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Rules for DUNE

Avalon Hill's Dune

All need spice. Some will harvest it • Fremen ecologist Liet-Kynes -
I. INTRODUCTION directly when it blows in an isolated commanding fierce hordes of
area of sand, risking the onslaught of natives, adept at life and travel
Frank Herbert's classic science fiction
worm and storm alike. But others will on the planet, and dedicated to
novelDune will live for many
take it violently in battle, or quietly in preventing any outside control
generations as a masterpiece of creative
taxes and fees. while bringing about Dune's
imagination. In this game you can bring
own natural regeneration.
to life the forbidding alien planet and
Those controlling large settlements will • Gaius Helen Mohiam,
the swirling intrigues of all the book's
have access to ornithopters and cover Reverend Mother of the Bene
major characters.
great distances quickly. Other will have Gesserit sisterhood -- ancient
to pick their way slowly across sand and inscrutable, carefully
Dune - the very name conjures up
and rock. And all anxiously await the trained in psychological control
desolation. Desert sandscapes cover
decision-making nexus signaled by the and a genius at achieving her
most of the planet surface, broken only
sudden appearance of the great sand ends through the efforts of
be great rock ridges. Giant worms a
worm 'Shai-Hulud'. others.
quarter mile long live beneath the sand
• Speaker of the Lansraad
and attack any who linger on it. Human
Massive battles will occur, but often be House -- with the Great
life exists in a few scattered places
decided by a single brilliant leader or an Houses of the Lansraad, the
where precious water is available, but
act of low treachery. But death on Dune Imperial governing body,
even those settlements are buffeted by
need never be tragic. The dead are behind you the benefits of
terrifying coriolis storms.
routinely rendered up for their body's numbers and the advantages of
water -- so that life on the arid planet the legal system make others
Yet the planet is crucial to the destiny
may continue. And even one surviving wary of your power.
of a galactic empire. Because only on
cell of an individual may be cultured by • Scytale of the Bene Tleilax -
Dune can spice be harvested. Spice is
the Tleilaxu technicians until the as a force beyond the
the key to interstellar travel. Only by
original person is regrown. Imperium's normal boundaries
ingesting the addictive drug can the
you delve into a good deal,
Guild Steersman continue to experience
You will be one of these characters: from recreating the dead from
visions of the future, enabling them to
as little as a singe cell, your
plot a safe path through hyperspace.
• The youthful Paul Atreides mystical presence is pervasive.
Spice is also a geriatric medicine which
(Muad'dib) - rightful heir to • Inquisitor of Ix -- you come
prolongs life. Only by assuring a stable
the planet, gifted with valiant from a system whose strength
supply of it throughout the galaxy can
lieutenants and a strange partial is derived from manufacturing
any Emperor avoid civil revolt. With
awareness of the future, but things, from the exotic to the
spice, in short, one can buy whatever he
beset by more powerful and mundane. You find mobility
treacherous opponents. and technology easy to come
• The decadent Baron Vladimir by and hold the keys to new
Powerful forces struggle for control of
Harkonnen - master of frontiers.
Dune. Imperial troops, aristocratic
treachery and cruel deeds.
families, Guildsmen, a secret
• His majesty the Padishah In Dune you can explore many of the
sisterhood, and the nomadic native
Emperor Shaddam IV -- keen possible interactions which might have
Fremen all vie for power on the planet.
and efficient, yet easily lulled taken place among these fascinating
into complacency by his own characters with their own drives, need,
All are subject to the rigid economics of
trappings of power. and special advantages.
their joint merchant combine, CHOAM;
• Guild Steersman Edric (in
resources are expensive, shipping is
league with smuggler Dune has been divided into a Basic
costly, excellence has a price. And that
bands) -- monopolist of Game, and Advanced Game, and
price must be paid in the universal
transport, yet addicted to ever Optional Rules. Learn and play the
currency, the measure of all value:
increasing spice flows. Basic Game several times before
venturing into the Advanced Game. The
Optional Rules add extra flavor to the

II. EQUIPMENT C. Two Battle Wheels: E. Spice Tokens
(must be assembled and joined with the (in denominations of 1, 2 and 4 and
center pin included in game). printed on both sides).
A. Game Board

1. Printed on the board is a map of the

planet Dune. The map contains four
F. Storm Marker
types of territories.

Sand -- yellow, orange or brown

Rock -- grey
Stronghold -- red
Polar Sink -- blue

2. The map is also divided by longitude A brown storm maker to denote the
lines into 18 sectors which extend from section of Dune currently under
the edge of the Polar Sink to the horizon. D. Card Decks storm.

3. Six player dots surround the map. The game includes a number of card
decks: G. Storm Movement
4. Places have been provided for the
Spice and Treachery Decks 1.Spice Deck
2.Treachery Deck
Six storm movement markers
numbered 1-6, these are not printed
B. Character Sets Spice Harvest Decks
on the back
1. Each set is composed of three types of 3.Spice Harvest Deck
components: 4.Voting Deck
5.Shares Deck H. Player Aid Pad &
a.A playing shield bearing the likeness of 6.Access Card Deck Instructions
the character and its advantages.
The Duel Decks
b.5 large discs - each showing a leader
and his fighting strength. 7.Dueling Card Deck
8. Block Tokens (with little wavy lines)
c.20 small tokens (the starred tokens have used in the Kanly Duels
no significance in the Basic Game).

2. All components of each player set

have the same colour for identification.


E. Each player selects one character set. to be in his pay as a traitor. The
III. SET-UP FOR PLAY If players cannot agree on the selections, traitor's name is then circled on his
each player chooses a character Player Aid Sheet. All leaders are
A. The board is set out on a flat surface
randomly. He reads the shield's returned to the pile which is then
instructions and sets up his character as re-mixed. The leader discs are then
B. All spice tokens are located in a
follows. (Note: A player character has turned face up and recovered by the
convenient place hereafter known as the
special powers that may contradict the owning player.
spice bank.
rules. Its particular powers always have
precedence over the rules.) 3. Spice tokens equal to the amount
C. The spice and treachery decks are
indicated on each shield are removed
shuffled and placed face down in the
1. He places his shield at the closest from the Spice Bank and given to
appropriate location on the game board.
player dot to his seat at the table. that player.
Played cards will be piled face up next to
the decks and discards reshuffled to
2. All leader discs (excepting the main 4. Each player's tokens are placed on
restock the treachery deck as necessary.
character [which is a 10 or an 8 value]) the board and in reserves as
are placed face down in the center of the instructed.
D. Each player gets one Player Aid Sheet.
board and thoroughly mixed. Each player
then draws four discs at random from the 5. One card from the treachery deck
pile and secretly selects one of the is dealt to each player.
opponents' leaders (if he drew one)

IV. OBJECT OF PLAY Cities Needed For Victory

Each character has a set of unique Faction Size

economic, military, strategic, or
treacherous advantages. The object of the Players 1 2 3+
game is to use these advantages to gain
control of Dune. Consult the following 2 4 - -
chart to determine the number of
3 4 5 -
strongholds needed to win.
4+ 3 4 5

'Bene Tleilaxu Tanks'. Then each

V. SEQUENCE OF PLAY B. Spice Blow player, in turn, lands and moves his
The top card of the spice deck is turned tokens on the map.
DUNE is played in turns to a maximum
limit of 15 turns. Each turn is composed over and spice tokens are placed in the
of six specific rounds that must be territory indicated. E. Battle Round
completed in the exact sequence
presented below. C. Bidding Round Players resolve battles in every
territory which is occupied by two or
Players bid spice to acquire treachery more characters' tokens.
A. Storm Round
The storm marker is moved around the F. Collection Round
map. D. Revival and Movement
Round Tokens in territories which contain
spice may collect the spice.
First, players reclaim tokens from the

from the 'at start' sector C. Any tokens in a sector of sand
VI. STORM counterclockwise that number of sectors territory (except the Imperial Basin)
around the map. over which the storm passes or stops
A. In the first storm round only, the
are sent to the 'Tleilaxu Tanks'. Any
storm marker is placed at a random
B. In all subsequent storm rounds, the spice in a sector over which a storm
location along the map edge using the
two players who last used the wheels will passes or stops is removed to
following procedure. The player whose
independently dial a number from '1' to thespice bank.
player dots are nearest on either side of
'3', simultaneously reveal the numbers,
the storm 'at start' sector will
add them and advance the storm marker
independently dial a number from 'zero'
from its current position
to 'twenty' on the wheels. The two
counterclockwise that number of sectors
numbers are revealed simultaneously,
around the map.
totaled, and the storm marker moved

2. If it is a worm card, all spice and C. If a worm card is drawn, any

VII. SPICE BLOW tokens in the territory last turned up in additional worm cards drawn that
the spice deck are removed to the spice round are ignored (excepting the
A. The top card of the spice deck is
bank and tanks, respectively, AND Fremen free ride benefits)
turned over.
another card is turned over, and so on,
until a territory card appears and spice is D. During the first turn's spice blow
1. If it is aterritory card, the amount of
placed. only, all worm cards turned over are
spice indicated on the card is placed from
reshuffled back into the spice deck.
the spice bank onto the territory in the
B. If a worm card appears, a Nexus A nexus will not occur on turn 1.
sector containing the asterisk. If the
occurs immediately during which
asterisk sector is currently in storm, no
alliances can be formed and broken. (See
spice is placed that turn.
XII. Alliances).

C. No player may bid more spice than he G. A player can never have more
VIII. BIDDING ROUND has. than four cards in his hand at any
one time. If he has a full hand, he
A. One of the players deals from the
D. In subsequent bidding that round, the must pass on all cards up for bid.
Treachery Deck a number of card
first player to the right of he player who
equal to the number of players who can
opened the bid for the previous card H. Each player must bid quickly
bid for Treachery Cards this round. A
begins the bidding for the next card. In after the previous player or he is
player cannot bid for Treachery Cards if
this way every player gets a chance to assumed to have passed. Five
he already holds4 Treachery Cards.
open the bidding for a Treachery Card. seconds is the recommended time
B. The dealt cards are placed face down
E. Bidding for treachery cards continues
in a row along one board edge. The first
until all cards available for bid have been I. CHOAM Charity:
card in the row is now auctioned for
auctioned off or a card is not bid on by
anyone. If a card is passed by everyone, At the start of the bidding round, any
all remaining cards are returned to the player who has no spice may collect
1. The player whose player dot the storm
top of the Treachery Deck and the two spice from the Spice Bank by
next approaches begins the bid for the
bidding round is over. calling out "CHOAM Charity".
first card.
F. The number (not the type) of J. A description of each Treachery
2. The first player may bid one or more
Treachery Cards each player holds must Card is given in the Player Aid Pad.
spice or pass. Bidding then proceeds to
always be open to the other players
the player to his right who may raise the
during the bidding round. Nobody is
bid or pass and so on around the table
allowed to hide the number of cards he
until a top bid is made and all other
hold at this time.
players pass. The top-bidding player then
pays the number of spice he bid into to
the spice bank and takes the card.

