled tips as you work- Technical tips from Google such as Google Docs
can help eth context-relevant research or suggestions for formatting or analysis. We
should be open to learn anything from them.
 Include dedicated learning time in your work schedule
 Subscribe to a small number of high quality, relevant newsletters
 Contribute actively to a learning channel where actually work happens
Top-down learning:
 Make sure corporate knowledge systems are accurate and easy to use
 Share content internally within organization.
 Make use of APIs to bring content to the workplace
 Devote a channel in your corporate communications software learnings
 Place learning in the inbox of your email
Fabric Inc. Training Program
 Owner was looking for a quick fix rather than trying to analyse the training needs.
 Manager didn’t have an emotional connect with the subordinates and also didn’t have
a proper vision or mission for the organization.
 Owner didn’t have any formal appraisal plans and he assumed he pay them enough
and appraisal was required.
 He had a pre conception regarding everything happening in the organization from
performance, appraisal etc. and at some points he was not ready to accept the
 Also, whenever the consultant asks him about anything, he either says he don’t have
the time for it or he just assumes that employees are happy about their work or
satisfies about their pay.
 There is no established organizational culture in the organization and no proper HR
 Supervisors had a mixed opinion. Some said they help the subordinates when they lag
in some work and some were of the opinion they do not have time as they were also
having pressure of doing paper works as well which could be done by a clerk as
well(but the owner expects the supervisors to do the paperwork)
 After consultation with employees and the owner, the consultant came up with the
following training needs: effective listening, communication, conflict resolution,
effective feedback, employee performance management, employee motivation.
 Some non-training needs were also identified-
i. Owner should formulate goals and objectives for the organization.
ii. Owner should set up a formal appraisal system.
iii. Formulate objectives for the year and tie rewards to these objectives.
iv. Incentive based on performance appraisal
v. Hire someone to relieve the supervisors from paper work.
vi. Set up similar sessions for supervisors and subordinates.

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