c. No player may ship into a sector in d. When ending a move in a territory
IX. MOVEMENT storm or a stronghold already occupied lying in several sectors, a player
by two other players. Otherwise, must make clear in which sector of
A. The player whose player dot the storm
shipments may be placed in any territory. the territory he chooses to leave his
next approaches is termed the 'first
player'. He always opens the bidding for
d. No player may ship tokens from the
the first Treachery Card and makes the
board back to his reserves. e. The polar sink is never in storm.
first move in a turn. If a storm is on the
player dot, it is considered to have passed
2.Token Movement f. Tokens do not block movement
that player.
with one exception: Like shipment,
a. Each player may move, as a group, tokens cannot be moved into or
B. Token Revival
any number of his tokens from one through a stronghold if tokens of two
territory into one other territory. other players are already there.
Before any movement is made, all
Otherwise, tokens are free to move
players may revive up to three tokens
1) A player who starts his move with one into, out of, or through any territory
from the 'Tleilaxu Tanks'.
or more tokens in either Arrakeen, occupied by any number of tokens.
Carthag, or both has access to
1. A certain number of tokens are revived
ornithopters and may move his token D. Leader Revival
for free as stated on the shield Any
group through up to three adjacent
additional tokens that may be revived
territories. The token group does not 1. If all 5 of a player's leaders are in
must be done at a cost of two spice per
have to be in Arrakeen or Carthag to the 'tanks', a player may revive one
token. All spice expended for token
make the three territory move. The leader per turn until all of his leaders
revival is placed in the spice bank.
location of the storm marker on the map have been revived.
does not deprive the owning players of
2. A player cannot revive more than three
this benefit. Example: A player with one 2. To revive a leader the player must
tokens per turn (excepting Treachery
or more tokens in Arrakeen would be pay the leader's fighting value in
Card usage or Bene Tleilaxu alliance)
able to move tokens starting in Tuek's spice to the spice bank.
Sietch through Pasty Mesa and Shield
3. Revived tokens must be placed in that
Wall to the Imperial Basin where they 3. A revived leader can be played
players' Reserves.
must stop. normally and is still subject to being
a traitor.
C. The 'first player' takes his move first.
2) A player without a token in either
Play then proceeds to the right until all
Arrakeen or Carthag at the start of his 4. A player may revive a leader
players have taken their moves. Each
move does not have access to onlyat the end of his move.
player's moved is composed of two
ornithopters and can only move his token
group by foot to one adjacent territory. 5. If a revived leader is again killed
and sent to the 'tanks' it cannot be
b. Each player may make only one move revived again until all of the player's
per turn other revivable leaders have been
a. A player may make one shipment of
revived, killed and sent to the
any number of tokens from his reserves
c. Sectors have no effect on movement, 'tanks' again.
to any one territory on the map.
i.e., tokens can move into or through a
territory ignoring all sectors. As sector's
b. A player must pay spice to the spice
only function is to regulate the
bank for his shipment. The cost of
movement and coverage of the storm and
shipping off-planet reserves is one spice
spice collection. No token may move
per token shipped into any stronghold
into, out of, or through a sector in storm
and two spice per token shipped to any
(including non-sand territories). Many
other territory. The Fremen player does
territories occupy several sectors, so that
not have to pay as his reserves are on the
a player may move into and out of a
far side of DUNE. Please see his
territory which is partly in the storm and
instructions regarding limitations on
part out, so long as the group does not
which areas may be shipped to.
pass through the part covered by the

4. When both players are ready, the battle 8. No player may use a surviving
X. BATTLES plans are revealed simultaneously. leader in battle in another territory
during the same round. The leader
5. If the Bene Gesserit 'voice' and the may be played in another battle in
A. Battle Determination Atreides 'prescience' are both present in the same territory, however.
the same battle, the 'voice' is used first,
1. Battles must occur between players the 'prescience' second. 9. If a player has at least one leader
whose tokens occupy the same territory. or 'cheap hero(ine)' treachery
6. A Truthtrance Treachery Card if card available, he must use one in
2. Battles continue until just one player's available could be played at any point in the battle plan. A player cannot
tokens or no tokens remain in all this procedure. choose not to play a leader.
territories on the map with two
exceptions: C. Battle Resolution 10. If a player cannot play a leader in
battle, i.e., they are all in the
a. Players cannot battle one another in a 1. The winner is the player with the 'tanks' or have fought in another
territory if their tokens are separated by a higher total of number dialed plus territory that round, he must still
storm sector. Their tokens can remain the leader's fighting strength (value). battle but he must declare that he is
same territory (in separate sectors) at the without a leader and he cannot play
end of the round. 2. In the case of a tie, the aggressor has any Treachery Cards as part of his
won. battle plan. His total is simply the
b. Players cannot battle in the Polar Sink. number of tokens he dials.
It is a free haven for everyone and may 3. If the opponent played a weapon
be occupied by more than one faction at Treachery Card and the player did not D. Traitors
a time. play the proper defense Treachery Card
the player's leader is killed and cannot 1. If during a battle, the player's
3. When resolving battles, the 'first count toward his total. Both leaders may opponent displays a leader as part of
player' is named the aggressor until all of be killed and neither count in the battle. his battle plan which the player
his battle have been fought. The Both leaders could survive and be selected as a traitor in his pay at the
aggressor chooses the order in which he counted. start of play, he immediately calls
wishes to fight his battles. Then the out, 'Treachery' and reveals the
player to his immediate right becomes 4. Any leaders killed are immediately circled name on his Player Aid Pad.
the aggressor and so on, until all battle placed in the 'tanks'. The winner The player immediately wins the
situations are resolved. receives their value (including his own battle and the opponent must lose all
leader, if killed) in spice from the spice of his tokens in the territory and the
4. If three or more players are in the bank. Surviving leaders are retained by traitorous leader to the'tanks' and
same territory, the aggressor picks who their owner. discards all cards he played.
he will battle first, second, etc., for as
long as he survives. 5. The losing player loses all the tokens 2. The player loses nothing,
he had in the territory to the 'tanks' and regardless of what was played in the
B. Battle Plan must discard all Treachery Cards he battle plans. He also receives the
used in that battle. traitorous leader's fighting strength
1. To resolve a battle, each player must in spice.
secretly formulate a battle plan. Each 6. The winning player loses only the
combatant picks up a 'battle wheel' and number of tokens he dialed from the 3. If both leaders are traitors, each in
secretly dials a number from zero to the territory to the tanks. He may keep or the pay of his opponent, both
number of tokens he has in the disputed discard any of the Treachery Cards he players' tokens in the territory, their
territory. played. cards played and their leaders are
lost. Neither player receives any
2. One leader disc is selected and placed 7. Note that the loser does not lose his spice from this.
face up in the slot on the wheel. leader as a result of battle. Leaders are
killed only by weapon Treachery Cards.
3. He may play either a weapon or
defense Treachery Card or both by
holding them against the wheel.

collection rate is three spice per token if B. Uncollected spice remains where
XI. SPICE COLLECTION the player occupies Carthag or Arrakeen. it is for future turns.
It is two spice per token if the player
A. Any player with tokens in a sector of
does not occupy Carthag or Arrakeen.
a territory in which there is spice may
now collect that spice. The

3. The members of an alliance must be 2. Allies may discuss strategy

XII. ALLIANCES revealed to all. Alliances are not kept in secretly at any time.
secret, although the agreements made in
A. Once a worm (Shai-Hulud) spice
reaching an alliance may be. 3. During the bidding round, allies
card is turned over on the second or
may help each other by paying some
subsequent turns, a nexus occurs and play
4. Several alliance may be formed at a or all of the cost of each other's
stops immediately.
nexus but no player may belong to more treachery cards so that one can bid
than one alliance. more spice than he actually has.
B. All players have a chance to make,
join or break alliances. Once players
5. Once all players have had a chance to 4. During the movement round, allies
have had a chance to do so, play
ally, no further alliances can be made may pay for each other's shipments.
continues with the worm devouring spice
until the next nexus.
and tokens and/or giving a free move to
5. Allies may not enter any territory
the Fremen.
D. Breaking An Alliance (excepting the Polar Sink) in which
one of their allies already has a
1. If using the optional Kanly (Duel)
1. Any player may break an alliance token(s) and, thus, may never battle
rules, a War of Assassins occurs if no
during a nexus. He just announces that he one another.
alliances exist at the conclusion of the
is breaking from an alliance.
6. Allies may assist one another as
2. Players who break from an alliance specified on their shields.
C. Forming an alliance
have an opportunity to immediately join
or form a new alliance.
1. Players may discuss among
themselves the advantages and
E. How an Alliance Functions
disadvantages of allying and with whom.
1. Allied players tokens are considered
2. An alliance may contain any number
the same for purposes of victory. If,
of players although a larger number will
together, they hold the required
require more sietches for victory (see
strongholds at the end of the turn, they
Rule IV).
have jointly won the game.

B. All reserves and spice should be kept D. A deal or bribe cannot involve the
XIII. BRIBERY behind the shield. The number of transfer or gift of Treachery Cards,
treachery cards held must be kept open Leaders, tokens or character powers.
A. Players are never required to keep
during the bidding round but can be kept A player cannot make a deal or bribe
secret the strength of their reserves,
secret at all other times. that would contravene the rules or
cards, or spice held, or traitors selected
his character's powers. These are the
although they are never obligated to
C. Players can make any kind of verbal only limitations.
reveal this information.
deals or bribes between one another.
Once made, these deals and bribes may
be stated aloud and must be honored. A
player cannot renege on a deal or bribe.
Spice can be part of the bribe or deal.


Each of the optional rules stands by
itself. These may be added in part or in

3. Whenever any other player ships 5. You must announce at the

XV. ADDITIONAL tokens to Dune from off-planet, you may beginning of the movement round,
CHARACTER ship, free, one token from your reserves before any movement is started, all
ADVANTAGES (spiritual advisors) into the same territory territories in which you no longer
(instead of the Polar Sink). wish to remain in coexistence.
A. Players may include the additional Anytime you end your move in an
character advantages listed on the back 4. Your tokens may coexist peacefully occupied territory in which you
of the Player Aid Sheet with their regular with all other players' tokens in the same previously have no tokens or another
character powers. territory. While coexisting, your tokens player moves his tokens into a
have no effect on the play of the other territory only you occupy, you must
B. Because a description of the Bene players whatsoever. They are treated as if announce immediately whether or
Gesserit ability to coexist is somewhat they are not even on the board, i.e. they not you will coexist there. You
detailed, it is presented here rather than cannot collect spice, cannot be involved cannot ship with another player (as
in the Player Aid Pad. in combat, cannot prevent another spiritual advisors) into a territory in
player's control of a stronghold, cannot which you have stated (or intend to
1. You start one token in any territory of receive three territory movement bonus. state when you land) that you are not
your choice (instead of just the Polar They are still susceptible to storms, in coexistence that turn. Those
Sink). This is done after the Fremen worms and lasegun/shield explosions. territories in which you choose to be
placement. (or remain) in coexistence must stay
in coexistence for the rest of the turn.
2. Beginning with the second turn, you Your tokens in territories not in
automatically receive CHOAM coexistence are treated as normal
charity each bidding round whether you tokens. It is assumed you are in
have spice or not. coexistence unless you state

C. In the next storm round the number is D. If the Fremen player is not in the
XVI. WEATHER revealed; the storm is moved game, it is suggested that this rule
counterclockwise that number of sectors; not be used.
A. After the first turn's placement of the
and the number marker is returned to the
storm marker by the battle wheel, all
cup. The Fremen player then selects a
subsequent weather movement is
number marker for the next turn's storm
determined randomly.
movement. This is repeated each turn.
After the first turn the battle wheels are
B. In the first turn during the storm
no longer used to move the storm.
round, the Fremen player randomly
selects one weather movement marker
from the six placed in a coffee cup. He
looks at it and places it face down on the
margin of the game board.

B. When playing a Karama card, a
XVII. SPECIAL player may now use it to prevent one
KARAMA POWERS opponent from using one of his
character's advantages or he may use it
A. In addition to regular Karama powers to implement his character's special
listed in the Player Aid Pad, each Karama power once.
character has a unique power that can be
used when a player plays a Karama card.

C. In a larger game (ie with 6 or more 1. Use both of the sietches as

XVIII. LONGER GAME players) the False Wall East territory outlined, increase the number of
may be changed to False Wall East strongholds required for victory by
A. If players wish to play a longer game,
Sietches. This is changes the territory to two but an alliance/player may count
they might use one or both of the
a stronghold. Alternately the Harga Pass either Carthag or Arrakeen as
following modifications.
Sietches may be used. This is to decrease double.
the high density of players and units with
1. Eliminate alliances or restrict them to
expanded number of players involved. D. Highly recommended: Change the
no more than two players.
Changing the number of strongholds Main Character values to "8" instead
needed for victory is not changed. Note of "10". This means they are not
2. Increase the number of strongholds
that if the False Wall East Sietches are quite as strong as all 20 tokens in
needed for victory by one from three to
used it is adjacent to the Polar Sink and unsupplied combat (advanced game).
four or (for two players) from four to five.
to the Shield Wall as well. Neither of The kanly rules should restrict
these are vulnerable as a result of the protection to "8" spice instead of
B. If players find it too difficult to win by
Shield Wall's demise to Family Atomics. "10". This means the other characters
occupying four or five strongholds, they
Neither sietch will provide ornithopters. are also not extremely far away from
may add the Shield Wall as an additional
the Main Character values.
territory for victory. Now players need
occupy four of six territories for victory.
The Shield Wall is not treated as a
stronghold. It retains its identity as a rock


During every collection round, each
occupant of Carthag and
Arrakeen collects 2 spice and the
occupant of Tuek's Sietch collects one
spice. To qualify for collection, a player
needs to occupy the stronghold only at
the time of collection. If a player
occupies two or all three of these
strongholds, he collects spice for each
that he occupies.


The Basic Game is changed by
increasing the number of spice blows and
altering the combat system somewhat.

B. If using one deck of spice blow cards gets a second spice blow. Any worm
XXI. SPICE BLOW with two discard piles then on turn 8, cards turned over are not reshuffled
only one territory card will remain in the back into the deck and do affect the
A. Instead of revealing one territory card
Spice Deck. This will be placed on last territory turned over in the
each spice blow, two territory cards are
discard pile #1 and the spice placed at previous turn. The reshuffled deck
now turned over. Two sets of spice blow
that location on the map. Any cards will last until the end of turn 15.
cards may be used to accomplish this or
remaining in the spice deck will be worm
make two sets of discard piles and
cards and will affect discard pile #2. C. If two separate Spice Decks are
reshuffle the cards on turn 8 when they
Once the deck has been completely used used it is possible for both cards to
run out. For the first round, all Shai
up, all spice cards including the territory have a spice blow in the same
Hulud cards are reshuffled back into the
card just turned over for discard pile deck territory on the same turn. If the
deck. Worm cards showing up for one
#2 are reshuffled to restock the spice Spice Harvester Treachery Card is
discard pile have no impact on the other
deck. Cards are turned over until a played on the spice blow the
discard pile.
territory appears for discard pile #2. It combined total is doubled! Kull
can be the same territory as was turned Wahad.
over for pile #1. In this case, the territory

up, the winner does not have to expend of "3" and expends one spice. He
XXII. ADVANCED any spice. Otherwise, spice used in the wins the battle. He may lose one
COMBAT battle plan must go to the spice bank, win Fedaykin token at full strength (2)
or lose. and two ordinary tokens at half
A. Spice now plays an important role in strength (½ + ½) or he may lose
the combat procedure. B. When dialing the Battle Plan, one-half one ordinary token at full strength
increments can be indicated by lining up and four tokens at half strength (½
1. Each token used in a battle is valued at the line between the numbers with the +1/2 +1/2 +1/2). In once case, he
its full strength if one spice is expended line under the window of the battle loses a Fedaykin and two ordinary
to support it. A token used in a battle wheel. When the winner takes his losses tokens and in the other case he loses
which is not supported by one spice is he may do so in any manner as long as it five ordinary tokens. Either choice
valued at half strength. agrees with the strength dialed and the fulfills his spice/strength
spice expended. For example, the Fremen requirement. Note that the Fedaykin
2. When formulating a battle plan, a player has one Fedaykin (worth two counts as two tokens in combat but
player must put aside the amount of spice tokens) and five ordinary tokens in a requires only 1 spice for supply.
to expend in the battle. If a traitor comes territory in battle. He dials a strength

qualify for collection, a player needs to

XXIII. COLLECTION occupy the stronghold only at the time of
ROUND collection. If a player occupies two or all
three of these strongholds he collects the
During every collection round, each spice for each that he controls.
occupant of Carthag and Arrakeen
collects 2 spice and the occupant of
Tuek's Seitch collects one spice. To

After a Kanly has been declared the Whenever you move your leader in
XXIV. OPTIONAL Dueling Arena is now set out and each of toward the center of the arena, you
MODULE THE DUEL the two players involved in the Kanly collect a Dueling Card from the top
Duel secretly chooses a leader to enter of the deck. However, no players
This expansion module may be used or the arena. At the beginning of the Duel, may have more than four Dueling
deleted in the entirety. The game is the identity of each player's leader disc is Cards at one time. So, if you have
complete without it but the expansion kept secret. The leader discs are placed four, you may not collect another
module introduces the intrigue and face down on the outer edge of the card until you have spent one. A
suspense of a Dueling Arena to the Dueling Arena. leader can be moved out and then
struggle for control of Dune. moved back in again just so you can
First, the player who threatened Kanly collect another Dueling Card.
At the beginning of the Bidding Round places his or her leader disc, still face
each turn a special stack of the yes/no down, into any outer section of the arena; Concerning orientation, leaders in
vote cards are shuffled and handed out to then the other player places his or her the arena are always considered to be
the players. This special stack has a leader disc face down on any other facing in towards the center. This
number of 'no' cards equal to the number available outer ring sector of the arena. allows players to always know the
of players. There is also one 'yes' card in Each player may now set out in front of right and left side of each leader in
the deck. Make sure the configuration is his or her shield from 1 to 10 personal the arena. To make this orientation
like this each turn. A card is given to spice to "back up" his or her leader (do even simpler to visualize, each sector
each player (no charge) and one card is this simultaneously). has its sides identified Left (L),
not distributed. The player with the 'yes' Right (R), In and Out.
card will hang on his card and all other
players will turn their 'no' cards back in.
A. Supporters
The 'yes' card represents the opportunity
C. Dueling Cards
Every other player must now choose
to declare Kanly and enter the dueling
sides. Players place one of their leaders There are four types of Dueling
arena. Players hang onto their 'yes' cards
face down next to the player shield of the Cards: Attack Cards, Defense Cards,
until they declare a Kanly and then they
side they are supporting. If the side you Block Cards, and General (Purpose)
must turn one card in. These cards may
support wins, you regain your leader and Cards.
be traded and may be held and
collect the value of the leader in any
accumulated. There is always one
combination of spice from the Spice 1. Attack and Defense
opportunity for a new 'yes' card to be
Bank, troop tokens from the 'tanks' or
drawn each turn.
leaders from the 'tanks'. If the side you Attack cards allow you to attack a
supported loses, your leader is killed and leader who is in a sector of the arena
Kanly is a formal blood feud between
goes to the 'tanks'. You do not have to which is adjacent to you; in, out,
two factions and results in a duel to the
send a supporter if you have only your right or left. The throwing knife
death between two leaders. Leaders from
main character left. Leaders can not be allows you to attack a leader who is
other players must attend as 'seconds'
declared as traitors when they are in a anywhere one or two sectors away
and will gain power or lose their lives
Kanly Duel or a War of Assassins as from you.
according to the results.
fighter or as supporters.
Note! The "Move or Attack Three"
War of Assassins: During the Spice
B.The Duel card allows you to make, as one of
Blow if a Shai Hulud card is drawn and a
your two normal moves, up to 3
Nexus occurs but no Alliances are
The player who threatened Kanly moves additional moves in your turn -- that
formed OR maintained, then a War of
first. Turns alternate between players. A is 3 physical moves, 3 attacks or a
Assassins occurs. Each player must send
player may make one or two moves combination. (Apparently this could
a leader to the arena. The War of
during a turn. A move may be either be combined with the second normal
Assassins it between all leaders and
physically moving your leader from one move/attack)
continues until only one leader is left in
the arena, there are no 'seconds'. sector box of the Arena to another or
playing a Dueling Card. Thus you may
Each player starts the game with one move twice, play two cards or move and
Dueling card. Highly recommended: play a card. You may not move your
using two or three sets of dueling card leader into a sector box already occupied
decks, especially if there are many by another player.

2. Defense Cards are played only in example above; if the Lady Jessica may never have more than six block
response to an attack and must be played attacked again, Stilgar would be killed tokens in the arena at one time.
from the correct relative position. For and the Atreides player would get the last
example, remembering that each leader is 4 spice from Stilgar. H. General
facing the center of the arena, if your
leader is attacked by a leader to your E. Defending Flee Arena With Honor> Play this
leader's left, you may play "Poison card to escape the arena with no loss
Attacker From Left". The attacking When you are attacked, you may play a to yourself or your seconds. The
leader would have played "Attack Right" defense card from the appropriate opponents second's collect nothing.
since your leader would have been on his position. The value of your leader is then It ends your participation in the
(her) right. There is no defense card for deducted from the attacker's backing Kanly Duel or the War of Assassins.
the thrown knife. spice and spice-worth. The process of This card may not be played by
showing the diminishing value of the players acting as seconds.
D. The Outcome of the Attack attacker is the same as in the above
example. When you play a defense, you I. Duel Deck
When you make an attack, you must receive the value of your defender from
reveal your leader. You leader's value the attacker in spice, first from any Once you have used a Duel card, you
determines the strength of your attack. backing spice and then from the leader as must discard it. Whenever the Duel
The value of your leader is deducted described above. Deck becomes depleted,
from any spice backing your opponent immediately collect and re-shuffle
and then from the value of your Attacks and defenses are presumed to the cards to start a new deck.
opponent's leader and that amount of occur simultaneously. The outcome
spice comes to you. could be the simultaneous demise of both
leaders. For example, if Stilgar has lost 2 J. War of Assassins
Example: You attacked with lady Jessica (and is worth 5) and attacks Jessica at her
(5). Your opponent had 2 spice "backing full value and Jessica plays the If a Nexus occurs (i.e. Shai Hulud
up" her leader. The 2 spice go to you, but appropriate poison attacker card, Stilgar appears in the Spice Deck), every
there are 3 more spice to pay on the debt. will lose 5 and so will Jessica. Both will player must place a leader in an outer
This forces your opponent to reveal her be dead. The spice will still go to both sector of the arena face down while
leader as Stilgar (7). Stilgar's worth must players. The seconds get nothing, but alliance discussions are taking place.
be decreased by the 3 that is owed to then, they don't forfeit their lives, either. The player who plays first in the turn
you. You opponent takes Stilgar's's When you play a defense card, you must places first and so on to the right (if
spice-worth (7 spice) from the box and reveal your leader if still face down. more than five players, then place
pays you 3 spice. The remaining 4 spice leaders on the second level sectors as
are placed on the Stilgar Disc to show well). If no alliance is achieved, a
F. Survivors War of Assassins is declared and
Stilgar's new value. Stilgar now has a
value of 4. Any attack where the proceeds following the rules for a
Leaders surviving a Kanly Duel once duel except that all of the players
attacker's value is equal to or greater again regain their full face value.
than 4 will mean the end of Stilgar, and have leaders in the arena
when Stilgar attacks, his opponent will participating in a free-for-all duel.
lose only 4 spice. G. Blocking Again the player who plays first in
the turn moves first, then the player
The spice which you win in an attack is As one of the moves on your turn you to his right. There are no spice
placed behind your shield as part of your may play a "Place Block" card. Discard backing the leaders and there are no
personal spice reserves. It is not counted the card and select a block counter. Place supporters. Only one leader will
as part of the spice you have "backing the block on any vertical border (straight leave the arena alive. A player who
up" your leader in the duel. line) in the arena. Consider your cards can neither play a card or move must
and anything you know about your forfeit his remaining move(s) for that
When an attack has a value equal to or opponent and place blocks where you turn.
greater than the worth of the leader plus can use them to your strategic advantage.
any backing spice, then the attacked Players can not attack or move across a
leader is killed and removed to the border with a block token on it. You may
'tanks'. The attacking player collects use the Jump Block card to go over a
whatever spice is available and any block in your way or a Remove block
spice-worth the leader has. In the card to take a block out of the arena. You

K. Cheap Hero(ine)s L. Dueling Deck
Cheap Hero(ine)s cannot be substituted Poison Attacker From In 2
for a leader in either the Kanly or War of Poison Attacker From Out 2
Assassins. At the end of the Duel or War Poison Attacker From Left 2
of Assassins all Duel Cards in a player's Poison Attacker From Right 2
hand remain there for future use. Attack Out 6
Attack In 6
Attack Left 6
Attack Right 6
Throw Knife 2
Attack/Move 3 2
Flee Arena with Honor 2
Place Block 8
Pick up Block 2
Jump Block 2

2. The Cards competition includes an opportunity
XXV. OPTIONAL to trade Access Cards, the return of
MODULE SPICE Separate the Spice Harvest cards into all leftover spice, collection of spice
HARVEST four piles: Harvest Cards, Access Cards, for the main game, and a struggle for
Share Cards, and Voting Cards. Shuffle troop placement on DUNE using
This expansion module takes the place of the Harvest Cards and then the Access Access Cards.
the regular setup in the game. Players Cards and place them in separate piles
will not place troops on the planet face down and to one side. Place all 1. The Harvest Manager's
according to the starting positions and Share Cards and Voting Cards to one Report
allotments on the player shields. Instead side; Share Cards and Voting Cards need
they will engage in a preliminary not be shuffled, they will be used by the a. Announcing the Harvest
economic and political intrigue which Manager and other players.
focuses on the management of the Dune As Manager, you must first pay the
spice harvests and the assignment of 3. The First Manager of Dune Emperor (or the Bank if there is no
profits to the Emperor, the Great Houses, Emperor player) one spice. If you do
and the other powerful members of the One player will have an opportunity to not have a spice to pay, then the
CHOAM (the Combine Honnete Ober start this expansion set game as the player counterclockwise from you
Advancer Mercantiles). The objectives of "Manager" of the Dune Spice Harvest. A gets to be the Manager and must pay.
these economic intrigues is control of the canny Manager will be able to maximize Then you draw the top Harvest Card
best starting positions and superior troop personal gain and keep other players and secretly read the amount shown
strengths on the planet-- the best foothold poorer. on the card. This number represents
on Arrakis to begin the strategic and how much spice was harvested this
treacherous contest for the ultimate goal, 4. Determining the First Manager year. Now, you must make your
control of DUNE itself. annual harvest announcement to
To determine who gets to be DUNE's CHOAM (the other players). At this
first Manager, each player secretly time you publicly state how much
A. Setting up the Game commits an amount of spice he would be spice was harvested. You may tell
using the Spice Harvest willing to willing to pay for this honor by the truth or you may lie and claim a
hiding that number of spice tokens in lower number.
Each player draws a Planet Card to hand. Players simultaneously reveal their
determine his or her main character (or spice commitment and the player who b. Distributing the Harvest: Next,
by another method chosen by the players reveals the most spice value gets to be you must inform each other player
to determine who is playing whom). The the first Manager of DUNE. This player, what his share of the harvest is. To
Planet Cards show "home" planets for however, must pay all spice he reveals to do this, decide on how much of the
each main character. Special abilities for the player who reveals the next highest harvest you want to give each player.
each character are printed on the amount of spice. All other players keep These amounts may vary from player
character's home Planet Card for the their spice. Ties may be settled by a die to player. Give each other player
Spice Harvest module. The abilities roll or coin flip. After the Manager has Share Card(s) showing the amount
listed pertain to this module and will not been selected, the other players each take you decided that player should get.
be in effect during the main game. To a "yes" and a "no" Voting Card. The Place cards face down in front of
begin, set your home Planet Card out in Manager never needs to hold Voting each player. Players may look at
front of you, collect the rest of your Cards since he never votes. their Share Cards but may keep the
components for your character and set up amount secret from other players.
your character shield. Do not collect your The shares you pass out may equal
B. Spice Harvest Play
main game spice allotment and do not the amount you announced or may
locate your troops on Dune. add up to a lower number. You do
Five Dune spice harvests will take place
during this expansion module. After the not give yourself a share. You are
1. Spice Allotment limited to the number of cards in the
fifth harvest and the competitive set-up
which follows, players will start the main Share Cards. This may make
Put all the spice tokens into the Spice distribution a problem if you are
Dune game. The five harvest rounds each
Bank. Each player draws 10 spice from trying to use the same number card
consist of a Manager's Harvest Report, a
the Spice Bank. For the Spice Harvest over and over.
CHOAM Meeting (accepting or
module portion of the game the players
challenging the Manager's Report), and a
will not draw the spice allotment named
Bid for Power in which Access Cards are
for the main game.
sold to the highest bidder. The end game

C. The CHOAM meeting the pot among themselves and the DUNE to begin the game. There are
Manager gets nothing. If the pot cannot two types of Access Cards,
1. Voting be divided equally among the players and Stronghold and Troops. Stronghold
they cannot all agree upon a fair Cards represent the cities and
After the Manager has made the Harvest distribution, the excess is returned to the sietches on DUNE. Troop cards
Report and after any discussion with one reserves. When a majority of players vote indicated numbers of troops you may
another, each other player must accept or "no" and the Manager's report is use to occupy a stronghold.
reject the report by playing a "yes" or dishonest, the DUNE Manager is
"no" Voting Card face down. If you think relieved of his or her duties and the E. Trading
that the Manager both announced and player to the right (counterclockwise) of
distributed the same amount of spice as the old Manager becomes the new After the five spice harvests have
was harvested, play a "yes" card face DUNE Manager. been reported and five Bids for
down in front of you. If you think that Power have taken place you may
the Manager did not announce or did not d. So unless a majority of the other trade our Access Cards with other
distribute the same amount as was players vote "no" and the Manager's players. Trades may be sight unseen
harvested, play a "no" card face down in Harvest Report is dishonest, the Manager or may be verified in advance
front of you. After all players have keeps any spice left in the pot and (players who each other the card(s)
committed their Voting Cards, the cards continues as Manager by drawing the they intent to trade). Whether a card
are turned over simultaneously. next Harvest Card and reporting and is a troop or sietch card does not
distributing the harvest as described restrict tradeability.
2. Distributing the Harvest above.

a. First, the Manager reveals the Harvest F. Returning the Spice

D. The Bid for Power
Card he or she drew, collects that amount
of spice from the spice reserves in the After all trades have been
box, and collects an additional 3 spice announced, players return any
1. Bidding leftover spice to the Spice Bank.
from the box as an administrative fee.
The Manager sets this Harvest Spice and After each harvest, players compete to
the 3 administrative spice to one side as buy Access Cards which represent the G. Placement on Dune
the "pot". strategic strongholds on DUNE and
certain troop strengths. The number of
b. Each player who played a "Yes" card, cards available for purchase after each 1. Committing Troops on DUNE
gives his share card(s) to the Manager harvest is equal to the number of players
and collects the amount of spice on that in the game. The Manager deals this Once all trades have taken place,
card from the pot. number of cards off the top of the Access players commit troops to the planet
Card deck, sets them face down to one DUNE. The DUNE playing board is
c. Then, after the "Yes" voters have side, and offers them sight unseen one by set out. Players place face down any
collected their spice, one of two events one for bid. Players bid and pay using Access Cards representing
takes place: EITHER spice. Bidding starts with the player to strongholds on DUNE they wish to
the right of the Manager and continues occupy. Next to each stronghold,
each player who played a "no" Vote Card counterclockwise. The bidding for each they place face down one or more
turns in his Share Card to the Manager card continues until the card is bought by troop cards. Note: the total number
but collects nothing the highest bidder. Spice used to of troops committed by a player to
purchase cards goes into the box. Players all strongholds can not exceed 20.
OR should be given a reasonable amount of
time to bid (5 seconds).
if more players played "no" Vote Cards
than "Yes" Vote cards AND, in fact the 2. Stockpiling Access Cards
Harvest Report was dishonest (the
amount on the Harvest Card was not the After you buy Access Cards, you may
amount announced by the Manager OR look at them but must keep them secret
the total of the shares passed out does not and set them aside face down until after
equal the amount announced by the the last (fifth) spice harvest and last
Manager), then the players who played Access Card purchase. Access Cards will
"No" Vote Cards divide the balance of be used to determine initial placement on

2. Collecting Spice I. Special Abilities in Spice Lansraad -- If a Dune Manager
Harvest relieved of his duties, the Lansraad
Players now convert any uncommitted player may block the appointment of
troop Access Cards to spice on a one to Each major character has special abilities the new Manager. In this case, then it
one basis by discarding each card and as outlined on his home Planet Card. is the second player to the right of
drawing the amount of spice showing on the old Manager who becomes the
the card from the Spice Bank. At this Atreides - As the Atreides, during each new Manager. The Lansraad may not
time, all players also collect their regular Harvest Report you may look at the block the automatic appointment of
spice allotment for their characters as Share Card(s) passed to one other player the Fremen to the Dune Manager
stated on their character shields. before making you decision on the position brought on by the
validity of the harvest report. You may appearance of a Worm in the Harvest
3. Winning Strongholds also look at one Access Card before it is Deck. The Lansraad has no "home
bought during each Bid for Power. planet" but do have a headquarters
Each stronghold on DUNE is now read on Kaitain, the seat of the Imperial
out in counter-clockwise order, starting Bene Gesserit - As the B.G., you may Court.
with Carthag and ending with Arrakeen. look at all of the Access Cards that other
As each name is called, any player who players buy. You may tell any players Bene Tleilaxu -- The Bene Tleilaxu
has committed troops to that stronghold, anything you wish about your may get their 10 spice like
reveals the stronghold card and the troop observations. You may make your B.G. everybody else does in the module.
card(s) backing it up. prediction after you observe the opening They may give spice to one or more
positions on DUNE. other players before the players
a. If only one player has committed for a determine who will be the first
stronghold, that player places the number Guild -- As the Guild, you may sell the Manager of Dune in return for future
of his character's tokens (from the main Manager the right to draw an extra Spice considerations during the game. Any
game) which shows on the troop card(s) Harvest card from the deck for an agreed spice left over at the end of the Spice
he revealed on that stronghold. upon fee of 4-8 spice. You may not look Harvest module portion of the game
at this card. The Manager, now, "reports" does not have to be turned in; instead
b. If no players commit for a stronghold, on the combined amounts of the two they may keep it as additional spice
that stronghold is vacant at the start of Harvest Cards. to start the main game. The Bene
the game. Tleilaxu do not receive any spice
Fremen - As the Fremen, you during harvest distribution, and do
c. If two players commit for the same automatically become DUNE's Manager not bid on any Access cards.
stronghold, the player with the highest whenever a worm comes up in the
number of committed troops gets the Harvest Deck. When the worm appears Ix -- If the Ixians are Manager, all
stronghold, but that player must subtract another Harvest card is drawn (there is at Harvest Card values that the Ixians
the number of troops the other player least one numbered harvest card per turn) draw are increased by 50% (fractions
committed from the number of troops he You may start tokens in False Wall South round down). The home planet of the
committed to determine how many and False Wall West without using Ixians is Komos, better known as Ix
tokens he can place on the stronghold. Access cards provided you retain at least [the ninth planet in their solar
For example, if you committed 12 troops 10 tokens in reserve. If using access system].
to Arrakeen and another player cards to make all token placements there
committed 8 troops to Arrakeen, you is no reserve requirement.
would occupy the stronghold with (12-8)
or 4 of your troop tokens. Troop tokens Emperor -- As Emperor, you collect a
that counter-eliminate each other from tax of one spice from the Manager before
this process are placed in "reserves" not each harvest. If the Manager cannot pay
the tanks. you, the player to the right of the
Manager becomes the new Manager and
H. Beginning the Game must pay you.

Play now beings normally, except that Harkonnen -- As the Harkonnen, if you
the opening strongholds as specified on get caught presenting a dishonest Harvest
the character shields are ignored. The Report as Manager, you can keep on
Harvest, Access, Share and Voting Cards being Manager -- until you get caught a
are not used during the main game. second time.

XXV.B. RAPID ACCESS Access Deck Description
"1" 8
If you don't have time for a full fledged "2" 8
Spice Harvest module try these rules out: "3" 8
"5" 8
Shuffle the Access Card deck and deal an "7" 8
equal number of cards to each player "8" 3
(five cards suggested). The Bene Carthag 3
Tleilaxu receive none. The Emperor then Arrakeen 3
draws an extra card. The Atreides player Tuek's Sietch 3
may then pick a random card from any Habbanya Ridge Sietch 3
other player, and give that player a Optional Sietch 3
chosen card from his own hand. The Voting Card Description
Harkonnen player may decide to receive Yes 10
two extra cards, but in that case must No 10
draw a card randomly from the Harvest Harvest Deck Description
Deck. If that card is a worm, he forfeits 5 Spice 4
and discards all his Access Cards 8 Spice 4
including the two extra ones. The Fremen 10 Spice 4
player then openly selects one of the 12 Spice 4
discarded Access Cards and adds it to his 15 Spice 4
hand. 25 Spice 2
40 Spice 2
The Trading Access Cards step is Worm Sign 4
conducted and players complete the
Spice Harvest and deploy on Dune as
outlined above.

• Treachery cards may not be Liet Kynes is a leader who brought
XXVI. OPTIONAL previewed. all of the Fremen sietches together as
LEADERS - THE MAIN • The top card of the Spice Deck a united whole. When he dies,
CHARACTERS may not be previewed. various Fremen groups go back to
• You may not force your their sietches. Only when Liet Kynes
Included in the game are the main opponent to show you any is brought back to life will the
character discs for each faction. These element of his battle plan or Fremen again have a fanatical leader
are marked with a "10" numeral although allow your allies the same to whip them up into a religious
I recommend using them in the game privilege. frenzy and transform the war into a
with a value of "8". These leaders are not Jihad. If Liet-Kynes is dead:
included in the traitor selection process, Baron Harkonnen holds all secrets to
i.e. your main character will never be a himself. While some of his lieutenants, • Token revival isn't free, but
traitor. If your main character is killed (in such as Feyd-Rautha and Piter de Vries, instead costs two spice per
battle, kanly, war of assassins, etc.) your may know some of those secrets, they are token (to the spice bank
faction is not out of the game. You still usually the same few secrets that the • Fedaykin counters on the
maintain your holdings and all spice in Baron will share. When the Baron dies, board are treated as regular
your possession. However, your faction knowledge of traitors in his pay and of troops. Fedaykin in reserve
will lose certain advantages and/or have how to get extra weapons (treachery are placed in the tanks.
certain limitations laid on it. The cards) is lost and can not be regained
advantages will be restored and until the Baron is brought back to life. If House Corrino has many
limitations removed only when the Main the Baron dies: contenders for the position of
Character Leader is revived from the Emperor. If Emperor Shaddam IV is
'tanks'. A player may revive (for the • Only one of the four traitors dead:
usual cost) his Main Character Leader on picked at the beginning of the
any turn in which he has at least one game may be used. The • All spice paid for Treachery
leader alive. If he has only his Main Harkonnen player must record cards goes to the spice bank
Character Leader left alive, he may start which traitor is active at the time • Sardaukar tokens on the
reviving his other leaders per the normal the Baron is killed. The others board are treated as regular
rules. are inactive tokens. Sardaukar in reserve
• You may not pick up the extra are placed in the 'tanks'.
When all of the leaders, including the treachery card when you buy
Main Character Leader, of a faction are one. Edric is a third stage Guild
in the tanks at the same time, that faction • You may not randomly select navigator who is the manager of
is out of the game. All of that faction's one leader from a loser of a Guild operations on Dune and in the
tokens are removed from the board and battle for any purpose. surrounding space. In the event of
all treachery cards are discarded. Spice is his death, local Guild operations on
returned to the spice bank. Any leaders The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood will have Dune will suffer disruption but not at
of that faction that are prisoners remain an internal struggle for succession and a catastrophic level. The smugglers
prisoners until used and if directed to be may not provide a united front. If and lower level navigators take more
returned to that faction they are removed Reverend Mother Mohiam is dead: than their share of spice, using the
as well. disruption as a cover for their
• Your faction loses the power to embezzlements. If Edric is dead:
Paul Muad'dib Atreides is the gifted co-exist with other factions in
individual who give the Atreides faction the same territory. All tokens on • You must take your move
its advantages. When he dies, all of those the board are treated as normal when it occurs in
powers go with him and will not come tokens. • Your allies must pay normal
back until he is brought back to life. If • You may not use free shipments (rule) shipping rates and it is
Paul Muad'dib Atreides is dead: for your "spiritual advisors. paid to the spice bank
• You may not "voice" an ally's instead of the Guild.
• The Kwisatz Haderach may not opponent.
be used. Note: Paul is also killed
when the Kwisatz Haderach is
blown up in a lasegun-shield

The Lansraad has many houses and The Bene Tleilaxu does not have Main The Ixian Inquisitor coordinates
factions vying for political control. If the Character Leader nor any other leader the operations of all Ixian military
Speaker of the Lansraad House is dead: discs. The Bene Tleilaxu may not make forces. When she dies, the various
traitors out of the Main Characters being military units act in an uncoordinated
• You lose the power to influence revived from the tanks, and they receive fashion and various Ixian
the other major powers during the spice only for the Baron Harkonnen, functionaries embezzle spice into
the revival/movement and battle Paul Muad'dib Atreides, and Liet-Kynes. their own private fortunes. If the
rounds. The other Main Characters are revived Inquisitor of the Ixian Confederacy
• You lost the power to restrict by paying the spice bank. They do not is dead:
non-sietch territories to other participate in Kanly, War of Assassins or
major powers hold Dueling cards. • Your tokens may only move
one territory per turn
• You may not receive you
automatic 10 spice per turn,
they are considered to be
• The Inquisitor cannot be
revived for free.

The movement round determines battles, sacrificing a leader to rid himself of

XXVII. DUNE spice collection, and often the win. the cards. In such a case the
STRATEGY TIPS Players should always stay within opponent may not be sure what is
striking distance of several strongholds, going on and may spend several of
Each player in DUNE must amass spice, and may want to keep some forces his tokens in an unnecessary defense.
convert it to effective weaponry, mobile (the Polar Sink is ideal for this as Generally, any player with an
defenses, and other strategic aids, and it connects to most territories by short advantage, whether it be cards,
then position himself with enough troops routes and is not affected by worm or leaders, tokens, or strategic
to be able to suddenly move into key storm). Sometimes a player who moves advantages, is well advised to press
strongholds and defend them. The game last may go for the win if earlier players forward and force battles.
will be won by daring, strategy, mobility, have left strongholds unprotected. But
and treachery. generally it is not wise to move for the Collection of spice is of course
win unless you can defend your forces advantageous, especially to those
The storm is important because it against all players within range. who need it, but also to those who
determines who is first player. Being first want to keep others from having it to
player is an advantage in battles (ties go Battles are they key test of strength. With then use for cards or shipping. But
to the first player) but being last is an good weapons and defenses, and a good collection carries with it the risks of
advantage in movement (surprise memory for what other players have, a destruction by storm or worm.
takeovers by the last player cannot be player can swiftly reverse the balance of
countered that turn). strength in the game. Strategic players Alliances will usually force an end to
will carefully watch what weapons and the game within a few turns. In
The spice blow is important because its defenses have been played and discarded larger games it is difficult to win
location will help determine who gets or retained, and by whom. He will also alone, and alliances will be
new spice that turn. Worms are vital remember what leaders he can trust, and necessary. It is generally wise to ally
because only when they appear can the pit himself when he can against a player with someone who can compliment
forces on the planet ally during the who has one leader who will betray him. your advantages. If you are strong on
diplomatic nexus. strategic ability but short on
Since the loser must discard his cards and resources, seek an alliance with
The bidding determines who will gain the winner may keep his as well as someone who has access to spice. If
fighting strength (or the threat of it) that render up any killed leader for his value you are rich, look for strategy or
turn. It is wise to have several cards at all in spice, battles are the turning point of treachery in your partner.
times to keep your opponents guessing, the game. However, since worthless
but it is also wise if you have off-planet cards can only be discarded by playing
reserves to retain enough spice to ship them in battle, often a player with several
more troops onto the board. will send one token against a large force,

Player Info

10 tokens in reserve (off-planet). Start ADVANTAGES
with 10 spice. Your major handicap is your
1. Every time you win a battle you can difficulty in obtaining spice. You are
FREE REVIVAL - 2 tokens. select randomly one leader from the loser at your greatest relative strength at
(including the leader used in battle, if not the beginning of the game and
ADVANTAGES - You excel in killed, but excluding all leaders already should capitalize on this fact by
treachery. used elsewhere that turn). You can quickly buying as many treachery
immediately turn the leader into the tanks cards as you can, and then surging
1. At the start of the game you write for 2 spice; or use the leader once in a into battle. Since you get 2 cards for
down the name of all leaders belonging battle after which you must return him every one you bid for, you can afford
to other players which you draw. All are (her) to the original owner. If all your to bid a little higher than most, but if
in your pay. own leaders have been killed, you must you spend too lavishly at first you
return all captured leaders immediately to will not have enough spice to ship in
2. You may hold up to 8 treachery cards. their original owners. Killed captured tokens or buy more cards at a later
At first, you are dealt 2 cards instead of leaders are put in the 'tanks' from which date. There is nothing so pitiful to
1, and every time you buy a card you get the original owners can revive them see as a Harkonnen on Choam
an extra card free from the deck (if you (subject to the revival rules). A captured Charity. The large number of cards
have less than 8 total). leader is automatically in the pay of the you may hold will increase your
original owner. chances of holding worthless cards.
ALLIANCE - Leaders in your pay may To counteract this you should pick
betray your allies opponents, too. KARAMA POWERS your battles, both to unload cards
and to flush out the traitors in your
You may use a Karama card to take pay.
without looking at any number of cards,
up to the entire hand of any one player of
your choice. For each card you take you
must give him one of your cards in return.

10 in reserve (off-planet). Start with 10 ADVANTAGES
spice. You are handicapped by the fact that
1. Any turn after losing a total of at least you must both purchase cards and
ADVANTAGES - You have limited 7 tokens in battle(s), you may use the ship onto Dune, and you have no
prescience. Kwisatz Haderach counter. It cannot be source of income other than the spice
used alone in battle but may add its +2 on the planet's surface. This will
1. During the bidding round, you may strength to any one leader or cheap keep you in constant battles. Since
look at each treachery card as it comes hero(ine) per turn. If the leader or cheap you start from Arrakeen you have
up for purchase before any player bids on hero(ine) is killed, the Kwisatz Haderach the movement advantage of 3 from
it. has no effect in the battle. Kwisatz the outset, and it is wise to protect
Haderach can only be killed if blown up this. Your prescience allows you to
2. At the start of the movement round, by a lasegun-shield explosion. A leader avoid being devoured by the worms
you may look at the top card of the spice accompanied by Kwisatz Haderach and helps you to get some slight
deck. cannot turn traitor. If killed, Kwisatz head start on the spice blow. In
Haderach must be revived like any other addition, you can gain some slight
3. During the battle round, you may force leader. If not killed, it has no effect on advantage over those who would do
your opponent to show you your choice Atreides leader revival. battle with you by your
of one of the four elements he will use in foreknowledge of one element of
his battle plan against you; the leader, the KARAMA POWERS their battle plan.
weapon, the defense or the number
dialed. If your opponent shows you that You may use a Karama card to look at
he is not playing a weapon or defense, one player's entire battle plan.
you may not ask to see another element
of the plan.

ALLIANCE - You may assist your allies

by forcing their opponents to show them
one element of their battle plan.

and 15 tokens in reserve (off-planet). ADVANTAGES
Start with 5 spice. Your major handicap is your weak
1. You are not required to take your array of leaders and your inability to
FREE REVIVAL - 1 token. movement when it occurs in the turn revive quickly. In addition, you
sequence during the movement round but usually cannot buy treachery cards at
ADVANTAGE - You control all may take it at any turn in the sequence the beginning of the game. You are
shipments onto and off Dune. that you wish. The rest of the players vulnerable at this point and should
must take their turns in the proper make your stronger moves after
1. You are capable of making one of sequence. You do not have to reveal building up your resources. If
three possible types of shipments each when you intend to take your turn until players do not ship on at a steady
turn. You may ship normally from the moment you wish to take it. rate you will have to fight for spice
off-planet reserves to Dune; or you may on the surface or collect only the
ship any number of tokens from any one KARAMA POWERS isolated blows. Your major
territory to any other territory on the advantage is that you can ship on to
board; or you may ship any number of You may use a Karama card to stop one Dune inexpensively and can ship
tokens from any one territory back to off-planet shipment of any one player. from any one territory to any other.
your reserves. This mobility allows you to make
surprise moves and is particularly
2. You need pay only half the fee when useful when you are the last player in
shipping your tokens. The cost for the movement round. If the game is
shipping to your reserves is one spice for out of reach and well along, try
every two tokens shipped or fraction suicide battles against the strongest
thereof. players to weaken them and prevent
a win until the spice deck runs out:
3. When any other player ships tokens the victory is then yours.
onto Dune from off-planet reserves, he
pays the spice to you instead of to the
spice bank.

4. If no player has been able to win the

game by the end of play, you have
prevented control of Dune and
automatically win the game.

ALLIANCE - Allies may use the same

types of shipments and a the same cost as
you. They may win with you if no one
else wins.

AT START - 1 token in the Polar Sink 2. Beginning with the second turn, you STRATEGY
and 19 tokens in reserves (off-planet). automatically receive CHOAM
Start with 5 spice. charity each bidding round whether you Your major handicap is your low
have spice or not. revival rate. You must not allow
FREE REVIVAL - 1 token. large numbers of your tokens to be
3. Whenever any other player ships sent to the tanks or you may find
ADVANTAGES - You are adept in the tokens to Dune from off-planet, you may yourself without sufficient reserves
ways of mind control. ship, free, one token from your reserves to bring onto the planet. Your
(spiritual advisors) into the same territory strengths are that you have the
1. At the start of the game (before traitors (instead of the Polar Sink). ability to win by correctly predicting
are picked) you write down the name of another winner and the secretly
one other player and the turn in which 4. Your tokens may coexist peacefully working for that player. In addition,
you think he will win (you can't predict with all other players' tokens in the same you can be quite effective in battles
the automatic Guild or Fremen victory at territory. While coexisting, your tokens by voicing your opponent and
the end of play). If that player wins have no effect on the play of the other leaving him weaponless or
(alone or as an ally, even your own) players whatsoever. They are treated as if defenseless. You can afford to bide
when you have predicted, you reveal the they are not even on the board, i.e. they your time while casting subtle
prediction and you alone have won. You cannot collect spice, cannot be involved innuendoes about which player you
can win normally, of course. in combat, cannot prevent another have picked to win.
player's control of a stronghold, cannot
2. Whenever any other player ships receive three territory movement bonus.
tokens onto Dune from off-planet, you They are still susceptible to storms,
may whip free 1 token from your worms and lasegun/shield explosions.
reserves (spiritual advisors) into the Polar
Sink. You may also ship normally, of 5. You must announce at the beginning
course. of the movement round, before any
movement is started, all territories in
3. You may 'voice' your opponent to do which you no longer wish to remain in
as you wish with respect to one of the coexistence. Anytime you end your move
cards he plays in his battle plan, i.e., to in an occupied territory in which you
play or not to play a projectile, shield, previously have no tokens or another
poison, snooper, lasegun or worthless player moves his tokens into a territory
card. You cannot voice a cheap hero only you occupy, you must announce
(ine) card. If he can't comply with your immediately whether or not you will
command, he may do as he wishes. coexist there. You cannot ship with
another player (as spiritual advisors) into
ALLIANCE - In an alliance you may a territory in which you have stated (or
'voice' an ally's opponent. intend to state when you land) that you
are not in coexistence that turn. Those
ADDITIONAL CHARACTER territories in which you choose to be (or
ADVANTAGES - You have the power remain) in coexistence must stay in
to coexist. coexistence for the rest of the turn. Your
tokens in territories not in coexistence
1. You start one token in any territory of are treated as normal tokens. It is
your choice (instead of just the Polar assumed you are in coexistence unless
Sink). This is done after the Fremen you state otherwise.

You may use any 'worthless' card as a

Karama card.

you like on Sietch Tabr, False Wall ADVANTAGES
South, and False Wall West; and 10 Your major handicap is poverty.
tokens in reserve (on the far side of 1. You select and may look at next turn's Usually you can't purchase treachery
Dune). Start with 3 spice. storm movement marker (used only with for several rounds, since the others
optional rule XVI). will outbid you. You must be patient
FREE REVIVAL - 3 tokens (you and move your forces into any
cannot buy additional revivals). 2. During a spice blow, all additional vacant strongholds, avoiding battles
worms which appear after the first worm until you are prepared. You can
ADVANTAGES - You are native to can be placed by you in any territory you afford when you do battle to dial
Dune and know its ways. wish. They cannot devour tokens if not in high and sacrifice your troops since
a desert territory. they have a high revival rate and you
1. You may move your token group two can bring them back into play at no
territories instead of one. 3. If caught in a storm, only half your cost. To your advantage is better
tokens are killed (any fractions are mobility than those without a city,
2. You may bring any or all of your rounded up). You may bring your and good fighting leaders. Your
reserves onto any territory within two reserves into a storm at half loss. game plan will be to bide your time
territories of and including the Great Flat and wait for an accessible spice blow
(subject to storm and occupancy rules). 4. Your three starred tokens (Fedaykin) that no one else wants in order to
You may not move onto Dune in any have a special fighting capability. They build up your resources.
other way than this. are worth two normal tokens in battle and
in taking losses. They are treated as one
3. If a worm appears in a territory where token in revival. Only one Fedaykin
you have tokens, they are not devoured token can be revived per turn.
but, immediately upon conclusion of the
nexus, may move to any one territory on KARAMA POWERS
the board (subject to storm and
occupancy rules). You may use a Karama card to cause a
worm to appear in any territory that you
4. If no player has won by the end of the wish. The worm is not drawn from the
last turn and if you (or no one) occupies spice deck. A worm cannot devour
Sietch Tabr and Habbanya Ridge Sietch tokens if not in a desert territory.
and neither Harkonnen, Atreides nor
Emperor occupies Tuek's Sietch, you
have prevented interference with your
plans to alter Dune and you
automatically win the game.

ALLIANCE - Your allies are not

devoured by worms. They win with you
if you win at the end of the last turn.

(off-planet). Start with 10 spice. ADVANTAGES
Your major handicap is that you
FREE REVIVAL - 1 token. 1. Your five starred tokens (elite must ship in all of your tokens at the
Sardaukar) have a special fighting start of the game, and often this
ADVANTAGE - You have access to capability. They are worth two normal move requires a battle before you are
great wealth. tokens in battle and in taking losses prepared. Even though you do not
against all opponents except Fremen. need to forage for spice on the
1. Whenever any other player pays for Your starred tokens are worth just one surface of Dune often, you still are
spice for a treachery card, he pays itto against Fremen. They are treated as one quite subject to attack since you are
you instead of to the spice bank. token in revival. Only one starred token likely to concentrate on the cities for
can be revived per turn. the mobility they give you. On the
ALLIANCE - You may give spice to plus side you will never need spice
your allies to purchase treachery cards, to KARAMA POWERS badly, since the bidding will keep
revive tokens and to make shipments. you supplied.
Their payment for any treachery card You may use a Karama card to revive up
even with your own spice comes right to three tokens or one leader for free.
back to you.

Treachery cards. They have no tokens, ADVANTAGES
player dot, or traitors. The strength of the BT lies in two
1. The BT can lay traps in strongholds areas. The first is obvious they are
ADVANTAGE - The Bene Tleilaxu which he controls or in unoccupied unreachable. There are no BT tokens
control the revived dead. strongholds at the start of the game. to blast to the tanks, no Tleilaxu
These traps are Treachery cards laid face leaders to turn traitor. The only ways
1. Whenever a player revives tokens or down outside the board sector containing the BT can be restrained are through
leaders, he pays spice to the BT player the stronghold. The first tokens moved or Karama cards and the "voice" of the
instead of to the spice bank. shipped onto the stronghold trigger the BG (Bene Gesserit). This strength is
trap. These tokens are frozen and may also a weakness. The BT has an
2. After all other combat has been not move any farther that turn. At the incredibly hard time making their
completed each turn, you may attack one beginning of the combat round, before all plans concrete. Their very
leader of any player. The leader must other combat, a leader of the triggering intangibility makes the other players
have just led tokens in battle and must be once is drawn at random. That leader is nervous and reluctant to freely go
attacked in the territory of the battle. attacked by the trap. He may play a along with the BT whims.
defense card. (NOTE: As the trap card Association and alliance becomes a
3. You may make a traitor of any one has already been played, the Bene matter of cost, and even then the
revived leader per turn. When your Gesserit CANNOT voice it. The Atreides aloof mystique that surrounds the BT
traitor is used in combat to gain a player can, however, look at the card.) never diminishes.
territory, you may announce your traitor Combat is resolved normally, with the
and gain control of the territory. You do trap card being discarded afterwards. If The other unalienable strength is the
not receive your traitor's value in spice, the leader is killed, the BT gains his tanks. As long as there is combat,
but if the territory has spice, you may value in spice. Tokens in the stronghold spice will flow into the hands of the
collect it. You do not have to announce are not harmed unless a lasegun/shield BT. The basic problem here is one of
stronghold betrayals immediately (see combination occurs. attrition only so much battling can be
Reviving the Ghola explanation). expected before players lose their
2. In the Bidding round, AFTER combat potential. Luckily time has a
4. You may win by spice count. At the Treachery cards are dealt face down but way of solving these ills.
end of any collection round you may BEFORE bidding begins, the BT player
place 35 spice in open view of all can give Treachery cards in his hand to The most prominent problem with
players. If at the end of the next any other player. The BT cannot give a the BT is the multi- sided Tleilaxu
collection round you still have over 35 player more cards than he can hold. paradox. This is first encountered
spice and no one else has won, you win. Opponents may not refuse to accept through the BT's ability to ambush
given cards. an opponent's leaders. This gives the
ALLIANCE - You may grant free BT the chance to fuel the tanks and
revival of up to 6 tokens and 2 leaders 3. Instead of playing a weapon card in a doubly collect spice (once for killing
(one may be made a traitor) per turn to trap or leader attack, the BT may play a the leader and again when the leader
each of your allies. worthless card (Kulon, Trip to Gamont, is revived). On the negative side,
etc.). The card either: (a) prevents the attacking leaders further alienates the
defender from shipping down any tokens player whose leader was liquidated.
during the next turn; or (b) prevents the Such alienation cannot be avoided in
defender from moving any on board the latter turns of the game, but as
tokens during the next turn. The BT can the game begins it can be damaging.
choose which power the card has when it
is revealed.


1. You may use a Karama card as a

lasegun in an attack on a leader, or
(optional rule) as both a lasegun and a
shield when played as a trap.

The strongest forte of the leader attack is The second point, that of attacking a Still another result of the giving of
the threat of a leader attack. The BT is leader in hopes of a lasegun/shield cards is a knowledge of the other
not limited to movement and battle they combo, can be seen as a desperate act of players' hands. Careful watch by the
can attack and withdraw unharmed no guesswork. That does not have to be true. BT of how other players use their
matter where or how strong the leader or One of the coldest, yet most successful cards can lead to situations where the
his accompanying token force is. The agreements is that of a player who lost in BT can guide players against each
defenders (all who participated in combat the stronghold battle sacrificing his other and predict the results. The BT
that turn) must be prepared. In this way leader to a BT attack. The sacrificed can also watch for defenses players
the leader attack also becomes a leader plays a shield defense to the BT have for their leaders in preparation
diplomatic tool. The BT can become the lasegun attack, thereby wiping out the for the BT leader attack.
professional hit man, the ultimate tokens in the stronghold. This act of
assassin. It is a staggering threat. revenge does not return the stronghold to The last factor to be observed in
the control of the BT, but it further giving cards away is that it makes
In many ways the backbone of the BT is strengthens the tanks and thus future room for the purchasing of more
its traitors. Although they can be used to revenue through revival. This illustrates cards, a good way to fill the BT hand
gain any territory, their main targets another facet of the Tleilaxu paradox, with valuable cards. To this goal, it
should be spice and strongholds (the only that of the failure of winning by is also suggested that traps be laid
other logical area of attack would be the strongholds strengthening the chance of during the bidding round if possible.
shield wall). In this way they grant the winning by spice. The inverse of this is The cost of this is spice. To survive
BT the chance for a normal win via three also true. as a player the BT must buy
strongholds. Therefore the BT should try Treachery cards. which then lowers
to build up a large number of traitors. If the backbone of the BT is in traitors, his chance for a spice win. The
the flesh is the BT's manipulative force. giving of cards counters this by
The natural process of leader deaths to This has already been brought out coaxing players to battle.
their revival and recirculation is long and through the threats of traps and leader
tense. The manipulation powers of the attacks. The main strength of the BT The last power of the BT, the use of
BT must be used to spur early pitched arsenal of diplomatic ploys is in worthless cards as movement
battles that will quickly devastate at least Treachery cards; indeed the cards are the impairers, is a futuristic one. Timed
one player's stable of leaders. A good physical extent of their power. It is also correctly, this can isolate a token
byproduct of this is the filling of the here that the Tleilaxu paradox strikes force for accumulated assault not
tanks with tokens. hardest. To attack leaders or to lay traps unlike Custer's Last Stand.
the BT must buy Treachery cards, thus Occasionally this can be used to
Revealing traitors can make or break the draining their spice. Their main keep players from moving onto a BT
Tleilaxu cause. Ideally the BT could diplomatic tool also demands that they stronghold. The main pull of this
reveal three in stronghold victories all in buy cards to give them away. The BT power, however, is as a diplomatic
one turn, but that is rare. The BT must therefore continually needs to purchase tool. It should not be underestimated.
face the unhappy prospect of defending cards. The costs of this, however, are not
his strongholds without tokens. He has as damaging as it may seem.
three options: (I) laying a Karama trap to
blast all who try to take the stronghold; First, it must be understood that the BT
(2) attacking the leader of one of the must give cards away. Out of the 33
invaders and hoping for a lasegun/ shield cards in the deck, there are 14 the BT can
combination; or (3) manipulating the use only as fake traps and discards. All
invaders so that they will wipe each other are of value to the other players, and
out or again use a BT traitor in victory. therefore bargaining power when the BT
All three options should be utilized, if inadvertently buys one. Another result of
possible . A trap, whether a Karama or the ability to give cards "AFTER
not, should be played. It is a threat that Treachery cards are dealt face down but
probably will not deter determined BEFORE bidding begins" is that it
players from the stronghold, but it may becomes easier to fill an opponents four
prompt a player to use another Karama to card hand, leaving a Treachery card on
destroy it (and provide a good laugh the block that he can no longer buy. The
when the player discovers it was a card can then be picked up at a cheaper
"shield" trap). cost.

AT START - 20 tokens in reserves KARAMA POWERS
(off-planet). Start with 20 spice.
1. You may use a Karama card to make
FREE REVIVAL - 2 tokens. all Ixian tokens fight at full strength
whether or not they are supplied by
ADVANTAGE - You control production spice. If also supplied by spice each
and distribution of illegal machines. token counts as 1 ½ for combat (4
tokens counts 6).
1. Your tokens move 2 spaces per turn.

2. At the start of each spice collection

round, you automatically receive 10
spice per turn in addition to any spice
you would normally receive, Choam
Charity included.

DISADVANTAGE - You must always

move first.

ALLIANCE - Allies can take advantage

of Ixian movement and spice bonuses.

(off-planet). Start with 30 spice. ADVANTAGES
Plentiful spice, a high revival rate,
FREE REVIVAL - 3 tokens. At the start of any turn, before the Storm decent leaders, and a very effective
marker position is determined, you may special power are the Lansraad's
ADVANTAGE - You have Influence declare any non-sietch territory on the good points; its starting with all its
over almost all major powers (except the map board (except for the Polar Sink) tokens off planet and commencing
Fremen and Bene Tleilaxu) on Dune. "restricted". AU tokens that do not play with a natural enemy (the
belong to the Lansraad player, a Fremen) are its bad ones. If you
1. During a turn, you may use your Lansraad-allied player, the Fremen decide to start a seven-player game
power of Influence during the player, or are co-existing Bene Gesserit with a sietch invasion, I advise
revival/movement or the battle round. tokens must be moved out of this against invading any Fremen sietch.
You may not use the power of influence territory during the upcoming revival/ Any victory you gain against the
against the same player two turns in a movement turns. Failure to do so results desert dwellers will be short-lived.
row. in the tokens being sent to the tanks. As time passes, the wise Lansraad
With the exception of the player will join in an alliance,
a. In the revival/movement round, you above-mentioned token types, tokens preferably of an anti-Fremen nature.
may order any player to "hold in place". may not be moved into the territory His power of "restriction" can allow
That player will not be able to reclaim during the entire turn. The Lansraad his allies to cordon off spice
tokens from the tanks, ship tokens onto player may not declare the same territory territories for their own use. But, you
or off Dune, or move his tokens on the "restricted" for two consecutive turns. must be careful who you pick as
mapboard during the round. your friends and what they get out of
KARAMA POWERS the deal, for someday they may be
b. During a battle round, you may order your enemies.
any player to "hold in place". That player 1. You may use a Karma card once
will not be able to attack anyone during during the game to use your power of
that round, but may defend if attacked by Influence during both the
another party. revival/movement and combat rounds of
the same game turn. The card would be
ALLIANCE - You may not ally with the played at the start of the battle round.
Fremen. Allies may make use of the
Lansraad "Optional Advantage" of
restricting territories; the same conditions
as to who may be affected is imposed.

A. The first section of cards are used in 6. Lasegun [1 card] -- Use as a weapon These are used once and discarded:
combat and may be reused, see combat in combat. There is no direct defense
rules against a lasegun. It automatically kills 8. Cheap Hero(ine) [3 cards]-- Play
an opponent's leader. But should you or in battle in place of a leader. This is
1. Projectile Weapons [6 cards] -- Use your opponent play a shield in the same permitted in addition to the defense
as a weapon in combat, stopped by the battle, a nuclear explosion occurs and all and weapon card played (if any). The
Shield defense. tokens and spice (even those not cheap hero has a 0 value for
involved in the battle) in the territory are leadership The cheap hero is used in
2. Shield [7 cards] -- Defends a leader lost to the 'tanks' as well as all leaders the leader position and may not be
against projectile weapons in combat. played (no spice is paid for them). All discarded as a weapon or defense.
See also Lasegun. treachery cards played in the battle must
be discarded. 9. Worthless Cards [ Kulon, Trip to
3. Poison Weapons [6 cards] -- Use as a Gamont, La La La, Ya Ya Yawn,
weapon in combat, stopped by the 7. Stone Burner [1 card] -- used as a Baliset, Jubba Cloak (7 all together)]
Snooper defense. special weapon. This weapon, played These cards have no value in play.
normally in battle, automatically kills an These cards may be discarded by
4. Semuta Drug (Poison) [1 card] -- opponent's leader and all of his tokens in using in the weapons or defense
used as a poison weapon. This weapon is the territory, plus the friendly leader. position in combat. They may also
played in a battle normally and can be Both players may use shields to protect be disposed of under the residual
blocked by a snooper. If not blocked by a their leaders against a stone burner, but poison attack (see Residual Poison).
snooper, it does not immediately kill the all of the opponent's tokens are still
opposing leader. Instead, it reduces the removed to the tanks. A player who uses B. These cards may be played at
fighting strength of the leader by one. a stone burner in battle still loses the certain times during the game and
The Semuta card remains with the leader number of tokens he dials for the battle. then must be discarded.
after the battle, unless the leader is killed. If a lasegun/shield explosion occurs in
At the beginning of each following game the same battle, the lasegun/shield 1. Truth Trance [2 cards] -- Played
turn, that leader's fighting strength is explosion takes precedence, destroying at any time against a player. Forces
further reduced by one until the turn it all leaders, tokens, and spice in the that player to answer truthfully any
reaches zero, in which case the leader is territory. Optional Rule: Unless a one "Yes/No" question concerning
sent to the tanks and the Semuta card is Karama card has been used in the same the game that you ask him.
discarded. Such a leader is revived battle to prevent Atreides prescience,
normally and at full strength. Leaders character Paul Muad'dib is not affected 2. Weather Control [1 card] -- Play
who have a Semuta card on them lead by the blast of a stone burner. at the start of the storm round, it
battle and duel at their reduced strength. enable a player to control the storm
When the drugged leader is killed, the A stone burner is a small nuclear device that round and move it from 0 to 10
winner of the battle collects only the which is used to bore through solid rock. sectors in a
amount of spice equal to their current While not a very powerful explosive counterclockwise direction.
reduced strength at the time of death. device, it emits a particular radiation over
a wide radius, which permanently blinds 3. Hajj [1 card] -- Play during a
Semuta is a powerful narcotic derived any unshielded person, thus neutralizing player's movement round enabling
from the Ellaca Drug. One dose causes any force in the vicinity of the blast, In him to take an extra on-planet
permanent addiction. The drug causes the Dune Messiah, Paul was so blinded, but movement, subject to the normal
addict to slowly lose his or her abilities used prescience and the eyes of his rules.
as the addict spends more and more time children to function.
in drug-induced euphoria. Addicts do not 4. Ghola [1 card] -- Play at any time,
die from the drug itself but from permits the player to immediately
deprivation of food, sleep, and other recover one leader from the 'tanks'
necessities that the addict denies himself. without payment, or to revive up to 5
tokens from the 'tanks' to his
5. Poison Snooper [7 cards] -- Defends a reserves. A revived leader may not
leader against poison used in combat. be used until the next battle round.

5. Family Atomics [1 card] -- Play just 4. Prevents the Fremen from controlling 2. Atreides - You may use a Karama
after the storm has been determined but a worm once (their tokens in the territory card to look at one player's entire
before it moves by a player who has one are destroyed and taken to the tanks); or battle plan.
or more tokens on the Shield Wall or in a (optional rule) from counting Fedaykin
territory adjacent to it. It destroys the bonus in one battle. 3. Guild - You may use a Karama
shield wall (and all tokens there) so that card to stop one off-planet shipment
the Imperial Basin, Arrakeen and 5. Enables a player to bid for and buy of any one player.
Carthag are no longer protected from the one treachery card without paying for it;
storm. Once played, the card is placed off or (optional rule) prevents the Emperor 4. Bene Gesserit - You may use any
board near the Shield Wall to indicate it from counting Sardaukar bonus in one 'worthless' card as a Karama card.
has been permanently destroyed. Since battle.
the Family Atomics card is played before 5. Fremen - You may use a Karama
the storm moves it will impact these 6. Enables a player to land tokens from card to cause a worm to appear in
areas only if the storm moves into them off-planet reserves at the Guild cost (half any territory that you wish. The
(not starts in them). The card may be rate). The payment goes to the spice bank worm is not drawn from the spice
played even if the areas in question are and not the Guild. This takes the place of deck. A worm cannot devour tokens
under storm. that player's normal shipment for that if not in a desert territory.
round. Or (optional rule) prevents the
6. Mercenary [1 card] -- permits the Guild from taking his move when he 6. Emperor - You may use a Karama
addition of one mercenary leader or five wants. He must make his move in his card to revive up to three tokens or
mercenary tokens to the reserves. Fremen proper turn in the movement sequence. one leader for free.
mercenaries must be shipped in from
off-planet. The mercenary card may be 7. Prevents the Bene Tleilaxu from 7. Bene Tleilaxu - You may use a
played for you or for the benefit of announcing a leader as a traitor. The Karama card as a lasegun in an
another player. Lost units are placed back leader reverts to his/her original attack on a leader, or (optional rule)
in the mercenary pool, i.e. they are not allegiance. Or it taxes the BT ten spice as both a lasegun and a shield when
revivable by the player. Mercenary which must be paid immediately to the played as a trap.
leaders are not included in the traitor spice bank. If the BT has less than ten
selection process (unless all players wish spice he must pay what he has. Or 8. Ixian - You may use a Karama
to include them) (optional rule) it can destroy an card to make all Ixian tokens fight at
untriggered trap. full strength whether or not they are
7. Karama [2 cards] - When played can supplied by spice. If also supplied by
do any one of the following: 8. Take all the spice owned by the Ixian spice each token counts as 1½ for
player and put it back in the spice bank. combat (4 tokens counts 6).
a. Prevent other players from using some
of their advantages once as explained 9. Prevents the Lansraad from using his 9. Lansraad - You may use a Karma
below. power of Influence or optional card once during the game to use
"restriction" once. The card would be your power of Influence during both
1. Prevents the Atreides from seeing the played right after the Lansraad ordered a the revival/movement and combat
future, once; or (optional rule) prevents player to hold in place or declared a rounds of the same game turn. The
the Atreides from using the Kwisatz territory restricted. card would be played at the start of
Haderach once. the battle round.
b. (Optional Rule) Allows players to use
2. Prevents the Harkonnen from taking a a special power suited to their character
second free treachery card, once; or once.
(optional rule) prevents Harkonnen from
capturing a leader once. 1. Harkonnen - You may use a Karama
card to take without looking at any
3. Prevents the Bene Gesserit from number of cards, up to the entire hand of
accompanying one shipment; using the any one player of your choice. For each
'voice' once; or (optional rule) using a card you take you must give him one of
worthless card as a Karama card once. your cards in return.

The Atreides family had governed the messiah, a Kwisatz Haderach. To achieve despotic rule of the Harkonnens. A
planet, Caladon, for twenty generations. this end, they had trained themselves to secret alliance with these natives
In that time, their continued impartial and influence and impress the people by a might be just enough to stave off the
efficient leadership had earned for them combination of religious mysticism and impending blow. The only real
the respect of their noble peers the power of the 'voice' - the ability to worry was gauging their fighting
throughout the galaxies and, gradually, control others merely by selected tone ability. Nothing was really known
they began to acquire more and more shadings of their voice. They also had about the Fremen. They were as
influence in the noble assembly, the secretly conducted a rigorous and careful mysterious as the planet they
Lansraad. The present head of the genetic program to match mates with the inhabited.
Atreides family, Duke Leto, had just ultimate object of producing a Kwisatz
been selected the unofficial spokesman Haderach - one who through his Arrakis (or Dune as it is referred to
for the Lansraad, its highest position. genetically developed ability to contact by all of its inhabitants) had one of
higher dimensions could utilize the the most inhospitable surfaces on
This growing influence of the Atreides insights gained to bring a new order to any planet in the Imperium. There
was viewed with great concern by a the universe. was practically no water to be found
powerful personage of no less rank than anywhere. Except in a few civilized
the Padishah Emperor, Shaddam IV. The Bene Gesserit were upset with one areas into which tremendous
Shaddam had grown politically warwise of their sisters, the formal concubine to amounts of water had to be
in a regime long hoary with intrigue and Duke Leto Atreides, Lady Jessica. As continually imported at an exorbitant
corruption. The emergence of the upright one of the final agents in their breeding price, the only way a human could
and charismatic Duke Leto as a powerful program, she had been instructed to bear survive the aridity was by wearing a
leader of the nobility, he realized, could a female child who was then to marry stillsuit. This unit would continually
be a very real threat to his own position. Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, the Baron's recycle the body's water thereby
nephew. There was a high probability preventing any from escaping into
His simplest solution would be to send that a male offspring of that union would the atmosphere. Without a stillsuit or
his fanatical police army, the Sardaukar, be a Kwisatz Haderach. For some reason an imported water supply, a body
to arrest Duke Leto. Unfortunately, the never quite understood, even by herself, would be unable to replace even the
Duke's character was so exemplary that Lady Jessica upset the program by water lost through perspiration. In
no believable pretext for his arrest could bearing a son. This boy, named Paul, this dry environment, tremendous
be devised. A more subtle and became the direct heir to the Atreides Coriolis sand storms often reached
serviceable plan began to creep into his line and, along with his mother, was now speeds of up to 700 kilometers per
devious mind. Why not reward Leto for accompanying his father to the new hour. They could eat flesh off bones
his services to the Empire with a planet. The sisters would have to watch and etch the bones to slivers. No
promotion to the governorship of a new the events as they unfold on Arrakis very being could survive these storms if
and more important planet, Arrakis. He carefully or they might just lose their caught in the open. There were also
knew that the present governor of genetic investments. strange giant creatures often a
Arrakis, Baron Harkonnen, would not quarter mile in length called
give up this planet without a struggle and Duke Leto was aware of the true Shai-Hulud by the Fremen or
would prepare a trap to surprise the Duke significance behind the Emperor's sandworms by everyone else. These
and his family when most vulnerable - magnanimous gesture. He and his human worms lived in the deserts which
just after arrival on their new planet. In computer mentat, Thurfir Hawat had covered most of the planet. The
fact, he would secretly aid the Baron by analyzed the situation and devised a plan slightest noise or vibration would be
lading him Sardaukar disguised in - one that might bring them out of the sufficient to arouse and attract
Harkonnen livery. If Duke Leto refused danger alive. Very little concern had worms for miles around, any one of
the governorship, he would be ostracized been given to the Fremen, the natives of which could swallow a house
by his fellow nobles and forced to Arrakis, bu either the Emperor or Baron without a moment's pause. Only in
become a renegade. Either way Shaddam Harkonnen. In fact, they considered them the towns and few rocky ridges
IV would be rid of him. little more than small bands of raiders not which criss-crossed through the
worth any serious consideration. Yet deserts was one safe from these
For over two thousand years, the Thurfir Hawat discovered that these monsters.
religious and semi-mythical sisterhood of natives were much more numerous than
the Bene Gesserit had groomed the ever supposed by the Imperium and it
peoples of the Empire to prepare for a was well known that they hated the

It would seem that such a forbidding As Duke Leto and his forces arrived at Several years passed and stories
place would hardly be the likely setting their dune residence, Arrakeen, nothing began to filter back to the Baron.
for the events that were about to seemed amiss. Every object had been The pogrom was not proceeding as
transpire. Yet how often underneath a carefully checked for traps and poison by well as expected. There were reports
harsh surface is found a cache of great the advance party. Envoys sent to the of raids of increasing intensity on the
value. There was one item valued above Fremen reported back favorably in outlying villages conducted by
all others in the universe and there was regards to the alliance against the specially trained Fremen troops
just one place where it could be found. Harkonnens. Perhaps the transfer of called Fedaykin. These raiders were
The item was melange and the place was power would occur without difficulty inflicting many more casualties than
Dune. Melange was a spice found only in after all. Suddenly, the blow struck and it they were receiving, and the
the deserts - a by-product of the came unexpectedly from within. Dr. harvesting of spice was beginning to
sandworm metamorphic life cycle. It Yueh, the family Suk doctor, and one suffer. Especially alarming were the
awarded to its consumer prolonged life who had undergone Imperial reports of a messianic leader called
and prescient abilities. It was so highly conditioning (the highest conditioning Muad'dib who was organizing,
prized that the entire economic structure against taking human life), had turned training and leading these Fremen to
of the Imperium was based upon it. traitor. His training had been subverted victory after victory. The cutback in
Space navigation was not possible by Baron Harkonnen who held the spice was beginning to cause serious
without the prescient abilities it doctor's wife as hostage. The doctor repercussion throughout the
conferred. Laws must be obeyed, secretly turned off the electronic sensors Imperium. A decision was finally
properties must be observed but let no and drugged the Duke and his family to made at the highest level for a
man restrict the flow of melange spice coincide with the Harkonnen surprise cooperative and concerted effort by
from Dune for whatever reason. attack. He did his job well and the the emperor, the Lansraad and the
combination of surprise and the Guild to aid Baron Harkonnen in
Like the planet he lived on, the features additional Sardaukar force was enough to destroying the Fremen resistance
of the Fremen were harsh, desiccated and overwhelm the defenders. The Duke was forever.
uninviting. Yet, also like the planet, there killed along with practically all of his
was hidden a spirit inured to hardship forces. Paul and his mother, Lady Meanwhile how had Lady Jessica
and dedicated to the ideals necessary for Jessica, just barely escaped in an and Paul fared? Having survived a
survival. It was the stuff of which great ornithopter, a bird-like flying machine, sand storm and a sand worm, they
fighters were made and it was this hidden into the desert. For the Baron, victory were trapped by a band of Fremen
asset that Duke Leto hoped to exploit to was complete. From the triumvirate came who, following their law of survival,
his advantage. a sigh of relief, the internecine squabble were about to kill them for their
had been concluded and even though an water. Although Paul had been
Even as Duke Leto was preparing for his important noble had been killed, the specially trained since birth in
journey to Dune, yet another party was spice would continue to flow. weapons fighting, Mentat computing
watching the situation very closely. The and the Bene Gesserit ways, he
Guild had a monopoly on all space The baron was not finished, though. The demonstrated an extraordinary
transport and along with the Emperor and Fremen had interfered with his ability to maintain control of the
the Lansraad formed the triumvirate that destruction of the Atreides forces by situation. He and his mother so
controlled the Imperium. The Guild aiding the remnants to get away. He impressed the band that they decided
guarded its monopoly zealously as it was decided to get rid of the native scum to take them back with them to their
its only basis for power. No one could once and for all and gave his nephew, sietch, an underground stronghold
travel anywhere through space except in and Feyd-Rautha's brother, the 'Beast' where the Fremen make their home.
a Guild spacecraft. Anyone who Rabban Harkonnen, the power to initiate Many centuries before, the Bene
infringed upon its monopoly or broke its a pogrom to eliminate the Fremen from Gesserit had prepared the Fremen for
rules was immediately denied all space the face of the planet. The Emperor even the coming of the Kwisatz Haderach
transport. The Guild had just one loaned the Sardaukar (still disguised in by a prophecy. 'A Bene Gesserit and
weakness, it could not navigate in space Harkonnen livery) to help. her offspring would hold the key to
without the melange spice. It was more the Fremen future.' Perhaps these
dependent upon the spice flow than all visitors were the fulfillment of the
the others. They, too, would have to legend. Whether or not they were,
monitor the impending conflict on Dune their abilities could be used to aid the
very closely and, perhaps, even actively fight against the Harkonnens.
interfere if the flow of spice were to be

Paul, himself, began to see strange On paper, the Harkonnen, Emperor, Calling upon his newly realized
visions and gradually became more and Guild and Lansraad alliance seemed powers, Paul summoned a
more aware of a great revolt, a jihad, that overwhelming when compared to the tremendous sand storm to cover his
he would lead. This awareness of his Fremen forces that Paul could muster. ambush. Quietly and quickly he
own destiny began to confirm his own But Paul had a few surprises of his own distributed his troops behind the
suspicion that he might be the Kwisatz ready. Not all of the alliance force was Shield Wall which was protecting
Haderach. A final test with the Water of on the planet, only enough deemed the Imperial forces and waited for
Life convinced him that he was indeed sufficient to stamp out the Fremen the right moment. As soon as the
the one the Bene Gesserit sought. uprising. The remainder of the force was sand storm passed over the wall and
in orbit as an emergency reserve. Paul into the camp, Paul used his family
The next few years were spent in training realized that by threatening to destroy all atomics to blow a gaping hole in the
and preparing the Fremen for the terrible spice, he had the leverage to force the wall. The Fremen poured through
purpose ahead. The final step would have Guild to his side. The final result of this riding on the backs of the sand
been the restoration of himself as his switch meant that none of the reserve worms! The surprise was complete
father's son to his rightful place as would land on the planet because, of and the battle over quickly. Paul had
Governor or Dune. The sides had been course, the troops were on Guild space regained his rightful title to Dune.
chosen and the final confrontation was at ships. That reduced the strength
hand. imbalance considerably. Now he only So ends the first book of the Dune
had to deal with the advance force which trilogy. The second and third books
was conveniently in camp preparing for continue the jihad as it spreads from
their campaign. Dune across the galaxies.


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